A Dragon's Heart (Book Three...

By iluvdaisychain

1.2M 75.6K 20.7K

Complete. Original Title - A Pirate's Kiss: Ressurection (The third instalment of the A Pirate's Kiss Trilogy... More

Authors Note
Prologue | Secrets Revealed
Chapter 1 | The Burning Ship
Chapter 2 | What Zalas Decided
Chapter 3 | (P.1) Something Brewing
Chapter 3 | (P.2) Obsidian
Chapter 4 | Loss(t)
Chapter 5 | The War
Chapter 6 | The Dragon Returns
Chapter 7 | (P.1) Desperation
Chapter 7 | (P.2) Heartbeat
Chapter 8 | At Last
Chapter 9 | Acceptance
Chapter 10 | Beast
Chapter 11 | Monstrous
Chapter 12 | Bad Feelings
Chapter 13 | Breathe in the Rain
Chapter 14 | Destination
Chapter 15 | Brothers
Chapter 16 | Heartache
Chapter 17 | Clash
Chapter 18 | Touching The Surface
Chapter 19 | Prelude to Battle
Chapter 20 | Pride and Respect
Chapter 21 | Once I Could Breathe Again
Chapter 22 | Feelings of the Heart and Jealous Tantrums
Chapter 23 | Moments in Time
Chapter 24 | An Unwelcome Face
Chapter 25 | A Mysterious Night
The Prelude to Chapter 26
Chapter 26 | Beginning to Move
Chapter 27 | Intentions
Chapter 28 | Internal Struggle
Chapter 29 | Obsidian
Chapter 30 | Selfish
Chapter 31 | Stolen
Chapter 32 | Unwilling
Chapter 33 | The Truth Zalas Told
Chapter 34 | Unravelling
Chapter 36 | Past and Present
Chapter 37 | Into the Void
Extra | April 2020
Chapter 38 | Time
Chapter 39 | Resurrection
Chapter 40 | D(evil)
Chapter 41 | The Nameless Boy
Chapter 42 | Grief and Bloodlust
Chapter 43 | Bittersweet
Chapter 44| (Un)alike
Chapter 45 | Vanguard
Chapter 46 | What I Must Do
Chapter 47 | A Matter of Pride
Chapter 48 | Full Circle
Chapter 49 | Past and Present
Chapter 50 | The Final Truth
Chapter 51 | Monarch
(Exciting) Announcement
Chapter 52 | Daybreak
Chapter 53 | Evolution
Chapter 54 | (Un)contained
Chapter 55 | Only You
Crimson King Synopsis & Prologue
Author's Note
Extras (Fan Requests) | One
Extras (Fan Requests) | Two
Extras (Fan Requests) | Three
Extras (Fan Requests) | Four

Chapter 35 | The Pirate King

9.1K 451 203
By iluvdaisychain

Just a quick note to say the Authors Note is at the end of the Chapter!
I hope you guys enjoy,
Love Daisy x


Chapter 35 | The Pirate King


'Can you remember who you were,
before the world told you who you should be?'

- k.w.



He woke slowly, his eyes heavy with unnatural sleep. Slowly blinking, the person in the chair opposite wavered into his view, their form shifting like the dancing flames in the fireplace. He rubbed his eyes and looked again. This time he could see clearly. His brother had been looking down before; engrossed in a book it seemed, but now he looked up to meet Nathaniel's gaze, his eyes blank and unassuming.

"You're awake."

Nate swallowed and rubbed a hand over his face. He realised his other hand was still loosely clasped around an almost empty cup of tea, the ceramic cold against his skin. He laid it down on the side table where it found its nook in the saucer with a gentle clink.

"Did you drug me?"

Tobias's face expression was unapologetic. "Aranel didn't want you over-hearing anything. Sorry."

Nathaniel thought he didn't seem very sorry at all. He sighed. "I don't understand why you do what she tells you to." The statement slipped out from his lips before he had a chance to hold it back and he tensed, ready for that childish anger that seemed to appear whenever Tobias was questioned about his choices.

However, Tobias merely laid his book down over one knee, thumb still inserted between the pages and crossed his legs. The foot that hung off the ground swivelled in a leisurely circle. The elbow of his unoccupied arm lifted to rest on the arm of the chair, his hand folding to accommodate his cheek as he rested, his head leaning to the side. Nathaniel felt that he was being assessed.

"Aranel and I have an agreement ... of sorts," came the surprisingly lazy reply, "that and it's a way to pass the time."

"A way to pass the time?" Nathaniel whispered incredulously, "What part of this is a way to pass the time?"

Tobias's eyes narrowed, "I'm not sure I understand what you mean."

Nathaniel met his brother's eyes. This person sitting across from him was such a mystery. This person with his scars that ran more than just skin deep. This person that seemed obsessed with the idea of his family, yet also had no interest at all. This person with his hidden intentions, secret past, and unpredictable emotions. What was he to do with him?

"Leave here with me." Nathaniel said suddenly. His gaze, that had become vacant as he was filled with thought, suddenly snapped back to Tobias's with burning intent. "We don't have to stay here anymore. You got what you wanted, you found me. Now we can leave."

He could see that loss of interest in his brother's eyes already, the subtle closing off of his face. Determined not to lose this time, he reached across the space that divided them and snagged one of Tobias's hands.

The physical contact seemed to startle him and Tobias jolted in his seat, making to pull his hand away.

"What are you doing, let go-"

Nathaniel gripped him tighter, "No, I won't."

"Let go-"

"Circe is looking for you Tobias," Nathaniel squeezed his brothers' thin fingers, his voice urgent, "she is looking for us. You don't understand – there is no need for you to be trapped here. You don't need Aranel if you have us. You don't need to stay here-"

"I can't leave." Tobias's voice was sharp, his hand limp in Nate's grasp. Nathaniel loosened his own grip in response and in a flash the hand he held was retracted, cradled against Tobias's chest tightly as though it had been burnt. "It's you who doesn't understand," his brother continued bitterly, "I cannot leave here."

"Then help me understand," Nathaniel pleaded softly, his eyes imploring. "I am here in front of you. I am not asking you to let me leave. I want you to come with me. Help me understand why you can't let that happen."

Tobias gazed at him expressionlessly, his eyes staring off to the side slightly as Nathaniel spoke. His lips moved silently, as though he was speaking to someone, or perhaps repeating Nathaniel's words back at him. There was a moment of strained silence before abruptly, as though commanded by an invisible string, Tobias stood upright, his book toppling carelessly to the floor.

"Very well. Follow me."

Nathaniel's eyes followed his brother's back as Tobias made for the door that led to the outside, and a second later his body followed too.

No lock was unlatched before the door was swung open and a gust of salt laden air swept into the room, carrying the lightest spray of water that settled damply on Nathaniel's face.

Tobias glanced at him, holding the door open firmly. "You first," he said dully.

Swallowing lightly, Nathaniel stepped through the door. There was a gentle click as the door shut behind them and then Tobias was at his side once more, staring out into the darkness.
It did not take long for Nathaniel's eyes to adjust, the lighting in the room had been dim and although they were shadowed between two gigantic rocks, Nathaniel could still see the contrast of a slightly lighter grey sky from the gap at the top and the exits on either side. It was almost like a cave, this strange rock formation, but there was a deep trench running down the middle from which the ocean hissed and writhed, lapping at the edges of the flat plateau where they stood, constantly threatening to overflow.

Nathaniel thought he had never seen a place so desolate and yet again he could not believe that this was where his brother had spent his life. He cast Tobias a sideways glance. Perhaps some of his brother's oddities could indeed be attributed to the simple fact of isolation. Nate was sure that, were their roles reversed, he would have fared no better.

Tobias hadn't moved since they had stepped outside, but now he spoke and almost immediately his voice was in danger of being drowned out by the roar of the ocean. Nathaniel leant towards him a little, straining to catch his words.

"You know, don't you ... what we are?" Tobias sounded hesitant. An emotion Nathaniel had yet to see from him. He replied cautiously.

"What we are? Do you mean our bloodline? Our Mother is a Siren, isn't she?"

Tobias nodded his head jerkily, a confirmation. "Zeus Gold is of magic descent too. He taught me that, the reason two children are born when The Other breeds with a Human, is that the magic of The Other is simply too powerful to be contained within one human vessel, so therefore it is split into two."

Nathaniel frowned, "So are you saying that our Mothers magic was divided between us? I've never really felt anything other than Human if I'm honest though. Even after I found out the truth."

Tobias turned to face him; his expression neutral. "Sometimes there is an imbalance and one of the Human vessels is more receptive to magic. This can leave the other vessel with very little outward signs of magical inheritance." Tobias's voice was a monotone, as though he was repeating a well-practised script. "However, the influx of magic can still have a detrimental effect on the Human vessel."

An uncomfortable feeling had settled in the pit of Nathaniel's stomach. "Are you saying that you were more receptive to magic than I was? What does that have to do with-"

"Come." Tobias beckoned him forward, stepping towards the water that gushed through the trench below. "It's easier to show you. Then you will understand why I cannot leave."

With a sense of foreboding, Nathaniel followed him towards the end of the cave where it was lighter and the platform wider. He could see the flat calm of the ocean that stretched beyond the small, desolate island and the glimpse of freedom soothed his fraying nerves. The sky was dim with dusk and the clouds heavy with snow. Here, with the shadows receding if only a little, the water that gurgled through the crack in the rock didn't seem so ominous and Nate stepped forward to stand alongside Tobias. Tobias had halted at the edge of the rock and now stood motionless, as though waiting for something.

"Tobias ..."

His brother jolted as though startled to find him there, looking at him fleetingly before gazing back out to sea. He inhaled deeply, and then without warning he plunged into the ocean beyond the border of the cliff, a large wave gushing up to meet him and swallowing his body whole.

Nathaniel hadn't even had a chance to call his name, moving on his own accord to reach out in order to snag the flapping edge of his brothers' shirt, but he was too slow.


He scanned the ocean desperately; what had the other been thinking?! He had just decided to dive in after him when suddenly a figure was spat back out of the ocean as though thrown by an invisible hand. Tobias landed in a soaking wet, crumpled heap on the rock, his body heaving with exertion. Nate was by his side in an instant, pulling him up into sitting position as Tobias coughed and shook.

"Are you okay?" Nathaniel asked urgently, "Why did you do something like that!"

Tobias shook his head, water spraying from the ends of his hair. He coughed, wiping at his mouth and Nathaniel was startled to see a trickle of blood come away on his hand.

"You're bleeding-"

"No," Tobias rasped, interrupting him and pushing his concerned hand aside, "It's fine. You wanted to know, didn't you? There, look. Look there." He raised a shaking hand to point past Nathaniel, his eyes trained unwaveringly upon something behind him. His demeanour had changed completely from before. His eyes were large and fearful in his thin face, his voice frantic and jittery.

A sudden shiver ran down Nathaniel's spine as his brother's words sank in. The back of his neck prickled and suddenly Nate could feel it. There was something there. Something behind him. Tobias's gaze was resolute, his voice bitter, yet insistent.

"You wanted to know. So, look. Look at it."

Dread. That was the feeling, he knew it now. It pooled, hot and heavy in his belly, making his movements sluggish and slow. His hand clenched on Tobias's shoulder as he turned, and he felt the bone beneath the skin. His grip only tightened as his eyes focused on the object of Tobias's attention.

It was a person. Or at least the shape of one. An androgynous form that rose out from the ocean, as though it was a wave that had yet to break. The water inside the form was in turmoil, the white peaks forming liquid hair that shifted endlessly around an expressionless face. There were only indents where the eyes should have been and nothing to suggest a mouth. However, even without these features, Nathaniel could not mistake to deadly killing intent that seemed to radiate outwards from the creature.

Its head seemed to be turned towards them and Nate was sure that if it had eyes, they would be staring directly at him. He shivered and the form swayed, seemingly responsive to the movement. Slowly he leaned to one side. The figure leaned with him, eerily accurate. It was like looking into a mirror. Nate shuddered and the water form rippled in response.

"What is that," he asked lowly, unable to tear his eyes away. He couldn't explain it, but he felt as though, to look away for even a second, would most certainly spell his death.

Tobias's answer was so quiet Nathaniel was sure he had to have heard wrong.

"What did you say?"

"... it's my magic."

Nathaniel's eyes darted to his brother for a split second before he was drawn back to the form that still swayed menacingly in front of them. "Your what?"

"My magic," Tobias whispered hauntingly, "It's the reason why I can never leave here alive."

"I don't understand."

"It couldn't stay in me," Tobias rushed furtively, "It couldn't stay in me and so it escaped. And I can't get it to go back inside."

"Go back inside?" Nathaniel whispered in horrified fascination. He still couldn't seem to look away from that dreadful, watery, expressionless face. "What do you mean, 'go back inside?'"

"It doesn't fit anymore," Tobias answered. "And it doesn't want to come back to me. If I could get stronger, if I could leave here, maybe I could force it to come back. But it doesn't want to. So, it keeps trying to kill me instead."

Nathaniel shivered. The creature was still 'looking' at them and he could feel the murderous intent oozing from its very being. There was no doubt in his mind that it would kill if it had the chance.

Reaching out, he encircled his brother's shoulders and stood shakily, pulling Tobias with him. The creature rose out of the water a little more, mimicking their movements. Nathaniel pulled Tobias a little closer in response, backing away from the trench until he felt cool rock meet their backs.

"Alright." His voice came out stronger than expected, "That's enough for now. Let's go back."

Tobias, not surprisingly, didn't protest, letting Nathaniel lead them backwards the way they had come. The water form followed them all the way, bound by its ocean path. Its disconcertingly blank face was turned towards them the entire time and Nathaniel stared it down as he fumbled for the door behind them, finally managing to push it open and drag them both inside.

He closed the door, firmly blocking out the now motionless figure that waited beyond, but even with the plank of wood between them, he felt as though he could still feel the sinister gaze of the being watching him through the wall, tracking his every move.



The snow began to fall again as they waited for the ships to arrive. Circe had sent Anthemin back to guide the crews to the island and Obsidian had remained behind, unwilling to leave her alone on an island with Zalas. They had settled away from Zalas's group, down closer to the shore where the ships were to weigh anchor upon arrival.

Obsidian had started a fire some time ago, a small flickering light that wavered in the gloom and highlighted the snowflakes as they fell straight down, the wind absent for once. However, it was not the fires warmth that she craved in that moment as she watched him stoop to feed another log to the hungry flames. Obsidian had barely spoken since the clearing and his mind was elsewhere, she knew.

Looking up, he caught her staring and paused in his actions before straightening a moment later, a question in his eyes.

"Are you cold?"

"Mn." Her eyes roamed shamelessly over his body before snapping back to his face. His own eyes, animalistic in their luminosity, held her gaze, their colour deep and smouldering with the light from the fire. She felt the hair on the back of her neck prickle. When he spoke, his voice was slightly hoarse.

"Don't tempt me Darling."

Wordlessly she extended an arm out towards him, the tips of her fingers curling slightly. An invitation. A small whine escaped his lips as he relented, letting her draw him in until he sank to his knees in the sand in front of where she sat, leant back against the trunk of a fallen tree he had dragged into place for her. Her hands settled down on his shoulders, grounding him. Smoothly, she ran her palms up either side of his of his neck and into his hair.

His head fell down against her shoulder, his breath hot against her collarbone. She felt his hands grasp the skin of her waist, squeezing once before sliding to encircle her firmly. He lifted his head only to pull a languid kiss from her mouth before nipping her earlobe gently and switching their positions.

She was lifted easily and arranged so that he now sat behind her, and he enveloped her in his warmth, leaning forward again to catch the same earlobe between his teeth. He bit down a little harder than before and she yelped, turning to glare at him accusingly. He huffed out a breath of laughter, hiding his face in her neck before she could see his expression and continued to torment her skin with his tongue.

"Are you warmer now?" He murmured huskily, breath hot against her ear.

"Mn." She repeated, by way of agreeing, her eyes already heavy with sleep. They had done all they could do for now and Obsidian has estimated the others would arrive by tomorrow morning. With Zalas helping them, Circe had no doubt they would find Nathaniel soon. All she had to do was wait.

Obsidian chuckled, a deep rumble in her ear. "Spoilt little Kitten," she heard him croon softly, his nose nuzzling into her neck. She sensed rather than saw, the dark wing that extended around her, cocooning her in warmth and dimming the light from the fire. She shifted slightly until her ear was pressed against his firm chest and she was able to hear the solid heartbeat thrumming a steady rhythm below. And together in the silent snow, they awaited the arrival of the dawn.


"It's time to wake up Love."

His whispered words came too soon for her liking. It was dark and warm where she was and sleep still lay its heavy hand across her eyes. She felt his hand rub soothing circles into her shoulder, caressing her arm gently.

"They will be here soon," he murmured in her ear, his voice thick with sleep. "Anthemin is trying to contact you."

She made a noise in reply and opened her mind, searching for the contact. It took a lot less effort than sleeping, and she could keep her eyes shut. She felt Obsidian shift beneath her before settling again, his breathing slowing.


Vanima. The reply was instantaneous.

How long?

You should see us with the sun rise, another hour perhaps. I am sorry for disturbing your rest.

It's okay. She yawned, feeling her whole body stretch, her eyes fluttering open. I'll see you soon.


She blinked blearily, momentarily confused by the soft darkness that encased her. She didn't think it was still that dark. Clumsily, she reached out a hand, her fingers coming into contact with something soft. The body behind her jerked in response to the touch.

"That tickles," he grumbled drowsily in her ear, his head a heavy weight on her shoulder.

Her eyes were adjusting gradually and now she could see the form of the wings surrounding them, the dim light of the dawn beyond illuminating the soft black membrane and allowing her to pick out the fine system of veins that crisscrossed the surface like delicate spiderwebs. The wings came to a point at the top and as she watched, a crack appeared in the perfect circle, one wing folding gently to reveal the cold grey dawn of the world outside.

Slowly the cool air crept into their snug circle and Obsidian's arms held her a little tighter as she breathed out a cloud of steam into the morning air. She huddled down further into her coat and Obsidian tugged her hood up from behind, tucking her curls away.

"I'll restart the fire," he unfolded himself sluggishly from her, "and then I'll come back. It won't take long, and it will be warmer."

She watched his movements from beneath her lashes. The wings that still protruded from his back seemed as lethargic as their owner as they dragged clumsily in the sand behind him, like he had forgotten they were there. In unison the black wings rose and flexed outwards, giving a shudder as he stretched, before folding down lazily to rest against his back. One wing fell lower than the other, the tip disappearing into the sand as he yawned again. As though feeling her gaze, he looked at her over his shoulder.

"Do you not get cold anymore?" She voiced.

He shrugged, smothering another yawn with a careless hand. "Not really," he answered, looking at her broodingly for another moment before turning away. "Wait here, I'll find some wood."

He came back as soon as he had promised, arms full of partially wet sticks and thicker, hastily cut branches. She watched in slight bemusement as he threw the load on top of the snow-covered embers haphazardly. He saw her watching and frowned a little.

"It's weird when you watch this part," he grumbled.

One of her eyebrows arched incredulously. "That's what your concerned about?" She asked, eyeing the large wings that dominated his back.

He huffed and shuffled so he was facing away from her. As such, she saw only a flicker of light and then a more pronounced golden flame, before the wood had caught light and the fire was burning happily before her.

Dropping heavily back down behind her, he pulled her back against his warm chest. "Don't complain," he grumbled, "they keep you warm." As he spoke, the wings rose back up on either side of her, leaving only a small gap at the front through which the fire crackled. The air around her heated instantly.

She gave a soft smile, tilting her head back against his shoulder so that she could kiss the underside of his jaw. "I wasn't complaining," she whispered against his skin, feeling his throat bob as he swallowed. She drew back to face forward once again, her thoughts turning pensive as she stared into the golden flames.

"Penny for your thoughts Love?"

She shook herself out of the daze she hadn't realised she had fallen into. Obsidian's thumb was moving steadily against the back of her hand. She smiled slightly, "You probably don't want to know."

"I will always want to know what is going on in that beautiful mind of yours."

Circe sighed, "I'm wondering if you'll tell me about your Father."

His thumb skipped a beat in its ministrations, before picking up again, counter clockwise. "What do you wish to hear about him?" She could not miss the forced calm in his voice and proceeded with caution.

"About why he did ... what he did. If there is any reason at all," she finished quickly.

She felt, rather than heard his exhale of breath. "No-one is born to be a bad person Circe," he said softly, "and my Father was no exception. He had his reasoning behind his actions, up until a certain point. And then he went so far past that point that he couldn't have returned, even if he had wanted to." His tone became cold, monotonous. "The thirst for what he initially called 'justice' eventually twisted into something much, much darker. It consumed him fully, from the inside out. I do not regret ending his life."

Circe shivered. She had attempted before, to conjure up a face to go with the legend of this infamous and horrifying Pirate King, the 'madman' who had thrown the magical world into complete chaos. Yet, each time she could only see a pair of venomous golden eyes glistening hatefully out from a pool of swirling shadow. Secretly she feared that the face to accompany these eyes would be all too familiar to her. And she could not bear to think that Obsidian bore any resemblance to the Father he hated.

"If you want to hear more," he said, shifting a little behind her, "it would be better to ask Hobbson. He was there through it all. He knows the full story."

Circe's eyes widened with disbelief. "Hobbson does?" She asked incredulously, "I thought he was loyal to my Mother?"

"Hobbson did not always see eye to eye with the rules of the Magical world. There was once a time when he was rogue. He gathered information and sold it to the highest bidder. That was how he ended up on my Fathers ship, trying to find information about the whereabouts of Airocei's brother, your Father. Through a series of events, he ended up back working for your Mother, although at a distance. He remained with me when I ... assumed my Fathers position. I knew who he worked for, there were things that I hid from him initially."

"Why did you let him stay, if you knew he was a spy for my Mother?"

Obsidian shrugged. "I grew up with Hobbson, he is irreplaceable to me. And he was a valuable source of information. I think he felt the same about Cobalt and I. That and we were both notorious sons of Zeus Gold, having our whereabouts known was probably beneficial for your Mother, but at the same time, it also served to keep us safe in a way."

"What about your Fathers pendant?"

She could hear the smile in his voice when he spoke next, "Hobbson knew I had a plan for it. One of his conditions with your Mother was that he would remain in my crew as her intel, only if I were allowed to deal with that pendant how I saw fit. It would have ended up back in her hands eventually, regardless of what I had planned for it."

Circe spoke wryly, "Somehow I can't see my Mother putting the wishes of one person overtop of the wellbeing of her Kingdom."

"You'd be surprised," his tone was mild. "Your Mother is more selfish than you believe her to be. Hobbson was the only person from her Kingdom who knew the secret of your birth and it was convenient to have someone with a reputation like mine to come and fetch you. If anything went wrong, I could easily be blamed."

"You came for me twice though, what happened the first time? Why did you leave?"

His arms tightened around her and he nuzzled into her hair, his voice a little sulky, "I found out about you from another source initially and acted on my own without consulting Hobbson. Due to his involvement with your Mother I thought that he would have tried to stop me. My plan was to take you and your pendant hostage and proceed from there."

She tutted him teasingly, "You were such a brute."

His voice was definitely sulky now. "I was desperate and impatient. I just wanted to be rid of my Father's pendant, it was such a burden. However, Hobbson found out my plan and pursued me ashore, he convinced me to wait another two years and construct a more solid plan."

Circe mulled this over while he continued.

"That was how I made the deal with Evangeline to escort you to the Water Kingdom. Also, she believed I had information of your Fathers whereabouts and this was the perfect deal with which to trade that information for. And she was right, I did know of something Hobbson did not, from the time when my Father was alive. Not that it was of any use. Still, it was with this, that I was able to bargain Cobalt and my crew's freedom."

Circe felt a little more alert at this, "I remember you mentioning something like this, back when ..." she trailed off, flashes of a different Obsidian tearing through her vision. She shook it off, soldiering on, "back when you 'confessed,' you said that if she could find Zeus Gold's brother, then she would find my Father. Was that true?"

"It was true," he said sombrely, "unfortunately I do not know any more than that."

It had begun to drizzle, the snow turning into light rain that hovered like fine mist on the fur around the rim of her hood. Around them, Obsidians wings lifted a little higher, tilting inwards slightly to meet at the top, creating a shelter from the rain. She snuggled a little deeper into his embrace.

"So, Zeus had a brother? What was he like?"

"Similar my Father in looks only," Obsidian replied shortly, "although I do not remember much of him before he went missing. Again, it is a question better asked of Hobbson."

A murdered King, a vengeful daughter. A Prince with the weight of his Kingdom on his back. Two Queens who had lost the same person, a man who was both a brother and a lover. A spy, who was also a loyal comrade and advisor. Two sets of twins, one set who had grown up in hardship, but remained together, while the other set had been separated at birth. A missing uncle who was presumably the exact copy of a man who had sought to destroy the magical world for ... for what? Circe needed to know. There were so many lives that were so closely intertwined within this history, each creating cause and effect for those surrounding. Each creating cause and effect for her.

"The ships are here," Obsidian's deep baritone broke her thoughts and she lifted her head to scan the horizon.

Sure enough, creating a divide between the blended grey of sea and sky, two ships had appeared in the distance. More prominent was the starkly white shape, moving through the sky at hastened speed towards them. Anthemin.

Rousing herself more fully, she thought of Zalas and her face became grim. Obsidian hadn't liked the idea, (still didn't like it,) and she didn't doubt that the rest of the crew would be just as against the idea as their Captain. She sighed.



"I still don't like it," Cobalt hissed, the unnaturally venomous expression on his face reflecting Obsidian's own feelings exactly. Such an unusual face to see his brother make, even more so being that it was directed at Circe, and Obsidian couldn't remember the last time Cobalt had ever thought any idea of Circe's was a bad one.

He watched with dark amusement as his Princess folded her arms resolutely. "Well you don't have to like it," she retorted, "that's just how it is. I've already spoken to him and he has agreed to help."

The door to the Captains quarters bounced open, revealing a pink cheeked Lacy.

"Breakfast is ready!" She declared, "Come and eat."

Circe shot a glare in Cobalt's direction before following her friend out the door. Obsidian rose from his seat, patting his seething brother on the shoulder consolingly.

"There is nothing we can do. You heard her."

"I didn't think he would actually agree," Cobalt ground out from between gritted teeth. His next glare was aimed at Obsidian, "Heck, I didn't think you would agree. What were you thinking?"

Obsidian snorted coldly, "I didn't agree to anything," he replied coolly, stepping through the door onto the deck, "and neither did you. I simply plan to ignore him until she is finished with him."

He could hear Cobalt following behind as he made his way down into the ship, following the scent of food, his feet automatically leading him to a large room that overflowed with life.

"Captain!" Jacob spotted him instantly and waved him over to join him and his brother. Samson raised his head and grinned widely in acknowledgement; his cheeks filled with food.

"Bones, sit here," he said, swallowing his food and making room at the table.

"Oi," Jacob shoved him, complaining, "leave me some room will ya? Your gigantic bliddy derrière is already taking up half the bloody bench."

Samson gazed at his brother in amazement as Obsidian sat down, Cobalt sliding down opposite. "Derriere? Who says derriere? When did you get so fancy eh? Mr. Diddly Squat what have you." The gigantic man rolled his eyes and leant over to mutter in his Captains ear. "If you're looking for the little Lady, she's down the back with Miss Lacy."

Obsidian rolled his head to the side, lazily eyeballing the rest of the room. He found her immediately, golden head dipped, deep in conversation with Lacy. Leonardo sat to Lacy's other side, elbow on the table as he leaned over in order to better hear what they were saying. Satisfied, Obsidian straightened.

"What's for breakfast?"

"Sausages," Jacob responded, smacking a few down onto Obsidian's plate. "You should've told us you were having breakfast; we would have had someone bring it up. I know you two are busy."

"Well apparently we don't have to do anything now," Cobalt grumbled as he began to eat, "aside from waiting for that asshole to tell us where to go."

The two other men at the table scowled immediately.

"About that Bones," Samson began slowly, "is it really a good-"

"It's already decided," Obsidian replied brusquely. "I'm done discussing it. If you want to continue arguing, by all means, take it up with the Princess."

Samson sighed but didn't say anymore and the table lapsed into silence. Obsidian chewed without thinking, his mind elsewhere.

Of course, the crew hadn't been happy about working with Zalas, but as he had said to Cobalt, it wasn't as if they had to have any contact with the bastard. And he hadn't agreed to anything. He had heard most of what Circe and Zalas had discussed in the clearing, but it made no difference to him. When the time came, he would make Aranel pay for the pain she had inflicted upon him and those close to him. And if Zalas stood in his way, well then that was fine too. He wouldn't say no to a rematch.

A gentle touch on his shoulder rendered him motionless, mid-chew. He swallowed his mouthful before turning to look up at her. Circe was frowning, her eyes slightly vacant, a tell-tale sign that she was speaking to that dragon of hers.

"What is it?" He asked, rising immediately. Her hand fell from his shoulder to grasp his arm. She shook her head, looking at him clearly this time.

"I'm not sure," she replied confusedly, "but Anthemin wants us to go above deck."

"Let's go." He replied, nodding curtly to the others, not allowing them the chance to speak before he had exited the room swiftly, Circe in tow.

"Did he say anything else?"

Circe shook her head, "No."

Apprehension coiled low in his gut as he banged his way out onto the deck. The day had not improved since they had boarded the ship a little over an hour ago. The sky was still pencil grey, a light mist falling and wetting the wooden deck beneath their feet.

You're here.

Obsidian's eyes snapped to the dragon who had appeared port side, his head in line with the railing. Too big to fit aboard the ship now, the dragon his Princess called Anthemin, had to resort to either swimming, or flying alongside the ship. As they were currently anchored in the one spot, he was merely crouched in the shallow water below, his serpentine head swivelling slightly as he watched them approach.

"Yes," Circe replied, "What's going on?"

Anthemin's head swivelled to gaze back towards the shore and the forest beyond.

There is unrest in their camp. I think the Prince will soon visit. He is very angry, but I don't know why.

"Angry?" Obsidian retorted incredulously, "What the fuck is his problem now?" He ran an aggravated hand through his hair and resisted the urge to punch something. It was bad enough having to rely on that bastard for anything, but now he had to put up with his temper tantrums too?

As though his words had acted as a trigger, a sudden explosion in the middle of the forest onshore focused his line of vision and he watched several trees crack and fold downwards, the rain dispelling any dust that might have risen afterwards.

Obsidian's eyes narrowed and he pulled Circe towards him, cursing under his breath. "For fucks sake."

"We haven't done anything wrong," Circe stated defensively, her eyes fixed in the same direction as he, "it must be about something else."

"Interesting that your first thought is that he is angry at us, Princess," Obsidian snarled, watching as a white figure shot up into the air above the treeline, "I thought I warned you that he couldn't be trusted –"

"I never said we should trust him," Circe hissed back.

"Well it's too late now," Obsidian said, his voice grim, "he's coming this way."

It took less than thirty seconds for Zalas to reach the ship and Obsidian could feel the rage that rolled off the other man in waves, even before he set foot on the deck. Deciding upon which expression would piss him off the most, Obsidian settled on, 'pleasantly surprised' and managed to successfully maintain it for no less than three seconds.

"Well, what brings you here?" He asked sarcastically, "I know you didn't just decide to 'stop by for a visit.'"

"Obsidian," Circe reprimanded, shooting him a 'take it seriously' look. He chose to ignore it.

Certainly, he was taking this seriously. Zalas was definitely incensed, his rage was genuine. In fact, the normally quick-witted Prince seemed to be so completely overwhelmed with fury that he could no longer find words to speak. Normally Obsidian would find such a sight amusing, perhaps he would attempt to provoke him further, just for the sake of it. But something was different this time, something that caused the apprehension from before to return in full force. There was something wrong with this picture. Something terribly, horribly wrong.

"You," Zalas began, pointing a shaking finger as his eyes locking onto Obsidian's, his white pupils burning with an opalescent flame. "...killed him."

Obsidian's face stiffened, his expression guarded. "Killed who. I have killed a lot of people." Not that he was aware Zalas had cared particularly about any of them.

"Killed him!" Zalas half choked out, his voice strangled with rage, "You said you killed him!"

Obsidian stilled, the casual expression from before vanishing from his face. Zalas's hands, both the one raised in accusation and the one curled into a clenched fist at his side, were trembling. The accusation in the other man's gaze struck him numb. He felt Circe squeeze his arm in confusion.

"Killed who?" She asked. Her voice suddenly seemed muffled, as though he was hearing it from the next room. Blood rushed through his ears, a gushing white noise that drowned Circe out further. In front of him, Zalas filled his vision, his lips moving without making a sound. A memory flashed through his mind. Or had it been a hallucination? A face, flickering in candlelight. A thin, continual wail. A smile. That voice.

What will you do now, Pirate King?

"You said you KILLED him," Zalas repeated and his voice was suddenly too loud and too in the forefront of Obsidian's mind. Zalas was stumbling forward towards him, hand outstretched. His fingers found the collar of Obsidian's shirt and pulled him close. The Prince's face was twisted with hatred, his eyes burning with an emotion Obsidian had not seen there before. Vacantly, he thought it might be fear. He wondered what his own face looked like. Was Zalas's fear reflected in his eyes?

Impossible. He wanted to say. That's impossible.

"Zalas let him go," Circe was trying to pull them apart, but Obsidian could not seem to respond to either of them. His eyes were locked onto Zalas's. There was only one man whose death had truly mattered to the two of them. There was only one man.

This can't be happening. Was he truly so weak? That just the mere suggestion of a person could render him, Obsidian Bones, completely immobile? Apparently it could.

"You say it." His voice was hoarse, but he forced the words out anyway. "Who. Who are you talking about?"

"You know who." Zalas snarled out.

"Say it!" Obsidian roared back, suddenly feeling himself come to life. He gripped the wrist of the hand curled at his collar and yanked it forward until they were staring eye to eye. "I know what I did," He spat out. "I killed him on that day. He was dead. So, don't make me admit to the impossible and you be the one to say it instead. Tell. me. who."

Zalas was breathing heavily, his eyes searching Obsidian's face for any glimpse of a lie. The fact that he found none, did nothing to calm him.

"Your Father," he said, his voice tight. "Zeus Gold is alive."


Authors Note: Hey Guys! Hope you're all well and enjoying 2020. Just a quick note to mention that their may be some inconsistency with the plot, in terms of the first and second book and the plot line going forward. I'm trying to change some things that I'm unhappy with from the first two books so have altered peoples backgrounds slightly. Please just take what is written as the way it is now and move forward, I'm sorry if this impacts your reading at all!

Hoping to get back to updating every couple of weeks now that my busy two months are out of the way :)
Love to you all xx

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