The Devil's Speakeasy

By goldenscares666

141K 8K 1.8K

There's a place where all sorts of demons and humans go called The Devil's Speakeasy, a bar where the humans... More

01 | Life of the Party
02 | Designated Driver
03 | Lucky Odds
04 | Incredible Performance
05 | Dress to Impress
06 | Splash of Red
07 | The Devil's Waitress
08 | Threatening Warnings
09 | Phase Two
10 | Encouraging Girl Talk
11 | The Devil's Spice
12 | Unexpected Sight
13 | Creamy Delights
14 | Winged Little Spy
15 | True Friends
16 | Four Letter Word
17 | Pitch Black
18 | Lovesickness
19 | Waddling Duckies
21 | Surprise Serenade
22 | Creatures in Hiding
23 | Sense of Doubt
24 | On the Rocks
25 | Drunken Bastard
26 | Chipped Horns
27 | Prince Charming
28 | A Little on the Bubbly Side
29 | Bravery Comes from the Heart
30 | The Devil's Darlin'
31 | Epilogue: Pop the Champagne

20 | High Flyers

3.1K 185 30
By goldenscares666

•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:


    Three loud knocks sound on Y/N's door as as she stirs the few drops of honey she poured into her mug of fresh tea, causing her to jump and nearly spill the hot drink onto her black, long-sleeve shirt. The woman breathes a sigh of relief when she narrowly manages to avoid such a mess before setting the cup down on the kitchen counter to answer the door, wondering who it might be, especially since she isn't expecting any company today. The first thought that came to mind was that it might be one of her friends, since they always had a habit of showing up unannounced, Sam especially, but Y/N was left pleasantly surprised when she opened the door to reveal the slim figure of her boyfriend holding two kites in his hands. The one on the left is bright red, while the other is sky blue with a canary yellow stripe running down the middle. A wide smile is plastered on the demon's velvety lips, though that's nothing out of the ordinary for Loui.

    "Surprise!" He shouts, chuckling at his girlfriend's shocked expression while inviting himself in. When a happy smile appears on her face, he can't help but grin a tad wider, though that seemed impossible. "I just bought these. I've always wanted to try flying a kite, so I thought, why not, and decided to drop by. What do you say, Doll? Should we take these bad boys for a spin?" The man sounded so excited. How could she possibly resist saying yes to that adorable twinkle that sparkled in his ruby-red eyes.

    "Sure, why not? I've got no plans. Just let me finish my tea before we head out. I just made it," she mentions while closing the door before going back to the kitchen to grab her mug with Loui instinctively following after her like an obedient puppy, not that she minded. She finds his childish nature endearing.

    "You might as well pack it up to go. I have a special place I'd like to take you. It's a bit of a drive, but it'll be worth it, I swear." As Y/N lifts the rim of the cup to her lips, a pair of strong arms slip around her waist and tighten like the coils of a snake before Loui plants his chin atop the woman's right shoulder.

    "Special place, huh? What's the occasion?" She questions, not phased at all by his flirtatious actions. The man hums softly with his lips brushing against her supple flesh before a tender kiss is placed onto her neck.

     "Nothing, really. I just love spoilin' ya," he purrs before slipping away from the flustered woman. Though her expression hasn't changed, the Y/N's face had unknowingly turned red, like it always did whenever the bartender placed his lips on her. There's just something about his kisses that make her easily fluster, no matter how many times he had given her them. Giving into his request, she pours her tea into a to-go cup before slipping on a pair of sneakers and donning a light sweater, since the weather is a little chilly today. Once she was ready, Loui picked up the kites with one hand and used his other to hold Y/N's hand as she took a sip of her drink with a smile on her face.

    "Have you ever flown a kite before?" The demon inquires as they exit the building and walk up to his car, which he had conveniently parked right outside the front. He pops opens the door to the passenger seat of the expensive, white convertible for his girlfriend and ushers her in. The waitress shakes her head in response to his question while getting comfortable on the tan, leather seat and buckling the belt across her body.

    "Never thought about doing it until now, actually."

     "Well, then, this will definitely be a fun outing." Giving an enthusiastic smile, Loui shuts her door before slipping into the driver's seat on the other side of the car. The demon then pushes the two kites into the backseat before buckling up himself and starting the vehicle. When the engine roars to life, upbeat jazz sounds from the speakers, and Loui turns up the volume. Y/N smiles at this, suspecting that it's his favorite genre of music, considering it's played almost every night at the bar, and bops her head slightly along to the beat of the song playing.

    During the drive, Loui practically danced in his seat, wriggling his shoulders, nodding his head and sometimes even swaying side-to-side, though he was careful not to nudge the wheel too much. It was very entertaining to watch on Y/N's end. She was even tempted to record him on her phone at one point. The drive goes on for nearly thirty minutes, and the whole way, she had no clue where he was taking her until they finally parked. The radio silenced as the engine shut off before Loui shouts,

    "We're here!" Y/N looks out the window at a small clearing surrounded by a few trees leading up to a steep hill that overlooks the city. She could even see the pier and beach from here. Her E/C eyes grew wide in awe as she unbuckles the restricting belt before stepping out of the vehicle to admire the view up close. Loui lingers in the car while watching her walk over towards the edge of the overlook with a satisfied smile on his face. He just knew she'd love it up here. Reaching into the backseat, he pulls out the kites before coming out as well to join his date.

    "Pretty, ain't it?" Without tearing her eyes away from the beautiful sight, the woman nods silently while being cautious of the ledge. After a few more moments of looking, Y/N smiles at Loui before asking,

    "So, which kite is mine?" The demon holds out the two kites before saying,

    "Take your pick." After a bit of consideration, she chooses the red one, loving how the color is nearly identical to the man's ethereal eyes and holds it awkwardly as she tries to figure out how to go about using it. It takes them a few minutes to get them into the air, though Loui seemed to have mastered it by his third try, while it took Y/N nearly eight.

    "I've got it!" She cheers happily once it took flight with a huge gust of wind that rustled the leaves on the surrounding trees. Loui giggles at her enthusiasm and brings himself a little closer to where she now stands.

    "Make sure you've got a good grip on it. The wind is starting to pick up," he warns, and the woman nods her head while looking up at her kite in accomplishment. Relaxed, she inhales a deep breath of the fresh air before closing her eyes for a mere moment to revel in the soothing silence that put her at peace, but then, another strong gust of wind blows by and drags the kite hard and fast across the sky, causing the spool of string in her hand to be ripped right from her grasp. Gasping, her eyes flicked open in panic as she chased after the runaway kite. Having been a bit busy managing his own, Loui didn't notice this until Y/N had already gained some ground. With a smile, the man shakes his head while pulling his kite down.

    "I did warn her," he catches up with the girl after lowering his kite and finds her looking sad at the bottom of a big tree. "What's wrong, Doll Face?" he asks, knowingly.

    "The damn thing got caught in the tree," she mutters while tugging on the white string in attempts to get it off the high branch, but it was no use, the kite is stuck. She sighs in frustration. "Goddamnit."

    "Don't worry, I've got it." Y/N turns to Loui in surprise as he sets his kite on the ground before weighing it down with a nearby branch that had fallen off one of the other trees to keep it from flying off.

    "You don't have to," she says frantically, not wanting him to hurt himself over a toy. The tree is close to the edge of the hill, so if he were to make one wrong move, he could possibly fall off it. He could get seriously injured.

    "Don't worry, Doll Face. I don't mind," he claims while ruffling her hair before reaching up his hands to the nearest, sturdy branch. With ease, he pulls himself up and climbs higher and higher until the kite was finally in reach.

    "Careful, Loui." Y/N was close to biting her nails due to anxiety as he grabs it and looks down at the worry wort. He smiles and waves it around while keeping a hand on one of the branches.

    "Got it!" His gaze then drifts to the side, though Y/N didn't notice, since she was too focused on wanting the man to get down safely. The blonde climbs down to the lower branches before seating himself on one. "Hey, Y/N, you should come up here."

    "What? Why?" She didn't want to risk falling out of that tree. No way would she agree. Had it been one not so close to the edge, she might've considered it, but this seemed like too much of a chance.

    "Trust me."

    "I'm not going up there. I'll kill myself." Stubbornly, the woman crosses her arms with a serious look that Loui can't help but smirk at.

    "All right, but you're really missing out~" he sings in an alluring voice. Rolling her eyes, Y/N presses her back against the trunk of the tree, keeping her gaze off Loui, making him fake a pout. "Awe, come on, Baby." Suddenly, the man was hanging upside-down with his legs hooked over the branch he sat upon, dangling close to his girlfriend. The kite he held falls and lands on the grass by her feet, his hat following to weigh it down, causing her to glance over at him. "Don't leave me hanging," he jokes, making her crack a smile and breathe out a laugh before she grabs both sides of his face and kisses his sweet lips.

    "You're silly," she comments after parting, bringing a smirk to his lips.

    "Silly, am I?" Y/N gives a small shriek as she's suddenly grabbed and pulled up into the branches, landing on top of Loui's lap. She clings to the man, her heart pounding rapidly in shock and fear.

    "H- How the hell?!" She looks at him and then, down at the ground in disbelief, causing him to laugh.

    "I'm a lot stronger than I look, Doll Face." The woman pouts, calming just slightly, though she was still surprised by how easily the man pulled her up here.

    "Please, get me down."

    "Only if you look first."

    "Look at what?" Loui softly grips her chin before turning her head to look behind at the horizon. The sky is clear and full of light. The waves at the beach are low and calm with flocks of birds flying in a V shape over the tall buildings. The wind blows, carrying the scent of the sea to their noses and easing the tension in Y/N's body. Loui smiles and nuzzles his nose against the woman's neck, inhaling her lovely scent.

    "See, what'd I tell ya? Beautiful, ain't it?" Smiling, Y/N leans against his chest, arms slightly loosening, since she trusts his firm hold on her lower back, before looking at his face.

    "You look better." She smirks suggestively, causing him to laugh.

    "You know, I didn't expect you to be so forward when we first met." Loui leans forward so that his nose touches hers.

    "Keeps things interesting, don't it?" she retorts, mocking his tone with a laugh before kissing his lips and looking back at the city. The demon stares longingly at his love and gives a dazed smile as he holds her even tighter.

"Sure does."

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