The Bionic Teens, Leo, and Me

By theatre__geek

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Vi Winters is truly loving her life. The Davenports have wholeheartedly accepted her. Her parents show her ne... More

Speed Trapped
Spy Fly
Missing the Mission
Robot Fight Club
Bro Down
Spike's Got Talent/Smile
Bionic Showdown
Three Tasks to be Rid of the Three Inner Demons
Lab Rats: The Musical
Lab Rats: The Musical
Memory Wipe
Adam Up
Haunting of Mission Creek
My Little Brother
No Going Back
Sink or Swim
The Jet Wing
Mission: Mission Creek High

Twas the Mission Before Christmas

129 3 0
By theatre__geek

A/N: Super late but finally found inspiration. Enjoy!

Chapter 18

I dodge cobwebs as I search alongside Leo for the last box of Christmas decorations. I stumble upon boxes containing photos, records, and clothes from Davenport's past before I finally spot the final box.

"Leo!" I call out, "Over here, I found it."

Leo hurries over to me and wipes off the top causing us to cough and gag as the dust particles reach our mouths.

"Nice job, Leo!" I groan. "Come on, let's bring this down."

I grab one end and he grabs the other but, while the box is relatively light, Leo is struggling to lift his side of the box. He grunts and grits his teeth but it won't budge.

"Okay, you need to start lifting or something," I say.

"I don't want to get too bulky. You know I want everything to be proportionate," he lies.

"Whatever you say, Leo," I say, "I got this."

I stare at the box focusing on how happy the Davenport family seems to be at the Christmas season. Seeing Adam's eyes light up as we chose a tree, Bree's satisfied smile at Leo's eggnog recipe, even Chase seems to be enjoying the Christmas music on the radio. This all floods into my mind helping me activate my molecular kinesis.

The box begins to glow red as I take hold of it and lift it into the air. I guide it down the attic stairs as Leo follows behind me. I manage to keep control of it until we reach the living room where I gently place it on the ground.

I expect a nosebleed or headache to follow but I feel nothing. I touch my nose just to make sure but find it dry. I can't help but give a little laugh.

"Everything okay?" Leo asks as he opens the box to find stockings and ornaments.

"More than okay," I say not trying hide the surprise in my voice, "Great in fact."

Leo and I continue to rummage through the box finding tangled lights, spare ornament hooks, and some holographic garland.

As I begin to de-tangle the lights, I hear Adam call out from the kitchen.

"Who wants a Christmas cookie?"

I start to feel hunger pangs as we have been decorating nearly all day. My mouth starts to salivate as Leo and I make our way over to Adam. Once we arrive, the giddy smiles we had been sporting vanish as we see the unbaked cookie dough.

"Adam, those aren't even cooked," Leo tells him.

"Oh, no problem." Adam uses his heat vision in the cookies but he overdoes it leaving them in literal flames. "Careful, they may be hot."

I decline suddenly not feeling very hungry. I'd rather have eaten them raw. Adam attempts to blow out the flames as we hear the door slam open.

I quickly turn around, ready to fight if it happens to be an intruder but instead it's Bree looking very irritated. Before I could even ask, she informed us what is bothering her.

"Okay, who covered the entire house in blinking lights? People already think we're weird, we don't have to shine a light on it," she says.

"No, I did that," Adam says, "I want to make sure Santa Claus comes to our house first."

"Adam, we all love Christmas but I think you're going a bit overboard," Leo says.

I hate to agree but they have a point. I don't want to dampen his Christmas spirit because it's obvious how happy the whole season makes him but he did set fire to his Christmas cookies.

Next in the door is Chase. He's wrapped up in Christmas lights hardly staying upright. I realize I hadn't seen him in a few hours and now I know where he's been. I know who is behind this and I turn around to glare at Adam who just managed to put out the fire.

"That, however, is spot on," Bree says, relishing in poor Chase's misery.

I know this is good natured sibling teasing but it still seems a bit much. I want to help but I know they aren't going to listen to my words. I try to focus on the lights binding Chase hoping to activate my probability manipulation to loosen the wires making it easier to escape.

But nothing happens.

The small satisfaction I had felt from being able to use my molecular kinesis successfully earlier is diminished like a fire being put out with water. Maybe there's still work to do.

"Hey! Get back up on the roof. You're ruining my display," Adam orders Chase.

"You're lucky a raccoon chewed me free," he says.

A loud alarm blares throughout the entire house ending any further argument.

"That's an urgent mission alert. We have to get to the lab," Davenport shouts over the alert.

We all begin to hurry to the lab before I realize someone is missing. I turn around in time to see Chase fall on the floor, still wrapped up in lights. Knowing my bionics will be of no help, I grab scissors from the kitchen counter and cut him free. I'd probably feel skittish to be this close to him again after our argument but my mind is focused on the fact that there is an emergency somewhere.

"Thanks," he says pulling the wires from his body.

Unable to think of anything but the alert, I say, "We gotta go."

Once down in the lab, Davenport begins to inform us of the details of the mission.

"The alert is coming from Facility X, my research center in the frozen tundra."

"Hey, hey," Leo interrupts, "I'm the mission specialist. I'll handle this. The alert is dining from Facility X, his research center in the frozen tundra."

Davenport and I both roll our eyes in tandem for this is not the time for silly antics.

"Wait, the tundra's near the North Pole." Adam gasps. "Santa needs our help. You wrap—"he points to Bree—"you tape—" he indicates Chase—"I'll go hang with the elves."

No one even addresses Adam on what he thinks this mission is going to entail because time is of the essence. Instead, Davenport attempts to contact the research base. We barely manage to get through, as a hazy figure pops up on our screen.

"Dr. Evans, are you there?" Davenport asks as the picture comes more into focus.

"Yeah, I'm here," he answers through the static, "Although there's been a major volcanic eruption nearby and we're experiencing aftershocks. I'm afraid if we don't act fast..."

The screen turns back into static having lost connection with the scientist.

Adam, not fully realizing the severity of what happened, says, "Oh, Merry Christmas to you, too, Dr. Evans. Rude."

"Sorry, guys. I know the timings not ideal," Davenport apologizes.

"It's okay, Mr. Davenport. We know what we have to do," Chase says.

"Yep. Let's crack open some egg nog and hit it hard after the New Year," Adam says.

"Dude," I give him a light slap to help him remember his is supposed to be a bionic superhero. "We'll be here waiting for your safe return."

"No, Vi, I don't think you will be," Davenport says.

"What?" I ask, unsure of where he's going with this.

"I need to go with them," he says.

"What?" I repeat, incredulously.

"He said—" Adam begins but I cut him off.

"I heard him. But I'm not ready. I just started not having headaches or nosebleeds while using my bionics, I still have no control of my probability manipulation. I'm just not ready."

All eyes are on me but I can't meet any of their gazes. They are putting too much on my shoulders. I've just gotten used to my bionics, just started to feel that I'm the one in control not them. But now as my heart begins to beat faster, my hands begin to grow warm. I have to clench my fists just to keep them from glowing. If I can barely keep them under wraps when my emotions spike, how can I do anything other than impede the mission?

"I need you to go," Davenport pleads with me. "This mission will fail without you."

"What can I do that they can't, huh? What makes me so special?" I ask, practically shouting.

"Your portal ability," Davenport says.

I look up at him, "What?"

He begins to explain, "The ash cloud is too thick for Adam, Bree, and Chase to drive through, even with bionics and technology it's nearly impossible. I need you to make a portal to the inside of the base."

"I can't make one that far! Especially if I've never seen the place."

"No, you'll drive to the edge of the ash cloud, when it starts to get to dense to see you'll make a portal letting you guys enter the base."

I still hesitate, thinking it over. I want to help my friends as best I can but if I fail then it'll be my fault and my fault alone if harm comes from them. A lot can go wrong in a frozen tundra and a lot can go wrong with me. I can make a portal to the wrong destination, I can make one to another dimension, or worst of all I might not create one at all. Then when we choke on the ashy air, it'll be because I couldn't save my friends.

In a small voice, practically whispering, I say, "What if I fail?"

My hands fly to my face to cover the burning shame and guilt I'm feeling. My stomach is churning as I think over every possibility of my inevitable failure. I feel hands take hold of my forearms and gently pry them from my face but I do not look at who is doing this because I already know the answer.

"I know you can do this," Chase says, "If you think like that you'll never be ready. You can't plan each step sometime you have to take a leap. I've seen you work so hard to control your bionics, don't let it be for nothing. We all believe in you but it means nothing if you don't believe in yourself."

I glance from where Chase is lightly gripping my arms to his intense gaze. It's nice to know that despite our messy argument, he still believes in me; he's still my biggest advocate. It must be for a reason. He says he sees how strong I can be and I owe it to him to prove him right. I can no longer let down the people around me.

"Okay—" I say earning some cheers and some sighs of relief—"get me a picture of somewhere I can create the portal to. Someplace big and open like a parking garage. And I'll need a mission suit."

Chase finally lets go but I wish he wouldn't. Once he does, I begin to feel anxious of what's being asked of me. I try to push all thoughts of failure aside and only focus on what is needed of me now. I must change and grab supplies.

"I knew you wouldn't let us down," Chase says but it seems to more to me than to everyone in the room.

"I've already made a suit designed specifically for you. You've been ready for a long time. You can do this," Davenport says.

After I had changed and begin to gather supplies I'm told I will need in the upcoming mission, I'm approached be Bree.

"Hey, how're you feeling?" she asks.

I attempt to deflect with a small laugh, "Like my stomach is going to explode any second." I take a second to compose myself, "I'm sorry I wish I could be a little stronger."

"Are you kidding? I still feel like that. Even now. You never get over that nervous feeling before a mission," Bree says.

"How do you deal with it?" I ask wanting this feeling to go away.

"I use that nervous energy," she explains, "I take the adrenaline and use it against the bad guys."

"That's not a bad idea."

"Don't worry, we will not let anything bad happen to you." She places a comforting hand on my shoulder.

I glance over at Chase who is packing his own stuff. I respond, unconvinced, "Yeah."

"None of us," she says.

Adam approaches us, his duffel bag hanging on his shoulder, "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be," I reply.

We enter the lab once again to hear Leo complaining about the mission.

"I can't believe you have to go on a mission on Christmas Eve. Just to be clear, I don't have to wait for them to open my presents, right?"

"Well, Merry Christmas to you too, Leo," I say wondering if I was ever that bad when Adam, Bree, and Chase would leave for their missions.

"Well, I'm not going to let this ruin my Christmas spirit. So, I'll be wearing my Santa hat." Adam removes his hat from his bag and places it on his head.

"Really, Adam? A Santa hat with a mission suit," Chase asks, pointing out the absurdity of the situation.

"Hey, if the ladies at the bank can wear them at work so can I," Adam says.

"I can't re-establish contact with Dr. Evans. The volcano must have knocked out satellite communications. The giant ash cloud has plunged the area into total darkness. There is no way rescue teams will be able to get through," Davenport explains.

"Well, that means that Dr. Evans is trapped," Bree says.

"Eh, he's better off. The airports are packed this time of year," Adam says.

Davenport continues, "There's an automated transport ready to take you up there but without satellite communications, Leo and I won't be on the comm set."

"Ah, well, it will be tough navigating through a mission without the constant sound of Leo chomping on carrot sticks," Chase quips.

"Hey, know I'm a stress eater!" Leo shouts already munching on a carrot.

We depart and I can't help but take one last glance behind me wishing there was another way.

I whisper to myself, "Here goes nothing."

During the entire trip to Facility X, I study the picture of the parking garage that Davenport supplied me with. I study how high the ceiling is, where concrete columns are located, and where other vehicles are parked. I don't want to accidentally create the portal from the ceiling thus seriously injuring anyone. I also do not want to crash into a column hurting anyone. But most of all I do not want to crash into a vehicle which will not only make Davenport upset but hurt everyone.

I'm not doing a good job of hiding how nervous I am at the prospect and the worried glances of my friends are not helping on the slightest. I know what I must do and I'm willing to try but is that enough to make sure my friends make it out unscathed.

"Vi," Bree says, "You need to relax. You
will get this but if you overthink it—"

She doesn't finish her thought.

I finally pry my eyes from the picture and I can see that while everyone is anxious, they still trust me.

"Maybe you have a point," I say folding the picture and putting it away, "Perhaps I need to live more in the moment."

"Yeah, just do what I do and don't think," Adam says.

I find that advice both a tad disturbing and a tad helpful. I've managed to call on my bionics when the moment needed it most. I was able to catch an airborne Chase in a moment's notice, use my force fields to protect my friends, and even create portals back to the correct universe. Hopefully this will be just like all those times before.


"Well now's the time to do it. We're approaching the edge of the ash cloud," Chase says after scanning the outside world.

"Ready?" Bree asks.

Instead of deflecting, I accept, "Yes."

I look out through the windshield where the ash is beginning to coat the glass so that we can't see out of it. I take a deep breath and focus. I keep in mind the high ceiling, the columns, the vehicles but remain focused on one place I know is safe to land.

I hold out my hand as it begins to glow red as I picture what I hope tomorrow is. I hope we all make it out uninjured. I hope we all make it home. I hope to see the Christmas lights blink alongside those I care about most while we sip hot chocolate. I hope I get to see the glee on the faces of my friends as I gift presents to them as they have done for me.

The portal begins small, a few feet ahead. As I continue these thoughts, it grows bigger and brighter, enough to make Adam, Bree, and Chase shield their eyes. I concentrate harder until it becomes large enough to fit our vehicle through. I don't let up until we emerge safely in the parking garage where we manage to miss all of the obstacles.

Once inside, I release my focus and the portal closes within a matter of seconds. I begin to pant heavily, not realizing I had been holding my breath the entire time.

"You did it!" Adam celebrates.

"We made it!" Bree shouts, thrusting open the doors.

"Are you okay?" Chase is the only one who checks on me.

I nod and, when I have enough breath in my body, I respond, "Yeah. Just forgot to breathe the whole time. I'm fine."

"Good because we still have work to do." He gestures for everyone to head upstairs.

As I pass him, I hear him whisper just for me, "I knew you could do it. I'm proud of you."

My face grows warm and I let the feeling wash over me.

When we enter the lab, we find the scientist we are trying to rescue wearing a Viking helmet with some wires connected to the horns.

"Oh good, you made it," he remarks.

"Uh, did we really risk our lives to save a guy in a Viking helmet?" Bree asks.

He stands up and addresses her, "Oh this? This is my TV antenna. When the ask cloud clears I get great reception. All two Eskimo channels."

Chase, all business, asks, "Is everything okay?"

"Well," he begins explaining, "the volcano really shook things up. Communications are down, and the pizza guy is four years late. But other than that, I'm good."

Bree sarcastically laughs, "Great, another genius with bad jokes. Merry Christmas to me."

"Well then let's get this over with so we can enjoy some hot chocolate," I say to her.

She smiles and replies, "Only if we overstuff it's with marshmallows."

"Is there any other way?"

Chase gives us a look and I'm filled with guilt as we should be focusing on the mission at hand.

Dr. Evans is the next one to speak, "Wow, I can't believe I'm finally getting to meet the bionic super-humans I've heard so much about."

"Wh-you know our secret?" Adam says, "Oh, great, we came to save him and now we have to destroy him. Chase, you grab his legs. I'll get the bucket." He turns to leave as if to go find what he needs.

Bree manages to stop him from retrieving a bucket. What he needs it for I can't imagine.

"Stop," she orders, "He's Mr. Davenport's chief scientist. He knows everything about us."

"That's right," he says, "Even when it came figuring out how to remove your bionic chip." He gestures to me.

"Well you did a great job," I say with every ounce of sarcasm I can muster.

"Well, let me show you around." He grabs us and begins spinning us in one giant circle. "This is my lab-slash-bedroom-slash-kitchen-slash-that's pretty much it."

"Wait. You live here all alone? With no brothers? Does this place have a guest house?" Bree questions.

"Hey, there's also no me," I say, giving a fake pout.

"This is it. And I'm sorry about the mess. Things have really gone downhill since my hologram wife left me." He laughs. "I'm kidding! We actually get along great. Although she's a hologram, she's not really there for me," he says, giving us a tad more information than we would've wanted.

Adam draws our attention across the room where he is playing with some equipment in the lab. "Hey, guys, look. A giant crystal ball. I'm gonna ask it a question. When will Chase start to look like a man?" He continuously runs his hands all over it.

Dr. Evans takes the helmet before addressing Adam, "Uh, careful. Careful! It's a gamma-sphere. It's a containment vessel for the most powerful energy known to man; gamma rays."

He gently guides Adam away from the potentially dangerous equipment.

"If we could harness these, we could solve the world's energy problems," he says, "Davenport and I have been working on this for years."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," Chase says, stopping Dr. Evans from continuing, "I was trying to develop a gamma sphere for Mr. Davenport."

"Well, I guess I beat you to it, little guy. But don't feel bad, nobody's perfect. In fact, if they gave out medals for trying, you would have a gold," Dr. Evans says clearly treating as if he were no older than five.

"Are you patronizing me?" Chase asks.

"It's patronizing." Dr. Evans pronounces the word different thus correcting Chase. "And yes."

"You do realize I'm the smartest person on the planet?" Chase says.

"And every time you have to say it diminishes it just a little bit."

"Are you watching this?" Adam asks Bree and I.

She responds, "Oh, I can't look away."

I, however, feel bad about the situation. I know Chase. I know he comes off egotistical because he talks himself up so much. But I know it's because he feels insecure on the team, especially as leader. He overvalues his smarts because he feel as if that is the only thing he can really contribute to missions. I wish I could comfort him like I used to before but now I can't because I chose to be selfish.

Instead I do not egg on Adam and Bree's teasing which eventually stops it.

Dr. Evans continues with his speech not knowing or caring about the million thoughts that passed through me in a matter of seconds.

"Luckily the sphere wasn't damaged during the eruption. Even the slightest crack could have had catastrophic consequences."

"Like what?" I ask genuinely curious as to what is at stake here.

"The gamma rays would have blown a hole in the atmosphere and wiped out twenty percent of the population," he explains.

Bree let's loose a sarcastic chuckle, "Well, that is Davenport Industries. Risking the fate of mankind since 1992."

"Come on, Dr. Evans, we gotta get you out of here," Chase says, ready to leave.

"Whoa, I can't leave until I've stabilized a few things. If you'll all help me this won't take very long," Dr. Evans says.

"Oh! Oh, it won't take long. Because I'm smart," Chase says, defending himself.

"You said it again." Dr. Evans motions the distance between his index finger and thumb shrinking.

This elicits little laughs from Adam and Bree but I shoot them a look and it shuts them up.

When it comes to fixing up the lab I stick with mainly heavy labor. I lift boxes, mostly using my molecular kinesis, and secure them away to protect them should an aftershock occurs.

I don't even bother trying to help Bree, Chase, and Dr. Evans with all the technological and electrical stuff that needs to be stabilized. I know I'll only get in the way because I know nothing about it. It's better that I just stick here with Adam and do the grunt work because that's all I will ever be good for.

Dr. Evans addresses us once all the work is finished, "Oh, thanks for lending a hand, guys."

"No problem, glad we could help. Because you needed it. Yep, brilliant scientist rescued by a fifteen year old. You, sir, are welcome," Chase says bolstering his sense of worth.

"I know I haven't been around people for a while. But he is really annoying," Dr. Evans says mostly to Adam, Bree, and I.

"Yeah. It's the most powerful of his abilities," Bree says.

I just want to leave so that all the teasing could cease but before I can voice my opinion, there's a loud cracking sound.

"What's that noise?" Bree asks.

"Oh," Adam answers, "remember that questionable meatball sandwich I had at the gas station? Question's been answered."

"No, that sounded like an—" Chase begins but finishes his thought by speaking in unison with Dr. Evans.


"Brace yourselves," Dr. Evans warns.

Before I can make a move to get under a table or in a doorway, the ground's shaking causes me to stumble. I land on my thigh and attempt to get up. I hear an alarm go off. Halfway off the floor, I feel someone grip my arm and pull me to the doorway. They push me into the frame and use their body to shield me.

I know in an instant it was Chase.

While it does warm my heart that he still cares enough for me to keep me safe, it does remind me of how incompetent and inadequate I am.

Maybe I wasn't ready for a mission after all.

When the tremors stop, Adam is the first one to speak.

"Okay, that was not the meatballs."

"Uh, Dr. Evans?" Chase says, pulling away from me.

Despite him directly referring to said individual, we all turn our gazes to where his attention lies.

"Oh no! There's a crack in the gamma sphere," Dr. Evans points out.

The gamma sphere, the volatile, deadly, and dangerous gamma sphere, was damaged during the aftershock.

"Oh, man! That looks dangerous," Adam says, "Well, we're gonna bounce. Merry Christmas!" He attempts to make a break for it by running toward the damaged equipment but is stopped by Bree.

"Whoa, don't get too close," Dr. Evans warns, "If that crack opens up, those gamma rays will mix with the ash cloud and say goodbye Northern Hemisphere."

"Can we patch the crack?" Chase asks.

"Patch the crack? Billion dollar technology, unstable energy source, sure let's stick a little chewing gum on there and see if that works," Dr. Evans quips.

Chase quips right back, "Starting to see why the hologram wife left."

"Hey, how about I shoot my heat vision at it?" Adam asks oblivious to a solution as always.

"How would that help?" Bree asks.

"I don't know, it's what I do," Adam replies.

"Even I know not to do that," I say.

Chase meets my gaze and I don't need any bionic abilities to know he caught my meaning; my depleting self confidence.

I attempt to deflect, "And I'm still new to this whole mission thing."

"Whoa," Dr. Evans exclaims, "the more oxygen that gets in that crack, the worse it's gonna get."

"Wait, maybe I can temporarily contain it with my force field," Chase says.

"Great! And I'll come up with a more permanent solution," Dr. Evans says already making his way to his computer.

"Well, uh, you seem busy, so I'm gonna watch TV. What do you recommend Eskimo One or  Two?" Adam asks putting the Viking helmet on his head.

I don't want to stand here and watch others help save the world. I won't be able to help Dr. Evans to find a way to protect everyone from the gamma rays. My own knowledge, or lack thereof, will get in the way. Just like before I have to do the manual labor, the only way I can find any semblance of being useful.

I see Chase begin to activate his bionics so I stop him.


Chase stops, "What?"

"Let me."

"What's the difference?"

"The difference is that I know literally nothing about gamma rays or how to stop them from destroying the world but you do," I tell him, "Let me do the grunt work while you help Dr. Evans find a solution."

"Vi—" he begins.

I know where he's going with this so I interrupt him by activating my own forcefield. It doesn't flow as easily out of me like my molecular kinesis and my portal manipulation did earlier in the day. It's taxing and my head is already starting to feel heavy. I've been using my bionics more than usual and I still haven't completely built up my stamina.

Maybe I wasn't ready for this mission after all.

He hesitates and I know he's thinking over if he should let me do this. I'm sure some of the discomfort from using my bionics is showing on my face but still I urge him to leave.

"I got this. It's okay. Go."

He finally does, fervently searching for answers on how to find the solution. He knows I can't do this forever, that I'm weak. I'm not sure how long I can hold this forcefield.

At first it's not so bad. It's like holding your arms straight out not moving them but still using your muscles. Then, eventually, it starts to burn. You think you can tough it out because it's needed or it makes you stronger. Then it gets agonizing and you want to stop but you can't for whatever reason matters in the moment. My reason to keep going is to prove to Adam, Bree, and Chase that I belong here and I deserve the bionics I've been given. I do not want to always be tripping over my feet or obsessing over every detail before even thinking of using my abilities.

It's been a several minutes later when my head starts to throb. I begin to stress, worrying I won't be able to pull this off. I push my pain down and hide any trace of it from my face. I can't distract Chase who keeps glancing over at me as he researches ways to defeat the gamma rays.

Maybe I shouldn't have come on this mission after all.

Just when I think it can't get any worse, the gamma rays begin to destroy my forcefield.

"The gamma rays are melting a hole in my force field. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to contain it," I say hiding any evidence of pain from my voice.

I try to breathe evenly to keep my voice steady.

"Uh, you have to, I don't have a fix yet," Dr. Evans says not looking up from his computer.

Chase, however, looks up and I can tell he sees right through me. He knows how agonizing this is.

"What, so when these gamma rays hit, we're pretty much goners?" Bree asks not sure what's so dangerous about the rays.

"Not unless you're Bruce Banner," I joke trying to maintain the already failing illusion.

"Of if you're Adam because his head is full of lead," Chase jokes hoping it'll alleviate some pain.

It doesn't but I don't let him know that.

Dr. Evans jumps up from his computer in euphoria, "Yes! Lead!"

"Hey, Dr. Smarty, we just met. You don't have that privilege yet," Adam tells him.

"No, lead can contain the gamma rays," Chase says.

"Exactly!" Dr. Evans shouts, "And Davenport made this building out of lead to keep everybody from spying on his secret technology. All we have to do is rig enough explosives to implode on the gamma sphere."

"Great idea!" Bree exclaims.

"Blowing stuff up on Christmas! It is the most wonderful time of the year," Adam says.

They quickly get to work rigging the lab with enough explosives to safely bury it. Seconds tick by so excruciatingly slow. My body is so exhausted and it is begging for me to just let go but I can't. I need to prove why I'm here, why Davenport trusted me to come. I wish I could hear Leo crunching on carrots because it would give me something to hold onto. I don't so I push myself further. My face feels wet and I know my nose has started to bleed.

I distract myself from my exhaustion by listening to Adam's caroling.

"Deck the hall with large explosives. Boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom!"

"Okay! Charges are set. So now all we have to do is light this fuse to start the implosion." Bree shows off the wicks that are connected to all the bombs.

I can feel Chase's gaze on me, I know he sees the blood.

"We'll only have fifteen seconds to get out of the blast zone once the fuse is lit," he says.

"Oof. Think we'll make it out on time?" Adam asks.

Bree flips her hair, "I know I will."

"You better take me with you," I attempt to joke but I can no longer hide the pain from my voice.

It's then that I know she's noticed how I'm struggling to maintain the forcefield. I can see the worry in her eyes when I glance back at her. I give her a little nod hoping to convey that I'm okay but she sees right through it.

"Okay, Adam, light the fuse," she says wanting to give me release.

"Right," Adam says wanting the same.

"Let's go!" Chase orders.

I finally let go. My body feels like lead, it's so heavy it causes me to drop to my knees. I'm panting from the extent of what I did. The gamma rays begin to escape the sphere but I cannot urge my body to move. I want to fall to the floor and let the lab bury me.

"Let's go!" he repeats.

I hear Chase's voice as he waits behind for me. Instead of waiting for the explosion to collapse the lab on me, I prove that I'm deserving to be here.

I hold out my hand, asking for Chase's help.

The reason I deserve to come to this mission, and mission's afterward isn't because I'm all powerful and great at everything I do. I don't need to be because I'm part of a team. Sometimes that includes some manual work and other times it does not. They know they can rely on me and I know I can rely on them.

It is not weakness to ask for help.

He takes my hand and assists me to my feet. He throws my arm over his shoulder and we dash for the exit.

We make it to the others when the explosion goes off knocking us all to our feet. My ears ring briefly and the world goes out of focus.

After a few moments I'm able to register more than the ringing, Bree's voice.

"Vi, are you okay? Can you hear me?"

"I'm alright," I croak out managing your stand on my own now.

My bionic infrastructure protected me from the most damage and is already starting to heal me.

"Did it work? I still can't see anything," Dr. Evans.

I'm not sure when or why or how he got blinded but I don't question it. I assume once again my bionics protected me from any damage from the few rays that escaped before I did.

"Don't worry, it'll wear off," Chase says. "We gotta get you out of here." He glances from me to Adam. "Gf Where'd we park the transport again?"

"In the garage under Facility X," Adam says.

We all look back and groan because it is likely buried under pounds and pounds of rubble and probably will never been seen again.

I don't even offer to create a portal back. I'm still way to weak to use my bionics at least for the time being. I have to lean on my friends at least for now and that's okay. I trust Bree's super speed will get us home now that the ash cloud has mostly evaporated.

"Alright, Dr. Evans, hop on, you're first," she sighs.

Dr. Evans feels around for her but mistakes Chase for Bree.

"Ready when you are, missy." He attempts to climb on his back

"What—no—get—get off me!" Chase grunts shaking him off.

"She's a feisty little thing, isn't she?" he whispers to me.

"She's also over there," I say guiding him to her.

She drops him off first at a predetermined safe point at another unrelated Davenport lab. He seems to have a lot of those.

She returns for us but can only take one of us because she has to go over the ocean. She decides to take me first to get me out of the cold. While she grabs the others, Adam followed by Chase, I tend to my bleeding nose. The headache is fuller now where I can stomach it without painkillers so I don't bother. But we all wait for everyone to return from the tundra before going to see Leo, Tasha, and Davenport to finally enjoy Christmas.

"Oh! You're back!" Tasha exclaims having seen us first.

We all take turns giving out hugs to every individual happy to finally begin celebrating.

"It's so good to see you guys! Merry Christmas!" Leo remarks as he gives out the last hug.

"Merry Christmas. So, how'd the mission go?" Davenport probes.

Unable to think of a better answer, Chase answers a simple, "Yes."

"Well, how's my research facility?" Davenport questions further.

"You wouldn't even recognize it," Adam replies knowing if he finds out we destroyed Christmas would be ruined.

Best leave that detail for tomorrow and it's not like he's wrong.

"Hey, why're we down here when the presents are upstairs?" Adam asks.

We all begin to hurry upstairs, not even bothering to change out of our mission suits to do so. Before we can, however, Davenport stops us.

"Hey, wait. Wait! Not so fast, um, Principal Perry is upstairs. I repeat, Perry is in the house.," Leo warns.

Not wanting to deal with Perry in any way shape or form we all start making excuses to not leave the lab. The excuses all center around being tired which isn't wrong. Though my bionics have already lessened the blow of my pain I still have a dull ache.

"Freeze!" Tasha orders, "Look, the poor woman is all alone and it's Christmas. Hey, at least we're all together. So, let's make the best of it, right?"

While it warms my heart to see Tasha be so nice and loving to one of the most horrible people alive, I am in the mood to deal with her. I'm sure everyone else agrees.

"Absolutely not! Enough is enough. We are going to march up there right now and tell this woman, vamoose lady! This is our Christmas," Davenport says.

Everyone agrees, especially Leo. I don't want to imagine what that woman has put them through. I guess they've been dealing with their own kind of hardships while we struggled with our own.

We once again begin to head up but this time it is Chase who stops us.

"Wait! She can't see us in our mission suits."

"Well, hurry up and change. I'm not telling her without backup," Davenport says.

Adam, Bree, Chase, and I all change as fast as we can. I'm the last one to emerge wearing regular clothes since I don't have a capsule I can use to quickly change my clothes. While I still shake at the thought of sleeping in one, I can't help but admit it has its advantages.

All of us head upstairs with no game plan really in mind. Adam, Bree, Chase, and I are too tired from our mission while Davenport, Leo, and Tasha were drained from being around Perry's shenanigans for so long.

Davenport is the first to make a move but is stopped short, "Principal Perry, we—uh, smell food."

She sets the table as the smell of a roasted bird, mashed potatoes, and green beans waft toward us. My tired body begs for sustenance and it wouldn't mind a large helping of whatever Perry cooked; even if it's poisoned.

"What're you doing?" Leo asks.

"What's it look like? I'm making dinner," she replies.

Adam, not catching on immediately like always, demands, "We had enough of this. Get out!"

We give him a light tap to show him to read the room and how we don't want to kick her out because she might take this delicious smelling food with her.

"Principal Perry, this is amazing," Tasha compliments.

"Well, I didn't see you cooking anything," she says.

"Wow, I can't believe you actually did something nice," Bree says.

"It's a Christmas miracle," Leo quips.

"Ah, it's nothing," Perry says, "I figured I crashed your holiday, it's the least I could do."

Tasha looks into the oven to see what's cooking there, "Oh, look. How fancy! She made a Christmas goose."

"It's actually a swan from the pond across the street," Perry explains, "You know you could walk right up to them."

I would feel a little guilty about eating such a beautiful creature but swans are jerks so I don't mind digging in.

I am, however, put off when I hear a random meow from a cat I can't see.

"Please, tell me that's not coming from the oven," Davenport begs.

"I got it. The Christmas tree is one big scratching post for those cats," Perry explains.

The meow is heard again as she approaches the tree I assume to wrestle the cat from the tree before it's destroyed.

"Come on, Dingle. Come on, boy. Oh, he's usually very, very good," Perry continues to fight with the cat. "Come on, Dingle! Come on. He's getting really feisty now. Sorry about this. We're guests, Dingle, we're guests! Come on, Dingle! Come on! Get out of here."

As Perry desperately tries to rid the tree of her cat, she manages to crush several gifts beneath her feet, break some ornaments, and she even tackles our tree.

I would be upset at the sight but I know it doesn't matter. Not only because the gifts I've purchased for everyone are stashed in my room and therefore unharmed but because I have my family and that's what matters today.

Once the chaos has ended, when Perry putting Dingle in a pet crate to "think about what he's done" do we eat.

Perry waits on us hand and foot bringing us bread to start, giving us beverages and refilling them throughout the meal, and asking us how everything is. I have to admit, it's quite good.

"Principal Perry, thank you again for this meal," Davenport says.

"Oh, you're welcome." She hands him a piece of paper. "I'll take this whenever you're ready."

"What's this?"

"Uh, your bill."

Tasha takes it and gives it the once over, "I see you included tax, tip, and the cost of a new tire."

"Sorry, gratuity is included for parties of six or more. I have no say in that," she explains.

I don't even question it, at least I got good food and good company.

"You're actually gonna change us for dinner?" Davenport asks.

"Well, I didn't make this meal with love. I made it with skill, sweat, and whatever came off the tip of my pinky when I was chopping the veggies," she says brandishing her bandaged finger.

I quickly drop my fork and try not to gag. I suck down my entire glass of juice hoping it'll wash away any trace of Perry I might've ingested.

Not long after that horrific ordeal, Perry finally leaves and we get to the gift giving.

We salvage as many gifts as we can. Most managed to survive being crushed by Perry during the cat chase debacle. Only a couple had to be tossed including some crystalline glassware Davenport got for Tasha. Before the glass hits the garbage, he orders a new set to be delivered tomorrow which I find extremely sweet.

As the Davenports finish up cleaning up the mess Perry left behind, I run upstairs to grab the still intact presents I bought for everyone. When I return, everyone has passed out hot cocoa with extra marshmallows. I find an extra cup situated on the coffee table by the couch. I sit down beside it as everyone begins passing out gifts.

Tasha truly loves the new leather handbag I got her. She was ogling it the few times we went to the mall together for some girl bonding. Davenport is grateful for gifting him a huge jar of his favorite hair gel considering he was running low but found it hard to buy more since he is in charge of four bionic teens and a multi billion company. While Leo loved the video game I got him, which was prompted by Davenport showing me the new console he bought, turns out Tasha gave it to Perry on accident. Once again, Davenport immediately buys him a new one to be delivered tomorrow. Bree is over the moon at the sight of the glitter holographic nail polish I got her. I'm just happy she didn't faint like she did when I first told her about the concept. Adam enjoyed his hoodie that I gave him or I assume he did because he almost immediately began gnawing on one of the strings.

Throughout the whole gift-giving process I hesitate giving Chase his Christmas gift. I want to give it to him during a moment alone but a moment alone is impossible to find on Christmas. I keep my eyes peeled for an opening while I open one of my gifts.

The tag says it is from Bree. It isn't a big or extravagant box which I am fine with. However, I do appreciate the holographic bow on top. I can feel her piercing gaze as I begin to unwrap it. Inside the paper and the box lies a picture frame that much I can tell because it is wrapped in paper to keep the glass from scratching. I rip away the layer and my eyes instantly begin to tear.

The picture is from that day in the bowling alley. I remember the ripped picture of Chase and myself that still resides in my bedside table. I couldn't fix it no matter how I tried. While I will always love that picture since it was taken around the time Chase and I began dating.

But this one is better. The reason it is better is because it includes all of us. Adam, Bree, Chase, Leo, and I. It was taken after the game had concluded; Leo still looks a tad upset that he lost against three people who have literally never played before. Adam stands in the middle with his arms around everyone's shoulders. Bree is at his right holding onto Leo'd shirt so he doesn't silk in the corner. Chase is on Adam's left and I am snuggled into his side. It is perfection because I don't think I have a picture with all of us. I have pictures of Chase and myself or Adam, Leo and me as well as plenty of selfies with Bree but none of all of us together.

"Do you like it?" she asks after a long pause as I stare at it.

"It May be the best gift anyone has ever gotten me," I say.

I gently place the frame down as to not break it. I lean in and give her a giant hug hoping to convey how thankful I am for such a thoughtful gift.

As I break away, I see my chance to steal away with Chase to give him his gift. He goes to the kitchen to grab a refill of cocoa.

As he pours, I approach him, box in hand.

"Hey," he greets, "Everything okay?"

A lump forms in my throat which is strange because I don't remember the last time I was truly nervous to speak to Chase.

"Can I talk to you? Alone?"

He nods so I discreetly steer him away from prying eyes not wanting to share this moment with anyone else. I don't want to have to explain why I am giving him this present, I don't want to explain to anyone but him.

"Vi, everything alright?" he reiterates.

I try to speak through my own nervousness, "Yeah—um—I just—Merry Christmas."

I hand him the box wrapped in blue wrapping paper and covering little snowmen.

A genuine smile passes over his face as he takes it, "Thanks."

"Open it."

He carefully picks away at the tape as to not ruin the paper, something I've noticed he did with all his presents which annoyed Adam and Leo to no end. I think he secretly liked it, keeping them in suspense. A way to get back at all the teasing he receives. I find it adorable how he doesn't want to ruin the pretty paper.

However, in this moment it makes my heart beat faster and faster as I worry over how he will react.

Once the paper falls away, he opens the box to reveal new high tops.

"These are amazing!" he exclaims, "Vi, how did you get these? They sold out in less than a minute, I wanted to order them but I was on a mission."

A wave of relief washes over me at his reaction but some worry resides as I explain, "Well you were talking about them all that week and you were so upset when you had to go on that mission that I thought they'd make a great Christmas gift."

"I'm surprised you bought them," he says without thinking, "I mean—"

"Yeah I know."

The high tops were released right around when I had acquired my bionics. I can tell he's trying to figure out exactly when I had purchased them. Was it before Douglas and our breakup or after everything fell apart? It's such a messy timeline that I know he's not sure which side it falls on. I let him think whatever he wants to think but I know when I bought them.

It was after our breakup.

Despite my horror at what had been done to me and what I had forced myself to do, I still loved him. I never stopped so when I saw how upset he was that he couldn't buy these shoes, I had to intervene. I know he is still irritated at me after our fight especially since we never properly made up afterward. I don't want to make it worse by divulging any feelings in this moment. We're on speaking terms now I don't want to ruin that.

"Thank you," he says.

I shrug, "It's Christmas."

I turn to leave and head back to the others still on the couch but he stops me.

"Don't you want your Christmas gift?" he asks.

"I didn't think you got me one."

"Of course I did. I ordered it before—well—but I still want you to have it."

He takes a small package from his pocket. It's small enough to fit in the palm of my hand. I hold it tentatively as if it were extremely fragile.

"Go ahead."

I open the box to find a silver necklace inside. It's a heart shaped pendant attached to the braided chain. In the center of the pendant, is a red gem.

My heart leaps at this. I am both touched by the gift but it also hurts to view it. Chase bought it before we broke up. It shows me what he truly thought of me when we were still a couple. It reminds me of what I had to give up and what I want so desperately to earn back. I'm already trying to earn it back.

But he still gave it to me. He has already started to forgive me and it shows in this moment. While it hurts to see what I threw away it also reminds me of what I'm going to try so hard to earn back.

Only then will I wear it.

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