By thewhiteknights_sun

8.1K 244 701

When they were not alone, One couldn't stop laughing & teasing.. One could only sigh while smiling.. But no... More

#01 "Cut khub~~!"
#03 Closed Doors
#04 "Four... It's Four Times"
#05 Last Q ≠ Last Chance
#06 "Please . . . "
#07 Let Me In
♧ Greetings ♧
#08 Deeper... In You
#09 We're In This Together (R+19)

#02 "Nong Mai Ūan!"

799 32 20
By thewhiteknights_sun

The North European style striking clock made from black rosewood contrasted the minimalist kinfolk style house. It was a two stories house; a coffee shop downstairs and the owner's home on the second floor. The owner was kind enough to actually let them rent the whole building, hence they used the main bedroom as one of the sets, as P'Sun's room.

Earth was on his way to took his iPad when he saw Gawin was still sitting on the bed, looking all gloomy like he was in some broken heart song's MV.



"Nong Fluke khub?"


Earth then took some careful steps, crab-walking slowly to the bed. He looked half considerate, half silly there.

"I hope I won't scare him too much"

And that was when he stood right beside the bed and tapped on the 22yo, half American, actor's bare shoulder.


"KHUB, PHI?!!!"

The younger looked up in shock, his eyebrows shot up.

Actually, Earth was planning to tease him about the prolonged kiss scene accident. Everyone loved his reactions, thus the endless teasing. But he was discouraged by the look in Gawin's face now. Worry stepped forward first.

"Nong mī alaī lēu pâo?" (Are you okay?)

Gawin let out a breathy quiet laugh. A smile bloomed immediately. His eyes crescent, a hesitant dimple on the right corner of his lips.

"I'm fine. Why do you ask though?"

"Well... it's just... you look..."

Earth was doing all sorts of gestures. Gawin was patiently waiting, eyes blinked and a nod for each of the editor's word. He was desperate to find the right word, but gave up eventually.

"Euhh! Chang man hēu'! (Never mind!) Why are you still here though? I saw Podd went into the dressing room earlier. You should have some rest too na! We have 2 Qs left tonight."

He blabbered while kept switching from looking at Gawin to the entire room, scanning for his iPad.

"I was about to, Phi"

"Euh-euh! Go rest now! Læw (also)... have you eaten your dinner?"

Totally left Gawin now, he was searching in each corner

"I'm sure I left it here though"

"Yāng-lei, Phi" (I haven't)

"Awh?! Then why are you still there talking to me? Pāi hēu! (Go now!) Shoo! Shoo!"

Gawin laughed quietly at the editor's antics. He always lost his iPad just to found it near his notebook later. But if he intentionally looked for it there, "I'm sure it's sitting beside my laptop now", it was never there.

He quickly stood up. A female staff immediately handed him his t-shirt and disappeared even before he could utter a thank you. Surprised, he could only laugh again.

His trip to the dressing room was filled with him reciting his lines for later. Two Qs left and he could finally go home. He missed his bed so much. Especially now, when the dress room's door looked so dreadful to him. He just wanted to hide under his blanket and sleep off the confusion he has right now.

"This is not the time to be a nagger"

A big inhale then he grabbed the handle.

° ° °

"Kobkhun na, P'Kwang" (Thank you)

"Maī bpen raī, já!" (No problem, honey)

"It's good that we can finish on time but... I will  miss the filming atmosphere."

Podd was lying on his back on a dark grey leather sofa inside the dressing room. The lower part of his legs were left hanging, too long for the sofa to support. He closed his eyes under the wet, warm towel that his manager provided for him just now. The muscles on his face melted; relaxing, succumbing to the warmth from the material that covered his face from all directions.

"True... But, I'm glad, everyone really gave their best these whole four months."

P'Kwang said while walking to the door.

"Phi will go to get your & Gawin's dinner na. Do you need anything else?"

She turned to Podd's direction last time.

"It's okay, Phi. Kobjaī māk."  (Thanks a lot)

He half-whispered.

"Okay then"

The door suddenly opened from outside. Nothing too shocking, a smile immediately bloomed on P'Kwang's face.

"Have some rest na. I'll be right back."

Gawin answered her with his trademark; the barely heard "khub" followed with a sweet little smile.


Podd responded from the sofa.

Gawin closed the door quietly & turned to scan the room. They were alone in there. He carefully walked to the lockers in the corner, right beside the sofa. He was about to open his locker when Podd suddenly stirred in his sleep; a small groan, head moved slightly to find a better angle. Gawin froze his right hand in mid-air, only his eyes that managed to blink.

Honestly, he was dying to wash his face right now, or maybe he just wanted to wash off the older's scent that refused to leave his nose since P'Ae abruptly cut their kiss. But that would mean, he had to open the locker, rummaged into his backpack to find the facial foam, opened the restroom's metal door, tapped the faucet to let the water run, and the list went on. And all of that would definitely create sound, ones that could disturb the older's sleep. No... he couldn't risk that.

Gawin ended up sitting on the dressing table's chair in front of the lockers. He carefully took out his phone from the drawer and checked his Line; notifications about assignments in his classmates' group and a

"still rollin' bruv? got a gig this Sat! u comin?"

"No... I have my last Qs to shoot this Sat"

He answered the chat from three days ago, in his head, didn't even bother to actually type it.

Podd stirred again beside him and he almost automatically stopped breathing. When he was assured that the older didn't move anymore, he breathed normally again. He put the phone on the table in front of him and turned slightly to face Podd. The towel covered almost everything except his gell-styled hair.

"He must be really tired.."

Gawin noticed that the sofa's cushion was slanted and didn't support Podd's neck properly. Something about that really bothered him and he couldn't help but think hard on how to fix that. Biting his lip, he scanned the whole room again, only to find no spare cushion that he could put under the unsupported part of the older's neck. Putting clothes there would be too risky. To top that, due to its unbalanced state, the towel has dropped few centimetres down now, exposing Podd's forehead. A frown there. Gawin was furious.

He suddenly stood up from his seat, restless. He swore the towel was mocking him. Another centimetre exposed and the Mork inside him was about to get summoned.

But since he couldn't have a fight with a towel, he opted for a more civilized method. A rich inhale and he already squatted down beside the sofa, eyes on level with the sleeping man. His right hand reached out slowly; hesitant yet determined. His missions were to move the towel to its original position and then fix the slanted cushion.

He managed to pinch an end on the upper side of the towel and slightly pulled it upward, holding back his breath along the way.


He was cheering inside. Though it was nowhere near a monumental victory, but he made sure it wouldn't dare to mess with him again, would never disturb his Phi's sleep again. A smirk forced its way to his lips. He turned away for a moment to take some breathing and resumed to stand beside the sofa again. Now came the harder task.

"Now what?"

His sights blurred. All the holding breaths and thinking hard made him dizzy. But he couldn't stop there. He didn't even know why. He carefully bent down, body in line with the man under him. His plan was to grab the cushion from both sides and move it slightly to the correct position under Podd's neck, yet fast enough to not disturb his sleep.

Both his hands were reaching down, passed the imaginary line that separated his and the older's personal space. Body adjusted, bending even lower, his face was right on top of the other's, with not so much space in between. And that was when he was trapped.

The memory of having the older on top of him, smiling and staring down right into his soul flashed before his eyes. He wondered; how did he look at the time? did his partner like what was presented before him? did he kiss him back good enough? He'd be damned if he didn't return all the blessings.

Because he was presented with the most enticing view, a God's painting, if he may add. He didn't like, but he loved the sight. He didn't understand much, but he knew he was kissed with one that was tasted like nothing he ever tasted before. Not even their first kiss on the motel's rooftop in Takh tasted like this. It was like getting kissed by a windstorm; strong and demanding, yet it was delicate and addicting; like flying up in the air, like a glass of wine on your Sunday night date, like your overwhelming first love, like the last second of consciousness before you fell asleep, like heaven. He thought he was dreaming. He thought he was dying.

"Tum alāi'ya?" (What are you doing?)


Gawin swore in his head. Airways blocked, eyes almost popped out of its sockets, his body turned icy cold, and his right wrist froze in the older's grip.


Podd hoarsely called him, confusion in his tone, eyes boring into the younger's. Never in his 22 years of life, he loved the sound of his name as much as this moment. It was so crisp, he would give anything to hear that again.

"Am I that handsome?"


There went his hope, trampled by the older's cheeky grin and annoying tone.

"P'Poooddddd...you scared me!"

Gawin protested, pulling off his hand from the other's grip in annoyed manner, quickly stood and get away from the man who might just have cut 10 years out from his possible lifespan.

"Awh?  Pēn alaī kong meung nīya', huh?"    (What the hell is wrong with you?)

Podd then sat, the earlier towel in his hand. He paused there and slowly leaned back, eyes following the younger's move and eventually laughing at his strange behaviour. Yes, with that famous staccato-ed laugh of him.

Gawin annoyingly grabbed his phone and threw himself at the other end of the sofa. All the while, of course, while being aware of the other's eyes on him. He was trying hard to focus on whatever it was there on his phone.


Podd called him with the lowest tone he could manage.

"Alaī khub?"

Eyes still on his phone. Gawin was not mad at all. He was just..... nervous.

"I think I know why you're having this high school girl's mood swings right now."

Podd was looking at Gawin; right knee bent and situated between them on the sofa, body totally faced the younger, his right arm on the backrest, palm supporting his chin.

"I'm not having a mood swing"

Gawin found a new upload from a guitar trick channel he's subscribed to.

"Yeah, sure!"

Podd was laughing at, no, teasing him again.

Sighing, Gawin's hands fell on his thigh. The new guitar trick could wait. The tone in Podd's voice somehow piqued him. His left knee bent and brought up onto the sofa as well, face to face now with the older's.

"Okay. Let's say I indeed am having a mood swing. What's this reason you meant?"

He was smiling, eyebrows went up and down in challenging manner. Podd always loves those set of gestures. It means he was halfway to win their bicker if he managed to make Gawin reacted this way. His gummy smile bloomed even wider, eyes crescent even more, almost turned into lines. He took the time to enjoy the view.

Gawin patiently waited, not that he disliked what he was seeing anyway. A calming yet captivating smile on his lips.

"You're hungry."

Podd said softly with enough amount of cheekiness in his tone, a small grin on his face, bending forward, closing in to the younger. Totally in his teasing Gawin Caskey-mode.

Gawin automatically leaned back, keeping a safe space between them, or maybe enough space for his heart to beat normally. His smile fell along the way.


The confusion was clear there.

"Yep! You heard me right. It's because you're hungry."

Podd reclined and proceeded to stand up, walked to his locker and took out his phone. Gawin followed him with his eyes.

"You might not realize it, but you're always like this when you're hungry"

Podd added, a quirky proud grin on his lips,

"Surprised, aren't you? Yes, I know this much about you"

A frown on his forehead, Gawin's focus moved from the older to his own phone. Fingers tried to find that video he watched just now, but his mind fled somewhere else.

"What kind of logic is that?"

"I mean... well, I'd be glad if it's true but,"

"Where the hell is that video going?"

"Am I that soft? was that really a mood swing?"

"Didn't I play it just now?"

"Just simply hungry & then I feel like......."

Gawin bit his lower lip, the bite mark bit him back.

"The heck?"

He didn't know whether to feel glad or worried now. He could only furiously scratched the back of his ear to shake the thoughts off. He was restless. Little did he know, the whole process was recorded by the other man in the room.

Satisfied, Podd even posted a small portion of the clip on his Instagram story.

"A kiddo who's struggling with diet 🤣"

was the caption.

P'Kwang came back with the two actors' dinner. P'Aof followed behind her.

"P'Kwang... veggies again?"

Gawin pouted, looking at his dinner. He really wanted to cry right there and then. The manager could only send him an apologetic smile. Beside her, P'Aof stood with both hands on his hips.

"Bear it, Fluke! You have 10 Qs left. Mork is a badass, not a fat teddy bear."

To top his jumbled thoughts, he couldn't even get a proper dinner now. Sigh... He didn't realize that Podd was already beside him, sitting so close while looking at him.

"Nong mai ūan lhok. Nóh?"         (He's not fat though. Aren't you?)

Podd said softly, beamed at the younger. No teasing in his eyes, neither in his tone. Gawin squinted his eyes at him playfully, playing suspicious. 

"You and your blinded by love-eyes!"

Sitting across Gawin, P'Aof uninterestedly said while typing something into his phone, his dinner box sitting on his thigh.

Podd's body vibrated from laughing. No sign of disagreement. He looked back at Gawin; eyes softened, so did his smile. Something flipped in Gawin's stomach.

"What are you waiting? Eat now."

His voice was low, only for the younger to hear. Gawin gestured on the other's dinner box.

"Læw Phi-ah?" (What about you then?)

"Not really hungry. Phi will eat later."

"Hmm, then I'll eat na?"

Podd nodded with a barely heard Hmm! (yes) and continued looking at Gawin. He unlocked his phone and pointed the camera to Gawin who was opening the lid of his salad.

"Super hungry, aren't you?"

Gawin could only snort. He indeed was really hungry. But having the older looking at him through the camera turned him restless --twisting between awkward and shy.

Podd laughed at the younger's antics, still looking at him with his oh-so-warm eyes. He felt bad for his partner. He knew too well how much the boy loves eating, just like him.

"I'm so gonna feed you so well once we're done. So much that you'll beg for me to stop."

He stopped filming and reached out to ruffle the younger's hair instead. The other would occasionally turn and smiled at him. He returned the smile while fixing the mess he just made above the boy's head.

"Hahhh... mēn heuyyy! Mēn kwam rak!"        (It's so smelly here! The smell of love!)

P'Aof sighed playfully and stood up to leave the two; one laughed hard, one smiled bashfully.

° ° °

The dressing room was silent again. The crew left one by one to get ready for their next Q, leaving the two actors in each other's company.

Despite only had salad as dinner, Gawin leaned back on the sofa with a satisfied smile. He rubbed his belly while smiling at the man beside him; who was filming him, again.

"(He's) at ease now~"

Podd said, more likely to his phone, to the video posting application. He couldn't help but move closer and joined the younger's hand. Soft, baby-ish fat shimmying under his fingers. Gawin closed his eyes; feeling jittery more than annoyed.

"I think I failed my diet. Nothing's changed here"

Gawin said while poking at his own belly. The sofa wasn't that small, but Podd always opted to sit close beside him, it was warm.

"I've told you, no? You're not fat at all."

Podd leaned back, but not as far as Gawin whose head fully reclined on the backrest now. Their shoulders touched. His head turned to the boy, waiting for his response.

Gawin slowly turned his face, lazily looked up at him from his comfortable pose. His smile was still the softest, but there was a hint of sneakiness.

"I'm waiting for plot twist"

He half-whispered, voice a note lower than his usual tone.

Something in those words and tone ticked  Podd in the wrong way. It tickled him somewhere, but he couldn't point out where exactly it was. His earlier warm eyes turned slightly darker, the affectionate smile changed into a naughty grin. He didn't know when, but his whole body faced the younger's now, his right arm stretched pass behind his head on the backrest, caging the half-laying boy; head slightly ducked, looking down straight into those brown eyes that he loves a bit too much.

"I'm sorry but there's no plot twist"

He said with the lowest, huskiest tone he could manage for now, one that somehow made Gawin refused to back down. He returned the challenging look, playing cocky with his eyebrows, waiting for the older to continue.

"Nong mai ūan..."   (you're not fat)


"Nong kæ fū."    (you're just fluffy)

--------END OF CHAPTER 02------


Nong mai ūan lhok! Noh?! ^^v

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