My Kind Of Perfection(EDITING)

Por hein_girl

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Kasei Asugh had the perfect life, set to be the next big name in ballet until everything pirouette's off her... Más

1. Perfection is key
2. My Crazy Best Friend
3. Job Searching
4. Hired Pt1
5. Hired Pt2
6. No Longer a Newbie
7. Going to the barre
8. Family Dinner
9. You're always working
10. Going to be a Problem
11. Jake's POV
12. I'm Stealing This
13. I'm Moving Out
14. The Gym
15. Gym//Jake's POV
16. First Time For Everything
17. Pizza Hut-Jake POV
18. My Hero
19. All these boxes
20. Intense Game of Hide and Seek
21. House Party
22. Let's Go Clubbing-Dakota POV
23. Jake's Girl
24. Date With Jake
25. Genius-Dakota POV
26. Phone Call
27. Mushy Heart
28. Who Knew Shopping Was This Fun
29. Supper With Em
30. Talk It Out
31. Girl Time
32. Or Eat Me?
33. Only You
34. Happier(DPOV)
35. Why Do I Associate With Y'all?
36.Parent Introductions
37. The Harsh Truth
38. Answers
39. California
↓↓ Exciting news y'all read this ↓↓
40. Room Service
41. Talk with the Scott's
42. Audition Realization
43. Unexpected Visitor-DPOV
44. Quick Visit
45. Finally Home
46. Dress Shopping
47. Why Else?
49. The Race
50. The sober, smart one
51. M.I.A
52. You need help
53. How's He Doing?
54. Don't Mess With The Redhead
55. Make a difference
56. Trouble
57. Busy, busy
58. Finally
59. How It's Supposed To Go
60. Breaking Ground
61. Chicago
62. Girls Night Out
63. Meeting Her
64. Walk Through
65. Dysfunctional
66. Cloud Nine
67. My Kind Of Perfection

48. Business Dinner

864 26 9
Por hein_girl

sorry its late at night but if I don't post it now I'll just keep forgetting til the end of yall


"Um, I'm sorry, Kase...but I just got called over." Dakota gestures to where a small group is standing around Blade. He waves her over again.

"Wow. First Keila leaves me for Thorn, now you're leaving me for Blade?"

"Um, well unless you want me..." She holds up a couple fingers in a 'wait!' gesture to him.

"I'm joking. Go, leave me to chill awkwardly here. I got my bubbly to keep me company. We'll be together at the meal anyway." I make a shooing motion.

"Well he may go all caveman soon and grab me anyway so...I'll see you later." a deep blush forms on her cheeks.

I chuckle. "Okay then, I'll catch up with you later." I wave as I walk back towards my table. When Jake told me about this black tie business convention thing, I at first thought it sounded like a snooze fest, but actually, I'm meeting some pretty cool people, the appetizers are great, and it's not boring. Jake ran off to do something for a few minutes, and left me at the table. Dakota found me, and invited me over to the group to chat, but as the group slowly dispersed, I'm just enjoying my champagne alone now.

It's interesting, because apparently some people from Hawks bike shop L.A are here. We haven't seen any of them, but Jake promises to introduce me to everyone when he sees them. I just find it cool that Jake's grandfather started out the whole gang back in the 1950's, and now the whole thing has grown and is spread all over the states.

Someone walks up behind me and puts their cold, clammy hand on exposed back. "I'll have you know I may not recognize all the hands that belong to my brothers, but all of them would keep that higher." I sass without turning to face the person. "Unless you'd prefer to have a few missing parts at the end of the night, I'd take that hand off."

"I would watch who you're talking to, lady." I turn around and meet his greasy smirk.

My skin crawls where he touched me and, feeling uncomfortable, I immediately walk away from him, towards my seat. I let out a silent sigh of relief as I slip on my leather 'Property of Hawks MC: JT's Girl' jacket. "I would be careful of my next steps if I were you. JT gets mad easily, and I know good places to hide a body."

He opens and closes his mouth a couple times. "I-I watch your back."

I chuckle. This guy has no clue. "I should be the one watching my back? I personally know that every single one of the Hawks MC Brothers would want to carve out a piece of you for disrespecting me. I'm not worried about my health and safety."

He glares at me. "This isn't finished, missy."

Jake appears behind him, and I'm immediately flooded with relief. "I think this is finished, Dennis." He wraps one arm around my waist. I relax against him.

"Your girl has got quite the mouth boy. You should train her better."

"Excuse me? I'm a woman. Not a dog."

"Yeah, I would call you a female dog." 'Dennis' smirks.

"Excuse me? I'd like to believe you didn't just call me a bitch, but unfortunately, that's what I heard. Would you like to change that sentence?" I angrily sass. Jake shoots me a look.

Dennis opens his mouth, and Jake angrily steps forwards, shoving me behind him. "Tomorrow, 1am. Zeon Street. Bring cash." JT growls.

"I'm not fighting you." Dennis scoffs.

"Are you scared you're gonna lose?" JT taunts.

"I don't want to wreck your pretty face." Dennis smirks. "Race instead."

Jake hesitates. I yank on the back of his jacket twice. Jake, don't. I silently communicate.

"Fine. Same time. Same place. Bring 5K." He ignores me. "Nobody touches what's mine."

Dennis smirks again, holding out a hand. "You got yourself a deal. Bring 2 of your best men."

"I'll bring watchers" JT says.

"Bring your best bike?"

"Bikes." Jake agrees, gripping his hand. Dennis grips back, and they hold for a few minutes, going tighter and tighter until both their knuckles are white. Jake's arm flexes under my touch, and Dennis grimaces in pain, but they don't let go. Ugh, men.

Finally, Dennis grunts in pain and attempts to pull away. Emphasis on 'attempts' Jake continues gripping his hand, despite Dennis squirming in pain and trying to pull away. I slap Jake's arm, and he looks at me. I shoot him a look, and he sighs and lets go.

"Well, the rumors are true...JT of Hawks MC is pussy whipped." Dennis goads, stretching out his fingers.

"At least I have a pussy that willingly wants to fuck." He fires back. "You know, make that 10." I nearly choke on my saliva. TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS?

"You sure you want to lose that much?"

"Oh, I assure you. I won't lose." Jake grabs my hand, and we walk away from there.

Once we get out of hearing range of everyone, I stop in my tracks. "What were you thinking, Jake? No. Were you EVEN thinking?"

"I was thinking that some asshole was touching my girl."

"TEN THOUSAND? REALLY?" I rip my hand outta his. "YOU COULD BUY A CAR FOR THAT."

"Chill, Kase. We've got money for things like this."

"Right." I roll my eyes. "Sure."  

"You know, for someone who came from a millionare family, you'd think a girl wouldn't blink at that number." 

"Jake. You're spending it on stupid, spur of the moment gambling.  You have $10,000 that could be spent on better things for 'just in case' someone touches what's yours?" I huff.

"Yes." He says seriously. 

I sputter, trying to form words.

"Or for ransom purposes. Chill. I have cop friends. That money is trackable, so they can't use it."

"Well, that's relieving. But still!"

"Baby. Calm down. It's going to be fine. There's no way I'm going to lose. You know I love you and would do anything for you."

"Okay, well I just want to sit down, watch some strangers present, and eat expensive food that I'll regret consuming tomorrow."

"Okay, c'mon then. Dinner is about to be served." He grabs my hand and drags me back into the main hall.


"Man! Did you have some of that cheesecake?" I turn to Blade.

He rumbles with laughter. "Have some? Kase, Dakota is finishing eating my fourth slice."

I lean over, realizing he's right. "It's so good, hey?

"Mmph-" She nods, her mouth full.

"So, JT. Are we gonna be going to Chicago next month?" Thorn asks.

"Wait. Chicago. Why?" I turn to him.

"We have a branch down there and almost always make the trip." Jake replies.

"So you're leaving a week to go a state away, and then going down to Chicago in a month?" I try not to pout, but I'm honestly bummed out. Since we got back together, and talked everything through, we've been trying to be super open with each other. Also, we spend a lot of time together, even if he's busy working and I'm watching him make phone calls and settle deals from across his desk.

"Well actually, the 'ol ladies usually come with us. Its two states away, Kasey. We aren't just gonna let people waltz into our clubhouse and take all our women!?" He shoots me a protective look, and Keila giggles as I mimic him. I can basically see him beating his chest, all: 'me strong alpha male. You defenseless woman. Me take you with me wherever I go.' All caveman like.

"Actually?" I squeal.

"Windy city beech!" Dakota slaps my high five.

Thorn snorts.

"Shut up. I think that's exciting! Are we flying there?" Dakota asks excitedly, standing up. "I'm not sure we'd get through the metal detectors, but I actually love planes so much!"

"Obviously driving."


"Oh." She sits down again. I mean, in her defense, I was gonna ask the same question. "I swear I don't have a blonde bone in me." She defends.

"Surre." I nod unconvincingly, waiting for her to think about what she just said.

"Kota, I think you've been sniffin' too much paint." Blade deadpans.

Well, that's a way to say it.

"Oh! I just understood what I said." She laughs. "Never mind."

"I've never been travelling on your bike." I point out, steering the topic back.

"She has a point, boss." Cars says from the other end of the table.

"She won't be able to walk once you're done with her." Adds Steel.

"Really, Steel?" I scoff. "Do you really have to make everything sound sexual?"

"Hmm. Yep."

I roll my eyes, and take Jake's empty plate from him, stacking it on mine.

"But yeah... you'll need to go riding with me a bit more before we go on 8 hour drives..." Jake says.

"I guess so. I mean, now that I am basically done with ballet, I have spare time." I point out.

"Where'd my plate go?" Jake looks confused.

I point to the accumulating stack of plates. "It was empty."

"Babe, how many times I gotta tell you. At a restaurant you just leave all the dishes around the table. It's their job to clean up." He sighs.

"You know how stubborn she is so don't even bother." Laughs Thorn.

"Since I've been a waitress I realize how important it is to help out your servers as much as possible. They have a long shift full of flirtatious bikers ahead of them." I add jokingly.

"What? I was NOT flirting with the waitress!" Slip cries defensively.

We all turn to him and start laughing. "We-" sputter. "Weren't talking...b-bout you!" howls Dakota, barely getting the sentence out because she's laughing so hard.

"Guilty much?" I giggle as he storms away from the table.

"Oh my..." Jake sighs as he calms down. "That f-boy is somethin' special, hey?"

"How did he get his name anyway? Y'all never told me the story." I realize.

The laughing starts up again.

"I'm serious!"

"Okay, fine." Sighs Gut. "I mean, most 'o us told you our names...just it's not like Slip is very proud of his name." He snickers. Gut has his name for his big size, and the fact that his number on target spot is the gut of his victim. I cringe as I think about it.

"Okay, so back in the old days, about..." Thorn turns to Jake. "6 years ago?" Thorn got his name when he was super young, and then later got a thorn tattoo that circles his bicep. He's been friends with the Taylor family since they moved here though, so he was part of the gang before he was even part of the gang, and he chose his own name.

"Yeah, about that...maybe 5 years?" Jake thinks about it. "Anyway. He was just a prospect at that point, but back then they all got free range of the club wh-" He looks at me quickly, and I give him a look.

"Club girls." He corrects. "My Dad didn't really care at that point, so yeah. You know how much of a horny bastard Scott is, so he took the opportunity to bang every single one of them every time he got the chance."

Thorn sniggers. "Yep. I remember that. So one time, we were all hanging in the lounge, drinking, and he waltzes in looking like a smug motherfuc-" He clears his throat. "So of course, we go about asking him which pussy it was this time, and he starts talking about how he never uses protection."

"What? Ommagosh he's so stupid!" I gasp. Jake looks at me and raises his eyebrows. Okay, true that the first couple times we had sex, we forgot condoms... but we at least are in a relationship; and also I'm on the pill anyways.

"Yeah, so we all started calling him names, about how dumb that is, ya know... and he just bragged that he can slip right out of there whenever he wants." Jake chuckles. "That his 'slip skill' as never failed him yet."

Bear starts laughing. "Just then, one of the club whores walks in all 'Scott we need to talk.' And Slip, assuming she wants to brag about how good he is, announces: 'all you listen. Cynthia wants to say something about my fucking.' Man!"

They all begin laughing their asses off, Keila takes a breath. "Yeah, so basically she didn't want to say it in front of the whole room paying attention, but he's like: 'What you say to me you can say to them!' So yeah. You can guess what happened next." She smirks and takes a sip of her drink.

"What?" I look expectantly at them.

Keila jokingly sighs. "Really, JT? HER? You sure?"

I roll my eyes and kick her in the shin. "Don't act like its obvious. I've never heard the story!!"

She lets out a deep sigh. "Okay, so yeah she's like: 'Fine I'll tell you. Scott, your pull out game is weak.' And then chucks a pregnancy stick at his head."

"Oh my goodness. No."

"Yep!" Bear says with a laugh. "He then proceeded to yell after her: 'it's called my slip-skill.' Then after we all lost it laughing our asses off, he ran after her. He's been called that ever since."

"He got a club girl preggers?" I repeat, astonished.

Just then, Scott walks up to the table. The boys all smirk and nod at each other as he sits down; cuz we all know what he just came back from.

"Scott. You got a stripper pregnant?" I turn to him.

"Really guys? You had to tell her the story?" he glares at his brothers around the table.

"Answer the damn question somebody!" I gasp, still in suspense.

"No." he answers.


"No. I didn't get a stripper was four of 'em." He admits.

"WHAT?!" I can feel my eyes bulge out of my head.

"Well, at least I had four pregnancy scares. Only one of them kept theirs."

I giggle. "You- YOU are a father?"

"Y'all are dicks. I've changed my ways. My slip skill has improved." He turns to me. "No I'm not a dad. She lost it."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

He shrugs. "I'm not. She wouldn't have been good mother-material, woulda had to quit her job, and was only 18."

"Ooh. Yikes. Okay, well... Please tell me you haven't impregnated anyone that's still around."

He rolls his eyes. "You act like I'm the only one who's done it."

"Okay, yeah...hun, your nickname is based off of that, so..." I mull this over. "That sucks that you didn't get to name yourself, though."

"I was gonna name it a cool name, like Chrome. But that's already taken, and it's too late now."

"Yep. If I were to have to change my name, I'd want to be the one to choose it." I decide. "Otherwise I'd be like: Red or Sassy or something."

"True dat." Dakota lifts her glass in a 'here, here' motion.

"I feel like you should be able to choose your own..." I continue.

"Most of us didn't." Bear adds from the other end of the table. "This girl gave me my name." He ruffles Keila's hair in a fatherly manner, and she growls.

"Awe, did you actually?"

"Yeah." Keila admits begrudgingly. "I was about...10ish when he was a prospect. He and my dad were friends from way back, and he had just moved back into the state. "It was funny, because JT thought he was all tough and manly, already basically part of the gang."

Jake laughs. "I started young, hey?"

"JT. No interrupting my story. So he first came over to our place, and JT was kinda scared of him. He was like- this huge guy with tattoos, and-"

"Wow. Past-tense?" Bear huffs.

"Be quiet Blakey-poo. I'm listening to the story." I shush.

"And JT was like: Wow. You're HUGE, man. But I just walked up to him, poked him and turned to my brother. 'He's like a bear.' I decided. I mean, bears can be big and scary, but also furry and playful." Keila concludes.

"The name just kinda stuck." Bear shrugs.

"Kinda like Blakey-poo?" I joke.

"Kaseyy." He grumbles. "I didn't tell ya that so you could use it against me!"

I shrug and blow him a kiss sarcastically. "Welp. That's me."

We continue our conversation, chatting with other tables, and walking around introducing ourselves to other gangs, until it's early in the morning

I check my phone and gasp when I realize the time. "Man, this has been super fun, but I'm all tired out now. Let's go home."

"Course, baby."

One of the guys from our LA gang, Aidan I think, makes a whipping sound and Jake gives him the finger.

"Just sayin!" He chuckles defensively.

"It's called being courteous." JT corrects.

"Yeah. Only, you definitely are whipped, J."

"Can't be pussy whipped when I haven't got much pussy yet." He leans close to my ear.

"Oh. I see how this is gonna go." I narrow my eyes.

He pulls away and smirks at me. "Just stating a fact, baby girl."

I fix my hair, and make sure I have everything I need. Taking the last sip of my drink, I plop it down on a nearby tray. I turn to a smug looking Jake and lick my bottom lip.

"Grab your jacket, Boss. My bed is calling."


Thanks for reading/voting/commenting I love you! 

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