-Always play- ||| Spinel x Re...

By LocalHoodlum_Mel

67K 1.8K 2.6K

Spinel will be more soft and sweet in this story, due to her change of heart. She will also have bad separati... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
-Chapter 3-
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
-Chapter 6-
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
-Chapter 9-
Chapter 10
Facts about dating Spinel! And other stuff!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12- Friday pt. 1
Chapter 13- Friday pt. 2
Chapter 14- Friday pt. 3
Chapter 15- Friday pt.4
Waiting Gift
~!!CHAPTER 16!!~
Simple but to the point
Just a treat
{Chapter-17} Not For Kiddies
Chapter-18 Something bad is coming
Chapter 19- Many feelings
The End Of An Era
Chapter 20- Saving Steven
Chapter 21- Like a happy Family
Chapter 22- Shopping and Dogs
Future Chapter Promos
Chapter 23- The Rescue
Chapter 24- A Trip
Chapter 25- Patching things up
Chapter 26- If We're Together
Chapter 27- Still So Much To Do
Facts about dating Spinel pt. 2
Chapter 28- Gifts
Chapter 29- One Day

The Beginning of the End (Chapter- 17-ish)

1.3K 49 11
By LocalHoodlum_Mel

You run through the open door and look around. The house was a mess, but not destroyed.    "Spinel?"    You looked around the upturned furniture and random items scattered around the floor.    "Spinel!?"    You still heard no reply. So instead of trying to get a response, you decided to listen for something... and you got what you needed when you heard muffled crying. It was coming from above, so you ran upstairs as fast as you could. You looked in the bedroom, but nothing was in there. Just some moved furniture and clothes scattered everywhere. You leave and walk down the upstairs hall, following the crying.

Eventually, you traced it to the empty room you used for storage. Without making a sound, you roughly open the door and come face-to-face with a heartbreaking sight;

Spinel was curled in a ball and the floor was damp, she must have cried enough for it to soak into the wood. You run to her side and pull her into your arms,    "I'm here! I'm right here! I'm sorry. I'm sorry.."    Spinel shakes a little, before she starts wailing. She was crying so hard, if she were a human she would damage her throat. You rock her and hold her as tight as you could. As she sobbed you felt so guilty for not at least leaving a note to tell her you were leaving,    "I know.. I'm sorry.. I should have let you know I was leaving."    Spinel clings to you and grabs your shirt so hard that you were sure she'd rip it. Spinel tries to speak through her loud sobs, but she was so overcome that she could only let out a small, pitiful squeak here and there.

You did your best to keep a strong expression. The last thing you wanted to do was make her feel worse by breaking down yourself.

As you held her.. You noticed something.. She was glowing.. but it in the usual way.. 

There were these lines forming all over her body.

Steven had told you about this..

She was trying to dissipate her form.

She was hurting so bad that her body was trying to poof to protect itself.

You pull her face to yours and look her in the eye. You do your best to resist crying,    "Spinel, look at me- look at me!"    As she continues to cry, she weakly opens her eyes and looks into yours,    "See? I'm right here..."    And you lost it. You started crying as you looked into her sad eyes,    "Spinel..please.. Its okay. You're okay! I'm here! I'm not gonna leave you!"

Spinel started to calm as her sobs grew less frequent,

"I'm here."

You watch as the glowing vein-like lines start to fade and you fall into her; apologizing profusely. Spinel said nothing for the longest time as she held you. At least she wasn't mad at you.

But eventually she caved,

"Stop crying Y/n."

She picked up your face,    "You have nothing to apologise for.."

"But I do! I left you all alone, and I didn't even tell you!"

Spinel didn't seem to pay any attention to your words, she just stood up.


You heard her sniff and she looked to have wiped some more tears from her eyes..

"Spinel?..Spinel where are you going!?"

She turned to you and sadly looked into your tear-filled eyes.

"I'm far too damaged for someone like you.."

You reach up and grab her hand,    "No you're not! You're perfect."

Spinel shakes her head,    "No.. I freaked out twice now.. First I hit you.. Now I've destroyed the house.. Maybe I should just go back to Homeworld. I can't put you in danger and destroy things anytime you accidentally forget to tell me you're leaving."

You cling to her arm,    "No..please.."

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