Mew Gulf Sweethearts (Complet...

By rendezvouswithlove

85K 3.9K 171

This story involves around the life of a successful cunning boss Mew, who's lived a lone motherless life and... More

Thank you!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eight

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By rendezvouswithlove

The next day Perth woke up before his usual time on the weekdays. He hardly slept last night wondering how his day would be. They had decided to meet at 9 am for breakfast. Saint would take him to his favorite places starting from breakfast till dinner. He wondered what all Saint might have planned as this was decided in a short time. He left home early and waited for Saint at their decided place. He was fidgeting back and forth, licking his lips that were running dry, his fingers were clasped in his pocket and he kept looking down and then around waiting for Saint to appear from anywhere. He started to think if it was indeed a good idea like this. What if Saint misunderstood? What if he would not come? There were many thoughts running in his mind when a yellow Ford Mustang stopped in front of him. He ignored it. The driver got out of the car and walked up to him.

"Shall we go, Perth?" Saint smiled at him.

Perth was surprised. How much was he rich to afford such a car? His father was only a professor, no way could his father earn so much to buy such a luxurious car. He wanted to ask him, but he kept it to himself. Perth nodded and got into the car.

Looking at Perth's expressions, Saint realized that Perth must be thinking of the gap between them. Originally, he did not want to take it out, but he had no other option as he was not good with public transport and his other car, Infiniti Q70, was out for service. Perth was uneasy and it was evident on his face. Perth was examining the interiors when he looked at Saint who was giving a concerned look. Having realized that he might be making him uncomfortable, Perth changed his thought process.

"Nice car." Perth smiled at him.

Saint relaxed a bit. "Thanks. P Mew gifted me this."

Perth nodded. So it was a gift from the Prince.

"So where are we going?" He asked.

Saint just smiled and started the car. They drove for like half hour and reached to a small English bakery that served high quality homemade breakfast. It's a small shop owned by an old couple. They have a unique story. It so happened that the old man was a naval officer. The old lady was a teacher. One night when he was returning from his duty for vacations, he happened to be lost in his way. It was raining heavily. He came across this school where the classes were going on late in the night. He went inside and asked for the navigation. The teacher was angry as he had not taken permission to enter, she made him stand outside for an hour until the class was over. He stood there patiently. When the class was over, the students started to walk out to their homes. They all lived nearby. She locked the door, shut the school and left for her house. She lived in the same premises. She was preparing dinner when she realized about that officer. She immediately ran out to find him. In heavy rain at night it was difficult to see around. A lightning struck and she saw a body lying on the ground. Worried she went up to him. His pulses were working, but he had collapsed in the rain. She somehow managed to drag him up to her house. Lit a fire near him and helped in changing his clothes. Covered his body with multiple blankets to heat him up. She fed him the soup he had prepared. He wasn't opening his eyes at all. She then covered him with another blanket and sat next to him wrapped in it and kept rubbing his shoulders. It was almost early in the morning when the officer opened his eyes. He was feeling better. He was tired and had collapsed due to fatigue. But he felt he was too cramped. When he turned to his right, he saw a beautiful face lay on his shoulders, her arms wrapped around him. He was overwhelmed. He sat there patiently waiting for her to wake up. Two hours later the lady woke up. She was shocked at first and then she asked if that man was fine. He nodded. She prepared breakfast for him. It was the best breakfast in the world. Having been taken care of, he did not know how to repay her. She politely declined and said it was her duty as she had made him stand in the rain and he had collapsed. The officer thanked her and went to his house. It was in the evening, when she got visitors. The man and his family had come to meet her. That was when he proposed her for marriage. Ever since then they became a legend. They could not have kids but that didn't stop them. Since she was good with culinary skills, she opened a small shop that served delicious three course meals. People from far away came there to relish the food and enjoy the warmth that old couple endorsed.

Saint loved them very much. He was one of their loyal customers. He would come as often as he could. And if he was taking Perth there, it meant that Perth was important to him.

When they reached there, Perth was shocked. Considering the luxury Saint was used to of, he was shocked to see where Saint had taken him. Saint greeted the old couple, who smiled as he entered. The old man pulled him to a hug.

"'s good to see's been quite some time, eh!" Grandpa exclaimed.

"Yeah grandpa...i was occupied with University. Um...this is" Saint introduced him hesitatingly.

Perth greeted the old man.

"Ah such a handsome boy...this is the first time I am seeing you bring someone...must be a very special friend..." Grandpa said.

A tint of rose rushed to his cheeks. Saint averted Perth's eyes, who was enjoying watching his expressions. Saint bit his lower lip in embarrassment. Perth's eyes darted to his lips that were red due to biting. His breathing was getting heavier the more he looked at embarrassed Saint. He felt like teasing him more to see more of such expressions.

Grandma came out of the kitchen and they greeted her. She asked them to take the table and returned to get them their breakfast. Before entering, she eyed Saint to Perth and back to Saint. Saint was blushing more. She just smiled.

When they sat down, Perth asked if there was any menu.

"Um...there's no menu here. Whatever grandma serves you have to eat. And, you cannot waste food. You can always ask for more." Perth nodded.

Saint told him their story which intrigued Perth. Moreover, he wondered how come he never knew about such a place. Saint told him it was Mew who brought him here first. Mew often comes here, mostly to talk to them. He likes their company.

Perth enjoyed the breakfast that was served. It had been quite some time he had such delicious heartwarming meal. Since his mom has to work every day, she hardly gets time to prepare food for them. They have a cook back at home, but sometimes his mom cooks too which he feels is the best food in the entire world. Not to mention, he also likes Gulf's cooking. Usually, during the weekdays, Gulf prepares breakfast for them before heading to the café to help his mom.

After the breakfast, Saint took him to a bookstore/café. It's an old store which has variety of books. It's a huge personal collection of the owner. He gives the books for rentals. Or one can sit in a small library and read the books there. It also has a coffee shop. The owner is a retired business tycoon. He gave up his company to his sons and settled here to run this small business. There are young people who volunteer to help him, whom he pays quite a good amount. Saint also volunteers here. He'd come here in his leisure time to help the old man. The store also has a movie room, where you can watch movies for free. The movies can range from old to new, any language, any genre. Saint took him to the movie room. It did not have any theatrical feeling, rather it was very homely. It had a huge screen in the center and two screens on either side. There were couches set in random order. The movie that was playing that day was "An affair to remember." Perth was never into romantic movies, but since he was with Saint and they had a pact that they would try to learn about each other, he didn't object. Most of the couches were taken and there one left in the corner. They had somehow squeeze in together.

However, as the movie progressed, his eyes were stuck on the beautiful face whose expressions changed with every scene. Perth's heart ran a somersault when he saw Saint crying in one of the emotional scenes. He moved to wipe Saint's tears. Saint closed his eyes, held Perth's hand whose fingers were caressing his wet cheeks. Perth's heart was beating louder, it could just jump out any second. In the dark room, with beautiful music in the background, he brought his lips to Saint's wet cheeks and kissed it. He kissed his wet eyes. Saint's breathing was getting heavier. He held on to Perth's hands tightly.

"I can't see you cry, Saint. Please don't" Perth whispered in his ears. Saint turned red, heat was rising up in his belly, he turned and hugged Perth tightly. Having realized what had happened, Perth tried to regain himself.

"I am sorry. I don't know...I am sorry, Saint...I shouldn't have...I am sorry." Perth kept apologizing. Saint looked up to him.

He told him it was alright and if Perth was not comfortable, they could leave. Perth regretted his actions, making a fool out of himself. He apologized and they continued watching the movie. More like, Perth continued watching Saint. When the movie was done, they stepped out quietly. Perth didn't say anything, and Saint was feeling uneasy. Did he make Perth feel bad?

Saint asked him again if he was feeling bored and wanted to go home. Perth denied, but his heart and mind was running wild.

Saint took him to an art gallery. At least this was something Perth was expecting. He loved how Saint was engrossed in explaining him each art form.

It was lunch time and Saint took him to a seafood restaurant near the riverbed. They sat on the balcony and it was an exquisite scene. The weather was all good. Perth enjoyed the food they had. Even though Saint was portrayed as a spoilt Prince, he found him to be quite deep rooted. He had his own world which suited Saint. It was a complete opposite to Perth, but it was unique, just like Saint. Perth wanted to know about the rumor, but he kept it himself as he did not want to ruin the day.

After lunch, Saint asked again if Perth wanted to go back.

"Why do you keep asking me that? If I get bored, I will walk away. Right now, I am with you. I like it. If you keep asking me over and over again, I will fucking kiss you till death." Perth exclaimed.

Saint turned red at the last sentence. Perth had not realized what he said so he looked at Saint perplexed. Saint nodded his head and drove to the outskirts of the city. They reached a small village.

"This is my grandfather's plantation. I come here sometimes during my holidays. I like it here. It's very peaceful." Saint stopped at his grandfather's house. It is not a huge mansion, but one could say it was the best out there with all amenities. His grandfather hardly stays there, but it was open for his grandsons whenever they wanted to come there.

"It's not far from the city." Perth said.

"Yes, it's not. So, it's easy to come here." Saint.

Saint showed him the farmland, spoke to some of the people he knew. Old folks blessed both of them. When it was time to leave, Saint left to get few things he wanted. Perth was waiting for him. The caretaker was watching him throughout.

"Young master is very innocent, Master Perth. He hardly gets anyone here. You are the first friend I have seen of his. I am sure, you must be worth it." The caretaker spoke.

Perth was surprised as this was the second time someone said it to him in a day.

"Doesn't he have many friends?" Perth asked. Since Saint was quite rich, he must have some rich friends.

"I am afraid not. Young master has always been a quiet since a child. I have seen him grow. He has always been mistaken for arrogant and spoiled child. In honesty, I have never seen such a worthy child. Young master Wirat is equally good, but he is more on the mischievous side. Master Perth, please take care of him." Caretaker smiled at him. There was a hint in what he said. Perth was confused.

"He doesn't know the ways of the world. He always hides it, but he is very lonely. I know he is very strong from his heart, but one day he might fall apart. You seem like a good boy. Help him. He is very young and has a long way to go. I am afraid for his. So is my master. He is always worried about him. I know Master Mew is there with him, yet he needs friends. Good friends."

Perth and Saint greeted the caretaker and they left for the city. He was very quiet. Saint was confused as to what had happened to him. Perth closed his eyes and sighed. Saint was lowering his walls, and letting him in. It never occurred to him, but Saint was trusting him blindly. This was not just about the competition. It was more.

"Saint..." Perth called him.

"Yes, Perth." Saint asked.

"I don't know if I have the right to ask, but I wanted to know if the rumors were true." Perth said with his eyes closed.

Saint sighed. "About my boyfriend?"

Perth nodded.

"He was my senior. We dated for like just a week. He proposed me, so I thought he must like me. But he wanted to use me to get through my dad. My dad had suspended him over some illegal activities in the campus. One day, my dad saw me talking to him. He asked who he was. I told him everything. My dad had suspected him when he tried to get closer to me. That guy had some of our close pics and he wanted to blackmail him using them. Luckily, he was caught beforehand, and his phone was ceased. Nobody knows the truth. All they know is that he was thrown out because my father didn't like him being close to me. I was quite shocked when all this happened." Saint told him.

Perth held Saint's hand that was on the gear. "I am sorry. I didn't know."

Saint was turning red. "It's okay. You are the first guy I told this about."

"Well, I am first to many things today. I hope I always will be." Perth smiled.

Saint smiled back. He took him to his house.

Perth was hesitant, but Saint informed that there was no one at home so he need not be worried.

His mom and dad had gone to his maternal grandparent's house to visit them and Wirat had also gone. So for the evening, they could spend time there and he could prepare him dinner. Perth was excited as he was looking forward for the evening.

Saint's room was very clean, and it had mostly all the artistic pieces. He sat on his bed, while Saint went to fetch something to eat. Perth was looking around, when accidentally he found some bl novels and mangas hidden behind some books. He took them out and was going through them when he turned red. As though his hands had caught fire, he immediately threw them back from where he had picked. His heart was racing faster than it had ever. He sat back on the bed, with his legs shaking continuously. He wiped the sweat that was forming on his forehead.

He jumped from his seat when Saint entered.

"What's wrong?" Saint asked him concerned.

"Um nothing." Perth smiled sheepishly.

Saint gave him a questioning look. "Are you sure?" He asked again.

"Um it's hot here...can we go down?" Perth asked.

Hot? The AC was working fine. How come it was hot? Saint was confused. Since he was worried if Perth might fall sick, maybe because it was quite a hectic day, he agreed to go down.

They went downstairs and sat on the couch. Saint offered him some juice.

Perth relaxed a bit, but he did not look at Saint.

"Perth, um are you okay? I am sorry, do you want me to call a doctor? Or you wanna go home?" He asked.

Perth shook his head in denial. To change the topic he asked, "What are we having for dinner?"

Saint smiled at him. "Why don't you join me in the kitchen and help me out?"

Perth nodded and went with him. Saint was quite good with his cooking skills. Perth enjoyed cooking with him. Saint also gave him some tips and tricks about cooking. They had dinner and it was time to leave.

Saint offered him to drive him to his house. Perth denied. He was worried for Saint to drive so late alone. He was about to leave when Saint called him. He turned back to see that Saint was sad.

"Um...Perth. This is one of the best days of my life. Thank you for spending this day with me. I will never forget it." Saint smiled.

Perth smiled back. "Well, we still have another day to go. I hope that would also count in your best days."

"I am sure it will." Saint smiled at him.

"Well I will come to pick you up tomorrow. Since, it will be my style, I will be troubling you a lot." Perth said.

Saint nodded. His hands held together, and he looked at them instead of looking at Perth. Perth felt he would cry any moment. He marched up to him and pulled Saint into an embrace. Saint hugged him back. Perth moved aside, cupped Saint's cheeks. Without any hesitation, he moved to kiss him. Saint closed his eyes and let him.

Perth moved away. "See you tomorrow." He said.

Saint nodded and bid him goodbye.

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