
By purplelove1999

800 76 167

Art is , colors , war , literature , and music . For Art William he likes to know a piece of everything but p... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 (last chapter)

Chapter 1

65 5 6
By purplelove1999

What are the impossible things, a human can't do? What came to your mind right now ? Flying , invisibility or maybe the ability to read minds , it's 7 Am and what seems impossible for me at the moment is to get out of bed.

It's first day of senior year , yes school is coming to an end , and I can't wait to get to collage. I mean I've always had a plan and it begins when college starts , get a degree then get a job then find a husband , have kids and to settle down. This is the cycle which I look forward to achieve.
I know it's not interesting but I aim for a happy family , I aim to have the chance that my father always wanted to go through.

I sigh and remove the covers off me and got out of bed , and went to the bathroom.
I looked in the mirror and said to myself "one more year to go."

I brushed my teeth , washed my face and got out and took the clothes I prepared yesterday to wear .
Most of My clothes are basic , shirts and trousers and then again trousers and shirts, I just love the basics , I like how it's simple, and today it's a white shirt with black skinny jeans and combat boots.
I like to let my long brown hair down most of the time , so I brush it and put my favorite earrings on , Normally I love earrings , the shapes, the colors , simplicity or complexity I like it in all it's forms.
I study myself in the mirror and put some mascara and lip gloss on , then I grabbed my backpack.

Downstairs i find mom , making breakfast, that delicious smell never failed to amaze me.
"Goodmorning doc" I say to mom while helping her with the plates.

"Goodmorning bella , I've left the car keys on the table in the living room , and don't forget when you get to school , you have to tell me that you arrived " mom says with a teasing tone as she takes her bag and coat and says goodbye.

I roll my eyes and wave her goodbye.
I must admit , I'm a terrible driver , I learned how to drive during the holidays, so I'm still getting used to it.
After I finished eating, I lock the door and drive off to school.

While I was parking my phone rang.
"Where are you bella ?" Lily my friend impatiently says.

"I'm parking and Goodmorning to you too LiL" I say smiling.

"You drove here ? " she says in surprise.

"Yes I did and I'm doing an excellent job "
As I was positioning the car I heard someone shout from behind.

I panicked and got out of the car and While I was approaching It was
Arthur Williams , or Art like how everyone in school call him , We never talked but I knew about him well, everyone knew about him.

"First time driving ?" He says while looking at the car.
"no it's not , I'm still getting used to it , I'm sorry I didn't see you ,are you okay ?" I ask.

"I am okay, just be careful " he says as he walked away.
I took a breath out, and went to park the car.

I entered school and people were already flooding the corridors ,I found lily and Tyler waiting there by my locker , I smile because I love these two , I can't possibly imagine school without them , we've been friends since childhood, Lilly and Tyler are fraternal twins their father was my dad's best friend , so you can say we're very close since the day I opened my eyes.

"Bella , don't tell me that you wrecked the car while parking" Lilly says as she gives me a hug.

"It's possible We all know that she sucks in driving LiL" Tyler jokes while leaning his  back on the locker.

"Hey I'm still learning , I'll be just fine but we all make mistakes and well today i was about to bump into art " I say as lily pulls away from me and gasps saying
"Arthur Williams ? Oh my god what happened ?" Lilly says while chucking.

"Nothing , he was okay , he told me to be careful and he left " I said opening my locker and getting my notebook out.

"He really is nice as they say, such a nice good looking guy" Lilly says dreamily.

"And ladies and gentlemen One more male victim added to the list. " Tyler says putting his arm on my shoulder. While Lilly shoots daggers at him.

"Tyler Miller , didn't I tell you to wait for me at the cafeteria ?" Bailey says,

Bailey is the , stereotype queen B , blue eyes and golden hair but without the mean attitude, unless someone interferes with what she wants. What's her relationship with Tyler ? They're on and off kind of relationship , they started dating in middle school and since then they've been on and off.

"I was about to go Bailey , no need to be angry" Tyler says as he whispers to us a "here we go again".

"Bella , lilly" Bailey says acknowledging us with a nod , as she intertwines her hands with Tyler ,they walk away.

"Let's hope they stay on this time , because I'm tired of the on and off drama " Lilly says sighing.

"Yes I do too " I say smiling.
It was first period , Lilly and I  had literature together , we entered the classroom and it was already full , there were two places empty one at the Front and one at the back.

"You sit here Lilly I'll go sit at the back " I say , lilly just nods silently and sits.
I know she doesn't want to be near her ex boyfriend peter , after him ending the relationship because he was going to a far college in Seattle and Lilly applied here in Louisiana state university ,he can't handle long distance relationships. If you ask me that's such a cowardly thing to do , if your love is strong why would distance affect it? You'd always find a way back to each other no matter how far so I don't think it's a problem , I believe it's because of how peter's heart can change and if that's the reason I respect him backing out before they sink in so deep.

"Hey bella " Peter says.

"Hi peter , how are you?"

"I'm okay , Uhm how is she " he says looking at Lilly's back.

"She's okay " I say.

Peter smiles a sad smile but then focuses when the teacher comes in.

"Welcome back , everyone it's senior year and I hope we make it a year to remember so , Everyone please Open your novels on chapter 1" Mr. brad says while writing on the board.
As Mr.Brad goes through the novel ,I take notes , in my notebook , literature is one of my favorite lessons , it's what I'm going to major in when I go to college hopefully.

"Yes , Mr. Williams do you have a question?" Mr. brad says taking off his glasses.
I turn my head towards where art was sitting.

"You're saying killing a mockingbird is innocence being tortured or hurt ,when it faces evil, but I see that it relates to rules ,in which strict rules can ban things that are beautiful " Art says , his eyes never leaving the book in his hands.

"That's another expression that we can agree upon , Arthur , considering  Harper lee meant to convey different meanings in her novel but it all ends with one concept which is moral values " Mr. brad says while Turing the page.

People in class ,were either on their phone or busy drawing doodles in their books or even sleeping , but Art was the only one focused not only in literature but in every class , ever since 7th grade the year he came as an exchange student , he was the one who asked intriguing questions , like his question in science class.

"how can a fly walk on the ceiling, when there's gravity ? " He was a curious kid and ever since, I always noticed him. His questions leaded me to my imagination's door.

The bell rang and people started leaving class.
"Missed me while sitting at the back " Lilly says.

"So so much , now let's go eat " I say taking my bag.

Lilly and I often sit at the bleachers , we like it there , because it's less crowded.

"look there's Tyler " Lilly says taking a bite from her sandwich.

"Yeah , there's tryouts for the football team today" I say.
I scan my eyes , over the field and spot art , and like every year he definitely was there to be captain of the football team .
The day went by fast and it was time to go home.

"Bella , i trust you with yourself and with my sister , drive carefully " Tyler says not wanting to leave lilly and I alone.

"Tyler it's okay I'll drive slowly" I say starting the engine.

"Hey , Ty Don't be late today you know it's  uncle Dan's birthday and we'll have to go "Lilly says while putting on the seatbelt.

"I won't be late , coach wants us to stay an extra half an hour , now go before I get extra worried" Tyler says.

"Aye aye captain "I say as I drive away.

"Have fun at the party today " I say smiling as Lilly gets off the car.

"Very funny ,text me when you get home. "she glares at me as she says goodbye.

I reach home and find it empty , I guess mom is still busy at the hospital like everyday , I make dinner ready and put it in plastic boxes and decide to go to mom and have it with her. I'm a good cook thankfully , I like to make different meals whenever I have the chance.

When I arrive at the hospital ,I say my greetings to the people there ,mrs Dorothy green eyes and in the middle of her 40's the first floor receptionist , and Jeremy he was an orthopedic doctor ,he's 29 years old and i see him as my big brother, when I was small he used to play with me all the time before he succeeded and became a doctor, because mom had to bring me here , due to many night shifts so basically I grew up here , it's like an another world with limited colors of white and blue highlighting various stories and memories.

"Bella, how was school today?" Jeremy asks in excitement.

" you know The usual , I made it out alive " I say shortly.

"You sound like my great great grandma with that tone of your, where's the gossip ,where's the getting a hangover from a party so I can get you the hangover survival kit" Jeremy says in disbelief.

"Jeremey I'm having fun ,why do you think I come here , I know what I want " I smile.

"So the definition of fun now is going to hospitals ?" He protests.

"Yes seeing you and all of the good people in here is fun" I say and Jeremy rolls his eyes.

"So where's mom, I made us dinner " I say proudly showing him the box.
"And you didn't even make me some , no bella I'm hurt " he says putting his hand on his heart but on the right side.

"Jeremy your heart is on the left " I say laughing putting his hand on the right place.

"Whatever I'm hurt " he says.

"I'm sorry , I'll make it up to you next time I promise."

"Okay , as long as you make me my favorite "

"Spaghetti and meatballs" Jeremy and I say in union, we laugh and then I went to see mom in her office. Though there's a big age difference between me and Jeremy he never failed to be such a good friend , his humor and his support were always there, however he's a serious, firm  person at work, he had nice brown hair and green eyes like ruby , he looked younger than his age , he was handsome that's why all his patients are all ladies.
I shake my head and went to knock on mom's door.

And when I enter , I place the food on her desk and organize the files which she left and put them in her drawers , then sit on the chair and adjust the picture frame which mom, dad and I were in.

I rub my finger on dad's face slowly , I can still hear his laugh echoing from the picture in front of me , I wiped the tear that fell on my cheek quickly when The door opened Figuring it was mom.

"Guess who came to have dinner with you" i say.

But it wasn't mom , it was the pair of hazel eyes and black silk hair with parted bangs which I was about to bump into this morning, it was art.

"Art?" I say surprised.

"I'm sorry but do I know you?" .


Hello! Everyone , thank you for reading the first chapter , I promise you'll like the story , please show me your support and love through commenting or voting , I'll really appreciate it , I can't wait to write more , so stay tuned!
Love hoda.

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