Possessive Kisses ✓

By dinafierce

62.7K 2.3K 992

Daniel Morales. Golden boy, millionaire heir. He's kind, sweet and carrying his own fair share of secrets. Ki... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty

chapter six

2K 94 18
By dinafierce

Chapter Six

I was sitting on a walkway bench, watching students walk by as I munched on my Pringles chips with a wistful smile when I remembered the events of yesterday.

Daniel and I had texted each other like we'd been pals for a long time and it was so freaking amazing and mind-blowing!

I didn't believe that something like this would ever happen. This was my crush of so many years finally interacting with me.

This is by far the best thing that's ever happened to me this year!

Okay, so after he went offline and I wallowed in boredom and constantly looked down at my phone, waiting for his return. I know, desperate much?

I finally fell asleep and when I awoke it was near evening. I cursed then noticed my phone was missing and the room was dark except I could see Jennifer watching a movie on her laptop.

My phone had been plugged in by Jennifer, such a sweetheart.

I checked my phone and saw a lovely message from the love of my miserable life.

I'm back, Sapphire.

But the message had been sent when I was asleep so I hadn't replied. But he was currently online and I was about to reply when something hit me.


I immediately texted back.

Hey, why did you call me Sapphire?

And Danny Loml replied. That's how I saved his number by the way.

I think it suits you.

How so?

Because you have the most lovely blue eyes I've ever seen.

My breath hitched and I squealed. I really did squeal and Jennifer had to pause her Korean drama to stare at me with concern.

"Oh my God, oh my God. Jenny, I will die right now!" I heaved and fell back on my bed, my legs in the air and my phone held against my chest as I squealed again.

"Any particular reason why?" Jennifer asked.

"Daniel just said I have the most lovely blue eyes!" I sighed and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Wait, you guys are texting each other now?" Jennifer asked, sitting up quickly.

"Ssh! I need to reply!" I said and composed myself.

Thank you Daniel.

You're welcome :)

And from then on it had been smooth sailing ahead. Filled with more texts and flirty messages. My life was taking a major turn that I never prepared myself for.

I put another chip in my mouth and enjoyed the salty goodness when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned with a glare to look at the person who had the gall to disrupt my daydream.

But it wasn't just some low life human.

It was... Breathe Kim! It was...oh God...it was...

Daniel Freaking Morales!

Standing there looking immensely calm, coordinated and sexy. With breathtaking brown eyes and golden brown skin like a gold coin tossed in the air, glinting under the sun.

His wiry brown curls framed his wonderful face, accentuating his cheekbones and jawline.

"D-Daniel." I wheezed.

He gave me a small smile before sitting next to me on the bench. I swallowed the chip in my mouth when his hand reached up to brush at the corner of my lips. It took everything I had in me not to lean into his warm hand.

Hold up once again!

Was Monsieur good looking Daniel actually placing his marvelous fingers on my face?

No! I can't handle this CILS! I just can't.

I wiped at my mouth with frantic fingers. How embarrassing. Looking like a fool in front of him with chips smeared all over me.

"You seem busy." Daniel signed, eyes darting to my Pringles.

I blushed. His eyes were filled with amusement as they trailed over me. My toes curled inside my sneakers and I resisted the urge to stand up and run around screaming.

"Oh, I'm not. I'm really not." I signed and pushed the container of disdainful chips into my tote bag before smiling at him.

His eyes roamed over my face and we just stared at each other. I reached up to brush my hair from my face.

Why were we staring at each other? He didn't seem to want to look away and I lost myself in the depths of his brown eyes.

Then Daniel smiled slowly and I laughed nervously before we both looked away.

I wrung my hands and was about to say something when a girl by the name of Miranda scampered over to me.

Miranda was this very annoying girl who had a fetish for spiritual stuff.

"Kimberly! Oh no, your aura is so bright. It's blinding me." She said and covered her face with her hands.

I rolled my eyes. I was very sure she made up all that baloney about being able to see aura and the future.

"Hey Miranda." I said dryly.

Without warning or permission she grabbed my hand and began to peer down at it.

Her dark brown hair fell forward as she read my palm. I felt this urge to pull her hair but then I looked at Daniel who was studying us both and decided to be civil.

"Kim, it says here." She said, dragging her finger over a line on my palm. "That this year will bring great fortune for you." She looked up at me with twinkling eyes.

How delightful.

I smiled stiffly and she looked down at my palm again.

"Definitely good things. Ah, here, here I see...love." She stilled then peered down again.

I rolled my eyes and made a gesture to Daniel, insinuating how crazy Miranda was. He smiled softly.

"Kim, you're a very intense lover. Infact you love to the point it might seem to others like an obsession." She said and looked at me with sly eyes.

I made an embarrassed expression and once again, tried to pull my hand back. Miranda's hand remained firm like a vice around mine.

"I'm not done missy." She said.

"It also says that there's a boy in your future." She said and sneaked a look at Daniel before smiling down at my hand again.

I laughed nervously and tried to drag my hand back for the hundredth time but she held it firmly.

"Don't move Kim. I must read this precisely as it is." She mumbled and traced my palm.

I can't believe this girl was hell bent on exposing me like this. Loving to the point of obsession? Was she trying to scare Daniel away? I glanced at him warily but he seemed amused by the whole ordeal.

"Mmm. Your future is definitely passionate and romantic but here, here I see... darkness looming. Kimberly, you're in dang--"

I pulled my hand free from hers, cutting off her words. First love, now darkness? Ridiculous.

"Thank you so much Miranda for sharing my future with me." I said, forcing a smile.

Miranda frowned then smiled down at me but made no attempt to move. She raised a brow slowly at me.

I groaned and reached into my bag to pull out some money to pay for the reading when Daniel handed her some cash and she smiled. I frowned.

It was my palm she'd read. Not his. But I would sooner bite off my tongue than complain.

Miranda counted her money with greedy eyes. "Thank you handsome. Next time I'll be sure to read your own palm." She winked and walked away, wrapping her scarf tighter around her neck.

"That girl can be annoying." I mumbled and turned to Daniel.

"Apparently your future is filled with romance. Isn't that a good thing to know?" Daniel signed.

And darkness, too. But Miranda could not be taken seriously. There was no basis for her readings. Just ominous words thrown around to deceive. None of it was real or authentic.

I smiled awkwardly. "She could be lying. Don't tell me you believe in such things as being able to see the future by reading someone's palm." I signed, rolling my eyes.

"I like to keep an open mind." Daniel signed, fingers sure and precise as they cut through the air.

I nodded. "Fair enough."

"Who's the guy that's a part of this romance she speaks of? I'm curious." Daniel signed, looking at me intently.

You, Daniel. "What?" I said, dragging the word. "Pfft. There's no guy."

"Really? You're sure?" Daniel signed.

"Yes I am." I said.

Daniel wove a hand through his hair and for some reason he looked relieved. An amused smile turned up his lips and he cleared his throat.

I decided to change the subject. "Don't you have a class now?" I signed.

"In a couple of minutes. Just thought I would spend some time with you." Daniel smiled, his face and eyes lighting up like Christmas lights. Vibrant, colorful, soulful.

God, that smile.

"Oh." I breathed out, my hands folding into fists. I wanted to scream my head off. I wanted to jump off a skyscraper. Daniel just low-key admitted he likes my company. How did it get to this lovely stage?

"I like your hair by the way." Daniel signed.

I stared at his slender fingers longer than necessary as I tried to understand what he was telling me.

"Ah, thanks. My friend styled it." I admitted. Jennifer had put my hair into two cute braids. And apparently Daniel fancied them.

Daniel bit his lower lip and smiled. I resisted the urge to move closer until my lips met his.

"It was truly fun hanging with you. But I have to get to class now." Daniel signed, glancing down at his watch.

"Oh, should I walk you to your lecture hall? I mean can I walk you...but that's if you want...not like I'm dying to walk you or anything. It's not a big deal you know...um..." I stopped talking because Daniel was giving me a very scrutinizing look filled with amusement and intrigue. As if I was some newly found species of creatures.

"I would love it if you walked me to class." Daniel signed.

I peered at him and felt my cheeks burn. I wanted to hide inside the trimmed hedge of bushes next to us.

Daniel stood up and I followed, falling into step next to his tall frame as we headed for his next class.

• • •

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