His kid? (Jack Gilinsky)

By Espinosa007

174K 2.3K 199

19year old Cassie Miller never thought she would make it as far as she has with snowboarding with the x games... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
New book

Chapter 26

3.2K 40 14
By Espinosa007

2 days later
•Cassie's P.O.V•

I woke up and grabbed my bags. We were going to Seattle today for Magcon. Mason was up and ready to go. I put him in khaki skinny jeans and a red Magcon hoodie with that red beanie he loves. I gave him red vans as well. I slipped on light wash skinny jeans and a Tiffany blue flowey tank top with a ivory cardigan. I paired it with white vans, I left my hair In it's natural curls and applied my normal makeup. (Cassie above if you forgot) I grabbed my bag and Masons hand as we got into the uber to go to the airport. We arrived at the airport and there were so many fans! Cameron said no pictures because we were on a tight schedule. I felt kinda bad. We boarded the plane for Seattle as Mason crawled over onto Matts lap and I put my white solo beats on and zoned out to the beat of my music. We arrived in Seattle around 9 and headed to the hotel. It was a really nice hotel. Jack and I had a room to ourselves with Mason of course. We dropped our stuff off and headed down to the conference room for Magcon. We walked on stage for soundcheck and started goofing off. "Baby come thruuuu you deserve a round round rou rou rou round" Taylor said into the mic as the boys danced. I laughed and Mason tried to join them. They did lipgloss and grind on me. I pulled Masons beanie overbid eyes when they did the grind on me part. We goofed off for another hour or so and then the fans piled in.

Magcon was a success! We went back up to the room and sat on the beds. "What should we do?" Jack asked. Just then Sammy came in. "Jack let's go out" Sammy said with JJ behind him. "Sam I can't." He said. "Jack, we need some Omaha brother time come on" Sammy begged. "I have to say here with Mason and Cas-" "just go" I said cutting him off. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. "Go have some fun. Live like you actually did, not so serious" I smiled kissing his cheek. He smiled and got up saying bye to Mason and I. He left and I sighed. "Mason do you wanna go swimming?" I asked him. He nodded. I pulled out his swimsuit and grabbed mine, I changed into my Tiffany blue bikini and Mason changed into his black trunks. I grabbed us towels and went next door to Nash and Cams room to see if they wanted to come with. They nodded and I got the rest of the guys. We all went down to the pool and played with Mason till around 9 or so. It was way past his bedtime. We got out and decided we were gonna film a video in Nash's room. I grabbed Masons clothes and changed him into basketball shorts and a white bike t shirt. I sent him over to Nash's while I changed. I changed into black leggings and a grey Magcon hoodie. I opened the door to walk out and stepped out. I heard some noise down the hall, it sounded like laughing. "Your a good kisser" a girl voice said. I turned around to see A girl pressed up against one of the doors to what must be her room. She smiled and disappeared inside leaving the tall boy in the hall. He turned towards me ad that's when I realized it was Jack. Everything inside me broke, my eyes filled with tears as I shook my head and headed back towards the door. He started walking towards me but I slammed the door and locked it. "Cassie please, I'm sorry, open up" he said from the outside. I slid down the other side of the door and pulled my knees to my chest as covered my mouth as I let out silent sobs. "It was a mistake. Please" Jack said. I got up and grabbed Mason and my bag. I threw the dirty clothes from today back in there and called for a uber. I walked over to the door that connected Nash and my room and started banging on it. "Nash open up please" I cried. Nothing. "Nash please!" I said louder. I heard footsteps and the door opened. I collapsed into Nash's arms crying. He looked so surprised. "Cassie what's wrong!?" He asked. Mason was standing there. "Take him to next door" Nash said pointing to the door that connected their room to Taylor and Shawn's. All the rooms were connected so i figured it wouldn't be long before everyone knew. "He, he kissed another girl. In the hallway" I sobbed. "He broke me nash!" I said crying. Matt soon appeared and took me from Nash. "Baby let's go home" he said. "He's out there" I said calming down a little bit. "You guys have to go to Phoenix tomorrow anyway tomorrow" I said. "Cassie please let's just go home and we can decide that tomorrow" Matt said. "But he's out there" I said. "We can go all the way down to Carter and Hayes room, it's right by the elevator" Matt said. I nodded. "Y'all were going home, no questions until we get home, pack it up, JJ I need you to stay here with dick boy" Matt said. JJ nodded and so did Sammy. They started walking through the rooms and I walked back into ours. "I'm just gonna see if I forgot anything." I lied. They nodded and kept walking. I walked back in and grabbed a piece of paper, I wrote a note and weighed it down on the bed with the ring he gave me. I quietly unlocked the door, he wouldn't know until later. I walked back into Nash's room ad locked the connecting door. I walked all the way down and out the door,I looked down to see Jack with his head against the door. My eyes filled with tears as the doors opened and I ran inside. Mason was confused. "Mommy wheres daddy?" He asked. "Daddy's on a time out" I said. "Was he naughty?" Mason asked. "Yes Mason" I said. He frowned . We got to the lobby and loaded into the uber. We got to the airport and bought tickets. We boarded the next available flight which happened to be an hour later. We took off as I cried the whole ride home realizing that i was once again broken...

•Jacks P.O.V•

I was stupid. I was drunk, Sammy took me out to have fun and all I did was get drunk and kiss a fan who was a whore. Gosh was I stupid. She would never take me back, the alcohol wore off as I realized I was alone. I true the locked door again and it opened. I jumped up and walked inside. Empty.... Everything was gone. There was a piece of paper on the bed. I walked over to it and looked closer. There it was, the ring I gave her weighing down what I assume was a note. I picked it up and read it.

Jack I'm hurt. I'm broken, I trusted you. How am I going to explain to a two year old that his dad isn't around right now because he was making out with a fan whore. I sure don't. The door has been unlocked since 9:30. I'm probably gone. But who cares. I can't believe you did this to me. I loved you Jack! and there's a possibility I still do. The ring says love like you've never loved. Truth is I hadn't ever loved anyone until I met you. You broke me the first time and I was dumb enough to take you back only to have you do it again. I'm sure there's a reason, I'm sure your going to end up calling me endless amounts of times. I won't answer so don't bother, I can reassure you I'm ok though. I thought the tears would stop but they don't. Goodbye Jack. ~Cass❤️

Tears slid down my face as I read the note. What the hell had I done. I had just lost the 2 most important people in my life. Worst of all...... I broke one of them.

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