chapter twenty four

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"Thank you for your statement Miss Ames. Are you sure that you don't want to go to the hospital?" I shook my head, watching the cop sigh. "We'll be in contact." I nodded at the officer, my whole body still shaking from the incident. Harry's hand was on my leg, his thumb rubbing small circles along my skin.

"I should have gotten here sooner. I should have left straight from the airport. This wouldn't have hap-" I held my hand up, sighing. I pulled him in for a hug, feeling his anger slip away beneath my calming touch. "I should be consoling you love, not the other way around." He pulled away, kissing my forehead.

"Jensen?!" My dad's worried voice echoed through the empty bar. Harry called him over and I noticed Reese was with him. My dad ran over to me, wrapping my into a hug. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I tried my hardest not to fall apart in his arms. He pulled away, holding my shoulders. He looked me over, his eyes trailing down to my neck. His eyes narrowed, his whole demeanor becoming angry.

"I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't lock the doors. This was my fault. But I'm fine and the police have the guy in custody." I had to force the words out, my voice was quiet and raspy. My throat sore from the hands that had once tried to stop me from breathing and talking only increased the pain. I hadn't looked at my neck, I didn't want to, but I could tell by everyone's reactions that it wasn't good.

My dad took a deep breath, closing his eyes, and walking away. This was a habit he had when he was angry. I knew he wasn't upset with me but I still felt awful for putting him in another situation like this.

I turned to Reese who had tears rolling down her cheeks. She came towards me slowly, wrapping her arms around me lightly. She started shaking, sobs raking through her chest. I couldn't hold it back anymore. We both stood there, holding on to each other as we cried. Reese pulled away, wiping her eyes with her palms.

"Please tell me you at least kicked his ass." Her words made me smile as I let out a deep breath. I nodded, knowing that I didn't have energy to speak right now.

I looked back to Harry who had his head in his hands. Reese went over to my dad, who was now speaking to the police. His demeanor was calm, but I could tell he was boiling with rage inside. I never meant for any of this to happen and if I just would have locked the doors, it never would have.

My dad walked back over to me, breathing heavily, Reese on his heels. We all sat at the table, watching the police and ambulance drive off.

"J, you're not going to like what I'm going to tell you, but I want you to take off a few days." I opened my mouth to protest, to tell my dad I was fine and that wasn't necessary, but he held his hand up. "Do not argue with me on this. What happened here, you need time to process it and as far as I'm concerned, I don't want you here by yourself for awhile. I know you don't like it and I know you don't agree with it, but I'm telling you, this is what's happening."

I just nodded, looking down at my hands in my lap. I knew he was going to say this and I knew that arguing with him when he was in this state was not a good idea. I didn't have the voice to protest.

"I'm doing this because I love you." His expression softened. I knew he loved me and I knew this break would be good for me. I never dealt with the problems I faced, I just pushed them away until they haunted me in my dreams. I didn't like the idea of not working but I knew that I had no choice.

"I can drive you all home if you'd like." Harry told my dad and Reese who thanked him. We all got to his car, the ride silent. I laid my head against the window, wanting nothing more than to go to sleep.

     "Harry, we're having dinner tonight if you'd like to come. I usually close the bar early on Sunday's anyways but I don't think I'm going to open considering it's already 4:30AM and I've gotten no sleep." We pulled up to the house as my dad asked this question.

     "Sure, I'd love to." Harry looked to me and I gave him a small smile. Both Reese and my dad got out of the car, my dad stopping by my window and throwing Reese his keys. I didn't blame her for wanting to stay with Dad tonight.

     "I love you kiddo, and I'm sorry this happened." He leaned in, kissing my temple before turning his attention to Harry, "Take care of my girl."

     "Always, Sir." And with that, Harry and I were off to his place. I felt myself slipping in and out of sleep as Harry hummed along to a song on the radio.

     "Baby, we're here." I nodded, unbuckling my seat belt and opening my door. I met Harry on the other side, him slinging his arm around me immediately. We walked up the stairs, and Harry unlocked his door. We both walked inside and headed straight to the bedroom.

     "J, do you need anything?" I was both mentally and physically exhausted but despite all that, I needed a shower. I needed to get him off my skin. I looked up at Harry, who stood in the doorway, watching me closely.

"Shower." Was all I could manage to say in my groggy state. Harry nodded as he took my hand and walked me into the bathroom. I sat down on the toilet seat as he turned on the water. He held up his finger before walking out. I stood up, walking over to the mirror, gasping at the sight before me.

"Baby, what's wro-" Harry ran into the bathroom, a pair of fresh clothes in his hands. His eyes were full of concern as he noticed just what was upsetting me.

My shaky hands reached up to the dark bruising along my neck, tears rolling down my cheeks. I hated feeling this way, so exposed and vulnerable, but in my state of exhaustion, all of my emotions spilled out. Mascara was streamed across my cheeks, my hair matted and tangled. You could see the placement of his hands on my neck and I wanted nothing more than to cover it up, to hide away the ugly colors. This wouldn't have happened if I would have locked the doors.

Harry dropped the clothes in his hands on the counter before walking over to wrap his arms around my waist. He held me as I sobbed against his chest, reliving the memory over and over again.

"I want you to know that you, Jensen Rose Ames, are the strongest woman I know. We're going to get through this, no matter what it takes." I nodded against his chest, letting his kind words sink in. Once the cries finally stopped, I looked up at Harry before kissing his lips lightly.

After all of the events that happened today, I was just glad that Harry was home.


i'm not sure if i'm a fan of this chapter or not but i think it was needed

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