WereBlubber: The Remake

By GorgingGeorge

2.1K 45 20

I've drawn him so much that I thought it was time to rewrite the story me and LonelyPretzel6 made back in 201... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Thirteen

74 3 0
By GorgingGeorge

Next for George's Birthday Countdown is WereBlubber!! As well as Cynthia appearing for CynFest

"Hey Ringo? Did you see that?" Looking up, Paul could have sworn he saw a fire going on nearby.

"See what? Oh! Looks like there's a fire going on somewhere! But we need to go and find George, we'll leave the firemen to take care of that."

"But what if it's George? Back when we were hitchhikers we would often make smoke signals so we could get picked up! Let's get going!"

"But what if it's just someone camping out there? I say we try and find a lead from Owen."

"Well I'm still going there to find out, you and Pattie make sure he doesn't get away. If I'm wrong if be back sooner than you know it." Paul assured to him, running off to find his bandmates.

He didn't stop for a minute, thankfully traffic wasn't too busy so he didn't get run over as he was doing his heroic march to the marsh. However he did end up bumping into someone. "Ah! Hey watch it!" He snapped.

"Paul? I know you're worried about John as much as I am, but you shouldn't lash out at me like that." Cynthia responded, dusting off her shirt. "I haven't seen him for days, and after hearing news that there's a monster on the run I couldn't just sit around and wait for the police to do anything."

"Sorry.. I know where he is but he's in danger! It's best you and Julian stay with the others until I get ba-"

"But we want to save Daddy too!" Julian whined. "Grown ups get all the fun.."

"Well.. If you're going to face whatever danger he's in, I'm going too! He's my husband after all, I bail him out of trouble all the time." Cynthia decided.

"You sure?. There's demons involved! And an evil cultist too!"

"Oh please, I dealt with far worse. Ever seen what the paparazzi can do to one's temper?" Cynthia stubbornly refused to get to the others, John was her responsibility and she would have no part of staying out.

"Alright.. If you insist, but first get Julian to the flat. Pattie and Ringo will watch him there."


"I got the signal going.. Good thing Gluttony didn't put it out yet." George muttered, once again stuck in the corner of his own mind. "There's no way she's going to fall for the same trick twice, but I need to regain my body. John didn't go like I hoped he would."

"Obviously he wasn't going to leave without you." SuperEgo explained. "He puts others before himself, he would have felt immense guilt if he left you behind here."

"His fault, he would have been free if he just listened to ya!" Id grunted. "Looks like the only way out of this mess is to kick Gluttony out for good."

"And how can I do that? She's ten times my size!"

"Well.. We never said it had to be a duel. But something that would make sure she leaves you alone and we can all rest easy knowing she won't show her face on earth again."

"Like a contest? Arm wrestling is a no go, since we're too flabby.. But an eating contest-"

"Did someone say eating contest?!"

Gluttony immediately bounced her way over to the group, her mouths grinning with glee. "You won't stand a chance against me! I'm the best there is when it comes to food!" She bragged.

"Oh yeah?! I got a pretty tough belly too!" George snapped. "I can eat way more than you!"

"You stand no chance against me, human! This sin right here has skin that can stretch like rubber, I'm ever expanding without any strain!"

"I find that hard to believe! Y'know? How about we make this a bet? If I win, you'll have to go back to wherever you came from!"

"Pft, too easy. When I win, you and your little blubber friend will be trapped here forever! And I will be the new host for your body."

George gulped, he didn't know how much he could take before he spews, but he had to do his hardest in order to regain control. "You're on."


Gluttinous George instantly moved away from John, which surprised him. "Hey! Where do you think you're going with my baby brother?!" He sneered.

"Never you mind, Lennon. I'll be back sooner than you know it." He grunted. "Just in case George beats me, I need to be somewhere he would never be able to escape."

Before he could leave, the door was broken down. "Johnny? You're alright!!" Cynthia cheered, untying him and snuggling him close. "Aw, of course I'm alright! Never doubt that I can't make it out alive."

Paul meanwhile pinned Gluttinous George down as much as he could. "A little help here guys? Gotta make sure he tries no funny business."

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