Who I Am (Infinite x Reader)

By Shaye_Serena

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You were always the quiet one, but it turned into something worse after the war began. You had lost everythin... More

Chapter 1 ~ Mission Briefing
Chapter 2 ~ Space Port
Chapter 3 ~ Gamma
Chapter 4 ~ Search Party
Chapter 5 ~ Lost and Found
Chapter 6 ~ Back in Action
Chapter 7 ~ Witness's Memory
Chapter 8 ~ Pulsing Ruby
Chapter 9 ~ The Fakes
Chapter 10 ~ Metropolis
Chapter 11 ~ Fear and Pain
Chapter 12 ~ The Metal Copy
Chapter 13 ~ Files
Chapter 14 ~ Fair Fight
Chapter 15 ~ Our Hell
Chapter 16 ~ Second Round
Chapter 17 ~ Memories
Chapter 18 ~ Lesson
Chapter 19 ~ Cracked Code
Chapter 20 ~ It Begins
Chapter 21 ~ Null Space
Chapter 22 ~ Death Comes
Chapter 23 ~ Ultimate Sacrifice
Chapter 24 ~ Regret
Chapter 25 ~ Denial
Chapter 26 ~ Another Fight
Chapter 27 ~ Lost Control
Chapter 28 ~ Drowning
Chapter 29 ~ Mistake
Chapter 30 ~ What Could Have Been
Chapter 31 ~ Monster
Chapter 32 ~ Lost Hope
Chapter 33 ~ Split
Chapter 34 ~ Fleeting
Chapter 35 ~ Phantom
Chapter 36 ~ Disband
Chapter 37 ~ Goodbye
Chapter 38 ~ Crimson
Chapter 39 ~ Repentant
Chapter 40 ~ Stirring
Chapter 41 ~ Self Loathe
Chapter 42 ~ Reel
Chapter 43 ~ Questioning
Chapter 45 ~ Dyspnea
RIP Laptop
Chapter 46 ~ Panic
Chapter 47 ~ Procedure

Chapter 44 ~ A Vow

1.8K 68 28
By Shaye_Serena

Infinite is struggling to hold onto me, arm wrapped around my neck for support. Every other step is a stumble or collapse.

Infinite growls with effort as we walk down a gravely slope, sweat drenched his body, balance worse than someone with a concussion. I eventually just call it quits and slowly lay him down. Rather delay a few minutes on our journey than have Infinite pass out me having to carry him.

He pants. "I-I'm fine, just keep... walking." He tries to stand up, but I pull his arm, making him sit and rest. Infinite stops struggling right then and there, giving in.

The jackal hung his head, pushing his damaged mask back up onto his head despite barely being able to breath due to his injuries and the hour we have travelled once it was noon. The sky was overcast, grey, draining the life and energy out of us. But that was no excuse to stop. I only had three days left until I was going to be promoted to sergeant, plus I have a literal gunshot wound that is going to be asked about, I need to get Infinite somewhere actually safe too—

I sigh, burying my face in my hands. So much going on in my brain. I run my fingers down my cheeks and then look at Infinite. He had his arms rested on his tucked knees, staring blankly ahead into the distance.

My gaze tries to follow his own. There was nothing of interest ahead. Just a brutalized ruin of what used to be a small town. The steady grey rubble slope below us probably used to be a road on the hill. That or a house or apartment. I'd rather not know the answer. More half-demolished homes with nothing but black scorch marks, lose bricks and what could be described as a ghost town was below us.

I didn't even know where I was going anymore. I just needed to get somewhere with a map, or better yet, a vehicle.

I stand, hold my hand up to show Infinite to stay. He didn't acknowledge the gesture, so I just turned and slid down the grey chunks of concrete and pavement. I hold my arms out for balance as the plates shift and bring me down to the level of the ruins.

I grab my rifle from my belt, stepping quickly but quietly, scanning through the buildings. Nothing seemed to be in any of them, especially since there wasn't much left of them. I slowly get to the edge of town, where the bricks started to hold a better shape of what they were supposed to look like.

I enter through a broken wall of a small four-story apartment, easily climbing upstairs since the rubble made a good staircase to the next floor. I didn't exactly want to be in a place that was so structurally unsound for too long so I quickly searched the apartment room I was in as fast and carefully as I could.

There was a bed, dresser, bathroom I didn't go into, and a coat hanger by the door that would exit into the hallway. There was still a large coat hanging from the rack.

I quickly snatch the dark grey tattered coat and rush out the way I came, stomach churning with each floorboard squeak. I look at the jacket closer once I was out in the light. It was way too large for me, heck, it would luckily only just barely fit Infinite. The long skirt of the coat was long, but it was torn and frayed. Luckily the chest and above were in good condition, though the hood was nearly about to rip off.

I sigh, though it wasn't much, it was better than nothing. I lower my gun to my side, lifting the jacket up so it wouldn't drag and get further damaged than it already was.

My heart pounds when I hear something closing in, in the distance. My ears perk up, my eyes widen.

A car.

I instantly run as fast as I can back to Infinite, nearly slipping when I rushed up the unsteady slope of loose gravel. Infinite looks at me confused but doesn't question anything when I grab him by the hand and drag him into a ruined home, where there were just barely four walls standing and no ceiling.

At least it was cover.

The engine grows louder as it nears. It was entering the town!

I look at Infinite, hands desperately reaching into my pouch for my whiteboard and marker. As fast as I can I write.

We're gonna steal that car. You need to take off your mask or they'll know you're alive.

Just as I shove the board into Infinite's hand, I hear the engine turn off. Infinite and I listen carefully, glancing at each other with an edge in the air. I hear a door open and shut. There were two male voices.

"Why are we stopping?" One asks, sounding quite annoyed and disinterested.

"Refilling the gas."

"Ugh. I don't even see why we're coming through here. I know we're supposed to meet at the Eggman tower and stuff, but this is a lame ass way to get there. We could have just taken a chopper with the rest of the crew!"

"Don't complain to me, pal, I'm stuck with you too."

I look at Infinite, who looks angrily shoved the whiteboard back into my hands. He placed both of his gloved hands on either side of his mask.

"No!" he whisper-yelled. "There is no way I am taking off this mask."

Why?! I wanted to argue. Does your identity matter more than the entire planet be on high alert for you? Or being shot on sight? I roll my eyes and press my hand to my temple, trying to think.

I look at what we have, gaze sharpening, ears slightly blocking out the footsteps not so far away. I have an old jacket, some gauze left, a belt, and my bandana. I reach for the piece of cloth wrapped around my neck, then look up at Infinite.

I pull up the bandana up over my mouth, hand the coat to Infinite. I quietly unclip my belt, praying the soldiers wouldn't hear my ruffling. I pull the belt over my shoulder and clip it over my chest. My hands quickly run through my hair, messing it up bit so that it would be slightly harder to point me out in a crowd if I run into these soldiers again.

With my hands wrapping around my rifle, ready to rush past the corner, I glance at Infinite. He had on the coat, hood pulled up with his long hair somehow tucked inside, but didn't quite seem to be on board with whatever I'm about to do. Time was ticking in my head. I grab one of my last remaining rolls of gauze from my one of my belt pouches and slowly move my hands towards Infinite's face.

He tensed slightly, and I stopped. Infinite clutched his chest, fabric folding as he winced in pain.

Wrap this around your mask. Hide your face. When you hear a single gunshot come out and get in the car. I quickly write on the board then hand to him.

Before he could argue back, I glance around the corner, blocking out anything that he may have said next. Two soldiers, both young, a brown hedgehog sat in the car recalibrating his rifle while a pale grey wolf was putting away a fuel tank into the backseat of the pale camo military jeep. The car didn't have a roof, and looked like it had a large back for carrying a decent amount of cargo.

The wolf stared at his sage uniform and grumbled, staring at the large black splotch on the shirt.

"Damn it," he exclaimed.

The hedgehog looked at him, grinning. "And this is one of the many reasons why I like choppers."

There wasn't another second to lose. With my marksmen rifle raised I walked out from the cover of the ruined house. I turned the safety off and aimed right at the two soldiers. Everything seemed to move fast after that.

The wolf's back was to me, about to climb into the vehicle but the hedgehog noticed the weapon aimed at him. He did a doubletake before realizing I was there, his green eyes widen, and he raised his rifle.

"On your six!" he shouted.

The pain in my stomach flared with my raising heartrate, I tried my best not to wince as the wolf whirled around, pistol in hand.

"Woah, woah, put the weapon down! We are military and we can and will shoot if you do not cooperate!" The wolf barks, bright blue eyes hard.

The hedgehog remains in his seat in the car, ready to pull the trigger. "Is this a civilian? I can't tell, they have our weaponry." He whispers to his partner.

The wolf growls back. "Must be a scavenger. Bastards take all the gear from the dead instead of leaving them in peace."

I am one of you, I wanted to say. No, I think, almost shaking my head. Remember Infinite.

My heart was beating out of my chest knowing that my long journey could be ended right here, but I knew that I must press on. Even if I must turn against and steal from my own kind.

I take a tiny step forward and tilt my gun slightly to the side, gesturing for them to move to the wall.

"Use your words! We can talk this out," the hedgehog says, a tiny quiver his voice. He looked me up and down, probably making note of the horrible shape I was in. "If it's the jeep you want, you aren't getting it!"

Fury coursed through my veins at that that first sentence. My eyes turn harsh and my movements turn from collected to aggressive. I angrily gesture to the wrecked brick wall again, patience wearing thin.

They don't budge. I took aim at the wolf's head, whose eyes then filled with realization. I moved the end of my marksmen rifle ever so slightly to the right, then pulled the trigger.

   One shot rung out, the hedgehog yells as the wolf drops to the ground.

"Dax!" He yells, jumping out of the jeep, rushing to the wolf's side. His green eyes are filled with relief as the wolf rises on his own, clutching his ear. "You're not— you weren't shot?"

The wolf looks back up at his friend. "No...?" He looks to me, raising his hands. "Okay, Milo, move to the wall, hands raised, very slowly."

The hedgehog looked like he wanted to argue, but instead he just growled. "Fine." He did as he was instructed.

Slowly the two raised from the ground, leaving their guns on the pavement, and pressed their backs against the cracked wall.

With my aim still on them I snatched the guns from the ground and tossed them into the jeep, quickly glancing around for Infinite.

Then I saw him. Infinite was clutching my whiteboard to his chest, still in agonizing pain obviously. Steps unsteady. He had zipped up the oversized grey jacket even more, going up to where his mouth should be. Hand pulling down his hood over his face which was almost completely covered with bandages. The only thing that was visible was the cracked red glass, which was almost all gone at this point, so you could see Infinite's piercing yellow eye if you had the right angle.

"Holy shit," the hedgehog addressed as Milo mutter under his breath, gaping at how rough the jackal looked.

Still watching the two, I walk around the jeep, open the door for Infinite to get in then do the same on my side. Infinite nearly fell lost his balance once, breathing heavily due to the pain he was in.

He needed more morphine once we were out of the radius of the two militants. I hopped into the jeep, feeling a rush of anxiety since I haven't exactly driven much before. I mean, I would watch Ajax, or a few other members of my team do it, but I don't know if that knowledge will be enough.

There was a walkie talkie near the gearshift and the GPS. I quickly grab it and toss it in their direction so they could radio for pickup once we were long gone. I may be stealing transport from them, but I don't want to leave these soldiers stranded.

I hear the door shut, meaning Infinite got in the jeep. I just pray he won't grab one of the guns I dropped into the backseat and hold it to my head.

As quickly as I can I rest my gun on my lap and start the jeep. I grab the knob of the gearshift, plant my foot on the brake and turn it from park to drive. I then raise my foot and down on the gas petal, turning the wheel completely to the right, doing a U-turn down the remains of the village road. Once I was turned around, I pressed harder on the gas and we shot off, engine roaring.

The road was straight so there wasn't much to avoid other than a few large cracks in the road, so we were out of that town in only a few moments.

Now we were on the open road, a flat wasteland of short dead grass that was slowly growing back after all this war.

I rolled my eyes when I realize neither of us were wearing seatbelts.

. . .

The GSP coordinates have led us back to the city. Where the Resistance once was. Where I must return in two days. Night has fallen, I have driven all day, getting a grip on how to drive quickly now that I was in control of the vehicle. Infinite hasn't said anything the whole trip, barely moved either, just sitting with his knees tucked up onto his seat. He still held into his hood, keeping the wind from pulling it off.

Thank God there were barely any people wandering the streets at night. Tired from a day's work rebuilding the destruction that was caused by the jackal in the seat next to me and the mad scientist who ruined my life. People likely weren't feeling safe wandering around in the dark either yet. While the war may be over, there is still the memories and scars of it that remain.

I pull into a dark alley in the middle of town, within a reasonable walking distance of the Resistance headquarters. I don't want people following my tracks. When the jeep is eventually found people will wonder where the ones who stole it went. I can't be arrested for shooting at a marine and then be found out that I am aiding the most wanted man on the face of Mobius.

I put the jeep into park and click a few buttons on the GPS, trying to find a way to remove my coordinates history. I don't want them to find out what building I was searching for, or else the two soldiers I stole from will walk in and recognize me immediately.

My head hurt, I rub my eyes and try again, the map and roads straining my eyes. My stomach hurt, both from my wounds and the supply of protein bars that ran out a few hours ago when I had a "dinner break" with Infinite. We had eaten in absolute awkward silence then, after we kept driving, not fully satisfied with our food.

Patience was not something I had anymore. I growl with anger and slam my fist into the screen, a bit harder than intended and the screen turned black and a huge crack scattering across the screen.

I sigh, frustrated, but relieved that solved my problem. My shoulders sagged as I bowed my head, exhausted. I glance over at Infinite, he was looking at the broken GPS, and then me.

"Long day," he said. I nod.

This was the most normal interaction we have ever had surprisingly. And I wonder if we will ever have another one after this day.

I grab my marksman rifle, movements slower than I wanted. Dreading my next steps, not having any willpower to move I force myself out of my seat.

We could just sleep here for the night, I think. But that thought is immediately met with, someone might find us here.

I get out of the jeep, shutting the door behind me. I unclip my belt from wrapping over my shoulder and put it back around my waist, like before. My bandana was already now draping from my neck. Hopefully I looked like I did before I left...

... Except that I now have bruises on my neck and hole in my side. I don't even know if the bullet exited my body. I didn't want to think about it now, there's was too much already on my slowly deactivating mind.

I clip my rifle and my whiteboard to my belt and wait as Infinite exited the jeep. I wince as Infinite sucked in air through his teeth, leaning on the vehicle for support as he walked over towards me.

When I took his arm and wrapped it around me for support he didn't complain. He was too exhausted to complain too.

We then walked down the street in silence, having to take breaks every now and again since we got exhausted and overpowered by pain. Time passed both slowly and quickly. My brain didn't seem to have much of a concept of time anymore, soon we were standing before the plain metal warehouse that was the disguise for the Resistance base.

"Are you finally going to turn me in here?" Infinite asks as we stand outside the entrance of the building.

I look over at him, eyes sympathetic. It was sad that even after all this he thought I was going to just turn him over. My head shook in response.

Infinite unzips his jacket a bit, so he could move his neck. He places his hand on my arm, looking deep into my eyes.

"If the time comes where I am found out, you can pin anything and everything that happened on me. But I need you to promise me something."

I nod, listening intensely.

"You will kill Phantom and the other two, okay?" He squeezed my arm, nails digging into my flesh, deadly serious.

Other two?

Infinite didn't take my confused look as an answer. He shook my shoulders. "Swear it! I tried to give mercy to those I could. But these... manifests, they do not care. They will kill anything that gets in their way."

What do you know? He seemed... terrified of them.

Just to have Infinite loosen his grip and stop his seemingly ridiculous ramblings I nod multiple times, eyes wide.

His bandaged head hangs, looking to the ground. "One more thing... Too many favours after all I've done, I know. Forgive me for being selfish." Infinite looks back up at me. "If Phantom takes control of my body again, or if I go mad, or I do something that could endanger anyone, you need to kill me, understand?"

My brow muscles curve upwards. Since when does he talk this kindly? I swallow hard, then force a nod.


I drag the jackal with me to the door, entering the code.

Can I really fulfill his wishes if it really came down to it?

The door opens, the lights were dim, it was likely no one was awake. It was going to be early morning soon the last time I looked at the GPS in the jeep. I wouldn't really be surprised if it was in the "a.m.'s" after all our slow travelling.

We walk as quietly as possible down the hallway. I wasn't entirely certain where I can put Infinite without someone accidentally stumbling upon him. I thought of someplace people don't really go.

Supply closet F! I think. I've never gone in there since it's the last closet and I never have needed to use it. I haven't seen many enter it either, so it could be a good place to hide Infinite.

More walking, soon we're there. I open the door. The room was dark. There was a small layer of dust on the boxes and crates stored neatly in the shelves. There was a big pile of blankets in the corner, which seems like the only thing that has move in here recently.

I sit Infinite on the ground and throw him one of the blankets, taking some of my few remaining morphine needles and drop them nearby for the injured jackal. I gesture for him to stay here. Infinite sighs and looks down at the thick, soft fabric in his arms, squishing it.

Expecting no words of goodbye and too tired to be angry Infinite didn't say "thank you" after this ordeal I turn and grab the cold door handle.

His voice brings a halt to my wrist's movement.

"Remember your promise, (Y/N)."

Half turning my head, I exhale heavily, nodding again.

"I... am, uh, I... apologize for all I've done." Infinite struggled to get those words out, but they made my heart hurt.

My eyes water slightly, I sniffle, choking back my feelings. I look him in the eye and nod once more. I then twist the handle, opening the door, and then close it behind me.

I felt nothing. No emotion, nothing but exhaustion and the want for all of this to be over. One step, then another, each one became wobblier. The thought of being stuck back in a wheelchair for a few days crept into my mind, though I was too emotionally fatigued to worry.

My hands unclip my rifle from my belt, letting it drop to the floor without a care. Next was my empty pistol holster on my leg. Then I unbuckle and drop my belt of supplies after a few more steps, its impact on the floor echoing throughout the empty hallways. The next thing to drop was me.

I fall to my hands and knees, lids falling as my head hung.

Get up, I think. With trembling muscles, sit up, resting my hands on my knees, slowly getting up though the world grew darker and darker. My side and my head seemed to be pounding in unison.

Someone was calling my name, I spin around, looking for the source, but there wasn't anything. I twist again. Not until my vision finally focused on the dark figure at the end of the hall.

"(Y/N)?" Shadow calls out. He walked towards me, gradually speeding up.

My foot dragged though I tried to lift it. My eyes are falling. Any prior feeling throughout my body was gone. I stagger forward.

And then I fall.

The only thing I was sure of before my eyes shut was that someone caught me and yelled my name.

... Longer than usual, sorry XD. And w o a h, a fast update, huh? Who am I? 😂 Thankfully the action is finally picking up a bit in this one.

As for the writer/art contest I am considering for this story, some people are for it, no one is against it yet, and most haven't given an opinion. 😅😂 I'll give it another few days or so, but I'm likely gonna do it anyway XD. Likely in a different book or something so that this can stay organized. It can have theories, fan-stuff, and opinions about the story there perhaps. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don't know.

I suppose I'll see where this takes me.

Hopefully everyone is enjoying. ^^👍🏼


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