Frienemies part 1

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[Wonder Woman] The days of terrorizing this planet with your evil schemes are over, Starro. After a long and perilous quest, Bumblebee and Wildvine have located the Hatorei crystals!Once these crystals are joined, we shall have the power to send you back to the dimension from whence--

[cell phone ringing]

Batgirl: Oops. Hang on. Sorry, gotta take this.


Batgirl: Hello? Nah, I can totally talk now. Harleen. It's been for-evs!

[muffled speaking on phone]

Batgirl: Guess where you are?  Hmm... I don't know, Gotham Zoo? Gotham Comics. No, Gotham Zoo.


Batgirl: [gasps] You're in Metropolis?  [gasps] You moved here? [gasps] You'll see me in school tomorrow? [gaps] I've never gasped so much in my life.Oh, Harls, this is the best news since ever.I can't wait to see you.[thud][all groaning]

Batgirl: Hooray, you beat Starro.

Bumblebee: No. Starro beat us.

Green Lantern Over and over again.

Wildvine: We only just managed to send him to another dimension.

[Zatanna] I hope that other dimension's okay.

Supergirl: Bottom line, we lost.Well!, 

Batgirl: pfft. We may have lost that but we won at life because... my best friend is moving to [yells] Metropolis!

[Bumblebee sighs]

[yelps, groans][all laughing maliciously]

Diana: Hmm. It appears Selina Kyle has acquired some new friends.

Harleen: Did somebody say "New friend"?

Diana:No. I said, "New friends." Plural.
Yay! Leeny-Beanie.Babsy-wabsy!

[laughs maniacally]Are you just getting here?Gotta be fashionably late on my first day.

Babs: Everyone, this is Harleen, my GBFF.

Zee: Gotham Best Friend Forever.

Kara: Oh!

Diana: It is our pleasure to welcome you to--


Harleen: [cackles] Ah! Hand buzzer.

Babs: Classic Harleen. Isn't that high-larious? You have not changed a bit.

Harleen: Not true. I got a new flower...

Jessica: [glugs] Whoa!

Harleen: ...a new whoopee cushion and I got this here invisible ink...

Zee: Ugh! [annoyed grunts]

Harleen: Oops. That's the one with the super permanent industrial ink. Sorry.

Zee: Argh![laughs]
Babs: So funny. But you got to save some jokes for after school Harley-Barley.

Kara: Uh... after school?

Babs: Yeah. I thought we could give Harleen a tour of Metropolis. Doesn't that sound fun?

Diana: It would be our honor.

Harleen: See youse all then then.

Jessica: What are you doing?

Zee: I can't get that out with magic.

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