My Girlfriend is a Vampire

By yurilovergirl22

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→First Book Written← [Note:I both love this book & hate it. I love it for my characters, but hate it. Because... More

✧Chapter One✧
✧Chapter Two✧
✧Chapter Three✧
✧Chapter Four✧
✧Chapter Six✧
✧Chapter Seven✧
✧Chapter Eight✧
✧Chapter Nine✧
✧Chapter Ten✧
✧Chapter Eleven✧
✧Chapter Twelve✧
✧Chapter Thirteen✧
✧Chapter Fourteen✧
✧Chapter Fifteen✧
✧Chapter Sixteen✧
✧Chapter Seventeen✧
✧Chapter Eighteen✧
✧Chapter Nineteen✧
✧Chapter Twenty✧
✧Chapter Twenty One✧
✧Chapter Twenty Two✧
✧Chapter Twenty Three✧
✧Chapter Twenty Four✧
✧Chapter Twenty Five✧
✧Chapter Twenty Six✧
✧Chapter Twenty Seven✧
✧Chapter Twenty Eight✧
Author's Note

✧Chapter Five✧

410 29 1
By yurilovergirl22

Chapter Five - Looking in the mirror...

I awoke with a massive headache, seeing Jinri walk in with a tray that was full of food.

“Hey baby, how are you feeling?” Jinri asked, as she put the tray of food in front of me, with her sitting at my feet.

“What happened?” I asked, not knowing how the hell did we end up at the house. The last thing I remember arguing with my father's wife.

“You passed out” Was all Jinri said,as she handed me a pain killer, which made me feel like she was hiding something, but I just shrugged it off.

I then started to eat my meal that Jinri made for me, with her just drinking her juice, which always seemed to make her lips red.

“Stare at me any longer and I'll end up kissing you” Jinri said, as she looked at me, putting her drink aside.

“Is that a bad thing?” I teased, with a smirk.

“Yes, because it ain't just gonna be a kiss” Jinri teased “So what is it?” She asked afterwards, taking a little sip of her drink.

“I just always wondered what you've been drinking” I told her curiously.

“You wouldn't like it” Was all Jinri said, putting her drink down.

“Try me” I challenged.

“Okay, suit yourself” Jinri picked up her drink and handed it to me “But don't say I didn't warn you” She added, as she watched me slowly putting the cup to my lips.

I was quite hesitant at first,looking down at the dark red substance, but then I sucked it up, and drank it. The texture was slightly thick and the taste was completely bitter.

“Ew, this is revolting” I squinted, feeling like I wanted to puke my guts out.

“I told you” Jinri let out an amused light laugh.

“What the hell is that?” I handed her back her drink wiping my mouth.

“It's for me to know and you to find out” I didn't know whether she was joking or if she was serious.


We were on the road, heading towards my hometown, once I saw the sign Belington ahead.. I grow nervous, it felt like I couldn't breath.

I felt a light squeeze on my thigh, looking over to Jinri, who looked as nervous as I am, telling me everything is gonna be okay. Hopefully it is... I thought.

Once we arrived at our destination,which was a pretty decent house Jinri rented beforehand. She didn't wanna stay in a hotel while we stay here for a couple of days in Belington, with me agreeing because I didn't wanna stay at a hotel either. So she found a pretty decent looking house that was put up for rent and it was good, cause it wasn't to far from where my mother's location.

We entered the house, it was a little empty with only a few furniture, but it didn't matter, because we ain't gonna stay here that long, just for me to resolve a few things and we're going back, away from this god awful place.

We walked over to the kitchen with Jinri opening the fridge, seeing it only stocked with water.

“I guess we gotta do a little grocery shopping tomorrow” Jinri said, taking one water bottle for me, before closing the door.

“Good, because the trip here got me beat” I said, exhausted not wanting to go out tonight, drinking a little of the water.

I went upstairs with Jinri following after, once I saw the bed, I just dropped myself down face forward, feeling all comfortable.

“Care to join me in the shower?” Jinri whispered in my ear and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, before stripping herself down as she made her way to the bathroom. She doesn't need to tell me twice.

We were laying in bed, after our steamy shower, spooning, with Jinri's hand laced in mine.

“How do you feel about being back?” Jinri asked, as she kissed the back of my hand.

“Honestly, it was like I never left” I said, which was true. I may have been staying at a place that was miles away from here, but it still felt like I was attached to Belington and never left it this whole six years I've been away.

“When are you gonna decide to go visit your mother?” Jinri asked, while she was playing with my fingers.

“I don't know, now that I'm here- I kinda feel like chickening out, but I know have to do this” I said, knowing damn well there's no turning back, this was the only way I can get on with my life, and the only way I'll be able to live with Jinri, without no worries behind me.

“Just take your time, we can stay here as long as you need” was all Jinri said, as she kissed my cheek, before closing her eyes to sleep. Let's just hope that she still lives at the same place... I thought before the darkness took over me.


The next day. I woke up with the sun shining in the blinds, with a aroma of food being cooked downstairs, knowing Jinri was cooking breakfast downstairs.

Before I went downstairs, I went to go do my business and quickly brushed my teeth, as I made my way downstairs, joining Jinri in the kitchen.

“Good morning beautiful” Jinri said, giving me a quick kiss on the lips before going back to cooking the bacon.

“Where'd you get the food?” I asked, knowing we had none in the fridge, but only water.

“Don't worry, I only bought bacon and eggs at the small convenient store near by” Jinri said as she placed the food nice and neatly on a plate, making it look a little presentable, before sliding the plate in front of me.

“Y'know you should seriously become a chef” I said, as I wasted no time in taking a bite of the crispy bacon.

“Nahh, I rather just cook for my lover” I just rolled my eyes at that, but had a big smile on my face. Oh god, I love her.

After I was finish eating my breakfast, me and Jinri got dressed before making our way to the grocery store, as we arrived at goodies grocery  I looked up to the big sign hanging over the entrance, bringing back so much memories.

“You okay?” Jinri asked, which I just nodded, with her taking her hand in mine, as we entered the store.

Jinri grabbed a basket, with both of us walking over to the frozens aisle “What do you wanna eat?” She asked, as she put two bacon packs in the basket, knowing bacon is my favorite.

“Whatever, my good chef wants to cook for me” I teased, which she just rolled her eyes, but couldn't stop a smile from appearing on her face.

As Jinri picked out some frozens. I told her that I was going to get some cereal, once I neared the cereal aisle. I heard a little girl crying for her mommy.

I neared the girl and kneeled down to her height “Hey sweetie” I said softly. I couldn't see her face, because she was rubbing her eyes and her bangs were in the way.

“Do you want me to help you find your mommy?” I said, which she nodded her head and stopped rubbing her eyes.

I moved her bangs away from her face and I just frozed. She had emerald eyes that almost looked identical to the women that birth me, her features were similar as well. And I don't know I felt a strong connection to her, I somehow felt connected to her in some way.

I quickly shook the thought that this might be my little sister, but I knew that wouldn't be possible, knowing my mother.

When me and the little girl left the aisle and went over to the front of the store. We saw a women standing talking to the cashier, looking worried as ever.

“Mommy” The little girl cried, as she released my hand and ran to her mother.

The women hugged her daughter tightly “Alayna I told you not to run off alone, you almost gave mommy a heart attack” She told her daughter and hugged her once more.

“I'm sorry mommy” Alayna apologize “But big sister helped me find you” She told her mother pointing over to me.

[Note:Alayna is only calling Alison big sister, only because she's older than her. Not because she knows that's her big sister. Just wanted to point that out.]

“I'm sorry, I hope she didn't cause you any trou–” At this moment, I was face to face with the women that brought me so much pain. She looked surprised. Hell, she even looked like she'd seen a ghost.

The women just shook her head “I'm sorry, you just look like my daughter that I lost” Lost? What did she mean by lost? “I'm sorry again” She said before leaving me, completely frozen in place, as I watched the two walk away hand in hand.

“You okay?” I felt a hand on my shoulder, which made me flinch, turning around to see Jinri, looking worried.

“Yeah, I think I just saw my mother” I know that was her. There's no way that it couldn't be. I could never forget those deep green eyes of hers, those freckles that complimented her every look, along with her curves. I have to admit, she looked like she didn't age a bit, except for the little wrinkles that was barely noticeable.

All I was thinking at that moment was, what did she mean by lost?

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