Sydney King {COMPLETED}

RoyceSteele tarafından

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This is Book 1 of 4. Sydney King is trying to balance being the daughter of a Pastor while also trying to cat... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
The Story Continues

Chapter 7

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RoyceSteele tarafından

"Do you have to go?" I whined to Daniel as we sat in his jacuzzi.

"Yea, I need to be with my mom. She didn't even want me to stay the extra day here. The invitation is still open for you to join us." He told me. His mom was dragging him to visit their family in Colorado for New Years.

"And I appreciate the invitation. But my dad doesn't even know about us. He's definitely not going to let me spend New Year's Eve with your family." I reminded him. He nodded and placed a kiss on my shoulder.

"Babe, you're getting abs." He laughed as he ran a hand over my stomach.

"I've been training like crazy since school let out. I have to be in tip top shape for the cheer competition and for soccer season. I'm late to the game so I need for scouts to notice me this year." I told him. My mind drifted to my training sessions with Nathan. He was really working me hard. He hadn't so much as flirted with me since we started training. I'd catch him looking at me a few times, but he kept his comments and hands to himself.

"With your grades, you won't need an athletic scholarship." Daniel said interrupting my thoughts.

"I know, but I want one."

"I spoke with the coach from Alabama after the championship game. They really want me."

"Daniel, that's amazing!" I kissed him. He's a senior and we haven't yet approached the conversation about breaking up when he goes to school.

"I'm going to miss you the next few days." He whispered against my lips. I had spent majority of my afternoons with him over the break. His home life was in shambles and I could tell he was clinging to my company whenever he could. Since both of my parents were working at the church almost round the clock in preparation for the end of the year, it wasn't hard to hang out. I really like Daniel, which is part of the reason why I haven't broken up with him. His hands started to roam over my body under the water. I stood up and stepped out the jacuzzi. "Come on." I led him to his bedroom.

***********************************************************************************************"We're going to do something different this year." My father announced at breakfast on New Year's Eve. "We're going to do a lock-in for New Year's Eve. We'll do the usual countdown sermon and worship, but we've agreed to have the AA and NA members stay over and have a prayer breakfast New Year's morning." He explained.

"You girls will not attend. I'm sure these are good people but I'm not comfortable with you all spending the night." My mother stated.

"So where will we be?" Sicily asked.

"You all will stay here. The countdown will be broadcasted as usual, so you can watch and call in prayer requests if you need to. We will be home by 9am." My father told us.

I kept my composure at the table but as soon as we went to our rooms I let out a shriek. I think Sicily was in shock.

"What do we do?" She asked.

"We have a few options: we can throw a party; or we can attend a party; or we can have just a couple people over, keep it lowkey." I waited for her response.

"Sydney, I think we should just go to a party. If we throw one, we'll never get away with it. If we have just a couple people over, I'll have too much alone time with Charles." She rationalized.

"Sicily, you've been spending plenty of alone time with him." I reminded her.

"Yes, but everything we've done this break has been during the day, and in semi-public. I just feel like the more alone we are, the less control I'll have." She admitted.

"Have ya kissed?" I asked. 

"No, just on my cheek or hand. But Syd..." She breathed in, "Even that makes me all tingly, and I'm afraid that if I take the next step, we'll take all the steps." Sicily finished, looking down.

"Sicily, Charles has respected every boundary you've laid out. I doubt he'll push you to do anything you don't want to do." I assured her.

"I know, that's the issue though. I might want to do ... stuff." She divulged.

"You have to trust yourself Sicily."

"Okay, let's go out." Sicily decided.

"Oh my gosh. This is going to be so much fun." I was excited. I immediately started texting people to figure out where the place to be was tonight.

Later that night we were getting ready in the bathroom. "We leave together." I stated.

"I know that Sydney." Sicily said rolling her eyes.

"I'm just saying, if for some reason we get separated during the night we need to identify a meeting place and time when we get there." I told her.

"Look at you sounding all responsible." Sicily laughed.

"Okay, how do I look?" She asked turning in a circle.

"Yassss girl." She was wearing a black skin tight dress that showed her figure. She had chosen a black strappy heel from my closet, and silver jewelry. It was a simple look that really enhanced her beauty. I chose a short gold dress that had a sweetheart neckline with a pair of heels that showed off my toned legs and made my booty pop. Once we were ready we called an Uber to take us out.

We went to Soraya's place for the party. We lived in a nice house with a pool and everything, but Soraya lived in a mansion. Her driveway had to be a mile long. Her family was loaded. I had been over plenty of times but Sicily was in awe of the place. We entered the place and immediately got swept into the dancing crowd.

"Sydney, you made it!" Soraya exclaimed as she approached me with Kevin in tow. I hugged her and smiled at Kevin. "Sicily you look great." Soraya complimented.

"Thanks Soraya." Sicily smiled.

"I have a present for you." Soraya told me.

"Oh you didn't have to do that." I told her.

"Girl, you're one of my best friends. I'm super grateful to have met you. I can't wait for you to be able to come and visit me in college. Plus, you really helped Kevin out." Soraya continued.

"Ms. Rivera, there's a matter in the kitchen." A waiter told Soraya.

"Okay, um, Kevin can you take Sydney to get her gift from my room, while I care for this?" Soraya asked Kevin.

"Sure." Kevin agreed.

"I'll be back." I told Sicily as I followed Kevin.

We walked up a grand staircase and past, what felt like, hundreds of rooms before entering Soraya's room.

"Here you go." Kevin said as he pulled a small bag from under the bed.

"Thanks." I took the bag from him.

"I really do appreciate what you did for me. I kind of owe you." Kevin said.

"I think you've given me enough." I smirked.

"I could've given you more." He flirted.

"I know, but I'm good." I told him as we walked out the room. I rejoined the crowd and searched for Sicily.

"Damn, damn, damn..." A voice said behind me. I turned around and smiled.

"Now here's a face I wasn't expecting to see tonight." Nathan pulled me into a hug, his hand lingered on my lower back for a minute.

"You look amazing." He whispered.

"Thank you. What are you doing here?" I asked as he released me from the hug.

"Well, the other cheerleaders find me very attractive, and they invite me to all of the parties. This is the first time I've accepted the invitation. Figured I'd come out." He told me.

"Ah, so you accept other girls' invitations, but not mine. I see." I teased.

"Actually, you've only ever invited me to a football game. It's cool though, I don't expect invitations to parties hosted by your boyfriend." He replied.

"Have you seen my sister?" I asked ignoring his boyfriend comment.

"Yea, she was dancing with Charles." He started to lead me in their direction.

I tried to stay close to my sister most of the night but she was quite the social butterfly. I hadn't realized just how popular she was, especially among our class. I danced with Nathan most of the night, but I tried to dance with multiple people between, so that it didn't seem suspicious.

"Hey Syd..." Sicily tapped me later in the night.

"What's up?" I asked turning away from Nathan.

"Charles is gonna take me somewhere to see the fireworks for the countdown." She smiled a little.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yea, I just wanted you to know. He offered to take us home after that too. So I'll meet you out front around ... 12:15?" She offered.

"Yea ... have fun." Charles approached with two glasses of champagne and led Sicily away. I was excited for her.

"I guess we should also find a good spot to catch the fireworks." Nathan suggested.

"I know a good spot." I led him into the kitchen where I grabbed two glasses of champagne and checked behind us before pulling him through a door.

"Watch your step." I warned as I moved down the stairs. We ended up in the wine cellar.

"Um, I don't think we'll be able to see from in here." He pointed out.

"I know that. This isn't where we're going." I continued to lead him through the wine cellar and finally out of a door.

You could hear everyone on the balconies above us. But no one could see us on this back patio area. It had an unobstructed view of the lake where the fireworks would be.

"How do you know about this?" Nathan asked stepping closer to the lake.

"Soraya and I would come back here to talk sometimes." I explained stepping towards him handing him one of the glasses. We both took a sip.

"We have about two minutes, what's your New Year's Resolution?" He asked.

"Not to make the same mistakes I made last year. You?" I responded.

"To be more honest with myself." He said taking a larger sip of his champagne.

"What haven't you been honest about?" I asked. He didn't answer, he just looked at me. I wanted to kiss him, but I couldn't make that move. I couldn't start the new year with another secret.

"THIRTY SECONDS!" I heard someone scream above us. Nathan stepped towards me. He slowly took hold of my waist and pulled me towards him. I could faintly hear the people above us counting down. He moved a hand into my hair and looked me in my eyes. He brought his face down to mine, and I was ready. I was ready to feel his lips on mine. And as everyone screamed Happy New Year above, and the fireworks exploded behind us, my phone started ringing, startling Nathan. He immediately stepped away from me. I sighed and answered the facetime call from Daniel.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR BABE!" Daniel screamed, blowing me a kiss through the camera.

I smiled at him and blew one back. "I just wanted to start my new year with you. You look beautiful." He told me.

"Thanks." I continued to smile at him.

"I wish you were here Syd. You're my world. I'll talk to you tomorrow!" He finished. I said goodbye and hung up. I waited for Nathan to speak.

"I'm gonna head out." He finally spoke after a moment of silence. "Do you have a ride home?" He asked.

"Yea, Charles is gonna take us home." I told him.

"Okay, just call me if for any reason you need a way home. I don't want ya taking an Uber this late and that far." He said as he turned to go back inside.

"Nathan, wait..." I called after him.

"What Sydney?" He inquired. I didn't know what I wanted to say. I just wasn't ready for him to leave.

"I'll see you." He stated before turning to leave.

I stayed behind for a few more minutes watching the fireworks before I headed to the front of the house to meet Sicily and Charles.

I thought about what didn't happen with Nathan the whole way home. When we got close to the house I noticed Charles stopped a few houses before ours. I didn't ask any questions when both he and Sicily got out the car and started walking towards the house. Once we were inside, Sicily pointed towards the bathroom and Charles headed that way. 

"He's gonna hang out for a little while and then leave." Sicily informed me. 

"Okay, I'll be in my room if you need me." I said. I figured I'd get all of the details tomorrow. 

After showering, I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling. I thought about Daniel. I liked Daniel, a lot. But I also really liked Nathan. I liked them both but in different ways. I didn't want to break up with Daniel but I did want Nathan. And clearly I wasn't ready to let either of them go.

A/N: Ok I know she's frustrating lol but which guy are you rooting for? Or are you hoping she just forgets about them altogether. 

And Sicily is starting to have a little bit of her own fun 🤗

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