Toxic Love (Completed)

By Vicky_9872

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"Get Away From Me" I stated as backed up against the wall. "I can do whatever I damn well, please. You belong... More

Chapter 1: Family Massacre
Chapter 2: Making It Through The Night
Chapter 3: Don't Associate Me With Those Gang Leader Pricks
Chapter 4: Time's Up!
Chapter 5: Auctioned Off
Chapter 6:A Monster I Never Knew
Chapter 7: Are You Afraid Of Me Gattina?
Chapter 8: He Owns Me
Chapter 9: I'm His Queen
Chapter 10: I Am Totally And Completely Fucked
Chapter 11: Sex is Priced
Chapter 12:Seeing It All Again
Chapter 13:Nightmare
Chapter 14:Seeing The True Xander
Chapter 15:Phobia
Chapter 16:A Lesson In The Art Of Sex
Chapter 17:Joey
Chapter 19: I Am His
Chapter 20:Children
Chapter 21:The Storm
Chapter 22: I Need Help
Chapter 23: Murder Of All
Chapter 24: Sold Off Once Again
Chapter 25: Mario Frincie
Chapter 26: The Uncle I Never Had
Chapter 27: The Plan
Chapter 28: Traitor
Chapter 29: He Doesnt Care
Chapter 30: Ill Give You Whatever You Desire
Chapter 31: What Would Have Happened If It Wouldve Been A Girl?
Chapter 32: My New Friend Joey
Chapter 33: The New Boyfriend
Chapter 34: I'm Not A Cheater
Chapter 35: Im Doing This Because Im In Love With You
Chapter 36: Berin's Advice
Chapter 37: Separated
Chapter 38: The Past Is In The Past, and Nothing He Has Done Matters
Chapter 39: Aftermath Of Sleeping With A Druglord
Chapter 40: The Test To Tell The Future
Chapter 40: The Gender Talk
Chapter 42: The Man In The Dark
Chapter 43: The I Love Yous
Chapter 44: Little Easton
Chapter 35: War
Chapter 46: 4 Hours Of Worrying
Chapter 47: Safe and Sound...For Now
Chapter 48: Drugs are Taking Over
Chapter 49: A Reminder Of The Past
Chapter 50: A Reminder Of The Past Part 2
Chapter 51: Finally Going Down
Chapter 52: Getting Out Quickly
Chapter 53: Escaping Hell
Chapter 54: Without You

Chapter 41: Dinner With The Drug Lord

50 1 0
By Vicky_9872

I placed my hand on my stomach. I knew there wasn't a bump or anything, but I just wanted to feel something.

It felt good.

I was somewhat happy with myself.

I have always wanted to be a mom, and I almost had that chance not too long ago. But my uncle took that chance away from me.

To be honest, I don't blame Xander. He made a mistake, and I know he regrets what he did.

He's told me. He seemed so upset.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

A few months ago, he came into my room, when I was still living here. He was drunk, and he came up to my bed and woke me up. He told me he was sorry about the baby, and that he regretted the decision he made. He wished he could've done better.

Maybe this is his chance. If he allows it.

I know this is fucked up, but I 100% hope that this baby is a boy. I couldn't let Xander come up to me during our appointment after we find out it's a girl and cut open my stomach.

I feel bad for the baby in general. Girl or not, this baby will suffer from Xander as its father. Xander is a monster. He's so fucking bipolar. He never seems to make up his mind.

"Megan," Xander said, pulling me out of my deep thoughts.

I looked at him and replied, "yes?"

"Here," Xander said handing me a plate full of food. "I had the maids make it for you. I heard you throwing up earlier, I figured you'd want something to eat."

I smiled. "Thank you, Xander."

Xander leaned down and kissed me forehead before walking off.

Let's backtrack a bit.

It's been almost 8 days since I told Xander, and he and I are getting along surprisingly well.

Yes, I will admit we've been having sex. Which does make him seem a bit happier. Or it's either just the idea of being around me, but I highly doubt that.

He thinks I'm annoying anyways.

We aren't dating though, he hasn't asked me out.

The only reason I've been sleeping with him is that I'm horny all the time. Not sure why, but I can't seem to get the idea of sex off of my mind.

At least once a day, I go and find Xander just to jump his bones.

He's usually in a semi-good mood unless he has business over.

Then he sends me up into our room.

Yes, "our" room.

He made me move into his room, to keep an eye on me.

He says if anybody finds out I'm pregnant with his kid, a target will automatically be put on my back.

That is the last thing I want.

"Is there anything you need?" Ophelia asked me.

Ophelia is a new maid, according to Xander. But by the way, she looks at me and talks to me. I'm pretty sure, that before I came along, she was his toy.

Even though Xander usually never had them. He wasn't the type to have sex, it mostly revolved around blowjobs and handjobs.

"Actually, would you mind getting me a glass of milk?" I asked her.

Ophelia probably didn't expect me to have something I needed since she seemed shocked by my answer.

"Is that all?" she asked me snobbishly.

"Actually, yes. I'd like you to stop being such a rat-faced bitch." I said.

"Excuse me?" she said.

"Stop being a bitch. I get it, Xander fucked you or showed you some attention you can't seem to get from anyone else. Probably daddy issues. You want somebody who acts all-powerful and safe. But look, Xander is mine. He's the father of my baby, so back the fuck down. I may be pregnant, but I won't deal with a snobbish bitch like you daily."

Ophelia looked down at the ground. "You work for me," I added.

She nodded. "Now, go get me the fucking milk I asked for,"

Ophelia quickly stumbled out of the room, almost slipping on her own two feet.

"Damn, acting like queen of the house already?" asked a voice from behind me.

I quickly snapped my head around, to see Xander smirking, and standing in the doorway.

"Sorry, I'm not usually that much of a bitch. But this baby is doing something else to me. And she was pissing me off. I'm not trying to rule the house, or anything like that." I apologize to Xander. Xander chuckled, and walked toward me and sat on the couch next to me.

"Don't apologize. You have nothing to apologize for. I think we need to talk about your role here. I know we discussed about the whole baby thing, but I seemed a little harsh. And I think it's better if we finally open up about everything." Xander said.

Good, this was good. This is what I wanted. Xander is right, he was quite harsh to me when he told me what would happen if the baby was a girl. But him and I need to talk about the future. Hopefully, this baby is a boy, and I don't wanna wait till I can find out to know what will happen after the fact if it's a boy.

"I'ma little busy for the rest of the day, but me and you can go out to dinner later on tonight. And we can discuss. There are a bunch of clothes up for you in my closet, choose what you want. Dress a little more formal, and we can go out to a nice restaurant. Be ready by 7 PM." Xander told me. I smiled slightly, and nodded.

Xander kisses my forehead, before getting up from the couch, and walking out of the room once again. He seemed much nicer now. Once again, as I said he's completely bipolar. I'll never understand him.

6:55 pm

It was five minutes away from being Xander's and I's date. I have been waiting all day for this. I was mostly excited, to hopefully talk about everything. We had a lot to talk about. My guess is, that we would be at this restaurant for hours.

"Miss.Megan? Are you ready?"

I looked toward the door, and saw one of the maids enter the room. She didn't enter the room completely, but she stuck her head in.

I know I did, I grabbed my phone, in my purse, and walked out of the room. I quickly made my way downstairs, to see Xander standing in the middle of the room, dressed up in a suit. This is the nicest I've ever seen him.

He is usually in ripped jeans, and hoodies. More expensive clothes than I've ever seen.

Judging by the dress that I was wearing, my guess is that it cost thousands of dollars. The material, felt much nicer than any of my other clothes. When I went upstairs to get dressed, I had seen that my closet/Xander's closet was filled with expensive clothes. He did seem to have gotten me a bunch of clothes, most likely sending out one of his maids to gather me clothes.

As I was walking down the stairs, Xander turned his head to me, and smiled.

"Ready?" He asked me.

Xander walked toward me, as I nodded. He took his hand in mine, as I stepped off the last step. Him and I walked outside, and got into his car. Usually other people drive us around, but this time Xander had his own car.

"Why aren't any of your men taking us? Usually we ride in the large black SUVs." I asked him a little confused. Xander turn toward me, before starting up the car.

" I just wanted to be with you alone. No man a bar backs, watching our every move. And hearing everything we have to say." Xander replied.

I understood what he meant. I felt like whenever him and I were talking, all the men were staring at us, and listening. I feel like I never was alone. And I hate that feeling. To some extent.

It didn't take long to get to the restaurant. But the entire time, it was dead silent in the car. I didn't want to start a conversation yet, at least not until we got to the restaurant.

After about a 10 minute drive, we arrived at the restaurant. The restaurant was absolutely beautiful. But it looked as if nobody was here. Xander and I got out of the car, and a woman with menus greeted us. She quickly took us to the table, and we both sat down. Xander and I both ordered drinks, and I ordered water, and he ordered some whiskey.

"You might be wondering why nobody is here, earlier today I caught up and made sure that I booked the entire place out. I didn't want anybody here. Especially since I have no man watching us, it could be a danger that other people are here. Especially if they know that you're pregnant. The only people that know you're here, or the work staff. They are even quite limited." Xander said, almost reading my mind.

" I get it."

"So, as we wait for our drinks, I think we should talk about the whole baby thing. At least get that out of the way."

I nodded.

" I want to apologize. I had no right to be that harsh. But you have to understand, I cannot have a girl for us. As much as I would hate to do it, I would have to kill her. Megan, I really do care about you. But I have to do what is best for my lifestyle. A girl would only ruin everything. It would make things about 1000 times worse. The only other option we would have, is to give her up. And it's very likely that if we day, somebody would come after her until her. Or they would sell her into sex slavery. There's no better option. I know you would want to keep her, but I couldn't do that. Even if I were to send both a new way, it would be very likely that somebody would catch up to you guys. Then, it would be endangering your life as well. Which is what I don't want."

I nodded.

" I guess you're right. But what would happen, if I got pregnant with a boy. And he somehow died. His age wouldn't matter, but he died. And me and you tried again. And I got pregnant with a girl. Would you still kill her? Or would it not matter?"

" I know I told you earlier, that I wouldn't have her killed. But I would. I don't want to lie to you anymore. I cannot have a girl, first. It cannot happen. If that baby turns out to be a boy, and he later on dies. And you get pregnant with a girl, I will have to kill her. I'll do it the best way I can, not to injure you. There are other ways then the horrific way I explained it to you."

"How would you do it? I know it's a little off topic, and we shouldn't be discussing this until we know, but how would you do it? Would you do it as if I was getting an abortion? Or would you give me some type of pill?" I asked him.

" I really wish you weren't talking about this, at least until we know. But, I guess I'll tell you. In the world that I live in, this happens a lot. What happens more often, is that men, sleep around, and accidentally get a random girl pregnant. And when the random girl girl doesn't want to give it up, he usually drugs her drink. Which I won't do to you, I'll tell you. It's just a pill, and no end it's life. Hurting neither of you."

"What if it's a boy? What will happen between me and you?"

"If it's a boy, it'll take over my empire. I'll train it, as soon as it turns about five. It may be earlier, if it seems to have an interest. And hopefully, it'll take over as soon as possible. Even earlier if something happens to me. And me and you, we can do whatever we want. I'm not gonna force you into a marriage. To be honest, I don't even want to get married. It's nothing against you, but I never wanna get married in my life. I always thought it was something stupid. And it's more likely that it will put a hit on your head."

"If it's a boy, and I have the baby. Will I be allowed to date other people? And do what I want? And what about you?"

"As unfair as this sounds, you won't be allowed to date other people. You can do whatever you want, but not be involved with other people. It's just best. And with me, I have no interest in other girls. Are usually keep to myself, as you can see. I've only taken a special interest in you, since I like you so much."

Xander likes me? Why?

"You like me? I don't understand."

"I do come I told you this before. I did tell you that my feelings have changed, but they didn't. I do care a lot about you, even if you weren't pregnant. But you are. And after finding out that my feelings have gotten stronger for you."

I can't believe this is happening.

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