The Bachelorette

By KitKat0305

21.7K 426 105

Falling in love isn't always easy. Neither is going through a heartbreak. Alanna fell in love in one of the... More

Get to know me
First night (part 1)
Meet the contestants (Part 1)
Meet the contestants (Part 2)
First Impression Rose
Rose Ceremony
Week 1. Group date
Week 1. Cocktail party
Week 1. One-on-one
Week 1. Group date
Week 1. Cocktail party
Week 1. Rose ceremony
Week 1. Who left?
Week 2. Group date
Week 2. Cocktail party
Week 2. One-on-one
Week 2. Group date
Week 2. Cocktail party
Week 2. Rose ceremony
Week 2. Who left?
Week 3. Group date
Week 3. Cocktail party
Week 3. One-on-one
Week 3. Group date
Week 3. Group date winner
Week 3. Cocktail party
Week 3. Rose ceremony
Week 4. One-on-one
Week 4. Group date
Week 4. Cocktail party
Week 4. Group date
Week 4. Rose ceremony
Who left?
Week 5. One-on-one
Week 5. Group date
Week 5. Cocktail party
Week 5. Two-on-one (Part 1)
Week 5. Two-on-one (Part 2)
Week 5. Cocktail Party

Week 4. Coctail party

183 10 0
By KitKat0305

I arrived to the cocktail party pretty confused.
I feel like every time there is a cocktail party, there is an important issue that needs to be resolved and I was getting tired of that.

I approached the room and immediately the guys stood up. 

"Hey!" I told them as I sat down next to Cameron and Liam. The second handed me my drink. White wine like always. "Thanks." I sighed. "I really enjoyed today. It was great seeing my best friends and more great that you all got along. You know, they are some of the most important people in my life and right now, all of you are really important for me, so it was a big deal that you got to know each other. So, cheers for today and for having a wonderful night."


"Hey, do you want to go and talk?" Cameron asked. 

"Absolutely, lets go."

We walked hand in hand until we reached a small couch. 

"Lets sit here. So, did you like your week here in New York?"

"I loved it. It was good coming back and knowing that I was near my kids."

"You live here in New York?"


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to enjoy my time with you."

"That's so cute. You are so cute."

"I'm not cute, I'm sexy AF."

"That you are." We just laughed and kissed.

"I really enjoy hanging out with you." He told me. 

"Hmm, me too. I feel save with you."

"I will always keep you safe. I promise."

"Thank you." I leaned up to kiss him. "So, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"What's up?"

"It's about your kids."

"Okay? What about them?"

"Well, if we were to end up together, if we get married, would you like for me to legally adopt them? Will it be awkward? I don't know anything about having kids or being someone's mom. Don't get me wrong, I love kids and I would love to have kids one day, but they are your kids. You know them. Will it be okay with your ex? Won't she feel like I'm taking her role, maybe?"

"I get what you are saying. I get where you are coming from. I know you would never try to replace their mom. You see, Leah is married and her husband has never once tried to replace me as their dad. He knows he is the stepdad and he is okay with that. We all get along really well, so I don't see the problem of you coming into our lives. I know they will love you."

"I'm glad you understand. It's just that today, after I spoke to my friends I realized that we never talked about this and it was something that was bugging me. And if I'm being honest, I didn't know if you would be offended by my question."

"Never. And I appreciate you coming and talking to me about this. I know you never expected to be someone's stepmom, but I am telling you that whatever happens, we will deal with it together. As a team."

"I like that." I gave him a kiss.

When we separated, I rested my head on his shoulder for a couple of minutes, enjoying our moment together, wishing that I could stay there for ever.
It wasn't until someone came into the room that we separated. 

"Hey guys, mind if I interrupt?" Liam asked. 

"Not at all. See you later beautiful." Cameron said as he kissed my cheek.

Liam sat next to me, taking Cameron's place on the couch. 

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm fine. You?"

"Same." He said. 

"How are you feeling, better now?"

"Much. I actually wanted to thank you."

"For what?"

"For being awesome and so understanding. I was pretty upset that I got sick and we had to cut our date short, but you were so understanding and polite about all of it, so thank you. And I wanted to apologize for cutting our date shot."

"Hey, never apologize for getting sick. We all get sick. And for what you are thanking me, it's not a big deal. I care about you and seeing you not okay, made me worry. I will always take care of you and understand when you get sick."

"You are awesome. You truly are."

"So are you. Never forget that."

He was about to kiss me when we heard footsteps coming our way. 

"I guess this is my cue to leave." Liam said slightly disappointed. 

"I guess so."

I got up and decided to meet the mysterious walking person in the hallway. I turned the corner and bumped into Kyle. 

"Hello there gorgeous." He said as he placed his hands on my waist. 

"Hello there handsome."

"I was coming to get you, would you like to walk with me for a bit?"

"Absolutely, lets go." He grabbed my hand and we started walking. We went outside and it was a little chilly. 

"Here, take this." He took off his jacket and placed it over my shoulders. "To keep your warm."

"Thank you very much, such a gentlemen."

"Always." He leaned down to kiss my lips and then my forehead. 

"So, you wanted to tell me something. I'm all ears."

"Yeah, I sure did want to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I feel like I have been a little closed off, and not really giving my 100% to make this relationship work."

"Oh, I wasn't expecting that."

"I was talking with some of the guys and I realized that they have better relationships with you than we have. I know they share really intimate stories about themselves with you, and truth is I am lagging."

"First of all, let me tell you that every single relationship that I have is completely and utterly different. Some and stronger, some are weaker, but they are all different and I would never compare one with another, because there is simply no point of comparison. I do feel like maybe our relationship could be stronger, but I don't expect everything to be perfect. I know we have to work for our relationship to be strong."

"I know and I know that I haven't helped or given it my all to build a strong or stronger relationship. It's just that it is difficult for me to open up so easily."

"I get that. I'm not asking you to tell me all of your secrets or everything that goes on in your life, I'm just asking you to try. That's all."

"Yeah, I know. I just feel like I am not opening up enough."

"Hey, I get what you are saying and all I want to tell you is, stop worrying. We can figure this out and you can share as much or as little as you want. I am not and will never rush you or push you to do something you don't want. When you feel confident enough to share something with me, I will be here and I will gladly listen. Don't pressure yourself for this."

"Alanna Mason, why are you so amazing?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. 

"I want to kiss you oh so bad."

"Then do it, what are you waiting for?" I asked as I placed my arms around his neck. 

Quickly after that he pinned my into the wall and crashed his lips with mine. He lifted me by my waist and I circled my legs around his waist. He let one of his hands wander to my ass and gave it a little squeeze. I gasped at his action and he took this opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. 

To say I was enjoying the moment was an understatement. 

After a few minutes of ya making out, my feet touched the ground again and we separated. 

"That was awesome." I just giggled at his statement. 

"I'll talk to you later, okay?" He nodded and pecked my lips before he went away.
The cocktail party was almost over, I just needed to talk to Isaac about this girlfriend situation.
I walked up to him and asked if we could talk. 

"Sure, lets go." He stood up and grabbed my hand. We decided to sit near a fireplace. "So, what's up?"

"How are you?"

"I'm good."

"Perfect. So I wanted to ask you something."


"How does your girlfriend back home feel about you being here?"

"Hold up, my what?" He asked with a shocked face. 

"Your girlfriend back home. Won't she be jealous that you are here with me instead of her? 

"I don't know what you are talking about, I don't have a girlfriend."

"Oh, but you do. I know you do."

"No, I don't."

"Cut the crap Isaac. I know you have a girlfriend back home."

"Alanna, I swear I don't. " He stood up. 

"Did you or did you not tell your girlfriend that you were going on a vacation and when you returned home, you would propose to her?"

"Wha...what? I... I don't know where are you getting this information from, but it is wrong."

"I don't have time for this, please be honest with me."

"I did have a girlfriend before I came to the show."

"How long before?"

"Two days." He said under his breath. 


"Two days. But we aren't together anymore."

"My question is, if you were in a relationship, why did you apply for the show?"
He stayed silent. 

"Was it because you wanted to be seen? Because of the fame?"

" I just felt suffocated in that relationship, and I didn't know how to break up with her."

"So you applied for the show."

"Yeah. She loves this show and I knew she wouldn't get too mad about me going away and breaking up with her."

"So you were a coward and opted for an easy way out."

"If you want to see it like that."

"Oh my God." I exclaimed. "This will never work."


"You and me."

"Why not?"

"Because instead of you owning up to your responsibilities, you were a coward. You ran away from your problems and I can't be with someone who won't think twice before doing something like that. You broke up with her by using me and this show as your excuse for walking away. That's just pathetic. Wouldn't you feel horrible if she did that to you?"

"Well, yeah. Yeah I would. I would be extremely angry and hurt."

"Exactly. That wasn't fair for her. What's her name?"


"Okay, then you need to go back home and apologize to her. Put on your big boy pants and apologize to Angie. She doesn't deserve this."

"Okay." He sat back down next to me. 

"Can I walk you out?" I asked as I turned to look at him. 


We both stood up and walked outside. A van was already waiting for him. When we approached the van he turned to look at me. 

"I'm sorry I did this. You are absolutely right. I was a coward. I am a coward."

"Just fix this and apologize to her. Please."

"I will. Good luck Alanna. -he hugged me before entering the van. I closed to door and walked away."

I stood outside for a few minutes before I went back in with the rest of the guys. 

"Hey." I said as I approached them. I sat down and let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. "I had to send Isaac home."

"What?" Charlie asked. 

"Yeah, turns out he had a girlfriend two days before he came to the show. I just had to send him away."

"We understand."

"This has been a fantastic day, but also a tiring one. I just want to sleep."

"We get it."

2But, before we all go home to sleep, there is something we must do." I grabbed the rose that was resting on the table. "I had really good conversations with all of you and I want to remind all of you that I will never judge you. With that being said, Kyle." I turned to him. "Will you accept this rose?"

"You bet I will." We stood up and I pinned the rose to his sweater. He smiled for ear to ear. 

"Well, I will se you al tomorrow. Have a lovely night."

We all stood up and hugged each other goodbye. And just like that I was out if the cocktail party, on my way to my bed to catch some rest.

Hey guys, how are you? I hope all of you are good. I just wanted to ask everyone to be safe.
I wish all of you the best.

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