Vulnerable (Book One) Complet...

By allii_kayy

467K 10.1K 3.3K

If you would have told me that I'd let him in that night, I would have laughed at you. And If you would have... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two

chapter fifteen

13.9K 330 81
By allii_kayy


I didn't sleep much after Jensen had her nightmare. I'd drifted in and out but I was never fully asleep. She lay on my chest, her hair covering her face. Our breathing was almost in sync. I could lay like this forever.

I reached on the nightstand beside me, trying not to move too much so I didn't wake her. I snapped a quick picture of Jensen, snuggled into my chest, worried that I wouldn't get a moment like this again.

She scared me last night, waking up and screaming for "Ryan" to get off her. I didn't know who Ryan was and I knew she hated when I intruded into her personal life but I also knew I was going to ask. I had to. She was shaking for what seemed like hours in my arms, sobs raking through her chest. I knew it hadn't just been a nightmare.

Jensen started stirring, groaning as she rolled off of me. I instantly missed the warmth of her. She stretched out beside me, turning to face me. I was expecting shock and for her to fall out of the bed at the sight of me but instead she gave me a small smile.

"Good morning." She spoke, her voice a bit raspy. I turned on my side, to get a better look at her tired eyes.

"Morning love." I smiled, watching her eyes move down to my lips. I wanted to kiss her. I'd wanted to kiss her a long time ago. The moment just didn't seem right.

"I'm starving." Her stomach growled as she spoke, causing both of us to laugh.

"I'll make some waffles." I announced as I hopped out of bed, walking into the kitchen. I heard Jensen trudging after me.

"You're too chipper in the morning." She yawned, plopping down at the table. I poured some batter in my waffle maker, humming to the radio playing in the background. I turned to Jensen, seeing her scrolling through her phone, biting her lip. I quickly whipped up a few more waffles before setting the plate in front of her and sitting down.

     She devoured four waffles, leaning back in her chair and rubbing her stomach when she was done. I chuckled at her. She rolled her eyes before moving to lean her elbows on the table, her expression turning serious.

     "Harry, I just want to say-" I waved her off, knowing exactly what she was going to say.

     "This means nothing, I know." I mocked her tone, watching her expression change to a look of sadness. My brows knitted together in confusion.

     "I was actually going to say thank you for getting tickets for my sister and I to go to the concert. I know she had a great time. And thank you for inviting me out last night and uhm for taking care of me after my nightmare." She was nervous. For once in her life, Jensen Ames was nervous around me. I couldn't help the smile playing on my lips.

"It's nothing, love. I was happy, am happy, to do all those things for you." I couldn't believe she had thanked me. I expected her to tell me it meant nothing and this would never happen again but she didn't.

"And as for the nightmare, I feel as if I owe you an explanation since you let me sob rather grossly into your chest for an hour." I shook my head at her words, wanting to tell her I'd do it over and over again. "So, a few years ago, about a year before my mom died actually, I was in a relationship with this god awful human being named Ryan. Things were great at first, he seemed so great but as time went on, he showed his true colors. It started with little things like ignoring my calls and staying out late with no explanation. Then he would criticize what I wore and always needed to know where I was. After that was name calling and throwing things and punching the walls. And the final straw was when I found out my mom was sick and I told him I was moving back to be with my family."

She stopped speaking, her mind going back to that moment. She started shaking again and I reached for her hands across the table, rubbing small circles along the backs of them as she collected herself. I saw the tears brimming her eyes that she didn't want to let loose. She sniffled, giving me a small smile before continuing.

"That night, I had packed everything up in a hurry after the call from my father. I just threw all my clothes and other essentials in a few bags. I was ready to head out the door when Ryan came home, drunk and angry. I told him I was leaving, that I had to go. He didn't want me to leave. He, he slammed me into the wall, holding me by my neck." Her voice was breaking as she spoke the words, moving her hands to cover her neck. "He beat me, until I passed out. I don't know if he thought I was dead but I woke up hours later, bloody and bruised. I did the only thing I could think of and I called my dad. He called an ambulance and told me he'd be there as soon as he could. I blacked out before the ambulance got there and I remember waking up in the hospital with my parents and my sister there."

She sighed, wiping the tears that slipped down her cheeks. She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She breathed out before finishing her story.

"My dad and a few of his buddies tracked down Ryan the next day and beat him. My dad wanted to kill him and if it weren't for my sick mother and my sister and I, I think he would have. Ryan went to jail, I had to testify against the asshole in court, but he went to jail and my dad and his friends were never charged for assault. He's in for life, thank god, but that didn't stop the nightmares. I have at least one once a week and I don't know how to stop them."

She looked so fragile and broken in this moment. So vulnerable. She let me in on such an awful secret of hers. I felt the tears welling in my eyes at the thought of her bloody and bruised and left to die. Her brown eyes locked into mine, waiting for me to say something.

"You didn't deserve that Jensen, none of it. I'm so sorry you went through what you did. I truly am." I moved over to hug her, she wrapped her arms around my torso tightly, once again sobbing. I was crying too, feeling helpless in the situation.

She pulled away after a few moments, wiping her wet cheeks. She took a few deep breaths before shaking her head.

"I've never told anyone that story. I don't like being vulnerable so I push everyone away. You're changing me Styles and I'm not sure if I like it." She confessed, making me smile. I promised I'd break that shell of hers and I think I was truly getting there.


Heavy shit right here but more to come!

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