DC Super Hero Boys part 1

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Jessica: Just like the others. We've got a tagging crew on our hands.

Karen: [groans] That's six so far. They're spread all across the whole city.

Zee: And now they've defaced Metropolis' most iconic landmark.

Diana: Vile fiends. We Amazons recognize when a rival clan intends to invade.

Kara: Yeah! Creeping in on our turf?

Babs: Not on our watch. Unless my bat-sleuthing skills deceive me, these tags seem to be appearing at specific times in specific places. If I can just triangulate these coordinates, we'd be able to predict where the crew is gonna strike.

Karen: Metropolis Shipyards.

Babs: Touche, Bumblebee. Touche.

Karen: Which is in... [screams, gulps]

Kara: Sinister Slum.

Jessica: It's seedy.

Zee: It's filthy.

Karen: It's scary. [screams]

Ben: it's creepy

Babs: [wistfully] It's just like back home... [grunts]

Karen: We're here.
[birds squawking]

Karen: And if my calculations are correct, the new tag should show up any second. Right in... here!

Babs: Uh... anybody see a light switch?

Ben: oh please who needs a  light switch when you have-

Heatblast: Heatblast

Karen: [gasps] What was that?

[all gasp]

Kara: Ooh, I'm so scared. Seriously, you guys, these punks are no match for-- [grunts]

[all gasp]

Kara: I'm okay, I'm okay...

Diana: Prepare yourselves, sisters, for these are no petty criminals. To battle!

[all screaming]

Jessica: [effort grunt]

Karen: [whimpering] [screams]

??: [growling]

Karen: Eek! Eek!

Babs: [yelling] Ooh.

Zee: [yelling]

Jessica: [effort grunts, yells]

Diana: Ah, the lasso. A wise choice.

[all gasp]

Babs: That was weird.

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