My Girlfriend is a Vampire

By yurilovergirl22

9.3K 638 79

→First Book Written← [Note:I both love this book & hate it. I love it for my characters, but hate it. Because... More

✧Chapter One✧
✧Chapter Two✧
✧Chapter Three✧
✧Chapter Four✧
✧Chapter Five✧
✧Chapter Seven✧
✧Chapter Eight✧
✧Chapter Nine✧
✧Chapter Ten✧
✧Chapter Eleven✧
✧Chapter Twelve✧
✧Chapter Thirteen✧
✧Chapter Fourteen✧
✧Chapter Fifteen✧
✧Chapter Sixteen✧
✧Chapter Seventeen✧
✧Chapter Eighteen✧
✧Chapter Nineteen✧
✧Chapter Twenty✧
✧Chapter Twenty One✧
✧Chapter Twenty Two✧
✧Chapter Twenty Three✧
✧Chapter Twenty Four✧
✧Chapter Twenty Five✧
✧Chapter Twenty Six✧
✧Chapter Twenty Seven✧
✧Chapter Twenty Eight✧
Author's Note

✧Chapter Six✧

379 27 2
By yurilovergirl22

Chapter Six - Digging up the Truth.

Jinri was missing in action when I woke up this morning,but I didn't pay any mind to it, thinking she probably had things to do, knowing that she's the type of person that doesn't really like to stay home.

I was currently downstairs on my laptop. I couldn't stop thinking about what my mother said, who didn't quite realize that her daughter was standing right in front of her. I wanted to tell her that, I was right here, but for some reason- I couldn't manage to get that out.

I searched every article that was posted six years ago, but once I thought I reached a dead end, not knowing what the hell I was searching for- I stumbled upon an article that caught my eye, and when I opened felt like my eyes were about to pop out of my skull. I couldn't believe what I was reading.

Article 15;

Alison Rossford, sixteen years old.Witnesses has stated they saw her trespassing 'dead man's cliff' and never came back out. Police arrived at the scene. No bodies were found. With this adding to another teen suicide.

I scrolled down to see a picture of me.

In Memory of
Alison Elizabeth Rossford.

October 15,19__ - November 22,20__

Mother;Vivian Marie Rossford.
Father;Damian Rossford.

“I'm..dead” I felt a tear roll down my cheek “This can't be real..” I nearly fell off the couch, hearing the loud sound of the doorbell ringing. I quickly wiped my tears, as I head to the door, looking through the peephole, seeing my mother standing outside. What is she doing here?

I opened the door to see my mother holding a cake, my favorite I thought, remembering back to the good days when I was five years old, and we would always bake it before my dad came home from work. Those were the only days that I wanna remember...

“I'm sorry to come unannounced.I heard we had new neighbors and I just assumed that it was you that moved in” My mother handed me the cake that was in a box “Also,Alayna here wanted to see you and thank you for yesterday” She said as she ruffled her daughter's hair.

Alayna walked over to me and gave me a big hug “Thank you for helping me find my mommy” She said with a bright smile on her face, looking up to me.

I kneeled down to Alayna's height with me balancing the cake in my hand “Well I'm glad you found your mommy” I booped her nose, making her giggle “She has your eyes” I said as I stood back up. What am I doing?

“But she's more of her father's daughter” My heart ached, seeing my mother smiling so lovingly down to her daughter, who's supposedly my half sister.

“Mommy can we stay and eat the cake with big sister” Alayna pleaded, with her pouting.

“Honey, I'm sure big sister has things planned for today” Vivian told Alayna, who frowned.

“No, it's okay” I quickly let out “I don't really have things to do” I said, hearing that made Alayna squealed, as she ran over to my side, following me to the kitchen,which was opened space.

“You sure?” I just nodded in response, opening the box, as I cut a piece of cake for three people.

“Me and mommy made this for you, I hope you like it” Alayna said, as she eyed me, putting the cake in my mouth.

“It taste just the same as I remembered it” I said without even thinking.

“I'm sorry” Vivian looked over to me confused.

“Oh I'm sorry, it just reminded me of my mom's cooking” I said, giving myself a mental slap on the face for being so stupid.

Vivian just let out a small Oh, as she continued to eat her cake. It didn't take long for Alayna to finish hers.

“I'm done” Alayna said happily rubbing her belly.

“Good, because we have to get back to the house, I didn't tell daddy in where we were going” Vivian said as she carried Alayna in her arms, which I could sense a hint of fear. What has been happening while I've been gone?

“Mommy, can we come back tomorrow and visit big sister?” Alayna asked, pouting.

A light chuckle escaped Vivian's lips and she kissed Alayna's forehead “Baby, I don't wanna bo–” I cut her off.

“Don't worry, I don't mind” What the hell are you doing Alison? The voice in my head said, which I mentally shook it off.

“Are you sure? I'm sure you have better things to do then hang out with my five years old daughter”.

“Mhm” I hummed with a nod in response.

“Thank you..” Vivian trailed off.

“It's Ali–” I stopped myself there, thinking whether or not I should tell her my real name or lie;I mean.. I seriously don't know what I'm getting myself into. “Alice. My name is Alice” I managed to get out.

“Vivian” I know because you're my mother... I wanted to say, but instead I reluctantly just took her hand in mine, shaking it.

Before they left, Alayna hugged me tightly, telling me that she'll see me tomorrow. It still felt so surreal, knowing I was Alayna's big sister and she didn't even know that I was her real big sister.


“What's wrong? You've been spacing out every since I got home” Jinri asked, joining me in bed, after she was done with her shower, feeling her wrap her arms around me.

“I was talking to my mom today” I said. Honestly, before coming here, I wanted to give my mother a little piece of my mind, just like I did my dad. I was pissed off at her, but seeing her today, just made me sad and hurt, especially seeing her treat Alayna how I always wanted to be treated when my family got ruined.

“And what happened?” Jinri kissed the back of my hand, with her drawing circles with her thumb on the spot she kissed.

“Well surprisingly enough, she doesn't even know I'm her daughter” I told Jinri.

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I didn't know whether if she was being serious or just playing with me, as I turned to face her.

“Obviously it's a bad thing, my mother thinks I'm dead” I said remembering the article that I read earlier today “Which reminds me, what happened on that day?” I asked. I have no memory of that day I left my house. Yes, I remembered going to the cliff, but what I don't remember was the events that happened after that.

“I don't think you're ready to know” Was all Jinri said, which made me annoyed. What is she not telling me?!

“What do you mean, I'm not ready to know? I'm more than ready to know” I took a few deep breath, feeling the rage build inside of me. I didn't like the fact that Jinri was hiding something from me. I felt betrayed.

“I can't” Jinri just turned herself away from me and that made me lose it, to think we're supposed to tell each other everything,but I guess not.. I can't believe this women!

“You can't or you just don't want to!” I raised my voice a little. I hated starting an argument with Jinri, but she gave me no choice to start one right now. I needed to know what she was hiding.

“I can't Alison! I just can't okay!” I flinched from the tone of her voice. “So just..” Jinri sighed “Go to sleep and forget about it” and she just left it at that, and turned away from me. Is it so bad that she just couldn't tell me..?

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