chapter twenty one

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     I tapped my foot on the kitchen tile, trying to focus on the conversation happening around me with Mitch and Jeffery. I had been an anxious wreck since the girls left to get Jensen. I knew for a fact she was going to be livid with me but I needed her here for this and I knew she would have said no. Tricking her was probably not my brightest idea but hopefully she'd at least like the dress.

     "Harry, you good mate?" Mitch touched my shoulder, snapping me out of my anxious thoughts.

     "Yeah, yeah, I'm good." I moved my fingers up to my lips, taking my bottom lip between my fingers. I ran my other hand through my hair, both nervous habits that I knew Mitch picked up on.

     "She'll get over you doing this, you know? She's going to be pissed at first but eventually she'll calm down." I nodded, knowing he was right.

     We all fell into conversation again, mostly about the album and the upcoming tour. I was both excited and nervous to go on tour again. I loved the traveling and visiting the different cities but I always missed home.

     "You excited for get touring again, kid?" Jeffery asked, grinning at me.

     "Of course. I'm really excited for this one." Jeffery nodded as he took a sip of his drink. I excused myself to grab a drink, running into a few friends and exchanging a few hellos.

     Once I made it to the kitchen, I chugged down my first drink, pouring another one instantly. I was in the middle of pouring my third drink when an array of gasps broke through the house. I looked up, noticing a familiar red dress with my favorite girl in it. I knew the dress was going to look amazing on her but she took my breath away. I found myself in awe of her beauty, inside and out, even with the scowl that was currently plastered on her face. I smiled, walking over to her. When she noticed me, her eyes narrowed.

     "Hello there, beautiful. You really do look stunning tonight." I gave her a cheeky grin, watching her scowl deepen before she looked beyond me and at everyone staring. She froze, her expression almost scared. I quickly grabbed a hold of her hand and pulled her up the stairs.

     We pushed open the first door and I braced myself as I shut it. I turned to give her a small smile, knowing for a fact she was going to blow up any second.

"Can I have a drink of that?" She pointed to the drink in my hand. I nodded, handing it to her. She chugged it down before sitting on the bed. "There's a lot of people down there and they were all staring at me. I got nervous, I don't like being the center of attention."

"You're absolutely gorgeous love, that's why they were looking at you." I moved to sit beside her on the bed, her hand grabbing mine immediately.

"This doesn't mean what you did was okay. You tricked me into this when you could have just asked me to come." She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm her nerves. I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"You would have said no, J. I'm sorry I tricked you but this was the only way I could get you to come and I needed you here." She looked up at me, eyebrows knitted together.

"You needed me here?" I nodded, placing a kiss on her lips.

     "You calm me down." I gave her a sweet smile, getting one in return.

"You're forgiven, but don't trick me again." She stood, pulling me up with her. "Now, let's go enjoy your party, but promise me not to let go of my hand. You seem to keep me pretty calm, too."

We walked back downstairs, hand in hand, as I noticed more people crowding through the doors. My album was playing on the speakers, everyone swaying or singing along to the lyrics. I grabbed a few more drinks for Jensen and I as we made our way through the crowd.

     "Harry! Oh the album is brilliant!" Rachel crashed into me, her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. I was a bit put off, but quickly shook it off, wrapping my free arm around her.

     "Thanks love, it means a lot." She pulled away, giving me an award winning smile. I felt Jensen's hand tighten around mine, looking down to see her glaring at Rachel. I knew Rachel saw it but she kept smiling, moving her hand to my free arm.

     "What are you doing after this?" I was about to tell her that I had other plans but Jensen beat me to it.

     "Nice to see you again! Raquel is it?" I saw Rachel's smile falter slightly. She wanted to correct Jensen but didn't get the opportunity, "Harry actually has plans with me later," She lifted our joined hands up high for Rachel to see, "But it was so sweet of you to ask" Her words oozed with sarcasm and I was a bit stunned by it.

     "So, you guys are dating now?" Rachel's eyes trailed up and down Jensen's small frame as she kept a tight smile on her face.

     "Yup! Harry is my boyfriend so I suggest maybe you find a new one?" Rachel's smile dropped instantly as she and Jensen seemed to be having some sort of stare off before she stormed off into the sea of people.

"That wasn't very nice of you an-" I stopped, taking a step back as I realized she called me her boyfriend. "Boyfriend?" Jensen pursed her lips together sighing.

"I'm sorry, okay," She let go of my hand, throwing both of hers in the air, "But she saw me standing there and still asked you if you had plans later! I may not like being the center of attention but I sure as hell don't like being ignored either. Plus, she was practically drooling all over you." Her cheeks flushed as she said this. I couldn't help the huge grin spreading across my face.

"Are you jealous love?" She shook her head, narrowing her eyes at me.

     "I just don't like sharing or being treated like I don't exist. So yeah, if it's okay with you, I'd like you to be my boyfriend so I don't have to ever see that again." I shook my head laughing, grabbing her rosy cheeks, pulling her in for a long, slow kiss before pulling away, my grin appearing once again. She smiled back at me, a real and true Jensen smile that was rarely seen.

"I told you that I'd follow what you wanted because if I'm truly being honest, I wanted to ask you out that first night I met you." She gave me a funny look.

"The night you scared the living day lights out of me and then I was extremely rude to you for coming into the bar so late? You wanted to ask me out then?" I smiled at her confusion, only making her shake her head.

"You were kind of rude but you didn't know who I was and you sassed me, which no girls ever do. There was something in you that night that I just knew." She rolled her eyes at my words, that blush creeping along her freckled cheeks, "Also, seeing you jealous kind of turned me on. Well that, and the fact that all I can think of is getting you out of this dress." I winked at her, making her smack my arm playfully.

"You're awful." She chuckled before kissing me once more and pulling me to the living room to dance.


aw I like this chapter. i'm definitely a jealous person so i can relate, whoops

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