Nebulochaotic {book two} (COM...

By heavy_eyez

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{BOOK TWO OF JUST HAVE FAITH} Nebulochaotic Adjective Meaning: a state of being hazy and confused ~~~~~~~ ... More

They Say It Gets Better, But It Doesnt
Broken Mind
Almost Free
Free At Last
Wallpapers and Walks
Flights and Such
Minnesota Weddings
Minnesota Weddings Part 2
First Times and Lakes
Ear Infections and Flashbacks.
Secrets and Surprise Visits
Tea Time and Family Photos
Engagement Parties
Best Friends Forever
What Now?
Big Life Decisions
Postponing a Wedding And Goatmans Bridge
Hospital Wristbands
Goatman's Bridge and... Parents?
'Death' and Divorces
Big News
Unexpected Phone Calls
Viva La Vida
The Sounds of Silence
The Finale
Alternate Ending #1
Alternate Ending #2

18 and Married?

30 3 0
By heavy_eyez

*two months ago*

"Zak." I say

"Yes?" Zak says

"I went to the doctor to see if I really was pregnant."

"Dakota told me."

"Let me finish." I say getting irritated at my father cutting me off.

I was finally telling him what I was planning to do with this baby. After a lot of crying and talking, I decided I was going to keep this baby and raise it with the help of my dad, soon to be husband, grandmothers, and Melanie, they would have the life I never had.

I must admit, I was scared but the thought of an abortion was terrifying. I'm not good with possibly sharp objects going into places they shouldn't be. I've never visited an OBGYN either so when we walked into Dr. Lyons office and he started referring me to several, I got a little freaked out.

"Dakota and I want to keep the baby. I decided that I don't want to abort it and risk overthinking my entire life and sinking myself further into a depression hole. Dakota and I also want to get married, legally and quietly, before this baby arrives and we can plan a big wedding after the baby comes." I explained

I expected a lot of things from Zak but I didn't expect uncontrollable sobbing, so when he started crying I started wondering if I did something wrong.

"I'm So proud of you." Zak sobs into his napkin.

I probably shouldn't have told him while he was eating dinner. Oops.....

"You are going to be the best mother in the world and I'm going to be a grandpa! Oh.... I have to get so many things ready! Got to start planning a baby shower!" He says waking over to me and placing his large hand on my flat bloated-from-lunch belly.

I just stand there and nod. I don't know what a baby shower is but I don't want to ask. Zak hugs me and kisses my forehead before returning to his dinner.

*Two months later*

I stare in awe at the little bump forming in my midsection. It's still small but it's noticeable since I am thin. I have gained a few pounds though. Dr. Reed, the kind lady helping me keep tabs on my baby, told me that I need to be a healthy weight in order to keep the baby healthy.

"Hey." Jay says from the door.

I fluff my dress out. This does nothing to hide the small bump on my belly.

"What's up?" I ask

"We're gonna be late if we don't leave now." Jay says.

Oh right, I'm getting married today.

"Right, I need my shoes." I say looking for my flats.

I spot them near the closet and I walk over to slip them on. Jay patiently waits as I grab my phone off the dresser and make my way out of my room.

For my wedding today, I have chosen a simple black dress that flares out at the bottom. It's like a corset on top and then puffs out slightly under my ribs. I also chose to wear black flats since high heels hurt my feet. I skip happily down the stairs to meet Sydney at the door. She's only about three months old but she's already getting so big. She wiggles her whole backside in excitement. I scratch her ears and kiss her head.

"When you see me again, I'll be a married woman." I whisper "And your daddy will be my husband."

She licks my neck as I giggle. Jay and I finally leave the house and make our way to the courthouse. Zak already has all the necessary documents needed for Dakota and I to get married. Last month we got our marriage license, then it took another month to actually have the 'wedding' day arrive. Dakota and I are allowed to say our own vows, courtesy of Zak bribing the courthouse. We even bought rings! How cool!

*at the courthouse*

Jay and I arrive right on time. We walk into City Hall and Zak leads us to the room we rented for our little wedding.

I only allowed Dakota's family, my family, and Melanie. Zak leads me inside with Jay close behind. We walk all the way up to the alter where a priest stands holding a bible. Dakota and I had purchased the rings before hand. Mine was a simple rose gold ring. They called it a snowdrift ring.

It was beautiful and I loved it so much. Dakota on the other hand, picked a simple black band encrusted with a single row of diamonds. Simple but beautiful. Perfect for him.

The ceremony starts. Before I knew it, we were starting our vows.

"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows." Dakota starts.

"Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine.

With this candle. I will light your way in darkness.

"With this ring, I ask you to be mine."

I repeat my vows and then we exchange rings. After signing a few papers we are able to leave city hall. Dakota kisses my head. Suddenly, I don't feel so good. A wave of nausea hits me. I streak to the bathroom I saw on the way in. I barely make it to the toilet in time. I heave my breakfast into the bowl once, twice, three times.

Billy's wife, Diana, rushes in behind me. I only met Diana about a week before the wedding when she flew in from Temecula, California.

"Faith? Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah..." I groan from my stall.

Diana comes to my stall and gently pulls my hair into a braid to keep it from falling into the toilet. I flush but as I do, acid comes up and dribble down my chin.

"Morning sickness?" she asks rubbing my back

I haven't told anyone about the baby. Besides Zak, Melanie, and Dakota.


"I've had three kids, honey, I know the signs when i see them."

"Oh.... Well yeah. Guess the baby didn't like what i had for breakfast." I say spitting into the toilet.

I grab a wad of toilet paper and wipe my chin. I flush the toilet again and allow Diana to help me up to the sink. I rinse my mouth and wash my hands. Then, Diana does something weird.

She places her hands on either side of my stomach and smiles.

"It's going to be a boy." She says

I smile at her and say nothing. I am left speechless at this woman. How can she tell when this human inside me is still forming? Not even a month old, fingers and hair follicles still forming? She gently leads me out of the bathroom and into the car with 'JUST MARRIED' written on the back windshield.

The car is mine. I have a permit and I can legally drive if I wanted to, but I am terrified of being behind the wheel. Speaking of which, I have my actual driving test in a month and I've driven a car once.

"I love you." I say to Dakota

"I love you, too." I say

We sit in happy silence on our way back to Dakota's house for the impromptu party. Dakota has a larger backyard more suited for the amount of people showing up.

"Can we ditch the party?" I ask

"No. Why would you wanna leave?" Dakota says

"Because we could go on the strip and ride the Ferris Wheel." I say bouncing in my seat.

"Maybe tomorrow but tonight is for the family." Dakota says

"Okay." I say

Dakota smiles at me and pulls into the parking lot of Hell's Kitchen.


I walk into my room and flop down on my bed with Sydney. Dakota went home to pack for the honeymoon. We're leaving tomorrow afternoon. I don't know where we're going because I had Zak and Polly book us a trip. It's a week long trip and I'll be back in time to watch over the construction of Zak's new museum. Zak's dungeon is being over run with things he's collected over the years, so he bought one of the oldest houses a block off the strip and started renovating it to have walking tours inside. I'm supposed to go in and see how everything its coming a long and take a look around the place. The first tours are gonna be held by me and few staff members. I'm super excited for both the honeymoon and the museum.

With all these thoughts in mind, I place my hand over my small baby bump. I'll be starting my second trimester soon. As a matter of fact... I get up from my bed and go into the bathroom where I have a book on pregnancies and a calendar marking how many weeks I am. I flip through the book and read when second trimester is supposed to start. I'm currently at 12 weeks. My second trimester is about to start.

I tuck the calendar back into the book and place it on the counter. I strip out of my dress and put on the fluffy robe hanging next to the shower. I walk into my room and find some sweatpants to wear.  I pull the waistband just over my belly button. They slip down under my belly.

"Curse you. I like wearing my sweats that high." I mutter to my small human

I pull the strings and tie them, then I pull a large hoodie over my torso and climb into bed with Sydney. I fall asleep without the help of my television.

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