Zodiac Heroes - Cast Down to...

By confusions-scrolls

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The first step of Orion's plan is complete. The Zodiac Signs have now been banished down to Earth, with no me... More

Character Introduction
Prologue - Plan Complete
Chapter 1 - High School
Author's Note 1 - Happy (late) Sagittarius Season 2019!
Chapter 2 - Crushes
Chapter 3 - The Dorms
Chapter 4 - Attendance
Chapter 5 - Free Period
Author's Note 2 - Happy Capricorn Season 2019 (Plus An Anouncement)
Chapter 6 - The Piano
A Christmas Special That Nobody Asked For But Here It Is Anyways
Chapter 7 - That Girl
200+, Actually No, 300+ Reads! (I Got Tagged)
Happy Aquarius Season!
Chapter 8 - Long List of Ex-Lovers
A Lil' Announcement Before We Move On To Chapter 9
❤️🧡💛Valentine's Day Special💚💙💜
Chapter 9 - Detention
¡Not A Chapter! Something Smells A Little Fishy (Pun Intended)
Chapter 10 - Two Broken Boys
Chapter 11 - A Scientific Mystery
Chapter 12 - Cold Autumn Day
Bonus Chapter - Truth Or Dare (This Chapter Is Cursed)
A Special Chapter Because It's My Birthday!
Chapter 14 - Fallen Stars
Chapter 15 - Rainbow Scarf
Chapter 16 - Brother to Brother
Chapter 17 - Sincerely
Chapter 18 - Family Reunion
Chapter 19 - Fork In the Road
Chapter 20 - The Code of Lady Liberty
Incorrect Quotes For 2K Reads!
Chapter 21 - Scrolls
Chapter 22 - Code Cracking and a Confession
Chapter 23 - Panic Attack
Chapter 24 - Planets
Chapter 25 - Why Orion Keeps Popping Up In Every Conversation
April Fool's Special - The Zodiac Signs On April Fool's Day
Chapter 26 - Who's Ouranos? (Plus Another Tag)
Chapter 27 - Meet Up At Starbucks
Chapter 28 - Stargazing
Get To Know The Planets And Stuff
Chapter 29 - The Truth Is Proven
Chapter 30 - Our Classmates Are Stars, Literal Stars
Chapter 31 - Cafeteria Catastrophe
Sorry This Isn't A Chapter
Chapter 32 - A Little Too Depressing
Chapter 33 - Ophiuchus Appears Again
Chapter 34 - Deciphering a Portal Spell
Chapter 35 - Afraid of Love
Chapter 36 - Urgent Video Call
Epilogue - The Contract
Final A/N
Memorable Quotes
Confusion's Other Books
Bonus Short 1 - Everlasting Friendships
SEQUEL! (Also Kind of Bonus Short 2 - Christmas Spirit)

Chapter 13 - Everything's Suspicious

844 26 10
By confusions-scrolls


Two entire weeks passed without anything happening. No drama, no evil sorceresses trying to kill us, no unexpected snow days, nothing. I was quite thankful for it. But there was still something on my mind.

"I still don't get it." I told Sag and Leo as we walked out of the free period room. "Why would Ms Medea try to kill us? And how did some lady from like a few thousand years ago manage to live until now?"

Leo sighed frustratedly. "Aries, how many times do I have to tell you that I have no fucking idea?"

"Yeah," Sagittarius agreed, speaking casually. "Besides, we're not going to walk up to her and say, 'Ms Medea, why are you trying to kill us?'."

"I tell you, Master, there is no need to strike yet!" A familiar voice said from just around the corner.

We made our way there quietly, and saw Ms Medea talking angrily into her phone.

"Yes, I know that." She continued, paying no attention to us.

"I reckon she doesn't know that we're here." Sagittarius whispered to us.

Ms Medea held the phone in front of her, saying, "Okay, fine, I'll use the Holo-Image."

She pressed a few buttons on her phone, and a holograph of a man appeared on her screen. The man in the holograph had brown hair and grey eyes. He wore one of those ancient Greek tunics, with a quiver of arrows and a bow slung on his shoulder.

He looked around before facing Ms Medea. "So this is where you decide to stay, Medea. Interesting choice."

"There are many fallen stars and heroes here as well," Ms Medea snapped. "My ex-husband included."

"Ah, so you haven't yet had a chat with dear old Jason." The man sneered.

"Well, I'm forced to speak with him during the staff meetings. I don't have time to recruit him." Ms Medea was obviously annoyed, but I wondered how she could resist the urge to smash her phone to pieces.

"You will." The man insisted. "In fact, go speak to him now. Slip a love potion in his coffee or anything that will make him talk to you."

"Of course, Master Orion." Ms Medea replied with an evil twinkle in her violet eyes. She brushed her fingers through her jet black hair as the holograph vanished.

All of a sudden, she turned to look at us, but Leo pulled Sagittarius and I back so she wouldn't see us.

"Strange." We heard Ms Medea say. "I could've sworn that-"

I didn't hear the rest of her sentence, because Leo dragged us into an empty classroom on the twelfth floor.

"Did you hear her?" He asked. There was a look of anxiousness that I've never seen on his face before.

"Sure did." Sagittarius responded. "Do we know a Jason in this school? Maybe a teacher?"

I thought for a while. Whoever this Jason person was, we'd better talk to him before Ms Medea did. Then it hit me.

"Guys," I said. "We'd better go pay our social studies teacher a visit."


"Good afternoon Aries." Our social studies teacher, Mr Jason Argonautica, looked up and said. "I see you've brought Leo and Sagittarius as well."

"Sir, we just want to ask something." Leo said.

"What is it?" Mr Argonautica asked, looking him in the eye.

Sagittarius spoke up. "Do you have any idea what Ms Medea is up to?"

The social studies teacher stood up and paced the room, muttering to himself, "I should've known."

"Er, what?" I asked.

Mr Argonautica sat down again, a grim look on his face. "I should've known."

Behind me, Leo and Sagittarius shot each other confused looks.

Mr Argonautica started his story. "In my previous life, I was a hero. Have you ever heard of 'Jason and the Argonauts'?" Sag and Leo nodded. "That's me. The sorceress in the story is your science teacher, Ms Medea."

"We know." Leo interrupted. "We found a lot of chemicals in the science classroom, plus a bottle of dragon teeth."

"Dragon teeth!" Mr Argonautica cried. "I hate them. The ones that grow skeleton warriors, right? I knew there must've been something up with those bones lying around the cafeteria that day."

"So Ms Medea was behind those skeleton warriors!" Sagittarius exclaimed. "We should've found her secret stash."

"Yes, but the snow day itself probably wasn't her." Mr Argonautica looked at the three of us. "Knowing you three and the rest of your group, you wouldn't resist the urge to find the truth."

"Knowing us?" I asked.

Then something hit me, literally. It was like a vision had found itself into my brain, and the classroom we were in had started floating away.


I was in a grassy plain. It was dark, and I couldn't really see anything.

A few bright lights came into view. I realised that they weren't light, but they were people. Eleven people were standing on the plain. All of the people had a specific coloured glow around them. Somehow, I felt like I knew them. Two of them looked strangely familiar. One of them was a male with blonde-fade-to-orange hair, lion ears and tail. Another was a female with bronze coloured hair and a horse tail.

"Leo?" I called out. "Sag?"

They didn't respond. They couldn't hear me. An even more familiar figure stepped forward. He had bright red hair and blood red eyes. There were ram's horns on his head.

Then, I remembered a word. Celestia.

It dawned on me. I was here.

"Are we already?" The red haired boy asked the rest of his group.

"Ready as ever, Aries." Fantasy-world-Sagittarius replied.

So this was me. I thought.

"I mapped out Orion's fortress."  A girl with parakeet green hair stepped forward and said. "It's to the north of Celestia. It'll take us around ten minutes to get there from the city square."

"Wow, good job Virgo." A purple haired girl remarked.

A boy with one turquoise eye and one brown eye stepped forward. "We'll have to be careful. He's already got Aquarius. I honestly don't know why that foolish boy thought he could take on Orion on his own."

"Don't worry Capricorn, we'll find him." Fantasy-world-me said.

I saw another light from the corner of my eye. It was getting closer and closer this group. It was probably a comet.

But it wasn't a comet. It was a person. A glowing version of our social studies teacher, Mr Argonautica.

What is he doing here? I asked myself.

"So, going on another mission, right?" He asked fantasy-world-me.

"Yes, Jason," Fantasy-world-me said. "We're going to rescue our friend, then put a stop to Orion once and for all."

"You don't know what he has in store for you guys." Magical glowing Mr Argonautica told the group. "Everyone who's ever gone to face him has vanished. Hercules, Perseus, Andromeda, even Orpheus, Phrixus and Helle."

Helle? As in Ms Helle the orphanage director? I wondered.

"Sorry Jason," Fantasy-world-Leo said. "We're going to rescue Aquarius. We'll find a way to take Orion down."

With that, the group left.

Fantasy-world-Mr Argonautica (Or Jason, as we used to call him) sighed and muttered to himself, "Zodiac Signs. Always wanting to find out the truth."


The classroom resurfaced. I could hardly believe what I just saw. I looked around at Sag and Leo.

"Did you-" I started.

Leo nodded, and I knew that he must've seen the same vision. "Celestia."

"That's what we were doing before..." Sagittarius paused. She wasn't quite sure what had happened after we went off to find this Orion person. Neither did I.

"Ah, visions from the past." Mr Argonautica's voice made us all jump. "It took me a while to figure what I was and where I was from, but that was because I was surrounded by fallen stars, and this classroom seems to provide me with a fresh dose of memories."

"So what-" I had so many questions, but Mr Argonautica shushed me.

"You'll figure out in your own time." He said. "Meanwhile, I suggest that you tell this to the rest of your group."

We got out of the classroom, leaving Mr Argonautica alone. I was about to take a step forward when Leo tapped my shoulder and said, "Ms Medea."

Sure enough, Ms Medea was walking in our direction. We walked away from her and pretended that we didn't know anything.

The three of us made our way back up to the twelfth floor. We walked into the boys' dormitory to find the rest of our nine friends chatting, no doubt wondering where we were.

Scorpio spotted us first. "Where were you guys?" She asked.

I looked at Leo and Sagittarius. They both gave me a look that said "You tell them".

I sighed. "We have a lot to tell you guys about."


13th chapter done. Things are getting more and more suspicious...

But we can all agree that Ms Medea is evil, right?

Have a good day/night.

Peace out,

The author owo

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