Vulnerable (Book One) Complet...

By allii_kayy

467K 10.1K 3.3K

If you would have told me that I'd let him in that night, I would have laughed at you. And If you would have... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two

chapter sixteen

14K 291 118
By allii_kayy


I sat at the bar, doing the order for the next week. My dad and Reese were playing tunes on the jukebox, both belting out the lyrics in their tone deaf voices. I chuckled to myself. My mom and I were clearly the singers of the family but I couldn't help but love the sound of their voices as well.

It'd been a slow summer afternoon and we spent most of the day watching old movies and serving the very few customers that came in. I was debating on sending Reese home when an announcement on the TV caught my eye.

"Harry Styles caught with mystery brunette at bar after his concert on Friday. Sources tell us it's 24 year old, Jensen Ames, who works at the local bar in town 'RJ's'. She and her sister, Reese Ames, were seen at the concert and ushered backstage afterwards. Is this a new romance for Harry or just another summer fling? More on this later tonight."

I wanted to scream. I wanted to kill Harry. I wanted to run away. I looked over at Reese and my dad, their eyes wide as they were just as stunned as me.

"Jensen?" My dad asked, looking between Reese and I. I bit my cheek.

"Okay Dad, lock up. There's bound to be paparazzi here any second. It's been slow today so I think we'll be fine." Before my dad could argue with me I ran up the stairs, dialing Harry's number.

"Okay I know this looks bad but-" I cut him off.

"LOOKS BAD? HARRY THEY KNOW WHO I AM AND THEY KNOW REESES NAME AND THE BAR! What the hell am I supposed to do now?" I was panicking but who wouldn't be? My whole life was about to be flipped upside down because I confided in a celebrity. Fuck me.

"Okay, there's going to be a car there in a minute, I need all of you to come here. Jeffery is working on this but you guys are safer here. I promise I'll fix this Jensen, you just need to get here." Harry spoke quickly, talking to someone in the background after telling me this.

"Come to see you? That's the plan? This is stu-" I removed my phone from my ear, notching he hung up. That shit head hung up on me. I screamed before running back down the stairs.

"Dad? Reese? We gotta go. Grab your things and we have to leave out back." They both looked at me confused, only making me angrier, "I'll explain on the way, we don't have a bunch of time so if we could get a move on." With that they finally listen to me, grabbing what they needed and making sure all the doors were locked and the security system was on.


The car pulled up to an office building, not Harry's house. Of course we wouldn't go to his house, the paps were probably already there. I thanked the driver before we all followed the receptionists directions to the fifth floor.

Once we got inside the doors, I noticed Jeffery on his phone and a few other people sitting at a long table on their laptops, their fingers typing a mile a minute. My eyes shifted to Harry, who was in a pair of sweats, pacing the room with his fingers playing with his lips. His eyes met my daggers as soon as he heard the door open. I stood with my arms crossed over my chest, my tongue running along the inside of my clenched teeth. I knew he could practically see the steam rolling out of my ears.

"Jensen, Reese, and I'm assuming this is your father." Jeffery shook each of our hands as he hung up his phone. "This is quite the issue this morning isn't it?

"You think?" I said, the words coming out a little harsher than intended. I saw a startled expression run across Jeffery's face before he gained his composure, telling us all to sit.

"So, I've done what I can to get your names out of the public. They will not be doing the news segment tonight so there's a start. What I can't do anything about is what was already said and what the public will do with it. My best advice to you all is to lay low for awhile." He gave me a weak smile, looking between me and my family.

"Lay low? That's your advice? My sister has school and my dad has a business to run. We can't just stop our lives for this." I was so beyond angry at this point, mostly at myself for ever letting Harry into my life.

"I've already discussed these issues with Mr. Styles," I looked to Harry, lifting a brow at his sad expression before back to Jeffery, "There will be a car taking Reese too and from school and work. I have the same set up for your father, the car taking him to and from work and wherever else he may need to go. We will have cops stationed outside all of your premises, including the bar, until all this calms down. I can have the same arranged for you, Jensen, but Harry advised against that, saying you would most likely refuse." Well he got one thing right. I wasn't going to live my life in fear of dumb paps but I was thankful for my family's safety.

"Is all this really necessary?" My dad asked, slight annoyance in his voice.

"It's more of a precaution Mr. Ames, and I would suggest taking it, at least until all this dies down." Jeffery looked at me once more, "I also think it's best for you and Harry to keep your distance, for awhile at least." I looked over to Harry, watching his face fall even more. My eyes traveled back to Jeffery's.

"Done." After my agreement, papers were signed and we were dismissed. I rubbed my face in frustration, hating I put my dad and sister in this position.

"Jensen, wait." Harry grabbed my arm before I could exit the room. I looked back at him, the hurt and desperation on his face making my heart clench. I told Reese and my dad I would meet them in the car.

"What?" I stood with my arms crossed, my eyes narrowed. He really looked like a wounded puppy and while I know this wasn't his fault, I couldn't help but be a little angry at him. I was more angry with myself though.

"I'm sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen." He looked to his feet after saying the words, making me sigh.

"It's my fault. I never should have let you in Harry. Now my family is basically on lock down because of it. It was my stupid mistake." I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

     "This isn't a mistake to me, Jensen. I found you, I found that bar that night for a reason. You can't deny that. I know you felt it too." He was right. I did feel something for him but what I felt wasn't as important as keeping my family safe in this moment.

     "I don't know what I'm feeling Harry! I don't and my only priority right now is keeping my family safe. You heard what Jeffery said, we need to lay low for awhile." He grabbed my hands, his eyes begging me to stay. To tell him I wasn't slipping through his fingers in this moment. "I need time to think."

I watched his face fall at my words as I backed out of the room. I ran to the elevator, trying hard to push back the tears I felt brimming. I ran out the doors and into the car, Reese and my dad both startled by my abrupt entrance.

I held the tears until I got into my apartment. I held the tears until I closed my door. I held the tears until I couldn't anymore, sliding down my door, holding my hand over my mouth as the sobs came crashing through.

What was happening to me?


ugh i hate chapters like these but it needed to happen.

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