Our Demonic Love Story (BNHAx...

By kittenjjk

18.3K 368 58

Basically the reader is a Fem!Rin from Blue Exorcist πŸ˜… Rena Okumora is her name but she isn't exactly like R... More

Character Sheet of Rena
Let the Exam Begin
First Day
Quirk Assessment Test
Lunch with Bakusquad
Hero Basic Training
Twin vs Twin
Something You'll Never Forget
Update about Yuki's quirk
Damn reporters...
League of Villains

Valentine's Day Special

915 22 6
By kittenjjk

"Wow these are really good! " Yukio says with his face full of chocolate I made for the whole class.

"Of course they're good! I made them! " I say cockily.

Valentine's Day is tomorrow and this year is really special to me.... My class has helped me so much and I love every single one of them so I couldn't resist making them sweets. Yukio is in charge of making the Valentine's cards and Kuro is in charge of making little baggies, each with a different persons name, while I make the chocolates and place them in the bags. Only I'm allowed to place the chocolates in their places since I made everyone's chocolate different. Some are spicy, sweet, sour, etc.

Right now I'm putting the chocolates away in the freezer so they won't melt. Yuki and Kuro are both finished so they came to eat the extra chocolate that I don't need.

"Ahhhhh!!! Omg it's so spicy!!! " Kuro yells, running over to the fridge to get milk.

"Oh, haha, those are Katsuki's left over chocolate.... " I giggled.

"You don't say.... " Kuro sarcastically replies back.

"Don't give me that attitude! You only have yourself to blame for this! " I fight back


"You really are stupid" I calm down. "There's names next to each batch of leftover chocolate"

Kuro looks at the chocolate he just ate then around it. Sure enough, there it was... A paper with 'Katsuki' written on it.

"Oh... " He says defeated.

I scoff and finally finish placing the last chocolates in the freezer.

"Now we head to bed. I didn't think making chocolates would take this long. " I say swiping sweat off my forehead.

The clock read '11:52PM' as all three of us head to bed.

-- -- --

The next morning Kuro used his quirk to make himself bigger so we can carry all the chocolates without squishing any of them.

"Since UA's doors and hallways are huge for absolutely so reason, we should have no problem getting to the class with Kuro staying this size" Yuki explains.

"Alrighty then! " Kuro shouts as we make our way to class. Everyone was staring at us, pretty nostalgic, reminds me of the first day here haha

Yuki gets off Kuro so he can open the door while I stay on his back holding onto the chocolates.

"KURO?! " Most people shout

"Yo!" I stick my head out from the top, holding up a peace sign down to them with a straight face.

"OKUMORA?! " They shout again

"Geez, can you stop the yelling? " Yuki rubs his forehead is disappointment.

"Sorry, we were just surprised. " Denki chuckles nervously.

"Back to the point of their screaming" Yaomomo starts, "Why is Kuro using his quirk? "

Everyone nods wondering the same thing.

"Cuz it's Valentine's and I may or may not have got everyone a little something... " I trail off.

Kuro arches his back against a table so all the chocolates can slide off without messing up.

For each person there is a card made by Yuki with something cheesy written on it and mine, Kuro's, and Yuki's signatures with 'Happy Valentine's' written next to them. The cards are stapled to a colored bag which is color coded based in that person, the bag has little designs on it to match the person's personality or quirk and inside that bag is the many chocolates I made with a specific taste for that specific bag.

(Ex at top)

I know I'm great.

"Alrighty thennnn! I'll start handing them out" I say clapping my hands

I start off with Ochaco going to Izuku and so on. I even made one for some of the teachers. I put Mr. Aizawa's on his desk and move to the last bag I have. Katsuki's.

I pick it up and move over to him.

"What the hell do you want blue" He sounds aggravated... Wonder what's up with him.

Katsuki POV.

That damn Blue... Giving everyone bags and chocolate except for me! I mean I don't like sweet things like chocolate all that much but if it was from her then I would've ate it.


And to think I actually got her something too...

I see her walk up to me, she here to rub it in my face that she didn't get me anything?

"What the hell do you want Blue" I ask sounding more annoyed than I intended.

It already hurt to see her giving chocolates to everyone else except me. Hell, she even got one for that shitty nerd and icyhot!

"Here ya go! Happy Valentine's Kat!" She smiles placing a a bag in front of me.

My heart race as my cheeks betrayed me, most likely having a light shade of pink.

I see her walk away while I stare at the bag on my desk, mind racing.

First I open up the card, 'Happy Valentine's Blasty! Rena Okumora' is the first thing I read making my heart skip a beat. I don't think I can handle this.... My hearts going crazy.

I'll open it up when I get home, no way in hell am I going to eat these in front of her.

Rena POV

"Did I get everyone? " I shout making sure everyone can hear me.

Everyone nods their heads in reply and continue eating their treats.

"Woah! Mines super sweet! It takes just like Mochi! It's amazing! " I heard Ochaco compliment.

"Really? Cuz mine tastes like mint chocolate." Izuku said.

"That's cuz she made everyone's different based on their favorite flavors. " Yuki told them replying for me as everyone's eyes widened

"That must've taken so long! " Denki stated surprised.

"Yah... A few hours since I completely forgot to make them till yesterday... Haha" I chuckle nervously.

Kuro sweat drops "you should've seen her all panicking yesterday... She started at like 2 in the afternoon and finished around midnight" He says

Just then Aizawa walks in quieting everyone down and head to their seat. As he gets to his podium he looks down at the bag sitting there designed just for him.

"Okumoras." He speaks up making me, Yuki, and Kuro focus on him.

"Thank you"

All three of us nod while I have a big grin showing off my canines. "No problem! "

"Happy Valentine's to everyone" He starts off.

"Today is a special day as you all will attend UAs Valentine's dance." He says making everyone cheer with excitement.

"I wasn't done" Using his quirk making all of us shut up.

"You all will help set up all the snack stands, the Hall, and a little with the music. Mic is our DJ but he gets a little too excited so you need to make sure he doesn't put anything.... Inappropriate." He trails off. He didn't need to say it cuz we all knew what he was talking about.

"When it finally starts you can enjoy the dance yourselves just don't get into any trouble. We will continue regular schedule tomorrow but for now, that's all, dismissed" He finishes dismissing us.

We all collect our things and head towards the Hall talking about the dance and such.

When we got there the Hall was HUGE!

"Holy hell! " I yell

"It's completely bare.... " Shoto trails off looking around.

"Yes so that means we have to get creative and decorate to the best of our abilities. " Yaomomo states.

"Can't you make us our decorations? " I ask sweat dropping.

"Oh... Right... "

"Anyways! Let's get started! We don't have much time" Ei says looking at the time

'9:30 am' was what it read. The dance starts at 6 so we technically DO have a lot of time but I won't say that to him.

Yaomomo sits at a nearby desk and starts creating the things we need like streamers, balloons, banners, etc.

After a while she starts getting tired but we had Sato bring her food to fuel her up. I feel kinda bad we're using her like this especially when she's tired but she kept reassuring me that it's fine.

"Heya Izuku how should we hang this one? " I ask him as he turns to look at me.

He stares at the banner I'm holding up then looking around the room.

"We could put it over there where the booth of snacks are. It's looks pretty boring over there so we should also hang some lights and streamers. " He says muttering the last part but I could still hear it.

"Yah that's a good idea! You're so smart Izu! Thanks for the help" I thank him smiling.

"Y-y-yah! I-its n-n-n-no P-problem!!! " He yells completely flustered. I could barely make out his sentence but after being friends with him for so long, I knew how to understand him a whole lot better. Not to mention my hearing has gotten better thanks to his muttering.

I walk over to the wall that has the snack booth and think about how to tape this.

"Need some help? "

I turn around seeing ta-ta standing there smiling at me. (Rena calls Sero ta-ta, she takes the Ta from HanTA and doubles it)

"Yah please" I smile nervously

He chuckles as we figure out how we're gonna do this.

I jump up using my quirk to put the banner where it needs to be while Ta-ta shoots tape from his elbows, securing the banner.

"Thanks ta-ta! " I thank him as I hit the floor.

"It's no problem" He says walking away to help the others.

Time seemed to have gone by so fast as it was already 4:54pm and we have finished everything. Even Present Mic's playlist which DID have some nasty songs in it.

"Alright everyone let's all go back to the dorms and change then come back for the dance. " Yaomomo smiles.

"And you're getting a nap before we come back" I state locking my eyes with her.

She chuckles as she remembers me constantly checking up on her from time to time.

"Yes yes now let's all go" She waves me off as we all head to the dorms.


"NO! YOU'LL NEVER MAKE ME WEAR THAT!" I scream running away from the girls.

The guys were all hanging out in the common room waiting for us girls as we are taking FOREVER cuz someone has been trying to put an ungodly outfit on me.

I run into the common room diving behind the couch in hopes they'll give up and let me wear my jeans with blue flannel and black t-shirt.

"This is why you're taking forever?" Denki sweat drops as the girls come running into the common room panting. They were all dressed and ready to go plus they were running in heels. Sorry not sorry.

"We can't get her to put on the dress! " Ochaco yells frustrated.

"I knew this would happen" Yuki sighs

I hear him get up and walk over to my hiding figure.

"If you put the dress on I'll do whatever you want for a whole day. "

At this I lifted my head up staring at him with disbelief written all over my face.

"Anything??? "

"Anything... " He sighs

"For one whole day?! "

"For one whole day... "

I get up and run over to the girls snatching the dress from them, running back to the room to change.

The girls all walk in as I'm putting the dress on.

"Geez ever heard of privacy? " I ask sweat dropping but continuing my task.

"Nope! " Hagakure cheers.

The girls all helped me get ready and with all their help it took around 15 minutes for me to completely finish.

"Alright let's go! " I shout walking to the door.

"Hold up Okumora! " Tsu stops me.

Third person POV

All the guys watched her almost get to the door kinda upset about not getting to properly see her in a dress.

"Hold up Okumora! " The frog quirked girl shouted. She noticed how the guys looked disappointed about not getting to see her so she thought she would make their day and make her blue haired friend turn and show everyone her outfit.

The dress seemed to fit perfectly on her. She looked perfect in most guys eyes.

They couldn't help but blush when looking at her.

"Wow you look like shit!" Yukio exclaimed with a smile looking at his older sister

"Pft, speak for yourself, you look worse than me. " Rena giggled as she looked over her baby brother.

The girls couldn't help but stare at him with blush as the siblings giggled together.

He threw his arm over her without having to bend down or anything considering she was wearing heels that made her almost as tall as him. Maybe an inch shorter.

"Welp what are we waiting for let's go" Yukio says looking at everyone while dragging his sister with him towards the front door.

Everyone snapped out of their trance and followed the siblings telling jokes to one another.

Everyone could only stare at their backs in jealousy wanting to take the place of a certain sibling.

Arriving at the Hall everyone went their separate ways while our blue haired protagonist went to the snack booth immediately.

She knew they were going to be good, she was the one who made a good potion of all this food. Of course if she did it alone she'd never finish in time so she had help from Sato, Lunch Rush, and a few of the other staff who are good cooks.

Rena was enjoying herself dancing with her brother and her friends. That was until a slow dance came on. She looked around to spot someone she could dance with. She went with the person closest to her which happened to be ta-ta.

Rena POV

"Heya Ta-ta Wanna dance? " I ask smiling while my hand stretched out waiting for him to grab it.

"Haha sure" He chuckled taking my hand letting me guide him to a spot where we could dance without bumping into anyone.

"Ever danced with a girl before? " I teased him getting into position while he just stood there not knowing what to do.

"Ummmm.... No? " He says nervous looking away with blush on his cheeks from embarrassment.

I chuckle and grab his hands, resting them on my waist while my arms found themselves around his neck.

I see him become flustered as I teach him how to dance.

After a few minutes he seems to have got it and danced naturally with me. I smiled at him.

"There you go! " I praise him. "You got the hang of it. "

"Yah I guess I do huh? " He chuckles.

We continued dancing but I was unaware of the glares being directed to the black haired male in front of me.

The night went on with everyone having fun and me dancing with a few more guys, some were random dudes I just became friends with after dancing and some I knew already.

The dance came to an end as the clock struck midnight. Everyone still had school tomorrow which sucked but what can we do about it?

I entered my dorm changing into more comfortable clothes as I lay in bed and let the darkness consume me.

Katsuki POV (⚠Soft Katsuki coming up!⚠)

I grunt as I reach my dorm. Today was tiring and seeing all those guys with Blue.... Pissed me off. I wanted to punch all of them for touching her.

I threw my bag beside my bed flopping onto my bed but I heard something fall out of my bag. Glancing down I spot the Valentine's card and bag Blue gave me.

That's right, I was gonna open it once I got in here... When I was alone...

I opened the card again reading over her name once again letting a small smile graze my face.

I take the bag and open it up. The chocolates inside where all shaped differently.

There was a skull, some hearts, an X, and explosions. There was even one that said Ground 0....

I don't like sweet things all that much, especially chocolates but if she made it for me.... I'll make an exception.

I take a bite out of a heart shaped one. My face immediately exploding in red blush.

It's really spicy.... Just how I like it.... She made these for me...?

I smile again thinking about her and her making these chocolates specifically for me. It makes me want to squeal like a fucking teenage girl but of course I don't let that happen.

My heart was beating against my chest at a fast pace while eating the chocolates. It's way past the time I go to sleep so I'll save the rest of these and head to bed....

I lay in bed staring up at the ceiling thinking about Rena.... Rena Okumora.... What have you done to me? I smile again finally letting sleep consume me.


Sorry this is late! I kept putting it off till this morning when I FINALLY decided... Maybe, just MAYBE I should finish this.... It was really rushed as u can tell so sorry for that! So please call me out for my mistakes! That would be greatly appreciated!!!

Better late than never right? :)

Btw Rena and Yukio DID get Valentine's from everyone too but a lot were unnamed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Word count: 2907

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