chapter three

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I threw on a pair of leggings and a crew neck sweatshirt along with my Nikes before running out the door. I woke up a little later than normal this morning, making me have to rush to get my morning run in. I put my earbuds in each ear before playing my workout playlist, an overplayed Drake song coming on shuffle.

I sent a quick text to Reese before starting out. Running around LA wasn't uncommon but also wasn't my favorite thing. The city was busy and cars drove erratically, trying to get to work as quick as they could. The pedestrians on the street weren't much better, half of them tourists, the other half on their phones discussing meetings or family life. Neither of them paying attention to anyone else, making it my job to watch out in order to not run into anyone.

I turned down a lesser traveled street, ending up at the dog park where I always stopped to take a breather. I checked my watch, noticing I had exactly thirty minutes to run home, shower, and change before my shift. I was about to start running again when a familiar British voice broke my concentration.

"Look, I don't know what else to tell you Camille." He was on the bench behind me, seeming extremely aggravated with the conversation he was having. "It happened and I'm sorry, I wish I could take it all back."

I wanted to stay and listen but with my time crunch and the chances of getting caught, I decided it'd be best to get back to my run. I got up quickly, making my way back to my apartment.

I ran up the steps, saying a quick good morning to Reese, who was sat at the kitchen table eating breakfast. I jumped in the shower, cleaning all the sweat off my body, before getting out. I threw on a crop top, a pair of high waisted jeans, and put my hair into a messy bun before running out the door just as quick as I came.


     The bar was extremely busy from the moment I walked in. Reese got there shortly after me, both of us giving each other a look of "we're fucked" before sprinting into action.

     "I need three Bud Lights."

     "I need two Jack and Cokes."

     "Can I get a Heineken and a Corona?"

     The orders were coming at me like wildfire, my dad and I running around each other to keep up. I felt the sweat dripping down my forehead, the heat of the California summer in full effect. I slammed a glass of water before getting back to work.

     I scanned the bar, looking for my sister before spotting her at a table of frat boys. One of them had their arm slung around her waist and I could see her trying to politely pull away. When I noticed his hand drop down to her ass, that was the final straw.

     I ran around the bar and up to the table. I quickly yanked my sister out of his drunken arms. I spun around quickly to check on her, noticing tears in her eyes.

     "Go see Dad. Right now, Reese." I spoke quickly, watching her brush past the crowd and into the safe area behind the bar. I felt myself boiling with rage. No one fucked with my sister.

     "All of you, out. Now." I spoke through gritted teeth, watching them all shrink into their seats, all of them except the one who had grabbed my sister. They all reeked of alcohol.

     "Come on now, there was no harm done here." He laughed, making my eyes narrow at him, my hands balling into fists at my side. "Chill out babe."

     "I said, get out. Don't make me call the police." I could feel the angry heat radiating through my body. I wanted nothing more than to deck this guy. He gave me a sloppy smile that made me want to throw up. No wonder he had upset my sister so much.

     "I don't think I'd do that if I were you." He stood now, towering over me. I didn't budge an inch, knowing that if anything were to happen here, my dad was already aware of it. "You don't want to cause a scene do you?" He leaned down to whisper in my ear, his arm grasping my wrist a little too tight.

     "I'd think carefully about your next move here bud." I spoke confidently, "Now let go of my wrist."

     "Or what?" He was in my face, the scent of alcohol becoming overwhelming. This was when I lost it. I yanked my wrist free of his before winding back and punching him square in the nose. He fell back against the table, his friends coming quickly to his rescue. I shook my throbbing hand.

     "Get the fuck out of my bar." With that, they all ran, dragging their asshole friend with them. He had blood dripping from his nose and he was crying. I rolled my eyes at them, turning to see my dad smiling at me and Reese's mouth hung open.

     "That's my girl." He shouted over the crowd, which was quickly dispersing after my actions. I knew that this may have cost my dad a few customers but I didn't care and I know he didn't either. I'd be damned if I let some dumb frat boy hurt my sister and get away with it.

     I walked back to the kitchen, a smirk on my face. Reese met me with an ice pack for my hand, which was swelling pretty badly now, the shooting pain finally revealing itself under the adrenaline. She gave me a quick hug.

     "You didn't have to punch him you know." She laughed at me. My dad came around the corner, clapping at me. I took a dramatic bow.

     "I know for a fact those kids won't be coming around here again and that I should be upset with you for handling it with violence but I'm damn proud of you for sticking up for your sister. I taught you well." He pulled me in for a hug, Reese soon joining in.

     "The crowds died down a little, I think Reesie and I can handle it for a few minutes. Take a breather and ice your hand." I nodded at my dad, making my way to the back of the bar, sitting down at the picnic table furthest away from the smokers.

     I took the ice pack off, observing the dark colors spreading along my swollen knuckles. This was gonna take a few weeks to heal.

     "Please tell me you at least won?"


I have so much motivation to write these days, i love it.

Vulnerable (Book One) Complete! Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon