Sweet Justice part 4

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Babs: [inhales] Psst. Psst. Psst. Psst. Pssssst.

Diana: Why are you here, Barbara Gordon?

Babs: We're here to seek you out. See?

Zatanna, Jessica,Karen,Ben and Kara: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Babs: Ooh, that wasn't supposed to happen. Ow, ow, ow, ow!

Queen Hippolyta: How dare you board my vessel without permission?! Throw them to the ocean beast Cetus!

Babs: [yowl]

Zatanna, Jessica, Karen,Ben and Kara: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Ben: you guys, Diana needs us like we need her and were not gonna go down without a fight and I know just the alien for the job 

Kara: Oh, wait. [grunt]

Babs: Wow! [grunt]

Jessica: Diana, we won't let you go without a fight!

Zatanna: We're sorry we gave up, Diana!

Wildvine: we can't do this hero business without you 

Babs: [yelp]

Karen: You gotta come back and be our leader again!

Babs: It's true. Look how bad we are at this! [screaming]

Kara: You once said I could be the greatest hero the world of Man ever knew. [muffled] But it wasn't me, it's you!
[screams, grunts]Diana: Amazons, your Princess commands you to stop!

Queen Hippolyta: And your Queen commands you to continue!

[grunting and groaning]

Diana: Stop!

Queen Hippolyta: Continue!

Diana: Stop!

Queen Hippolyta: Continue!

Diana: STOP!

Queen Hippolyta: CONTINUE!

Diana: STOP!

Amazon: ...well? Which one is it?

Queen Hippolyta: You are only 317 years old, Diana. A girl, who is too young and too naive to make her own decisions!

Diana: No! It was I, Mother, I who survived the 21 tests of the tournament of Athena and Aphrodite. While I may be young, I have proven I am my own woman and I decide who I want to be. It is Amazon law.

Amazons: It is law!

Queen Hippolyta: [sigh]

Wildvine: oh yeah we won what ya gonna do huh? what ya gonna..

(Queen Hippolyta angerly glares at Wildvine)

Wildvine: okay i'll stop talking now

Diana: Eeeeee!

DC Super Hero Girls X Ben 10Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora