chapter eleven

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It'd been three days since I had stayed at Harry's after my drunken breakdown and I haven't seen him at the bar since. Not that I was counting or looking for him anyways. If I really wanted to know what he was doing I could always just google it.

"J, can you pass me a case of Miller Lite?" My dad and I were stocking the cooler. I nodded, passing him the case of beer. I stood there, biting my lip, my mind wandering. "What's got you so distracted?"

"What?" I turned to my dad, raising my brow, "I'm not distracted." My dad chuckled, wiping his hands on his pants as he stood up from his crouched position.

"J, you've been biting your lip all week and you only do that when you've got something on your mind." I stopped biting my lip, instead biting my tongue. He was right, biting my lip was a nervous habit I'd picked up a long time ago.

"It's nothing Dad, just some personal stuff. No big issue though." My dad shook his head, knowing me better than that.

"It's that Brit isn't it?" He asked as we walked to the kitchen, "He hasn't been in for the past three days and you'd gotten used to him coming in every day."

"Dad, that's ridiculous. Harry and I aren't even friends." I waved him off, washing a few glasses that had been left from the afternoon rush.

"Whatever you say J," My dad coming up beside me, "When do you get your cast off?" He nodded his head at my hand.

"Couple more weeks the doctor said." I leaned against the counter, "It's feeling a lot better. I miss using my dominate hand." I chuckled, making my dad smile.

We turned our attention to the baseball game that was playing when the door chime went off, revealing Harry and...a girl? I clenched my teeth together, looking over at my dad that shrugged.

I watched the two make their way over to the bar, Harry's eyes meeting mine immediately. I narrowed mine at him, watching his brows knit together in confusion. His hand was on her lower back as they sat at the bar stools furthest from us. My dad walked over, greeting them and pouring their drinks.

I eyed Harry's date. It was obvious she was a model by her tall stick figure. She had long blonde hair, falling in ringlets over her shoulders. She wore the lightest make up, making it look as if she were wearing none. She wore a red polka dot bikini top and light high waisted jean shorts. She was beautiful, of course she was.

Harry wore a t-shirt with the saying "But Daddy I Love Him" which was odd but not really for him and a pair of khaki shorts. His yellow sunglasses were perched on the top of his head. I watched him whisper something in his dates ear, making her giggle. I wanted to puke watching the two of them.

"Jealousy isn't a pretty look on you kiddo." My dad whispered as he reached beside me for a new bottle of vodka. I gave him a death glare, watching him chuckle to himself.

I wasn't jealous. Did it bother me when I watched him walk in with her? Sure, but that was because it was Harry and I didn't want to see him. Or maybe it was because she was a model and I wasn't a fan of those fake bitches. But I wasn't jealous.

I kept my distance, not wanting anything to do with the two of them. I served other customers when they came in, made some small talk. My dad continued serving Harry and the model, which I was thankful for. Harry tried to catch my eye multiple times but I would always avert mine, finding another place of focus.

"Your old man is about to head out." My dad patted my shoulder and I panicked a bit, my eyes shooting over to them. My dad noticed my worry.

"You said it yourself, you're not even friends so this shouldn't be a problem, right?" He was baiting me. He wanted me to say that wasn't true. I gave him the finger, watching him laugh as he walked away. "Don't forget to lock up! See you tomorrow!" And with that it was just me, Harry, and the model.

I sighed, noticing we had two hours left until close and I wanted nothing more than to kick the two of them out.

"How are you Jensen?" Harry's voice caught me off guard and I trudged my way over to their side of the bar, arms crossed over my chest.

"Fine." I didn't bother asking how he was, watching the model look between us.

"Oh, Rachel this is Jensen, Jensen this is my friend Rachel." I nodded at the girl, not wanting anything to do with her. She gave me a fake smile reaching her hand out to me. I pretended I didn't notice, walking into the kitchen.

Okay so maybe I was a little jealous but who wouldn't be? That girl was a model and I was just....well me. I groaned, leaning against the sink, pinching the bridge of my nose. I wanted nothing more than for them to leave.

     When I walked back out, Raquel or whatever her name was, was gone. Harry sat alone, shooting daggers at me now. I smirked at him.

     "That wasn't very kind of you." He sat back, crossing his arms over his chest. I shrugged.

     "You're the one with the motto, not me. Where'd Raquel go?" I asked nonchalantly, cleaning the bar up. Harry sighed, shaking his head.

     "It's Rachel, and she had to leave because she has a fitting tomorrow." I nodded, wiping the opposite end of the bar down, pretending I wasn't the least bit happy she was gone.

     "So she is a model." I said a little too loud as I walked out to the tables. Harry followed me, standing a bit too close with that stupid smirk on his face. "What?" I stood with my hands on my hips.

     "You're jealous?" There was this odd glimmer in his eyes as he asked this. I shook my head a little too vigorously, keeping my lips shut.

     "Being jealous would require me actually liking you, which I do not." I tried to brush past him but he grabbed my wrist lightly, spinning me to look at him. I looked down at the spot where our skin met, feeling this spark of electricity fly through me.

     "You like me, you just won't admit it." He let my wrist go, crossing his arms over his chest again. I wanted to wipe the smug look on his face.

     "So you brought Raquel in here to make me jealous then? To see how I'd react?" We both stood with our arms crossed, very little space in between us now.

     "Didn't say that, love. And it's Rachel." The words rolled off his tongue like butter and I knew they were a lie. This fucker brought a skinny blonde bimbo in here to make me jealous.

     "You're fucking ridiculous Harry! You did too bring her in here to make me jealous, to see me get all worked up!" I yelled, throwing my arms in the air, turning to walk away. Harry was hot on my heels.

     "It worked though didn't it?" I turned, pointing my finger into his chest. He was so close, I could smell the alcohol with each breath he took.

     "It did not! I just-" Harry moved closer to me, the distance between us almost non existent now. His smirk never left his face

     "You just what?" Harry spoke low and slow, making my heart beat increase. Both of our breaths were unsteady as we stared at each other, his green orbs taking in my brown ones. I wanted to kiss him, every part of me wanted to as he ran his tongue along his plump pink lips. I felt myself leaning in.



Damn so close!

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