Guns and Roses [Various!OHSHC...

By ellieann_alien

25.7K 904 153

You think hiding one's gender and selling yourself as a host to pay your debts off is nerve-wracking enough... More



2.1K 90 6
By ellieann_alien

What are you doing here? You ask yourself as you stand in front of the expensive-looking entrance gate in your posh-looking uniform. And what's with this uniform. It's expensive in a whole different level (it's 300,000 JPY, how much is it in USD- how many zeroes are there again? Thank all heavens, the bureau subsidised it for you). Not to mention, the design is such a tight fit to your dismay. What's with these cuffs and puff shoulders? And if it weren't for Japanese fresh air, you knew you'd be choking to death because of this collar.

Focus! As much as you dislike your current predicament of being tasked to this mission. It's still in your interest and pride as an agent to make sure that it is accomplished smoothly. Also, you are subjected to the honour of being supervised by the one and only superintendent. Yeah, you have to show that old man that you are true to his expectations since it's most likely that Normie might have endorsed you to him for him to entrust you with a solo mission in Japan. Although technically, you are not by yourself, since Mr Goldberg has prepared you a local dispatch team in case a larger operation scale is necessary. And boy, the idea that you have the power to command these people sounds amazing.

Just thinking about it makes you wish that bad people would start attacking this place immediately.

You are immediately brought out of your trance by the sound of childish giggles that come not far from where you are standing. You turn around a bit to find little girls skipping their way into the campus grounds. The youthfulness radiating from their action makes you feel a tad guilty for having wished something bad to happen to these children.

"Hey, have you been to that famous Michelin pudding atelier? They have finally opened a Japanese branch, like finally!" you hear one of the girls speak very enthusiastically. As expected from youth, but why does the topic sound so off to you? Was she just gushing over about pudding? But did you just hear...

M-Michelin pudding?

"Umm.. but it feels more exclusive to just go to Italy, don't you think? It's hard to regard Budino that's sold locally as true Budino,"

"I suppose, you're right. I like the one that they serve at buffets in Milan Fashion Week,"

You can't help but stop at your tracks upon hearing those words.

Gosh, there is no need to take back your jinx. These kids are probably more pretentious than nouveau riche people on Youtube. You cringe as you recall their conversation.

There is a buffet at Milan Fashion Week?

Regaining your composure, you calmly take another breath.

You suppose this might take you a longer time to get used to than you originally expected.

Calm down. You're not a rookie in this, you recomposed your thoughts and tried to remember the preliminary background information you have gathered about your mission in this place beforehand. Besides, this reminds you of that one time you went undercover to a fancy charity party with Norman. That was hell.

But you can do this. You have to do this. 

And you have always wanted to go here anyway. After all, he should be here.



Wow, it is a really high-class academy, you thought to yourself as you observed the extravagant architecture of the campus. Quickly shaking it off, you go through your inauguration email in bitter amusement. Because of the elaborate preparation required, you had to miss the inauguration ceremony. Way to go at making your presence a lot more obvious, don't you think? However, the superintendent brushed it off saying that the fact that you come from a 'rare' background is already profoundly unusual anyway. Maybe he's right because you could not even comprehend what those grade-schoolers from before were conversing about.

As you arrive at the high school building, looking around at composed awe, you could hear the sound of people frantically running approaching you from behind. It might be due to the nervousness that hasn't died down and your fighting reflexes, that you can't help but instinctively swinging the item in your hand to the direction where the sound is coming from.

The ultimate speed for this 196-page student guidebook to hit is-


Your hand stops right before you can hit the cheek of whoever is skidding to stop right in front of you.

Your eyes quickly find their way to the purest pool of brown you have ever seen in your life.

"A-ah, hi.." the male hesitantly opens his mouth. But he quickly regains her composure to smile at you. You immediately realised what you were about to do, lower your raised hands with your unsuspecting weapon.

"Ah, I'm sorry,"

"No worries. I must have startled you. I am just- so excited to see another normal person in this place!" Did you imagine it or did you actually see his soul leave his body as he said the last part?

"Another studious commoner, huh?"


"Ooh, she's violent, Kaoru!"

"Yes yes, she was trying to use the guidebook!"

"Wow, she is a foreigner, Takashi!"


Ah, that's why the male looks familiar to you.

Lookie lookie, it's the Ouran High School Host Club.

Ugh, you don't expect yourself to meet them that soon – you initially thought you could initiate contact at your pace. They would only acknowledge people who come to their club as customers, right? Why are they approaching you this soon?

"I told you, you guys don't have to follow me here, the lots of you are intimidating her instead. Just go back to Music Room 3. You need to prepare for today's opening, right?"

"But you're a part of Host Club too, Haruhi," says a blonde-haired student while pulling Haruhi's sleeve.

"I'm sorry, Tamaki-senpai. But I am to introduce the new student around today. I actually told Kyoya-senpai about this yesterday," Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi replies while trying to push the blond male away. Suoh Tamaki, the president of the Ouran High School Host Club.

Looking at her in the male uniform, you suppose that her cross-dressing to become a host in the club is true

After observing the scene unfold in front of you, your eyes momentarily glance to the rest of the crowd, quickly scanning their faces and match them with the data you have gathered. You revert your eyes back to the two people in front of you naturally when your eyes suddenly meet another pair who have actually been observing you.

As much as you'd like to return the gaze, it's too soon to initiate contact. Yeah, it's still too soon. On the contrary, you have another idea of going about your plan with the newly presented opportunity.

"Right, I did hear that someone is to take me on a tour around the campus, that must be you? Thank you for doing this, that is really kind of you," you pull a 180 degree from your previously dangerous act, putting on the most relieved smile you can possibly muster.

"Haruhi is right, let's go. We don't have much time left before school starts," Tamaki says capturing the attention of the others. As the rest of the group leaves walks away, you can hear him frantically mumbling about how spending time with another commoner girl might bring out more of Haruhi's girliness.

Hm, it's actually good to know how the dynamics in the group, you think to yourself as Haruhi starts conversing with you.

"So, are you not from around here?"

"Ah yeah," you try not to reveal as much as information while at the same time ensuring you don't look too defensive around Haruhi. You don't want her to suspect that you have something to hide from her.

"Your Japanese is really good though, I am amazed,"

"No, I still have a lot to learn. But I really like the language so I have been studying it for so long,"

It is not a lie. You do have been studying the language ever since that day.

"Oops, the class is about to start, I apologise for not being able to fully introduce you to the campus layout. If you don't mind, we'll continue with it tomorrow. But for the time being, feel free to ask me if you have any questions. We are in the same class after all," Haruhi ends her explanation abruptly as students in the corridors are slowly returning to their respective classrooms. She gives you a gentle smile as she offers her hand for you to take.

"I would love that, thank you," you kindly return her gesture, shaking her hand.

"Let's head to our first class, shall we?"


This is actually not so bad. You're here to study as a normal high school student would, anyway. Might as well enjoy the experience here while it lasts, right?


"'Justice always prevails'? Am I reading this correctly?"

"How can I know, I'm dumb. Dude, are you sure English is not your first language? I think you speak it better than I do,"

"I just study it,"

"Hmm.. 'just study' heh, are you trying to gnaw at my conscience since I've told you that I am currently skipping my classes?"

You remember the gentle smile he gave you that day. And those soft giggles thereafter.

"I.. like these words. Good people always win in the end, after all. And..,"


"I think you are a good person too,"

"Dude, good people don't skip schoo-"

"I believe you'll win against those bullies,"


"You were protecting your classmate. You are a hero obviously, and justice-"



His words comforted you who had once been left all by yourself.

"Hey, how do you say those words in...?"


"Yeah, and also what's your name again?"



<<Observing You>>

Not being a commoner makes the information about you easily available and known by everyone in the school. In just a few days, it has come to everyone's attention that there is another commoner, a foreigner at that, who is supposed to enrol into the school with everyone else, but had some matters to settle and so was not be able to make it to the inauguration.

Haruhi, the Host Club rookie, who had heard of the news from one of her patrons, had been beyond ecstatic at meeting you who might share something common with her. And right now she was running to welcome the new student near the entrance corridors. Tamaki would obviously follow her behind which was why the rest of the club followed suit to see what this new student might be like

Hitachiin Hikaru

As the rest of the club tries to keep up with Haruhi's excitement (also because they had held her back a bit with club activities so she became a tad late and really had to run to make it in time) it is obvious that Hikaru is not exactly interested as to whom this oh-so-rumoured new commoner student could be. And he knows that Kaoru might also be thinking about how they should have just stayed behind.

The closer they approach the entrance, they can make out a figure wandering the hallways slowly with her head tilted up, most likely appreciate the grand architecture of the campus – something a commoner would do.


He can't believe at how fast things escalated as his eyes immediately focus to take in how you turned your torso with the thick guidebook in your hand seemingly ready to hit Haruhi in the face.

Fortunately, you stop your hand in time before the hard material touches Haruhi's cheeks. At that, Hikaru hums thoughtfully at how fierce you have presented yourself to be,

"Ooh, she's violent, Kaoru!"

He remarks but immediately stops further pursuing his thought. You did present yourself interestingly at that one point. But that's just it-


Your eyes met for a moment there. And yet you impassively turn your head away without hesitation. That's a first if you exclude Haruhi.

Other people would usually gush about anything upon seeing the twins. A good-looking pair of twins like them, at that.

Maybe, he could.. play around with you. Kaoru will definitely like that too, he bets.

Hitachiin Kaoru

They should have just stayed behind, Kaoru mentally sighs to himself as the group is following suit behind Tamaki who is actively keeping pace with Haruhi.

He momentarily turns his head towards his counterpart to find him stifling a yawn, and seeing him yawn like that makes him want to yawn too.

Closing into where the supposed meeting place is, he can see your figure with your head tilted in awe towards your surroundings. But at Haruhi's voice calling for you, that graceful composure you present yourself in quickly changes as you turn your torso with a book in your hand, seemingly calculating it so that it would hit Haruhi who is approaching you, but there's no way one could actually pull that, right?

"Ooh, she's violent, Kaoru!" Hikaru reacts vocally, voicing out the surprise that he also has in his mind.

"Yes yes, she was trying to use the guidebook!" Kaoru replies.

While forming his own opinion on you inside his head, he looks at Hikaru to find him still slightly entranced by what unfolded earlier. But he supposes he feels the same too since who would ever think a commoner girl like you-


He turns his head from looking at his twin to observe you, only to find your eyes travelling to meet his just in time. However, that does not last long before you break the gaze to look back at the bickering between Haruhi and Tamaki like everyone else. Impassively.


Naturally, he never wants to bother himself with something "outside their world", but it wouldn't hurt to do so for a while, right? Pretty sure Hikaru will like the idea as well.

Haninozuka "Honey" Mitsukuni

Honey, like Tamaki, does not hesitate to follow Haruhi out to meet the new student. What kind of person would the new student be like? Honey wonders to himself. He hopes the person is a cute girl who likes cutes things and sweets like him.

As if his answers are being prayed by the heavens, he can spot a graceful figure walking around the hallways from the height of Takashi's shoulders. However, that beautiful picture is quickly crumbling down as he catches you taking a starting position to swing the item in your hand to hit Haruhi.


As a practitioner of martial arts, it does not escape his eyes that your reflexes are sharp and you have most definitely calculated that. And having closed in to where you are standing, he can sense your aura and it slightly intimidates him for the reason that he still does not know the type of person you are like.

He knows that Takashi must have felt that too from the little flinch he could feel from his cousin's shoulders he is currently sitting on.

"Ah, I'm sorry,"

He pushes the thought away as he observes your apologetic expression, taking in your foreign features. He is not going to lie that he does find you cute.

"Wow, she is a foreigner, Takashi!" Honey excitedly remarks to Takashi who is carrying him on his shoulders.

It does not go without saying that what had happened earlier makes you seem iffy to him, but you are cute so it should be alri-

What's with the way you remove your gaze after meeting his impassively?

Honey concludes that he can't read you, and probably has to keep watch of you if you are ever around.

Morinozuka "Mori" Takashi

Mori is indifferent towards the ruckus over the new student. But since Mitsukuni is really curious, he tags along with the rest of the group with Haruhi to see who the new student is.

At his height, he can spot the out-of-place wandering figure in the hallways from a further distance. He is sure that Mitsukuni who he carries on his shoulders must be able to spot her too.

The uniform-clad figure might be seemingly harmless to an unassuming person, however, Mori is not and he can see the stance you unconsciously take and predictably enough he catches your arms ready to swing the guidebook in your hand to Haruhi is gradually closing into where you stand.

And with that, although he is already prepared to run off to protect Haruhi from harm as fast as possible, he soon notices that you are ready to brake your swinging limbs to stop upon meeting the Club Rookie's eyes. He can only flinch at the sight of your fast reflexes.

He wonders if you practice any forms of martial arts.

Curious about how Mitsukuni is doing on his shoulders, he momentarily glances above to find a surprised look on the cute-looking boy's face. That quickly changes and one look back at the stranger in front of them gives Takashi an inkling of an idea as to why. Mitsukuni immediately sounding his excitement confirms his suspicion.

"Wow, she is a foreigner, Takashi!" Mitsukuni remarks

"..." Still brimming with curiosity on his first impression about you, he mentally goes through the many different foreign martial arts he knows to see if what you pulled off earlier might fit any of them. Meanwhile, as the rest of the group is making remarks about the new girl, Mori once again stares to observe you.


Your eyes meet momentarily. A slight moment of gaze-locking that stirs something unknown inside him

Maybe he should keep watch of you. You are definitely more than what you let on, he thinks to himself.

Ootori Kyoya

Kyoya already knows everything about your personal information. He has it in his hand, as Haruhi excitedly skips to meet you. Although the idea of another commoner piques him, he has no interest in someone who is not a potential customer – the club imposes quite the sum anyway, and he doesn't think you can afford it. But he does not let Haruhi know that he possesses such information. After all, it's fun to see how Tamaki follows along with Haruhi and he needs a little break from doing the club's bookkeeping.

His first impression of you is that you don't totally look out of the place and actually suit the yellow uniform that hugs your form. Is it because of how you carry yourself? The awe that does not escape your facial expression is telling enough that you are the rumoured student, but you have presented yourself to be more graceful than what he expected of yo-


What's this?

He quickly recalls your achievements in sports events. Regardless, what you pulled just now was, again, MORE than what he expected of you.


However, Kyoya doesn't pursue something that is of no merit to him. Or that's what he'd like to tell himself. Haruhi has been quite a surprise to him in the short time he has come to know her, but he concludes that she might merely be an outlier.

Then, your eyes meet. 

It is for a slight moment that he almost misses it but you definitely catch him staring at you. And just like he predicts, you carry yourself so well even when your gazes lock – you are not showing any signs of fawning, fangirling, or blushing. The fact that the whole host club is in front of you not perturbing you the slightest is indeed something he would like to know why.

He wonders if you will continue to exceed his expectations. Maybe you can be of more merits than what you have let on.

(っ◔◡◔)っ -⃞ A/N -⃞ 

Ah sorry, the word amount in t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶h̶a̶l̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶i̶z̶e̶ (EDIT: I unpublished the chapter the following day, and I had decided to add the last part in this chapter). But I just have to end it there lol. I have the following chapters ready as I mentioned on my statuses, but I didn't care much about the grammar when I wrote them so I might have to rewrite some parts and edit a few things here and there before publishing them. I promise I'll be quick though D": I'm just so busy with job-hunting and school these days.

One thing I need to clarify though, I have edited Chapter [two] and I have eliminated the fact that you have parents. But it doesn't mean that y/n doesn't have parents. I am just gonna leave that idea open-ended so that it doesn't feel like I'm forcing you to be with your parents at that point of story lol (idk how to express my intention here it was 3am as I typed this lol). And including them in the stories forces me to explain the readers about what they think and how they feel every time y/n does extreme crazy shit (that normal kids of her age dont do) lol. Also, the story doesn't concern whether or not y/n has parents or family anyway so it doesn't matter.

By the way, thank you for those of you who have patiently waited for this series, if any of you is actually waiting lol.

EDIT: YO. Initially, I only had two guys of the club in mind to write as the main pairings while the rest will only be given a slightly romantic filler plot. But nah, I feel that's kinda not fair so I forced myself to write for everyone's POV lol. KH/FF fandom has inspired me a lot back then when I started reading reader-insert and after publishing the half-baked version of this chapter, I told myself "you know what, let's just do that thing for all the boys lol, it might be fun" – haha it's not, loljk

So yeah, I hope you guys like it. I am dedicating this chapter for @-ploot who has kindly commented on this dead thing lol (sorry I did plan to update it sooner but I always procrastinate).

I just realised that this is actually still a slow update (y/n has only entered the school gdi). But I feel like I am on a roll so hopefully, I can finish editing the following chapters sooner.

Thank you for everyone who has voted and added this thing into their reading list. I want to try my best to finish this series for you guys.

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