A Hero Has Risen (RWBY x Mult...

De noahplayer365

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A Man that has traveled throughout many different worlds stumbles upon the world of Remnant. Ruby x Male Read... Mais

Through the Portal
Ruby Rose
(A/N) Information
The Shining Beacon Part I and II
The First Steps
The Emerald Forest
The Badge and the Burden
The Badge and the Burden Part II
Forever Fall
A "Grimm" Situation
In the middle of the night
The stray and the missing
An entrance.
Player 2. Fight!
! Bonus Round !
Food Fight of the Century
We meet
A Minor Hiccup
Party in the Ballroom: Prequel
Party in the Ballroom Part 1
Party in the Ballroom part 2
A Date With Fire
Field Trip
Mountain Glenn
Full Speed Ahead
Breach Part I
Overdrive (Breach II)
Energized (Volume 2.5)
Fight in the Forest
Can't Escape from Crossing Fate
It's a Brawl in the Family
! Help OC's Needed !
Lessons Learned
Never Miss a Beat
Penny vs Pyrrha
Battle of Beacon Part 1
Battle of Beacon Part 2
Beacon Falls
New Stuff & The Next Step
Rememberance & Family
Tipping Point & The Truth Comes Out
A Much Needed Talk
Nuckelavee and the World Eater
Welcome to Haven
Unforeseen Complications
Lighting the Fire
Necessary Sacrifice
Rest and Resolution
Alone Together
True Colors
The Battle of Haven Character UPDATE
The Battle of Haven Academy (Long Chapter)
Betrayal (Thanks Guys and Short Chapter)
Anna Info
Fight with an Old Friend
The Tournament
The Fight Begins
The Second Level (The Tournament Part 2 Pre-Semi-Finals Rounds)
Old Friends, Level 3 (Semi-Finals)
The Finals (Last Round)
The Dungeon
The Trials (Dungeon Arc Part 1)
Fight Till You Drop (Dungeon Arc Part 2)
The Final Test (Dungeon Arc Part 3)
Zaquivus V. Summer, Y/N, and Anna (Dungeon Arc Finale)
The Reapers of Old and New
Authors Update

Argus Limited

589 4 8
De noahplayer365

A busy train station in Mistral is shown. People go about their business whether they be buying a train ticket, going shopping, eating food, and more. Holographic screens show different locations, amongst them are Argus, Wind Path, Kuchinashi, Shion, and Vale, the latter shown to be crossed out with an "Out of Service" message next to it. Qrow Branwen can be heard narrating a letter he wrote to James Ironwood, detailing recent events.

Qrow: It's been two weeks since the attack on Haven. The official report states that the plot to destroy Mistral's CCT Tower was thwarted by Ghira Belladonna and the Faunus militia group from Menagerie. A Huntsman and some students coincidentally visiting the headmaster were also able to lend some assistance. Unfortunately, Leonardo Lionheart lost his life while trying to defend his school. And those responsible for organizing the attack managed to escape. As I'm sure you can guess, there's a lot more to this report than I'm willing to say in this letter. But for now, what I'm trying to say is that we're on our way to Atlas, James. There's a good chance we'll get there before this letter does, but in case we don't, I need you to know that we're bringing a lot more than bad news with us. See you soon, Qrow.

Qrow places the letter in a mail box. Suddenly, his niece runs by and bumps into him.

Qrow: Hey, what's with the running?

Ruby: And what's with the standing? It's almost time!

Ruby sees the people chattering in the station lobby. She uses her Semblance to get something and fly through the gate. She then emerges smiling and humming, approaching the benches where her companions, minus Blake, are waiting.

Yang: And?

Ruby: (shows them a bag) Ahh!

Weiss: What an absolute waste of time--

Yang: What did you get me?

Ruby: (singsong) You'll have to wait and see!

Yang: No fair!

After Ruby sticks her tongue, Yang attempts to snatch the bag from Ruby, who recoils; then Nora jumps from between them

Nora: Oh, I can't believe we're taking the train to Argus! The beautiful northern coastline... You really think it's too early for beach season?

Ren: Unfortunately, but we will be one step closer to Atlas.

Weiss: (unamused) Well, I'm glad you're all excited. But I don't think you appreciate the trouble I went through to leave Atlas.

Ruby: I know you're worried, Weiss, but trust us. Team RWBY won't leave your side for a second! I promise.

Dee: No one's gotta be worried with us around.

A pair of Huntsmen, Dee and Dudley, confront Ruby and her friends with proud looks on their faces, holding their weapons.

Nora: Aaaand you are?

Dee: Why Dee and Dudley of course. The Argus Limited's very own Huntsmen. We'll be keeping everyone safe as we pass through Grimm territory.

Dudley: But for a generous tip, we can make sure your passenger car gets extra special attention should things get dangerous.

Dudley winks as Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Anna and Nora give unamused looks; Nora has her arms crossed and Weiss rolls her eyes.

Anna/You/Summer: Do you want to lose what makes you a male.

Dee and Dudley along with Jaune and Ren shiver at the thought

They then turn to Qrow's voice when they heard him.

Qrow: Yeah, I got another tip for ya.

Dee and Dudley: Huh?

Dee and Dudley turn to see Qrow confronting them. Qrow has his hands in his pockets and gives Dee and Dudly a frown.

Qrow: Buzz off. (stands between Ruby and Yang as they make faces, mocking Dee and Dudly in the background) Looks like Mistral's really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days.

Dee: Hey! You're talking to a--

Qrow: (holds his huntsman license, showing Dee and Dudley) A professional Huntsman, right. Well, it seems one of you heroes left the staff entrance to the caboose wide open.

Dee and Dudley turn around to the left in surprise at this revelation.

Qrow: (crosses his arms) It'd be a shame to lose your job before it even started.

Dudley: I... I didn't do it!

Dee: (scoffs) Come on, dummy.

Dee and Dudley walks away from them. Oscar Pine watches the two leaving.

Dee: (arguing with Dudley) Well, I didn't do it either...

Ozpin: (mentally) I do hope those weren't Beacon graduates.

Oscar: You know sometimes the burden of saving the world feels overwhelming. (turns to everyone) But then people like that come along and make me grateful that it's our jobs and theirs.

Everyone collectively agrees with Oscar as they nod at him together.

Ruby: Uh-huh.

Jaune: Yeah.

Qrow: So, you kids ready to go? Bike all loaded up?

Yang: Yep!

Weiss: Just waiting on Blake. As usual.

Anna: Damn she just got roasted.


The train, Argus Limited, is seen traveling in the snowy countryside along a mountain. Inside, passengers walk through the halls. An elderly woman is seen passing by a room that Team RWBY is staying in. The four girls are all on beds reminiscent to their old dorm room from Beacon. Weiss is reading a book, Ruby plays a game on her Scroll, Yang is reading a magazine, and Blake is looking out the window.

Ruby: All right, everyone, I think it's time for an official team exercise. (enthusiastically) Who wants to play video games?

Yang: I mean, if you want me to kick your butt, yeah sure. Let me grab my scroll.

Yang goes to grab her scroll from her bag. Blake notices this and quickly walks over to her.

Blake: Here, let me help you with that.

Blake helps get Yang's bag down from the shelf, much to Yang's dismay.

Yang: Blake, you don't have to that. (takes her bag)

Blake: (saddened) I don't know what you're talking about.

Yang: I'm fine. We're gonna be fine. It's just gonna be a bit before things are back to normal. But... I am glad we're all back together.

The two smile at each other, with Ruby and Weiss joining in as well.

Blake: Yeah, okay.

Qrow: How touching.

You: Yep

Qrow, You, and Anna is at the doorway as Qrow is holding a cocktail in his hand.

Ruby: Oh hey, Uncle Qrow! You wanna play too?

Qrow: (chuckles) Kick your butts? Sure.

Suddenly, the train jolts, causing Qrow to drop his drink as the glass breaks. Passengers can be heard screaming in fear.

You: Yay, Enemies!

Anna shakes her head at you.

Blake: What was that?

Weiss: Exactly what it sounds like.

Blake: Just my luck.

Qrow: (looking out the window) It's not yours... grab your weapons!

Qrow runs out of the room and Team RWBY follow suit, grabbing their respective weapons on their way out the door as you and Anna jump into portals leading to the top. Qrow climbs to the top of the train and notices a group of Manticores approaching from the back. Dee and Dudley are already up top and prepare to fight the Grimm. A much larger Grimm, a Sphinx, lands on the train and lets out a loud roar. A few train cars down, Team RWBY join Qrow as they too arrive on top of the train with their weapons out. Dee charges his weapon, an electrical spiked club, and charges forward to attack. The Sphinx roars and a Manticore flies by to snatch up Dee.

Dudley: Dee!!

Dudley watches helplessly while his partner is dragged down to the forest to his unfortunate death. The Sphinx roars again and all of the Manticores fly forward to attack.

Blake: What's the plan, Ruby?

Ruby: Don't let anyone else die!

You: Got it!

With that, Team RWBY and Qrow charge forward into battle. Down below in the train, Oscar opens up a window to see the commotion, a Manticore barely missing him.

Ozpin: Shall I?

Oscar: No, I'm keeping control.

Oscar walks out and bumps into Jaune, with Ren, Pyrrha, and Nora behind him.

Jaune: What's going on?

Oscar tries to answer, but is interrupted by another jolt as passengers scream in fear. Jaune's expression then turns determined.

Back outside, Team RWBY, You, Anna, and Qrow get to work on cutting down Manticores with weapons. Dudley runs toward the front of the train and takes his scroll out, activating the train's defense systems.

Dudley: Come on, come on.

The train's armor activates, with reinforced plating covering most of the train while metal bars criss-cross on the windows. After that, a series of turrets rise above the train and begin targeting the midair Grimm. A group of Manticores get shot down. As a Dark Figure jumps down off of a Manticore.

Dudley: Ah, yes! (pumps his fist)

Meanwhile, Qrow engages the Sphinx, using the scythe form of Harbinger to attack. The Sphinx tries to crush Qrow with its paw, but Qrow manages to transform into his avian form before changing back to land an attack from above. The turrets fire at the Sphinx from behind, causing it let out another loud roar. Two Manticores fly down, one does a tuck and roll into a turret, destroying it. The other evades turret blasts and spits a fireball at one, destroying it. The passengers inside the turret's train car scream as it jolts from being destroyed. as the Black Figure pulls out a weapon as you and Anna notice it. You both nod to one another as you pull out your weapons and run at it.

Qrow: (to Dudley) Hey! What are you doing?

Oscar and Team JNPR climb up to the top of the train to join the battle.

Nora: Why is it always something?!

Oscar runs over to Qrow, who is shooting at Grimm.

Oscar: How can I help?

Qrow: You can get that idiot to shut off the turrets. They're just drawing the Grimm toward the passengers!

Oscar: Right!

Oscar runs forward, dodging Grimm attacks along the way. He manages to approach Dudley, who is firing at Grimm with his own rifle.

Oscar: Stop! You've gotta shut the turrets off!

Dudley: Are you crazy? No way!

A turret continues fire, knocking more Grimm out of the sky.

Dudley: Yes! Another one down!

Oscar: (placing his hand on Dudley) Stop! We have to lure the Grimm to the back.

Dudley: What does it matter if they're dead? (shoves Oscar off and continues to fire at the Manticores)

Suddenly, they notice the Sphinx and the rest of the Grimm fly off the train, keeping their distance.

Dudley: Where are they going?

Oscar, realizing something, quickly turns around.

Oscar: TUNNEL!!

Dudley: Huh?

They take notice of the fast approaching tunnel. Oscar quickly gets below the train. Dudley does the same, but inadvertently leaves his arm stretched out as it impacts the wall of the tunnel. The screen goes black as the sound of a bone snap and Dudley yelling in pain is heard. You and Anna teleport back inside as the figure dissipates into thin air.

Team RWBY and JNPR quickly run into the train car as Oscar tends to Dudley, who holds his bruised arm in pain. Qrow enters and approaches Dudley.

Qrow: I said, turn those damn things off! (picks up Dudley and shoves him into the wall)

Dudley: (groaning in pain) Those things are keeping us alive!

Qrow: Us, sure, but they're putting the passengers in danger!

Dudley: I'm the one they hired for this job, okay?! I'm in charge here!

Qrow: Forgive me if I'm not exactly reassured.

While the two argue, Ruby looks out the window and notices the Manticores enter the tunnel, continuing their pursuit of the train. She then looks behind her friends at the passengers, a baby can be heard crying as passengers murmur among themselves. Ruby then walks forward to her uncle and Dudley.

Dudley: Get off me!

Qrow: Look, if you bozos had been doing your job instead of shaking down passengers, maybe we wouldn't be in this--

Ruby stops her uncle and walks up to Dudley.

Ruby: Please just shut off the turrets.

Jaune: Trust us, we know what we're doing.

Jaune activates his Semblance to heal Dudley's arm. Dudley looks to the students before giving his answer.

Dudley: Fine.

Ruby nods. 

Nora: Ren, could you use your Semblance to mask everyone on this train? With the guns off and emotions hidden, they might lose track of us!

Ren: Hm, I never attempted to affect this many people.

Ruby: Well, you've never had Jaune's help before.

Weiss: He could amplify your Aura!

Qrow: Yeah, that's an alright plan.

Nora: Don't look so worried, Ren. You can totally do this!

Ozpin: (mentally) May I?

Oscar's eyes glow as Ozpin takes over.

Ozpin: I'm afraid there's one complication... The Grimm are also attracted to this. (gestures to the Relic of Knowledge on his hip)

Dudley: What's that?

Qrow: None of your business. Oz, are you serious?

Yang: Why wouldn't you tell us that?!

Ozpin: I--

Ruby: It doesn't matter right now.

Yang crosses her arms.

Ruby: Every second we're on board this train, we're putting everyone else in danger. Get the passengers to the front cars, you'll still mask the emotions and kill the turrets... we just can't come with you. If we cut the back cars with us and the Relic on them, we can deal with the Grimm. You just make sure the rest of the train makes it safely to Argus.

Upon hearing this, Jaune finishes up healing Dudley's arm and walks over to Ruby with a conflicted expression.

Jaune: Only if you'll promise you'll meet us there.

Ruby: (smiling) Promise.

With that, Team JNPR begins evacuating all of the passengers to the front half of the train. The elderly woman from earlier is seen walking, taking a look behind her.

Outside, the turrets are shut off. Blake jumps down and decouples the train, allowing the front half to continue forward. When she looks up, she notices a hooded figure resembling Adam in front of her on the next train car. Blake prepares for a fight, but then realizes that no one is there and it was just her imagination. Blake sighs before jumping back up to the top of the train. Ruby is seen a few train cars down looking at her scroll, which shows portraits of her teammates and Nora, the latter's signal low compared to the rest. Ruby looks back up and notices the Manticores and Sphinx exiting the tunnel and taking flight once again. The Sphinx lands on the train. You and Anna teleport back to the top as the black figure rushes you with,

You block his side slash as Anna jumps over you and shoots at the figure as he throws a knife at her with his other hand as she blocks it with her sword.

You: Anna go help RWBY, I got him.

Anna: got it!

Ruby: Now!

Nora gets Ruby's message and gives the okay to Jaune and Ren. The two boys combine their Semblances, with Jaune enhancing Ren's Aura to the point where the entire front half of the train is grayed out by Ren's Semblance. Oscar watches the train as it disappears into the snowstorm, before being attacked by a Manticore. He manages to fend it off temporarily while team RWBY take out several Manticores one by one. Ruby notices Oscar's struggle and takes advantage of Weiss taking one down in order to send it crashing into Oscar's Manticore. Meanwhile, Qrow is seen struggling against the Sphinx. Ruby notices this and she and her team go to assist him.

Ruby: We need to ground it!

Blake: On it! Yang!

Yang takes out a Manticore before launching off it and runs towards the Sphinx, ducking under it. Blake spins her weapon, with Yang punching it back and forth, the ribbon wrapping around the Sphinx's torso. Yang punches Gambol Shroud one more time, embedding the blade to the train's roof, and she and Blake pull the ribbon together, keeping the Sphinx down. Weiss uses her Glyphs to freeze the Sphinx's wings, with Qrow and Ruby shooting at them, shattering them. The uncle and niece ready their scythes as the Sphinx prepares to launch one more fireball. Qrow and Ruby launch forward, spinning their scythes together rapidly as they bisect the Sphinx's torso, finishing it off for good. Before it dies however, the Sphinx launches the fireball, destroying the rails in front of the train. Weiss activates her black Glyphs to hold everyone in place as the train derails and crashes into the snow.

The back half of the Argus Limited is completely derailed, with the train cars crashed in the snow. Qrow, Oscar, and Team RWBY all get back up.

Qrow: Is everyone okay?

Weiss: I'm fine.

Blake: Yeah.

Then, an unfamiliar voice is heard.

Maria: Still alive!

Everyone looks up and notices the elderly woman, Maria Calavera, stepping out from the train.

Maria: That sure was a close one, huh?

Ruby: where's Y/N?

You: Why you do dis to me Trees!

They look up and see you hung onto a tree.

Anna: use your wings idiot!

You: Oh yeah, I forgot.

You release your wings and fly down to the rest of the group.

Continue lendo

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