I love you more than pie (Dea...

By n3rd_writer

96.8K 2.1K 1.5K

*Slow Updates* Y/n was born into the hunter life when she fought off the monster under her bed and was on the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
*Not an Update* IMPORTANT
Chapter 5
A/N: I'M BACK GUYS!!!!!!!
Chapter 6
4k+ Views Special (Part 1)
Chapter 7
Jensen Ackles x Reader (This is us)
4k+ Views Special (Part 2)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
I'm sorry (not an update)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author Note: updates + more
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Author Note (important)

Chapter 14

1.6K 46 25
By n3rd_writer

—Dean's pov—

I woke up when something hit my shoulder, making me groan from it still being sore. I sat up and rolled my shoulder slowly as I looked at Y/n. She smirked as she tossed me my keys and got out of the car. I pocketed them as I got out and grabbed my duffle bag and brought it inside.

"Oh glad you're back, think you guys are up for another case?" Bobby asked as he was reading a book.

"We step one foot into your house and you're already kicking us out, love you too Bobby," Ava joked as she placed her bag on his couch.

Bobby smiles before putting the book down and opening his laptop. After dropping our bags on his couch, we stood in front of his desk as he turned the laptop screen towards us.

"The case is in South Dakota but it's out in Deadwood, which is about a five and a half hour drive. A murder in a newly wed family, they're supposed to be having a ball like event in the other's honor," Bobby started to explain.

"Wait so they're throwing a party for the person who was murdered?" Ava asked with shock.

"Seems like it," Bobby clarified.

"So it's a deadman's party," Y/n added with a hint of a smirk.

I looked at Y/n a little surprised before she glanced at me and gave me a wink. I smirked before crossing my arms and turning to Bobby.

"If this is some kind of special even then how are we suppose to get in?" I questioned as I looked over the info on his laptop.

"I know someone who is already attending, they can sneak you guys in," Bobby clarified, "but you're gonna need to wear something that's other than flannels and jeans."

"Wait we have to play dress up now? What the hell Bobby," Y/n sighed as Ava chuckled.

"I've got some suits in storage for you boys to borrow but I ain't got any dresses," Bobby mentioned.

"Great! The boys can go and me and Ava will be on stand by," Y/n was quick to respond.

"Oh come on Y/n, it won't hurt you to dress up a little," Ava smiled before gasping, "we need to go buy dresses!"

"Oh brother," Y/n sighed as she rolled her eyes.

Sammy, Bobby, and I chuckled while Ava grinned. We figured out a plan on how we'd get there and when we'd need to change so it wasn't uncomfortable for anyone. We get our outfits for the event and load them into baby. Next we'd drive out there and book a room where we'd change and eventually head to the event when the time rolled around. From there Bobby's friend, who's name we found out was Nick, would get us in and we'd start our investigation.

—Y/n's pov—

Ava came up to me as we discussed how we'd dress. She suggested going to a mall which I accepted sense I had no other idea on where to go. We got in my car and headed over after letting the boys know where we were going. Once we got there I took Ava straight to the store so she wouldn't get side tracked. We grabbed a few, more like Ava grabbed them all, and we headed to the changing room. An older lady helped us in the room and get us her opinion as well.

"Alright last one! I already have my dress and I think you'll look good in this one," Ava ushered me as she handed me the dress.

"Ava I've already tried on like twenty different ones," I complained.

"Then what's one more?" The lady hummed with a smile.

I sighed before taking the dress and getting into it. The lady helped me zip up the back before letting me walk out. Ava gasped and grinned before jumping around.

"That one! You look great," Ava clapped, "hell you look like Cinderella in that."

"You think so?" I titled my head before looking at myself in the mirror. I smiled before looking at the lady, "we'll take these ones."

After buying the dresses and some shoes, we got back into the car and headed back to Bobby's once we got there we helped the boys load everything into both cars sense we needed more space. Dean and Sam road in baby while Ava and I took my car. Bobby gave us the details about the event and we headed out.

After driving for so long we finally arrived at the motel that was closest to the event we were attending. We unloaded everything into the room and get everything set so when it was time for us to leave, we were ready. Ava dragged me into the bathroom, that was a decent size, and helped me with everything(I'll let you decide what you did such as hair and makeup).

Ava smiled before we both walked out and saw the boys in their suits. The boys looked up and looked as if they were in a daze.

—Sam's pov—

Once I saw Ava in her dress I couldn't take my eyes off of her. It fit her beautifully and looked just right. She smiled as she walked up to me and put her hand on my chest.

"You look great Sam," She smiled softly.

"You look amazing," I exhaled as she laughed.

"Why thank you, I can only imagine what I'd look like if I still had to wear glasses," She chuckled before holding my hand.

"I'd still say the same thing," I admitted, making her smile and look to the side.

—Dean's pov—

I saw Ava walk out and smile but when I saw Y/n walk out, I was speechless. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't staring, she looked amazing. She walked up to me and smirked as she crossed her arms.

"Like what you see Winchester?" She said as she stood in front of me.

"Maybe," I smirked as she chuckled and stepped closer.

She grabbed my tie and started fixing it, "you know you should learn to tie a tie."

"I do," I retorted.

"Doesn't seem like it," She laughed before patting my chest.

It took me some courage before I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled, "you look great."

She looked at me surprised before smiling, "you don't look too bad yourself...Dean."

We smiled before separating and getting our things together so we could head out soon. Y/n and I talked for a bit as she showed me that her dress had pockets.

—Y/n's pov—

"I'm serious Dean, pockets are a big deal," I laughed as I slipped my hands in the pockets my dress had.

"I can see that," He chuckled.

"Hey guys it's getting close to that time, we should head out. Nick said he'll be in the front waiting for us," Sam mentioned as we grabbed our stuff and got back into baby and headed there.

After a few minutes of driving we finally arrived at the place that the event was taking place. We parked before walking towards the side of the house where a younger man, about mid 20s, was waiting. We soon found out that he was Nick and he helped us around the back to a beautiful garden. We all walked around together and talked as if we've already been there for a while.

"The back door is over there, you guys can head that way if you wanna scoop out the place," Nick smiled as his hand rested on his hip.

"Thanks Nick, we wouldn't be able to get in here if it weren't for you," Ava smiled before Nick chuckled and waved his hand.

"Don't worry about it, I owe Bobby my life for saving me and my family a few years back. I'm just glad I can help in some way," He nodded his head before bidding us farewell and walking away.

We all headed inside and looked around before making a quick plan and splitting up. We knew what the family members looked like so we had an idea on who to look for a talk to. After walking around a while I headed to the bar to get a drink before seeing the wife of the deceased man. I slowly made my way up to her and tapped her shoulder. She turned around and had somewhat of an annoyed face.

"Can I help you?" She asked as she swirled the wine in her glass.

"I just thought we could chat for a little. You were walking by yourself so I thought I could give you some company," I afford carefully.

"Why? I mean, out of all these people and you choose me? Seriously?" She stated bluntly.

"Yeah, why not," I grabbed my drink before shrugging my shoulders, "am I so wrong to wanting to talk to the widow?"

She looked at me surprised before holding her hand out, "Edith, Edith Light."

I smile before shaking her hand, "please to meet you Ms. Light, I'm y/n."

"Oh please just call me Edith," Edith rolled her eyes, "Ms. Light sounds like you're talking to my mom, not me."

We both took a seat at the bar and talked for a little while but I could tell something was bothering her. She constantly cross her legs back and forth along with rolling her eyes at simple things like seeing a couple kiss or even just two people dancing.

"So Edith, for someone who just lost their husband you don't seem to broken about it...is there a reason why?" I questioned as I finished my drink.

"There's nothing to say besides he deserved it," she finished her drink before calling for another one.

"I'm sorry?" I asked as I gave her my full attention.

"That son of a b*tch is a no good backstabbing prick and I'm glad he's dead," Edith grunted as she gritted her teeth.

"Why would you say that? Did he do something that made you this angry at him?" I asked seeing if could get anymore information.

"What HASN'T he done that's made me angry at him," She finished her drink again before looking at the glass, "this is too weak, I need something stronger."

"Well, I'm going to the restroom real fast but I see you around," I excused myself before standing up and walking away.

"Don't let a man mess with you! They're all the same, they're assholes!" Edith hollered to me before downing a shot.

I turned the corner and sighed before accidentally bumping into someone. I look up and notice the usual smirk I see everyday.

"Hello Winchester," I smile.

"Y/n, what a pleasant surprise I was just looking for you," Dean smirked before the music in the back fades to a sooth violin melody, "why don't we talk over a dance hm?"

"Why I would've never expected THE Dean Winchester to ask me to a dance," I chuckled as Dean rolled his eyes with a smile and took me to the dance floor.

We slowly swayed as the music softly sang in the back, to be honest it felt...nice. Dean spun me around before pulling me back into his arms.

"Besides this case," Dean broke the silence, "I actually wanna ask you about something."

"Which is?" I tilted my head as I spun out of his arms again before coming back to them.

"It's about that kiss," He started, "why?"

My eyes widened as I chuckled awkwardly, "It was just the heat of the moment, that's all."

Dean nodded his head but I could tell he wasn't satisfied with my answer, "right..."

"Anyways, before I bumped into you I was talking with the widow and she seems pretty glad her husband is dead," I started off.

"Seriously? I just finished talking to the mom and she seemed just as glad he was gone too," Dean mentioned.

"That clearly isn't right, something tells me the family didn't want him apart of that family but we can't know for sure until we talk to the rest of them," I concluded.

"Well you know what that means," Dean said before suddenly dipping me, making me gasp, "we got some more digging to do," he finished as he smirked.

"Right," I cleared my throat as Dean helped my back on my feet just as the song ended, "let's split up and try to find Ava and Sam, maybe they got something too."

I nodded my head before heading to look for either Ava or Sam. After doing some looking around I was able to find Sam in a corner having a drink. I came up to him and told him everything me and Dean discovered tonight. He filled me in on everything Ava told him and how they think the family killed the husband. We set out to meet up with the other two to try and come up with a complete thought on who did what.

"So you think it was the widow? I can understand why but I think everyone was in on it," Ava mentioned as she stole a crab cake from a waiter walking by.

"I can see the reasoning behind that but I'm still stuck on how this could actually be a case," Dean admitted.

"Yeah now that I think about it there's hasn't been anything out of line," I started to say but before I could finish my sentence the lights went out, "I stand corrected."

We all stood close together as everyone was muttering to themselves, wondering was going on. Once the lights came on, the doors were shut with chains and the windows were boarded with wood planks. People started to go into a panic trying to find a way out. We all shared a glance before I ran and stood on a table with a help of Sam.

"Everyone please calm down, we'll figure out what's going on and try to find a way out but for the time being I need everyone to relax," I yelled over everyone.

I sighed as I felt a chill come over my body. Frosty air slipped past my lips as I breathed out. I gritted my teeth before seeing Edith in the crowd. I jumped off and ran up to her.

"Edith this is a really weird request but I need all the salt and silver you have in this house," I stated as I held her shoulders.

"Oh, y-yeah it would all be in the kitchen," Edith stuttered as she pointed in one direction.

Dean, Sam, Ava, and I ran around and grabbed everything we need before we started moving stuff and giving orders. We moved all the furniture and made a giant salt circle in the middle, luckily there wasn't that many people.

"Alright everyone in the circle, don't ask questions just do it," Ava demanded as everyone stood in the middle.

There was a faint chuckle as a sudden breeze sent shivers down our spines. We looked towards the staircase a day a man clapping his hands with a wicked smirk on his face. Edith screamed as she clung onto her mom who was standing next to her just as shocked.

"Wonderful party really, wouldn't have been able to put it together any better," the man said as he slowly walked down the stairs.

"I'm gonna take it that you're Rick right? Edith's husband," I asked as I held the silver knives in my hands.

"Correct you are my dear but I wanna know why you're helping her," Rick snapped as he pointed towards Edith.

"Rick calm down, I'm sure we can help figure stuff out and what happened between you and Edith," Ava tried to say.

"No not Edith," Rick said as he floated down the rest of the steps, "I'm talking about her mother, the one who killed me."

Gasps filled the room as I turned around and looked at the mom. She looked just as surprised to hear this information as everyone else in the room. If it was her wouldn't her acting a little off?

"Rick why don't we hear your side of the story?" Sam asked as I backed up towards Edith and her mom.

"Edith, where was Rick buried," I whispered as I kept on eye on Rick while he spoke.

"He was cremated," Edith whimpered as she gripped her mother's arm.

"Did you keep anything that was his?" I asked as I looked around.

"Yeah...there was this stupid too hat that he always wore, I kept it cause I didn't know what else to do with it," Edith confessed.

"Where is it?" I quickly turned around and looked at her.

"I-in my room upstairs," Edith pointed to the top of the stair case, "it's on the right side the second door next to a statue of a dog."

"Am I interrupting something ladies," Rick snapped as he made a pulling motion with his hand.

I fell on my chest as I was drug on the floor, next thing I knew I was next to Rick. I gritted my teeth as he looked at me with a smirk.

"You're quite lovely my darling, I wish I met you instead of that witch," he grumbled as he looked at Edith.

"You son of a b*tch let her go," Dean snapped as he held a fireplace poker.

"Or what? You can't do anything as long as I have this doll," Rick smirked as he leaned close to me.

"Enough talk," Ava yelled as she threw an iron fork at Rick.

He quickly moved out of the way and glared at her, "you know if you wanna get rid of me you're going to need to try harder than that."

"I know," Ava smiled, "but that was just a distraction."

Rick's eyes widened as I smirked and threw two iron knives at his head, making his disappear for a minute. I bolted upstairs and into the room searching for the damn hat. Once I found it and ran out only for the same two same knives to be thrown at me. I ducked and saw Rick glaring at me with more objects floating in the air.

"Dean!" I yelled as threw the top hat towards him.

He swiftly caught it before covering it in left over salt and tossing it to Ava. She jumped and caught it and sprayed some fuel on it that she found near the fireplace emote tossing it to Sam. He looked around before I slid down the stair rail.

"The candle!" I hollered as I threw more knives at Rick to distract him.

Sam grabbed the candle and held it under the top hat. The hat soon went ablaze as Rick screamed and burned up. Sam tossed the hat into the fireplace as it slowly burned away.

Edith ran up to me and grabbed my arms, "is he gone."

I smiled and put a hand on her shoulder, "yes he's gone, for good."

Edith sighed before hugging me and running off towards the crowd. As everyone crowding together and talking I smiled and looked at the fireplace. I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder and assumed it was probably Dean or Ava or even Sam. Although when I turned around, I came face to face with a random guest from the party. We were away from the group so it just seemed a little odd.

"Can I help you?" I asked politely.

"Oh no that's alright y/n," they smiled at me, "I was just wondering how (parents' names) are doing, haven't SEEN them in a while."

My eyes widened as I took a step back, "how...how do you know them?"

They hummed as they tapped their chin, "well let's just say I'm an old friend," as they looked at me they blinked and their eyes turned a deep black color while they smirked, "and we have some unfinished business."

My breath hitched in my throat, making it difficult to speak clearly, "I...I don't understand."

"Look," they interrupted, "don't worry about it alright? I know we'll be seeing each other REAL soon." They winked as they made finger gun motions and clicked their tongue.

Before I could get another word out, a black smoke emerged from their mouth and shot up the chimney quickly. The person swayed before gaining their balance again. I tried to control my breathing as I looked around frantically. What the hell was that thing...?

Yay cliffhanger lol, how are you guys hm? Sorry this chapter was super long I wanted this to all be one chapter. I have a few questions that I think will be very helpful.

"What word range to you guys want me to go for?"

"Should I try to use gifs in my chapters?"

If you guys could answer those that'll be amazing! I love you guys and please stay safe! Until then, stay awesome pie-lovers! Word count: 3522

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