chapter thirty two

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*one month later*

     "Babe, you sure you got all the bags from my room?" Harry peeked at me from behind the trunk. He wore dark sunglasses but I knew behind the shades he was rolling his eyes at the question I'd asked him about ten times now. He shook his head. His chocolate curls had grown a bit longer and he was constantly pushing it back out of his face but there was always one curl that managed to find its way back to his forehead. It was extremely adorable and I loved it.

     "Yes love, I've triple checked." He said sweetly before walking over to kiss my forehead as he grabbed the last of his things from the house.

     "You worry too much J." My dad stated, making me roll my eyes at him. He came up beside me, leaning against the car.

     "I just don't want to forget anything, that's all!" I threw my hands in the air, getting a laugh out of both him and Reese who was walking out of the apartment.

     "Right because they don't have stores in England for you to buy new things." I hit my dads shoulder lightly, earning another chuckle. He pulled me in for a hug, sighing. "Oh I'm going to miss you kiddo."

     "I'm going to miss you too, Dad. So much." I promised myself I wouldn't cry today and the tears welling in my eyes were threatening that promise.

     "What about me?" I laughed, pulling away from my dad and moving over to hug Reese. She held me tight, sniffling. "I wish I could come with you, J. I'm really going to miss you."

     "I'm going to miss you too, Reese. You have no idea." I let go, watching her wipe her eyes. I felt a tear slip down my cheek. "Please take care of Dad for me and if someone ever makes you feel uncomfortable at the bar, remember what I taught you." I winked at her, watching my dad smile.

     "Okay love, I think we have everything. We better get going or we're going to be late." I nodded, giving both my dad and Reese one last hug and promising I'd call them as soon as we landed. I hopped in the car, buckling in.

     "I love you both so much!" I yelled out the window as Harry pulled out of the drive way. They both yelled back that they loved me too, waving as we drove off.

     Harry places his hand on my thigh, giving it a little squeeze. I turned to give him a small smile, getting one in return. I sighed, watching the city flash by my window.

     "You ready for this adventure?" Harry asked as we pulled into the airport.

     "You know what? No, I'm not, can we head back actually?" I watched Harry's expression fall before I shook my head, kissing him, "Kidding, of course I'm ready." He rolled his eyes at me once again before getting out of the car.

     Harry carried most of the bags onto the plane. I settled into my seat, accepting the mimosa I was handed as Harry plopped down beside me. He lifted his sunglasses onto the top of his head, leaning back against his seat. I grabbed his hand, pulling it up to my lips, placing a kiss to his warm skin.

     "I love you." I watched a smile form on Harry's face, his dimple showing. He kissed my cheek.

     "I love you too, baby. Also, have a surprise for you." He dug in his bag as my mind wandered. What kind of surprise did he have? He knew I hated surprises. "I was going to tell you once we had landed in England but I'm shit at hiding gifts so.."

     He handed me a folded paper and I gave him a confused look as he told me to open it. I did as he said, reading the words along the page, clapping my hand over my mouth in shock. I turned to look at him, my eyes wide.

     The paper told me that a part of the proceeds from each concert were going to both breast cancer research and a fund for domestic violence. My promise not to cry was broken as I couldn't help the tears falling down my cheeks. I wrapped my arms around Harry's neck. I felt him chuckle beneath me as I pulled away.

     "Do you know how amazing you are? I hate surprises but this is just, thank you. I love you." I leaned into him, kissing him lightly before wiping under my eyes.

     "One more thing." He held his finger up, "I have gotten a few concert and plane tickets reserved for your dad and Reese if they can get time to come visit." I shook my head, smiling like an idiot. I can't believe he did all of this for me and my family.

     "Okay, no more surprises. I really am so grateful for you, you know that? You didn't have to do all this." He smiled proudly, leaning his head on my shoulder. I laid my cheek on the top of his head, closing my eyes.

My heart was so full in this moment. Harry had fallen asleep on my shoulder as I watched out the window, the plane taking off. I took a sip of my drink, grabbing my phone for a quick picture. Sleepy Harry was my favorite, mostly because he wasn't able to be a smart ass.

I couldn't believe this was my life now, that we were going to be traveling the world. I couldn't believe I was going to be singing on stage for millions of people in millions of different countries and cities. I was excited to see where Harry grew up and spend more time with his family. A smile snuck onto my face as I sent a quick thought up to my mom. I wished more than anything she could be here physically but I knew she'd be with me every night on stage.

I was so ready for this new adventure.


SEQUEL "OPEN" OUT NOW! along with the third book, EXPOSED!

GUYS THIS IS IT!! I FINISHED A BOOK!! ahh! thank you to everyone reading this! it truly means the world to me. i hope you all love it as much as i do. please feel free to reach out to me anytime! i love you all and stay safe!!

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