Vulnerable (Book One) Complet...

By allii_kayy

467K 10.1K 3.3K

If you would have told me that I'd let him in that night, I would have laughed at you. And If you would have... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two

chapter ten

14.4K 323 117
By allii_kayy


Sunlight streaming through open curtains woke me. I groaned, throwing my hands over my eyes, forgetting momentarily that I had a cast and whacking myself in the face.

"Okay ouch." I said out loud to myself before sitting up in bed. An instant pounding in my head made me reach for the Advil in my nightstand. When I found nothing, I opened one eye to notice an empty nightstand. Where were all my things?

     My eyes finally adjusted to the lighting and that's when I realized that I was, in fact, not in my own bed. I scrambled out of the sheets, getting tangled up and landing on the floor with a thud.

I looked around the room, noticing the plain white walls and large bed. There was only a dresser and two nightstands to complete the room. There were two doors, one I'm assuming lead to a bathroom or closet and another leading out of the room. Where the hell was I?

I looked down, noticing I was still fully dressed so we were good there. I stood up, panicking a bit and trying to remember just what happened last night. The door swung open, making me scream.

"Jensen, I heard a thud, are you okay?" Harry stood in the doorway, nothing but a towel hanging low on his hips, showing off all the ink along his toned body. He shook his wet curls, looking at me for an answer.

"What the hell am I doing here?" I was angry now. How did this happen? I couldn't remember.

"You don't remember?" He knitted his eyebrows together as I shook my head. "Do you know what day it is?" That's when it all hit me. The cemetery, the bar, the drinks, the screaming, all of it. Shit.

     "Fuck." I started pacing the room, "What did I tell you?" I bit my lip, watching his expression soften.

"You didn't tell me much of anything. You yelled at the ceiling a lot, asking why her and not you but you didn't say who she was." He shrugged, bringing his fingers to his lips.

"Good, good." I sighed, relieved I didn't give too much away. "Listen, this means nothing." I pointed my finger at him, trying to give him a stern look. He rolled his eyes at me, padding his bare feet out the door.

"You didn't sleep with me did you?" I asked, following him through the hallways. He stopped in the kitchen, turning to look at me. He placed his hands on his hips before looking over into the living room and back at me. I followed his eyes, noticing pillows and blankets on the couch.

"I wouldn't do that, Jensen. God, I'm not an asshole." He sounded genuinely offended which made me feel slightly bad for the accusation.

     "Look, I think that's a valid question to ask considering I don't know you and I don't really remember you bring me home." I crossed my arms over my chest, watching him shake his head at me.

"Advil's in the cupboard and I ordered Panera for breakfast. It should be here soon. I'm going to get dressed." He brushed past me, not saying another word. I sighed, going over to the cabinet for the Advil and searching the cupboards for a glass. I poured myself some water once I found one and sat at the kitchen table, placing my throbbing head in my hands.

There was a knock on the door and Harry came out, dressed in gray sweats and a plain white t-shirt. He opened the door, thanking the delivery guy and walking over to join me at the table. He was still silent and I knew I had actually hurt him with my accusation.

"The she I was referring to last night, was my mom. She died three years ago yesterday from breast cancer. They caught it too late but she still tried to fight it. She made it a year, a lot more time than the doctors predicted, because she wanted to see Reese graduate high school." I felt myself spilling my secrets, knowing it'd change Harry's mood. I don't know why I cared that he was upset with me but I did.

"I'm sorry. My step dad died three years ago from cancer as well so I truly mean it when I say I know what you're going through." I felt my heart pull at his words. He truly understood how I felt. I looked up at him, my eyes wide.

"I'm sorry Harry. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone." I reached my hand out to place it on top of his, watching him look up at me, his green eyes piercing into mine. There was something happening between us in this moment, something I wasn't sure that I wanted. I pulled my hand back quickly, coughing awkwardly.

"What was she like?" Harry's question caught me off guard. I took a bite of my bagel before smiling to myself.

"She was fearless and so fucking stubborn. She didn't take shit from anyone and would kill for her family. She was absolutely stunning and her voice was angelic. She was so loving but deadly at the same time." Tears threatened my eyes as I spoke about my mom. I missed her so much, every day. I quickly blinked the tears away.

"She sounds like someone else I know." Harry smiled at me, a genuine smile. I knew he was talking about me. I aspired to be like my mom so his words meant more to me than I'd let him know. I gave him a small smile.

I finished eating, before telling Harry I was going to get my things and head out. He nodded, grabbing another bagel for himself. I walked back into his room, quickly finding my phone, shoes, and wallet before making my way back into the kitchen. Harry was still sat at the table, scrolling through his phone now.

"So I'm going to head out. Please don't make a big deal about me telling you stuff about my mom and do not ever mention it to my dad or Reese for that matter." I made my way to the door, stopping and looking back at Harry, "But thank you for taking care of me last night. That was very kind of you."

"That's my motto, treat people with kindness." He smiled, his dimple showing. I rolled my eyes. Of course his motto would be "Treat People With Kindness."

"See you around Styles." I shut the door, walking out of the apartment and into the California sun.


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