Misgiving Tree

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Jessica: Well, it looks like people are finally starting to read my "EnviroBeat" column. What?

Babs: [slurps]

Zee: Oh, Jess, sorry, but your column might just be a lost cause.

Jessica: [grunts] There's no such thing as a lost cause! That's literally the name of my latest article. You could have at least recycled, you animals! Huh?

Boy: [sinister laughing]

Jessica: Don't you dare!

Boy: [grunts] [laughing]


Boy: [gasps] Ugh.

Babs: [slurping]

Jessica: That poor girl. No one to eat lunch with, no one to talk to...No friends, at all!

Babs: [slurps] Oh, Jess! Poor unobservant, unperceptive Jess. Don't you see her hair carefully placed to hide the face? The downward direction of the gaze. The oversized baggy clothes, that tuck her away from society. [chuckles] It doesn't take a super sleuth like me to figure out Pam Isley doesn't want friends.

Jessica: Nonsense! Everyone wants friends. Pam just hasn't met the right one...

Zee: Oh, no, Jess, please don't.

Jessica: ...yet.

Kara: Dude. Seriously, leave it alone. Pam Isley's a lost cause.

Jessica: There's no such thing as a lost cause.

[all groan]

Jessica: Hi! So, is this your plant?

Pam: This is Phil. He complains if I leave him home alone with the rhododendrons.

Jessica: Oh! How fascinating! I have a peace lily at home who wilts when I forget to water him.

Pam: Do you mind? Phil and I would rather eat our lunch alone. Photosynthesis is most optimal in silence.

Jessica: Oh! [chuckles] I know how that is.Silence is so silency. I love silence.

Pam: Come on, Phil. There's more sunlight out in the quad.

Jessica: Bye! See you around school, friend. That went well.[fizzes]

Jessica: Oh, hey! What are the odds we'd end up as lab partners, huh?

Pam: I have an agreement with the teacher that I don't do lab partners.

Jessica: Come on! It'll be such a blast! [coughing]

Pam: "Roses are red. Violets are blue. I would really like to be best friends with you." Ugh!

Jessica: [screams] Hi, Pam!

Pam: [shrieks] Violets are not blue! That is an unfounded stereotype!

Jessica: [gasps] I love your shoes! Are the soles sustainable rubber?

Pam: [grunts in frustration] [panting]

Jessica: Hey! You wanna...

Pam: [panting faster]

Jessica: ...come help with the community garden this weekend?

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