DC Super Hero Girls X Ben 10

By asteroidbelt37

78.4K 464 222

Ben and his parents his grandpa Max and his cousin Gwen moved from bellwood to metropolis and Ben meets six... More

Sweet Justice part 1
Sweet Justice part 2
Sweet justice part 3
Sweet Justice part 4
Theme song
Adventures in Bunnysitting
She Might Be Giant
Hate Triangle
Meet the Cheetah
Shock it to Me
Fight at the Museum
Misgiving Tree
Gotham Con
Crushing It
Frienemies part 1
Frenemies part 2
DC Super Hero Boys part 2
Rage Cat
Date and Switch
The Good the Bad and the Bizarre
Burrito Bucket
Omnitrix Assault (Season 1 Finale)
Voice Cast
All About Zee (Season 2 premiere)
Illusions of Grandeur
Shock to your System
Living the Nightmare
From Bat to Worse
#AlternateRealityTrip part 1
#AlternateRealityTrip part 2
#TheFinalBattle Part 1
#TheFinalBattle Part 2

DC Super Hero Boys part 1

1.7K 13 0
By asteroidbelt37

Jessica: Just like the others. We've got a tagging crew on our hands.

Karen: [groans] That's six so far. They're spread all across the whole city.

Zee: And now they've defaced Metropolis' most iconic landmark.

Diana: Vile fiends. We Amazons recognize when a rival clan intends to invade.

Kara: Yeah! Creeping in on our turf?

Babs: Not on our watch. Unless my bat-sleuthing skills deceive me, these tags seem to be appearing at specific times in specific places. If I can just triangulate these coordinates, we'd be able to predict where the crew is gonna strike.

Karen: Metropolis Shipyards.

Babs: Touche, Bumblebee. Touche.

Karen: Which is in... [screams, gulps]

Kara: Sinister Slum.

Jessica: It's seedy.

Zee: It's filthy.

Karen: It's scary. [screams]

Ben: it's creepy

Babs: [wistfully] It's just like back home... [grunts]

Karen: We're here.
[birds squawking]

Karen: And if my calculations are correct, the new tag should show up any second. Right in... here!

Babs: Uh... anybody see a light switch?

Ben: oh please who needs a  light switch when you have-

Heatblast: Heatblast

Karen: [gasps] What was that?

[all gasp]

Kara: Ooh, I'm so scared. Seriously, you guys, these punks are no match for-- [grunts]

[all gasp]

Kara: I'm okay, I'm okay...

Diana: Prepare yourselves, sisters, for these are no petty criminals. To battle!

[all screaming]

Jessica: [effort grunt]

Karen: [whimpering] [screams]

??: [growling]

Karen: Eek! Eek!

Babs: [yelling] Ooh.

Zee: [yelling]

Jessica: [effort grunts, yells]

Diana: Ah, the lasso. A wise choice.

[all gasp]

Babs: That was weird.

Kara: Wait a second... [gasps]

[all gasp]

Jessica: Green Lantern!

Hal: Green Lantern?

Jessica: What are you doing here?

Karen: And why do you have the same name as her?

Hal: Uh... it's like, super complicated.

Zee: Hold on. You know these ruffians?

Jessica: I know that ruffian. But I had no idea he belonged to a vicious gang of vandals.

Hal: Ha! We're not a vicious gang of vandals. We're a vicious gang... of heroes. Green Lantern!

Barry: The Flash.

Oliver: Green Arrow.

Carter: [squawks] Hawkman. [squawks]

Hal: Super Hero Girls and Alien boy, meet the--

Garth: And Aqualad.

Barry: Oh, um, hey, Aqualad. Maybe a couple beats faster next time, okay?

Oliver: This is why rehearsal matters.

Hal: Super Hero Girls and Alien boy, meet Da Invincabros.

All: Yo bros!

Kara: So... you're the Super Hero Boys.

Hal: No, Da Invincabros.

Yo bros!

Hal: And we just caught you taggers red-handed.

Diana: Deceiver. It was we who subdued you!

Hal: Us? We're not the taggers, we're investigating the taggers. [scoffs] Sheesh, what's up with your friend, Jessica?

Jessica: Ah! Ix-nay on the ame-nay, Al-hay...

Garth: Wait a minute... Jessica... Cruz? From school?

Jessica:Well, it was a real nice secret identity while it lasted. Thanks a lot... Hal!

Babs: [gasping] Hal Jordan? The dumb jock?

Hal: That's me.

Zee: [gasping] It is you.

Oliver: Oh, don't be so bland and overly dramatic. [gasps] Wait. Bland and overly dramatic? Zee Zatara! My onstage nemesis.

Zee: And you are?

Oliver: Behold! It is I.

Zee: Uh... yeah, I don't, uh, should I know?

Oliver: Oliver.

Zee: [inhales deeply] Sorry, I just... I meet so many people...

Oliver: O-Oliver Queen? I was Tristan to your Isolde? Seriously, how can you not remember me?

Zee: What? Batgirl is Barbara Gordon?

Babs: Hey...

Barry: Barbara Gordon? No way. You mean, uh... Candy-Cake Triple Ripple Tower with rainbow sprinkles Barbara Gordon?

Babs: Barry Allen, from--

Both: [excitedly] Sweet Justice!

Barry: Yeah, it's totally me.

Heatblast: can we wrap this up i got sumo slammers at home

Barry: wait sumo slammers? does that mean your

(the omnitrix times out)

Barry: Ben Tennyson how's it going

Ben: oh im fine thanks for asking

 Karen: I'm Karen Beecher!

Hal: Uh, who's Karen Beecher?

Karen: Um, me? Bumblebee?

Oliver: Who's Bumblebee?


Kara: Ugh! This is taking too long. The birdie is Carter Hall, emo guy, spends all his time in shop.

Carter: [grumbles]

Kara: Water kid is the water boy for the football team, Garth what's-his-name.

Garth: [gasps] How could you tell?

Kara: Your mom writes your name on the inside of your clothes.

Garth: Aw, Mom!

Kara: I'm Kara Danvers, Wonder Woman is Diana Prince.

Ben: because well let's face it how can anyone be that tall

All: Oh, yes, makes sense.

Barry: Yeah, that makes sense.

Jessica: So wait. If you guys aren't the taggers...

Hal: And you girls aren't, then--

Diana: Whoever is has taken us for fools. Behold.

Barry: Whoa!

Oliver: Oh, irony. You cunning mistress.

Zee: Oh, yeah. Now I remember you.

Diana: Enough! Bumblebee, can the Oracle inside your phone device predict where the next mark will appear?

Karen: Uh-huh. Right here!

Diana: Comrades... We must set aside our differences and find the real villains. Together we could be an unstoppable army of heroes, but only under the right command. From birth I have trained in the Amazonian art of war, where my courage was forged in the flames of battle. Allow me to lead us, and we will surely triumph!

Hal: Uh, look, you got a great outfit, but no thanks.

Diana: Very well. Then we shall not share the location. So there.

Hal: Yeah, no offense, we already kind of have a leader... And he's done all sorts of cool war junk, too. So...

Kara: [laughs sarcastically] Really? Was his courage forged in the flames of battle?

Hal: Well, uh, actually he goes to a military academy, so that's basically the same thing.

Babs: Military academy?

Ben: no not him the worst person imaginable not Carol Ferris neither Doris Zuel nor Leslie Willis

Steve: Hello?

Babs: [gasps]

Steve: Sorry, I'm late. I tried taking the rapid bus, but I guess it can only go as fast as traffic, right? [laughs] Oh, well, live and learn, live and learn. hey there Ben I did't know your with the super hero girls

Ben: (sighs in irritation) hi Steve

Steve: Oh, hi, Diana. What you got there?

Diana: [laughs nervously]

Steve: The LexBucks by Centennial Park?

Garth: Yes! Steve Trevor does it again.

Hal: Well, looks like we'll be the ones solving this case, ladies.

Kara: Oh, yeah? Not if we get there first.

XLR8: i'm on it

Hal: Give it up, chumps. [scoffs] We got the Flash!

Jessica: [laughs] You also have the Flash's metabolism!

Barry: Gotta refuel. I'll catch up.

Babs: How many calories do you burn? In kilojoules. Is it mostly carbs? What's your basal metabolic rate? I have so many questions.

Hal: Ha! Double fault, Green Lantern.

Jessica: Don't know what that means, Green Lantern.

Hal: [grunts] Okay, can we stop this name thing? I'm Green Lantern. You're... Green Lantern Girl? Green Lantern-ette? Oh, I know, Green Lantern Babe!

Jessica: Ugh, you better hope I don't catch you.

Diana: I shall outpace you, Birdman.

Carter: [grumbles]

Diana: There's nothing you can do to stop me.

Steve: [grunts] Hey, sure beats the bus.

Diana: [chuckles nervously] "Bus."

Karen: I'll "bee" seeing you, honey. [laughs]

Carter: [growls]

Karen: [screams] Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Zee: Ooh!

Oliver: [humming and blows raspberry] [yelps]

XLR8: hmm not here. nope . welp nothing wait maybe that's something

Kara: Sheesh. Racing me. Seriously?

Garth: Well, well, well. Good evening, Ms. Danvers.

Kara: 'Sup, kid.

Garth: I suppose Da Invincabros, Yo Bros, would want me to stop you.

Kara: I understand. Do your worst.

Garth: [effort grunt]

Kara: [scoffs] That's it?

Garth: Trust me, it would've been so awesome in the ocean... or, like, a big community pool.

[all panting]

Steve: Hey, hey, we all made it safe and sound. Yay us!

Ben: ugh why are you so peppy and enrgetic. Karen what's your phone say now 

Karen: According to this the taggers' next target... is in this alley.

Hal: So, looks like it's a draw. Well done, Super Hero... Now!

[all grunting]
[indistinct chatter]

Zee: We were here first.

Babs: Look!

Hal: Hey. Ya know what I'm thinking? That that's not graffiti.

Ben: um it's a reward for finding the taggers right yay yay us

Zee: Ben I don't think that's a good sign

Garth: What is it?

Kara: Ursa? Non?

Zod: Kneel before me.

Kara: [gasps] Zod.

[distant explosion]

Alura Zor-El: Cover me.

Zod: Council member Alura Zor-El. Come to grovel before your new Emperor? Seize her, Non.

Alura: [growls] End your insurrection now, General.

Alura: [grunts]

Zod: Tell Jor-El and his men to stand down.

Alura: That was no bomb, Zod. All of Krypton is collapsing on itself.

[explosion][both grunts][beeping]

Ursa: Do you really think a force field can hold us?

Alura: No. I don't. You'll all stand trial for your crimes. But until then... enjoy imprisonment in a Phantom Zone.

[distant explosion]

Alura:  Azmuth how will the repairs come along

Azmuth: me and the other Galvins are trying the best we can i'm sorry to say that there's nothing we can do this is to difficult even for me and i'm the smartest being in five galaxies 

Kara: Mom?  

Alura: Kara!


Kara: Who were those people? Where's Kal?

Alura: Don't worry about them, they can't hurt you where they're going. And your baby cousin is somewhere safe. Now it's time for you to join him.

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