Annoying!(Wang Yibo x Xiao Zh...

By tfboysforever0806

154K 9.5K 1.5K

Credit for the cover does not belong to me! Credit solely goes to the owner! 🦁NO MATURED CONTENT 🐰 Xiao Zh... More

Introduction of the characters:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
A little annoucement
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Q&A TIME!(Question part)
Do anyone know how?
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
anyone wanted to suggest?
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
Chapter 37:
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42:
chapter 43:
new book release!
Chapter 44:

Chapter 11:

3.8K 258 62
By tfboysforever0806

Author's POV----------------------

"A-A t-tea?"Xiao Zhan stuttered. HaoXuan nodded. "Don't you notice that i'm wearing a different t-shirt? It's such a relief that i bring an extra cloth with me today! If not...i'll force Yibo to take off his t-shirt!"Hearing such a funny thing,Xiao Zhan couldn't help but to let out a laugh. HaoXuan frowned. "Zhan laoshi,i'll really do it!"HaoXuan said. Xiao Zhan waved his hand and shook his head,still laughing."It's funny when i thought about Yibo taking off his t-shirt."Xiao Zhan said. HaoXuan huffed. "Anyway,where did Yibo go?"He asked which made Xiao Zhan stopped his laugh. He turned,back facing HaoXuan. "I'll run in a count of 3.."He whispered to himself.


"Zhan laoshi?"




And zup! Xiao Zhan fade from HaoXuan's sight. "Wha--?" He's speechless the moment he realized everything. "T-that b-brat! W-what did he threaten Zhan laoshi?!"HaoXuan shouted. He believed that Yibo is the one that threatened Xiao Zhan to not talk about him. Xiao Zhan ran as fast as he could. It's not that he's afraid of Yibo. He just don't want anyone to die today. He believes HaoXuan can kill Yibo today because of the t-shirt that he ruined. After a short while running,Xiao Zhan stopped and catch his breath. "What a scary situation!"Xiao Zhan said as he wished in his heart that this kind of things won't happen again.

But,after a few days later... He... Is still in a big trouble from time to time. Why? Look at his situation now just because of that certain person.

Xiao Zhan is running while sighing and is stopped when a hand pulled him. "Grandpa."A voice that's familiar to his ears. A voice of a person he really want to scold. Xiao Zhan looked at the one who pulled him. He's right. It's Wang Yibo. The only student that dared to call him with that nickname 'grandpa.' "Yibo."He huffed,annoyed."You're running away from HaoXuan again?"  Xiao Zhan huffed once again and nodded. Yibo nodded. "Very well." He said as he let go of Xiao Zhan's arm harshly. 

(Little explanation: Yibo is messing with HaoXuan again. He ran and asked Xiao Zhan to not talk about his whereabouts to HaoXuan. Xiao Zhan saw HaoXuan was walking with Jiyang furiously  and ran away before HaoXuan noticed it. Because HaoXuan always chase after him if Yibo is missing. No one knows why.)

He is always like this! When he needs my help,he become so gentle. Now,he no longer needs me he treat me harshly back! What a very good student!-Zhan.

"Can't you please stop messing with HaoXuan? And why do i need to bump into you every single time you guys fought and become like a prey just because of that certain person."Xiao Zhan stated. That was the fact. EVERY SINGLE TIME. This is somehow like a fate. But a fate that Xiao Zhan hate. Yibo smirked. "It's just your luck then!"He simply said. Xiao Zhan is so familiar with Yibo now. To be exact,with his annoying personality. 

Xiao Zhan put on his professor's mode. "Also,Wang Yibo. You don't have any lectures?"He asked. Yibo glanced at him and said: "Skipping."So casually. Xiao Zhan frowned. "Why? You need to go to your lecture. You can't miss your lecture."He said gentlu. Yibo frowned,starting to feel annoyed with his professor here. Very well,hating each other to the core. "I'm skipping or not,it's my business. Outsiders doesn't need to care."He said,starting to becoming more rude. Xiao Zhan heaved a sigh. "As your professor,i should advise you to attend it. Can you please attend your lecture,Wang Yibo?"Xiao Zhan said. Yibo crossed his arms,leaning against the wall. "And if i don't want?"Yibo asked,as if challenging Xiao Zhan.

"I think this is the third time that i caught him skipping his lecture. This time,I can't stand still!"-Zhan

Xiao Zhan breathed out and said gently but firmly:"Then,i can't stand still."Hearing that,Yibo is starting to get more annoyed."Let me off and stop making me annoyed."He said,uncrossing his arms and stood straight to face Xiao Zhan. "You attend your lecture,and i won't bother you. As your professor,i need to do this."Xiao Zhan said,not giving up."I said i don't want!"

"Why? Give me ten reasons."

"10? Huh,easy. It's because it's boring,boring,boring,lazy,lazy,lazy,lazy."

"That's two."

"That's seven."

"Don't like the subject,don't like the subject,HaoXuan will kill me."

"And that's four."

"That's TEN."

Xiao Zhan huffed. He grabbed Yibo's arm. Yibo was startled."What are you doing?!"He yelled,yanking off his arm.Xiao Zhan smiled. "Taking you to your class."He said. Yibo sighed. "NO. And i don't like it when strangers touch me."Yibo said. Xiao Zhan just smiled. "I'm your professor. I'm no stranger. Also,you touched me back then. So,let's be fair."He said. "You're so annoying."Xiao Zhan just huffed. "You don't wanna go to your lecture yourself,then,i'll be the one that'll take you to it."

"Laoshi. Have anyone ever called you annoying?"

"Yes. You."

Yibo frowned,"This guy is kinda tricky,ah?"

"If you behave,i won't do anything."Xiao Zhan added,not caring with the annoying comment. Yibo frowned and shoved his hands into his pockets. "I behave to who i want. I won't behave to who i don't want."Yibo said. Xiao Zhan huffed. "Then...I'll ask you to do me a favour."

"What favour? I don't do favour!"

Xiao Zhan took a deep breath and slowly let it go. He smiled and looked into Yibo's eyes. "Dear student,Wang Yibo,Can you please behave?"

Yibo smirked. "That's depends. If i like you....i'll behave,if i don't...then,i won't."


"That's right. I don't like you. I...dislike you."

"Then,i'll just simply make you like me."

"What?"Xiao Zhan's words caught Wang Yibo off guard. He wondered, "Does this guy know what he is saying?"

Xiao Zhan grinned. "Mark my words,Wang Yibo. I may look gentle but believe me,i can definitely make you follow my words! I'll make you like me!"Xiao Zhan said and walked away. Again,he's letting Yibo off. But...will he really skip? Yibo leaned against the wall once again but this time his poker face changed. He let out a chuckle. "Fine. Let's see how you'll make me obey you."He said as if the game is now officially begins.


Thank you for reading! The updates will start to be slow from now T-T

PS:Lol this is the longest chapter i ever wrote for this story.

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