Power Rangers Harmony (Season...

By Drunk_Breadstick

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After the outcome of the last battle, the rangers realize that their power comes at a cost. Second Season of... More

Episode 1: New Awakenings
Episode 2: Two Face
Episode 3: The Betrayal
Episode 4: Third Level
Episode 5: Ranger Team
Episode 6: Honest Truths
Episode 7: White Light
Episode 8: Forever United
Episode 9: Fragile Minds
Episode 11: Baby Rangers
Episode 12: Life Force
Episode 13: One Family
Episode 14: The Real
Episode 15: Self Trust
Episode 16: Stand Up
Episode 17: End Game
Episode 18: Ranger Sacrifices
Episode 19: Last Hope
Episode 20: Fallen Empire

Episode 10: Gold Mine

342 20 22
By Drunk_Breadstick

Not going to lie, this chapter zapped my inpiration, with that said, it's not my favorite. But it's complete and it's out. So I do hope you guys don't hate it too much.


"Father sent me, Simon and Darkus to retrieve the stones," Princess Lorelei said, nodding her head. The other rangers were listening to every word she was saying.

Demi was checking over Lauren's head, making sure she was okay to go back into the battlefield, but by the look of things, she wasn't going to be cleared any time soon, which did bum her out.

"Not your sister?" Normani asked, frowning.

Princess Lorelei shook her head. "No. I didn't want her to go. The mission was going to be tough, it was going to be tough. I had to protect her."

"And then what happened?"



Princess Lorelei looked up at the stone wall. Seeing the seven stones in front of her. Simon and Darkus (in his warrior form) stood behind her.

Suddenly, right before their eyes, a being appeared. He looked at the three, his eyes shifting from person to person. Before opening his mouth to speak.


Lauren Jauregui - Red Harmony Ranger
Normani Kordei - Blue Harmony Ranger
Camila Cabello - Green Harmony Ranger
Dinah Jane - Yellow Harmony Ranger
Ally Brooke - Pink Harmony Ranger
Simon Cowell - The Rangers Mentor
Demi Lovato - The Ranger Medic
Troy Ogletree - Ranger Tech
Hailee Steinfeld - The Ranger Strategist/Assistant Tech

Lucy Vives - White Ranger (as Princess Lorelei)
Shawn Mendes - Black Ranger

Keana Issartel
Alexa Ferrer
Austin Mahone
Sofia Carson

LA Reid as Lord Zadicus
Britney Spears as Lady Imperia (Credit Only)

Special Guests:
Will Bracey

"This is so Power Ranger the Movie," Hailee commented, smiling. She leaned forward, enjoying the story. She shook with excitement.

Lauren shook her head with a small smile, an ice pack against her head. She turned to Princess Lorelei, who was staring at her own hands.

"Who was he?" Ally asked, a curious look on her face.

"The guardian of the stones," Princess Lorelei  answered, her eyes looking at the rangers.

"Did you have to bond with the stones? Before you got them?" Dinah asked, leaning into Normani. The Blue Ranger rolled her eyes, but wrapped her arm around the Yellow Ranger.

Lorelei shook her head.

"Not at that moment. Father had this whole plan set up, a moment to get me, my sister, Simon, and those he believed to be worthy to be his soldiers. But Simon and my sister ran off before he could complete his plan."

"But he didn't completely fail," Lauren commented, signaling to the White Ranger.

"What else happened?" Hailee asked, leaning back.


Demi watched Lauren, who looked restless. The rangers were training, while Lauren paced. Demi turned to look at the team. Shawn was on his back, having been knocked down by Dinah. Normani and Ally were able to keep from being swept off their feet. Camila was tense, having had to train with Lucy. Princess Lorelei that Lucy needed to train.

"Can we train too?"

Demi felt herself let out a breath. "This is not going to end well."

Simon let out a laugh. He moved to stand next to Demi. "The team is coming together."

Lauren gave a nod. Hailee and Troy excitedly got closer to the other rangers. Lauren looked at the Rangers. "I guess we are switching things up. Camila, you and Troy train. Normani, you take on Hailee. Dinah, you and Lucy. Ally and Shawn."

Lauren moves to sit on the ground, wanting to watch the  team train before giving notes.

Troy groaned when he hit the ground. Camila let out a laugh, shaking her head.


Troy placed raw meat on his face, looking annoyed. Ally walked up to him, letting out a laugh. She placed her hands on his neck, getting his attention. He gave her a pout.

Ally just leaned forward and kissed his lips. Troy couldn't keep the smile off his face.


"It thought you had them," Lord Zadicus asked, looking deep in thought. He turned to look at Will, who had a smirk on his face.

"I have a plan," he said.

Lord Zadicus looked at him, gave him a nod. He turned back, wondering just what the human had in plan.

Commercial Break


Princess Lorelei looked at the being in front of her, her eyes filled with rage. "What do you mean we aren't worthy?"

The Gatekeeper just smirked. "You have darkness in your heart, you won't be able to hold the power."

Lorelei took a step forward, her hands in fists.

"But her heart is pure."

Lorelei took a step back, and all three visitors turned to see Princess Valaine standing behind them.


"We should tell them," Hailee said, glaring at the person in front of them. "We're a team, we all should know everything. I'm not keeping another secret."

Troy frowned, before shaking his head. "No. I'm not asking you to keep it a secret, I'm just asking for more time."

Hailee closed her eyes, before giving him a nod. "Okay. But if anyone asks, I will tell them."

Troy just gave her a smile. "That's all I need."

Hailee sighed, shaking her head. Troy grinned at her and walked out of the room, leaving the Ranger Fanatic alone.


Camila placed her bag down, looking at the teenager in front of her. She felt her hands tremble. "H-how are you?"

Lucy smiled. She bit her lip. "I'm good. How are you?"

Camila gave her a nod. "Good. Yeah, good. So, how do you like being a Ranger?"

"I'm not really a Ranger," Lucy answered, shrugging her head.

"You're the one out there. You're a Power Ranger too."

Lucy couldn't help but smile. A small blush appeared on both girl's faces, as they sat in silence.


Sofia closed her locker. "What are you doing after school?"

"Troy wants to go out on a date. We haven't gone to one in some time. How are things with Dove?"

Sofia's cheeks started to turn red. A smile appeared on her face. "She's great. I think I'm gonna make it official."

Ally beamed at the taller girl. The two girls started to walk down the hall, before another student stopped in front of them. His eyes on the Ranger. His eyes shift over to Sofia. "Can you leave us alone?"

Ally turned to her friend, seeing a frown on her face. "No," Sofia answered, glaring at the male teen.

Will sneered at her, before turning to Ally. The Pink Ranger stared into his eyes, feeling herself become dissociated. He smirked. "Come with me."

Ally took a step forward. Sofia quickly grabbed Ally's hand.

Will clenched his teeth, before smiling. "Ally," he said in a sweet voice.

Ally felt a sharp pain in her head. She pulled her arm from Sofia's grip and walked towards Will. He placed his arm over her shoulder and winked at the taller girl. Ally felt her vision darken as she walked with Will.


"Just a little longer," Normani said, grinning at the Red Ranger. Lauren shot her a glare. "Not my fault you like to go to fights head first."

Lauren opened her mouth to respond, but Dinah raised her hand to stop her. "We get it. You're Red. You have to protect us, blah, blah, blah."

The Red Ranger stopped walking and just stared at the two. She was about to respond, when screams started. The three rangers turned to see people running, and Dronoins chasing after them.

"Lauren, get out of here," Dinah said, "and I don't want to hear your bull crap."

"Fuck you," Lauren muttered, but took a step backwards. She watched as Dinah and Normani ran forward, stopping the closest Dronoins from attacking innocent people. Lauren took a step back, wanting to help, but knowing it was going to do more harm than good. She quickly hid and brought her morpher to her mouth. "Guys, we need help."


Dinah ducked, shooting Normani a grin. The Blue Ranger shot her a wink. Before they knew it, three other rangers showed up. "Finally," Dinah remarked, shooting them an annoyed look.

"Let's just get this over with," Camila muttered, her cheeks bright red.

"Ready?" Normani asked, looking at the team that was there.


"Harmonizer!"  Normani, Dinah and Camila said, opening the latch on their morphers and pressed 0-7-2-7.

"White Ranger Power!" Lucy said, opening the latch of her morpher and pressed 0-1-1-1.

"Black Ranger Power!" Shawn said, opening the latch of his morpher and pressed 0-4-1-4.

"Locked in!" All five pressed enter and then closed the latch.

Dinah looked over at Lauren, who was standing not far from them, but away from the fight. The Red Ranger gave her a nod and moved away. Dinah turned back to the Dronoins in front of her. She quickly summoned her sword and slashed at the two charging towards her.

Princess Lorelei quickly summoned her bow and shot at the Dronoins. Dinah raised her shield, blocking a shark weapon from taking her head off. She quickly turned and used the edge of her shield to push the Dronoins back, before slashing them with her sword.

Normani and Camila were back to back, their staff and spear at hand. They quickly pushed the Dronoins back, blocking an incoming attack.

Shawn quickly swung his axe, knocking Dronoins down.

The Dronoins quickly disappeared. The rangers all regrouped, confused.

"That was weird."

"Why was that so easy?"

"It was a distraction."

"Where's Ally?"

Commercial Break


"What are you doing here?" Lorelei asked, marching up to her younger sister.

"Father said you would need my help," Valaine said, her eyes shifting over to the Gatekeeper. He had a grin on his face. "Why don't you have the stones."

"This asshole won't give them to us," Lorelei said, shooting a glare to the spirit.

His eyes shifted from Lorelei to her younger sister, before turning back. "Now that you are all here, you can start."

Lorelei quickly grabbed her sister as a white light took over her senses.


Lauren's phone started to ring. She looked down at it, seeing Sofia's name on it. With a frown, she picked up the call.

"He has her!" Sofia exclaimed, her voice filled with panic.

Lauren quickly pulled her phone from her ear and placed it in speaker. Her eyes looking at the confused and worried looks her team was shooting her.

"Who has who?"

"Will! He has Ally. We were talking, and she was okay and then he came and he started talking and it was like she was in a trance and he took her. I tried to help but she was in pain and I knew if she fought it, it would hurt her more. I, I don't know. I tried to follow them, but they just disappeared. I am so sorry," Sofia told the team, and Lauren could hear the panic in her voice.

"We have to get her back," Troy told the team, his eyes widening. "We, I, she-"

Lauren raised a hand, stopping him. Her eyes on Simon. "What can we do?"

"We can try to locate her ranger signal, but Will could have cut the signal. Hailee," Simon turned the Ranger Fanatic.

Hailee nodded her head, her fingers moving across the keyboard. Lauren quickly thanked Sofia and hung up the phone, before placing her hand on Troy's shoulder. "We're going to find her, don't you worry."

Troy looked at Lauren, clenching his teeth. He gave her a nod.

"What do we do while we wait?" Normani asked, looking at the Red Ranger.

"We prepare for whatever may come."


"Can we talk?" Camila asked, looking at the girl in front of her.

Lucy frowned. She gave a nod, but Camila shook her head. "I need to talk to her."

Lucy frowned, but nodded her head. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Camila watched as she changed before her eyes. She smiled.

"You wanted to talk?" Lorelei asked, raising an eyebrow.


"You want me dead, I already know," Lorelei said, her voice void of any emotion.

Camila gave her a small shake of the head. "No. Not any more. I don't really trust you. Not until I know for sure you aren't the same person who tried to kill one of my best friends, but I know you are trying to change. And-"

"You miss your girlfriend," Lorelei finished, a small smile on her face.

Camila nodded. "Yeah, I miss her. I'm tired of being mad all the time. I'm tired of hating you. I want to move from that."

"Look, getting my sister back, stopping my father, that will only happen if I help you girls and Shawn out. And that can only happen if Lauren is alive. So it's been awhile since I had friends."

Camila gave her a smile and extended her hand. "I'm willing to start over if you are?"

The Princess gave her a nod and shook her hand. She gave Camila a wink before closing her eyes. Camila watched as her ex-girlfriend returned. She smiled.

"Welcome back," Camila said, her voice low and airy.

Lucy's cheeks started to turn a little pink. "So you said everything you needed to say?"

Camila gave her a nod. She unconsciously stepped closer to the White Ranger. "I really miss spending time with you."

"Then maybe you shouldn't have broken up with me?"

The Green Ranger shrugged. "It was for the best, I didn't want to hate you too."

"Wow, that's such a nice thing to say," Lucy teased, raising an eyebrow.

"You know what I mean," Camila whispered, her lips a centimeter away from Lucy's.

"So what do you plan on doing now that you've buried the hatchet with the Princess?"

Camila didn't answer verbally. She just pressed her lips against her ex-girlfriend's. Camila smiled when she felt Lucy kiss her back.

Just when the two needed oxygen, Camila looked into Lucy's eyes. "I love you. I love you. And I want to be with you again. Please take me back."

Lucy gave Camila a grin and grabbed the front of her shirt. She pulled the Green Ranger back in for a kiss.

Camila pulled back. "So does this mean I have two girlfriends?"

Lucy rolled her eyes and reattached her lips with Camila's.


"Guys," Hailee called up, standing up. She watched as the Rangers all met up, two of which were fixing their clothing.

"What were you two doing in there?" Lauren asked, looking at the Blue and Yellow Rangers, who were blushing bright red and smoothing out their hair.

"You're just jealous you can't get any," Dinah muttered, turning to the female tech member.

Hailee shook her head, before turning to her laptop. She quickly casted it to the monitor. Troy tensed up when he saw an unconscious Ally on the monitor. Hailee watched the screen as the image started to move until Will was on screen. He was grinning.

"Hello Rangers, it seems I have one of your teammates. And I am growing quite fond of her. But I will give you a chance for her return. But I do make one request. I wish to fight the boyfriend, the winner gets the girl." He winked at the screen and disappeared from the screen.

"He's going to kill Troy," Dinah commented, as the other rangers seemed tense.

Hailee kept an eye on Troy, giving him a nod. Troy turned to the team.

"Hailee and I have a plan."

Commercial Break

A morpher.

A gold morpher.

"How?" Laurena asked, as she inspected it.

"Took some testing, and I had to harness some of the power from the other morphers, but Hailee and I were able to create it."

Shawn laughed. "Oh man, Will is not going to know what hit him." He gave Troy a pat on the back.

The new Gold Ranger grinned. "I won't be alone."

Before anyone could say something, alarms started to go off. "Seems Will has a plan of his own. There is an attack downtown. Dronoins."

Lauren gave her a nod. "Okay, Mani, Camz, and DJ will go downtown. Luce, Shawn, you will go with Troy."


Lauren shook her head. "No time. Go now."

The rangers nodded.

"Ready?" Normani asked, looking at the team that was there.


"Harmonizer!"  Normani, Dinah and Camila said, opening the latch on their morphers and pressed 0-7-2-7.

"White Ranger Power!" Lucy said, opening the latch of her morpher and pressed 0-1-1-1.

"Black Ranger Power!" Shawn said, opening the latch of his morpher and pressed 0-4-1-4.

"Gold Ranger Power!" Troy said, opening the latch on his morpher and pressed 0-5-0-9.

"Locked in!" All six pressed enter and then closed the latch.

Troy stood in a Gold Ranger suit. His suit was similar to Shawn and Lucy's. HIs helmet was in the shape of a panther.

Lauren and the base team watched them leave.


"Are you sure this is where you got the signal?" Troy asked, looking around.

"I'm sure. Ally's signal is not far from you."

Troy gave a small nod, as he looked around. Lucy and Shawn were hidden, wanting to surprise the villain.

"You showed up," Troy heard. He turned to see Will standing not far from him. Troy took a step back, his hands in fists. "You aren't as useless as I thought."

Troy took a step back, his hand going to the morpher. He quickly summoned his sword.

Will extended his hand and a sword appeared. The two males looked at each other.



Lorelei opened her eyes, seeing the trees above her. She pushed herself up and groaned when she remembered the last few seconds. She quickly pushed herself up and looked around, but didn't see anyone around her.

"Val!" She ran her hand through her hair, her eyes scanning the trees. "Val!"

"Welcome to your test," a loud voice said, and Lorelei tensed up. She frowned, seeing her sister appear in front of her.


Lorelei turned to Valaine, only to be attacked by her sister.


Lauren watched as Troy and Will clashed swords. The two seemed to match in strength. Lauren looked to the other monitor, seeing an abundant amount of Dronoins attacking the rangers.

Lauren ran her hand through her hair. "I should be there."

Demi shook her head. "No, you aren't cleared. If you go out there now, it may be the last time you ever do."

Lauren let out a breath, before giving her a nod. She turned back to the monitor, seeing Shawn and Lucy sneak around the two males fighting.


Troy took a step back. "Battle Mode!" 1-1-0-3.

Silver armour started to appear on his outfit. He felt the power run through him, and he was glad about it. He turned to Will, who was smirking at him. "Nice show, want to see mine?"

Troy watched as Will closed his eyes and his body started to transform before his  eyes. Will didn't look human, and Troy had to guess that he wasn't. Troy took a step back, his eyes looking behind Will. He saw Lucy and Shawn.

"Let's finish this," Will said, rushing forward. Troy raised his sword and stopped the slash.

Troy pushed against him, slashing at him. He stabbed at Will, who groaned at the pain. He stumbled backwards, whimpering. He let out an angry sound, slamming his sword against Troy's head. The Gold Ranger groaned. He brought his morpher up, 0-1-1-3. Daggers appeared in his hands. He quickly charged forward, slashing at Will. The Villain laughed, as he tried to block the attacks.

Troy was frustrated, but tried harder to attack.



Lorelei fell on her back, as her sister tried to scratch her face. Lorelei pushed her back, not wanting to hurt her.

"Stop it!"

Valaine didn't stop. She scratched Lorelei, her hands creating cuts.

"You know what you must do," the Gatekeeper said, looking at the girl.

"I don't want to hurt her," Lorelei responded, shaking her head. She looked up at her sister, seeing just full rage in them. She couldn't recognize the girl above her.

"You need to accept it," the Gatekeeper said, looking down at the girl.

With her eyes closed, Lorelei pushed the girl back and stood up. The younger of the two charged forward, and Lorelei quickly wrapped her arms around the girl's neck and held on tightly. Valaine fought against her, scratching at her hands and kicking her legs, but Lorelei didn't let go. She just held on tighter. Valaine slowly started to become limp, before her arms dropped to her side. Lorelei let go, and watched as her sister dropped, only she never hit the ground.

"What was that?" Lorelei asked, anger in her face, staring at the spot her sister should have been.

"The bearer of the stones must know that they will have to do whatever they need to achieve their goal. You passed the test by stopping the one person you love. "

"I passed."


Will wiped his mouth, a grin on his face. "Let's make this fun." He snapped his fingers and Dronoins appeared around him. Troy gripped his sword tighter. "You really thought this would be a fair match?"

Troy let out a laugh. "This is exactly what I thought," he said, just as Lucy and Shawn appeared from their hiding place.

Will looked angry. He turned to Troy, but the Gold Ranger quickly opened the latch on his morpher. "Armour Mode!" 0-3-5-5

Troy shot forward, slashing at Will. The villain let out a scream, as he dropped his sword. He felt another slash and another. He stumbled backwards as Troy continued his assault.

"You are going to regret taking Ally," Troy snapped, his hands glowing a gold color, His sword started to glow, and he stabbed at Will.

Shawn and Lucy were in their Armour Modes, attacking the Dronoins.

"Guys, now is the best time to do it," Troy told the two rangers.

Shawn and Lucy gave him a nod.


The Bow appeared above the Axe, creating a small cannon. The White Ranger grabbed the trigger, as Shawn knelt in front of her, holding the cannon up.

"BW Cannon Charge," Lorelei called out, pressing the trigger. Will glared at Troy, charging forward. "Fire!"

A White and Black blast appeared and shot Will, who screamed when it hit him. There was a small explosion, and smoke appeared. When the smoke disappeared, Will was gone.

The three rangers let out a breath, before running to the small cabin not far from them. He burst inside, seeing an unconscious Ally on the ground. He demorphed and dropped to the ground.

"Ally, wake up, please." He ran his hand through the girl's hair, shaking her gently. Ally groaned, her eyes opening. She looked at Troy, and tears filled her eyes. Troy was quick to wrap his arms around her and held her close. He gave her a squeeze.

Ally let out a breath, her body trembling. Troy rubbed her back, his own eyes closed.

"I've got you," Troy whispered, rubbing the girl's back. "I've got you."

Commercial Break


Lorelei held Valaine's hand, as the Gatekeeper stood in front of the four beings. He smiled at each and every one of them. "You have all passed your tests. As promised, you will each get a stone."

"Too bad we want all of them," Lord Zadicus said from behind the group. They all turned to see Petrik and Lord Zadicus standing there. Petrik had some sort of device. He aimed it at the Gatekeeper, and Lorelei watched as he disappeared. Lord Zadicus laughed, as he walked forward. The villain gave Lorelei's head a pat as he walked by.

Lorelei looked to her sister, who had an unreadable expression on her face. The older of the two turned back, not sure what was going to happen.


The Rangers were out with their friends, wanting to have a moment with each other, having been stressed the last few days. Their friends had joined them, and the Rangers were glad.

Lauren beamed when she saw the text message Demi had sent her. She showed it to Shawn, who smiled when he saw the words All Clear on the screen. He leaned over and kissed LAuren's cheek, whispering a "so happy for you" in her ear.

"So I hear congrats are in order," Keana said, looking at a couple. Austin grinned.

"Get it Mila," he cheered, raising his cup of water. The other members in the group raised their drinks, congratulating the reunited couple.

Camila turned to Lucy, and winked at her. Lucy rolled her eyes, but leaned into her girlfriend.

"Why are we so single?" Alexa whispered, looking at the couples around her.

Austin placed his arms behind her chair and Keana's. "We could totally make a throple."

Both girls pushed him back, laughing when the chair tipped backwards.

Ally watched with a smile. Troy reached over and interlaced their fingers. Ally looked down and touched the morpher, a smile on her face.

"I love you," she whispered, turning to her boyfriend.

Troy leaned over and kissed her lips. "I love you, always and forever."

The Rangers all looked at each other, all of them knowing they were going to be stronger together. (Unbeknownst that one of them was about to break.)

End Credits

Next Week: When the original rangers are unavailable, the new team must work together to keep the mission going, while also protecting the originals.

Baby Rangers are next (Adorable Lauren and Ally, Princess Normani, and Little Shits Camila and Dinah)

Followed by a Lucy/Lorelei centric with Camren Friendship chapter.

And then the long awaited Lauren's arc.

I'm hoping I have it out soon, but I'm not making any promises.

I've stated that some people won't make it out alive from this story, any guess on who they may be?

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