chapter twenty five

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     "There's no way we can reschedule this interview for tomorrow?" I was pacing in the kitchen, my bare feet padding along the tiles.

     "Harry, this has been planned for months. I can't just call and cancel it because of Jensen. Your career comes first." I hated the way Jeffery always treated my personal life like it should come second to my career. I know I had a lot riding on me with the new album being out but Jensen's well being was my number one concern.

     "Jeffery, I can't just leave her here. She was assaulted last night!" My voice boomed through the empty room. I looked towards my bedroom door to make sure I hadn't woken Jensen.

     "Then bring her with! She can come sit with me. You have an hour, Harry and we can't reschedule this. Make it work." The click on the other end infuriated me. I slammed my hands down on the kitchen counter, frustrated with this whole situation.

      I should have been at the bar last night. I should have went there straight from the airport but I knew that Jensen wouldn't have been done closing and that she would have seen me as a distraction so I ran by the house to drop off my bags. All that keep running through my head was that I should have been there.

     I wanted to kill the kid when I saw him laying unconscious behind the bar but Jensen stopped me. She told me that if this got out, it could hurt my career and that she wasn't worth that. I disagreed but instead focused on her that night, pushing away the thoughts of murdering the kid that laid his filthy hands on her.

     Jensen had slept soundly last night, which I was thankful for. I was up most of the night, extremely worried she'd wake up with a nightmare.

     "Harry." Her voice was barely above a whisper and extremely scratchy. I turned to look at her, her small frame engulfed in my large clothing. I gave her a sad smile before motioning her over. She came over to the counter, climbing into my lap facing
me. My eyes traveled down to her neck, noticing the colors darkening, the imprints of his hands pressing into her skin. She quickly pulled the hood of my jumper up above her neck.

     "How are you feeling today?" Her brown eyes had dark circles beneath them and I wanted nothing more than to paint a smile on her beautiful face.

     "Tired. Sore." I could tell talking was uncomfortable with the lack of words. I actually missed her sassing me. I sighed, pulling her into me, rubbing my hands along her back.

     "I have to do an interview today. I don't want to do it, I tried to get out of it but Jeffery fought me. You are welcome to come with or I can drop you off at your dads. I just don't think you should be alone." She pulled away, looking into my eyes as she shook her head. She looked around, snatching my phone off the counter before typing something. My eyebrows knit together in confusion before she held out the phone for me to read.

     You're not missing out on your life because of me. You never should have called Jeffery to cancel!! I shouldn't be your priority right now, you have an album to promote. With that being said, I wouldn't mind coming with you, I just don't want to get in the way.

     She waited patiently for me to finish reading. I shook my head at her.

     "You wouldn't get in the way and you are my number one priority Jensen, even if you don't want to be." She gave me a small smile before kissing my cheek. "But we only have an hour so we better get to it." She nodded, climbing off my lap.


We pulled up to the studio around 30 minutes later. I looked over at Jensen, trying to see how she was feeling about all this. She turned to me, her caramel eyes meeting mine. She was wearing one of my black TPWK jumpers and a pair of leggings she had left at my apartment. She kept her hair down, in hopes to hide the bruising on her neck. The assault hadn't gotten out to the media yet and I was hoping it'd stay that way.

"You ready love?" She nodded, giving me a small smile as we got out of the car. We walked into the building, hand in hand. I quickly spotted the band and Jeffery, avoiding his condescending smirk.

Jensen waved at the band, who all said their hello's and moved in to hug her. She held out her arms, looking at me to give them an explanation as to why she needed to distance herself.

"She's had an awful cold mates and she'd hate for you to catch it. She's also lost her voice so she's been communicating via notes in her phone. We're going to dinner right after this and she wanted to tag along." Everyone nodded, giving Jensen sympathetic looks.

     "Hair and make up is ready for you, Harry." Jeffery stated, "Jensen, you can hang out with me during the interview but feel free to hang out with Harry until then." She nodded at him. I hadn't told her what Jeffery had said this morning or that I was still pissed at him. But she noticed my hostility towards him and gave me a strange look. I reassured her everything was okay and sat in the chair to get done up.

     Jensen sat on the couch closest to me, listening to the band warm up. She bobbed her head along to the music, mouthing the words. I wished more than anything that she didn't have a fear of singing in front of others. Her voice was so lovely.

"Okay Harry, they're ready for you. You ready, mate?" Jeffery places his hand on my shoulder but I shook it off, pushing past him and into the studio. Jensen sat behind the glass, giving me an encouraging thumbs up. I blew her a kiss and watched her shake her head at me as she pretended to catch it.


filler sorta sorry guys more to come considering we're in quarantine now😅

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