Our hill of stars

By alexgraceenmark

446 82 17

Falling in love with your best friend.....that's how every story ends up. Sure, I fell for my best friend. S... More

Introduction to our story
Chapter two- My Rose.
Chapter Three- Home-cooked memories
Chapter Four- Playing Hookie.
Chapter Five- Dumbfounded.
Chapter Six- Confrontation
Chapter Seven- Suspended
Chapter Nine- Welcome to our hill of stars.
Chapter Ten- In which we begin not to understand.
Chapter Eleven- My heart is golden, yet my hands are cold.
Chapter Twelve- The fluorescent abyss.
Chapter Thirteen- The first time I believed.
Chapter Fourteen- Act Two, Scene Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen- The Birthday Battle.
Chapter Sixteen- So you say.
Chapter Seventeen- Hurt me Once.
Chapter Eighteen- The Last Verse.

Chapter Eight- Cracking the code

20 4 0
By alexgraceenmark

                                                   This chapter will be in Emery's perspective.

                When I was sitting on the bench with Chris, I then realized something. There would have to be away that I could talk to the principle to figure out some way for him to stay at this school. I wasn't going to ask for him to be un-suspended obviously that was well deserved on his part. Honestly, I'm not sure what has gotten into me, I'm usually quite tentative when it comes to this sort of thing. I felt a bit nervous as I walked toward the principle's office especially since I knew Chris would follow after me and attempt to eavesdrop into our conversation. All I could hope is that the doors would be heavy enough you could only hear mumbles.

             I had probably been in the office for a good 30 minutes still continuing to find any way possible to keep Chris at the school. The conversation went a bit like this, I walked into the office with a certain urge that appeared as rage. "Miss, I know it's not exactly my place but is there a way Chris can remain at this school? I get your position of suspending him, but ma'am do you know why he did it?" She looked at me with a raised eyebrow kinda motioning me to sit down in the chair across from her desk. "He explained the situation between him and Adrian," she commented. "No.." I interrupted, "He probably didn't explain this part of it, he was just trying to protect me. I know this isn't any of your business yet you probably don't care but I betrayed him and he was upset with me. He had every right to be mad at me Mrs. Shudder...¨ She cut me off quickly ¨Emery, I understand your concern but, the rules will not be bent. Please make your way out of the office, Miss. Baker.¨ I slowly walked toward the office door and made my way out. I didn't even notice that Chris was sitting against the wall next to the door. I wondered if he heard once I found out he was sitting there. I continued to walk further not noticing Chris.

                 ¨Emery, wait!¨ I heard a voice call after me faintly. Something in me wanted to start to walk faster but I didn't I waited to turn around and saw Chris. I forgot how scratched up his face was from the fight and noticed the almost dry blood around his eyes. I smiled a little but was still upset at him for defending me when I should've. I was thankful though, what if he hadn't been there, and I did nothing to stop Adrian? He ran up to me finally catching up, ¨Why the heck did you go in there?"He questioned and we started to walk to his car that was left at the school. ¨You fought my fight, what'd you expect me to do? Sit back and be happy that you might not come back to school." He hit me on the arms teasingly, ¨I never said that. Thank you,¨ I smiled looking over at him ¨Anytime...wanna go back to my house? I could help you get cleaned up from your fight.¨ We got to his car and he let me into the passenger seat walking around the car getting into the driver's seat he said, "I would appreciate that." He smiled over at me and he started to drive towards my house.

                         After the short drive to my house, we arrived. Before we got out of the car he put on sunglasses, which didn't make sense for going into the house. I didn't question it we got out of the car and headed home, my mother and father were waiting for me in the kitchen. I didn't realize how late it was. I walked in seeing my parents and they noticed Chris walking right behind me in a pair of shades. "Emery," my dad said calling me over to him and taking me into our guest room to see what was happening. When I got into the guest room I was trying to listen to what my mom was saying. "Chris," she said in a very happy tone. She kept insisting that he took his sunglasses off and he kept refusing. I finally realized why he wouldn't take them off, he wanted to hide the black eye and blood that was given to him in the fight. He finally took off the sunglasses and I could tell by my mom's reaction, "You poor thing what happened?" She questioned, I wasn't sure of what was going on in the other room. My dad just questioned where we were and why I was home so late. After I explained everything we both walked out into the kitchen.

                     I walked over to a cabinet in our kitchen where we kept our first aid things and pulled it out. I walked over with it as Chris sat on the kitchen counter. My mom had already gotten him ice for his eye that he was holding against his eye. My parents walked away into the family room most likely to watch T.V I stood between Chris's legs applying the Neosporin to his cuts. He jerked away "Hold still," I said and he moved his face back towards me twitching a bit as I applied the medicine. "Hey, Chris?" I said taking the ice pack out of his hand and using my hand to apply the ice to his bruised eye. "Yes, Emery?" He said with a bit of pain in his voice which hurt me. "I think what you did was very brave. I'm gonna have to help you save up so you can come back to school," I whispered. "You don't need to do that," he replied. Anytime I tried to help this man he wouldn't let me but O made up my mind that I was going to help him no matter what he said. "Okay," I said keeping my thoughts to myself.

                     After helping him a bit I sat on the kitchen counter next to him, we talked about recent things in our life but then it fell silent. He turned toward me moving his face closer to mine and I did the same as our lips almost touched my mom walked in. "Everything alright?" She said, we quickly turned away from each other looking at my mom. "Oh my, I'm sorry I didn't mean to ruin anything," She said a bit embarrassed. I hop off the kitchen counter feeling a bit embarrassed as well "Oh no, you didn't." I smile "He's all better now, cuts are all cleaned up." He hops off the counter and stands next to me, "I appreciate your hospitality," he comments to both me and my mother. " I must get going...my mom's probably worried" he lies to my mom and starts to walk to the door. "Bye, thanks again, Mrs. Baker. Thank you, Emery." He smiles and walks out of the door as you can hear a distant car starting and driving away in the distance. "Soooo, you and Chris?" My mom says teasingly, "Mom!" I chuckle.

              The rest of the night fell silent and I didn't hear much from Chris. I texted him to make sure he was alright, he never responded. I was hoping he just went off to bed or something but something drove me to be continuously worried about him.


                  In the morning, I got ready for school, I decided not to care about my hair or makeup. I threw on sweats, a T-shirt, fuzzy socks with sandals, and put my hair in a messy bun. I waited outside for a while waiting for Chris to come and pick me up. I had forgotten that he wasn't going to be at school for a while, I had to walk to school, alone in the cold. Every hour of school felt long at lunch I stayed at school...I know! I didn't even leave this prison. The sixth hour was probably the worst, Chris and I sat by each other, I turned in my chair to tell him something funny that a student did in class. It kinda hurt me that I basically turned to be disappointed by the bland white walls that were long overdue need of painting. Later on, in the hour I felt my bag constantly buzzing of notifications, so I finally looked at my phone. It was from Chris, "I miss you already...Wanna meet at our spot tonight?" I smiled at my phone. The teacher yelled out my name in front of the whole class, "Emery, stop smiling down at your crotch and answer the question I just asked." My face became red and I got nervous, I put my phone back in my bag. "What did you ask?" I question, she looked irritated and commented "Pay attention," she pointed back at the board continuing where she'd left off. I was completely lost and I probably should've paid attention but, no regerts now.

                      School finally ended after a long day of torture, I ran home excitedly. I and Chris haven't been to our spot in YEARS! What is our spot you may ask, our spot was a hill. We built a treehouse together in Eighth grade of course Chris probably did some redecorating for the reunion of our spot, I was siked. Chris and I called this spot 'Our hill of stars,' now that I think about that I love that name more and more each time I say it. It's a name that makes you feel like you can conquer the world. When I got home I changed my outfit into more of a classy outfit, even though it was just Chris I didn't think sweatpants would suit the occasion. I put on a cute red dress that was just past my knees and wore my hair curly. The phone rang and luckily I heard it, even through my awful singing to Disney songs, I picked up the phone without looking who it was.

    "Sup," I said into the phone still trying to apply my makeup one-handed which isn't an easy task.

   "Hey," I heard Christopher's voice say softly through the tiny speaker.

    "Oh, hey. What's up?" I questioned finishing my makeup and relaxing a bit.

     "When are you coming? I'm already here at set up," He sounds pretty relaxed.

      "I'll be there whenever I want to be there," I chuckle and hang up the phone.

           I go out of my house saying my farewells to my parents and I had already let them know that I would be out with Chris for a while. I started walking over to our treehouse, I had so many memories running through my head of all the fun times we had in there. I got the treehouse and started to go up. My eyes got wide as I walked into the place, it was all decorated with lights. "Wow," I said making a circle around the area and taking in where we left all of our memories. I sat on the bed next to Chris and we looked at old photos. It was the best night ever. 

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