#TheFinalBattle Part 2

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Ben Tennyson: Come on, guys.

Professor Paradox: Hurry, Benjamin. You haven't much time.

Ben Tennyson: Ugh. "time" pun. Good one, Professor Paradox.

Professor Paradox: Unintended. Leave now, and you may still catch Maltruant in the time stream. If not, then this Time Beast's egg will power your journey to places beyond even my reach. I know you will not fail.

Ben Tennyson: I won't.

Skurd: So serious.

Time Beast: [ Grunting ]

Ben Tennyson: Donuts!

Skurd: Do maintain a safe distance.

Ben Tennyson: Maintain, shmaintain.

Zatanna: Ben, be careful. We do not want to end up like that Time Beast.

Ben Tennyson: We're shielded, right?

Batgirl: Ben!

Ben Tennyson: [ Groans ] [ Chuckles ] That could've gone worse.

Skurd: Worse?! You tore through the fabric of existence with no regard for our safety. Our quarry is gone, and we are lost in time!

Ben Tennyson: If we're lost, so is Maltruant. Besides, Paradox put me in charge, so we do this my way. This is not a democracy.

Bumblebee: Huh?

George Washington: Do not move.

Ben Tennyson: George Washington?! Oh, man, this is amazing!

George Washington: You have me at a disadvantage. I have never met you

Skurd: If it is any consolation, I don't know you, either.

George Washington: The muck upon your arm speaks!

Ben Tennyson: Yeah, but he never says anything worth listening to.

George Washington: Well, your conveyance does support your claim. Are you from Earth?

Ben Tennyson: Mm-hmm. But from the future! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Smile for me!

George Washington: Pardon?

Ben Tennyson: Please?

Wonder Woman: I apologize -- for whatever he is doing.

George Washington: Very well.

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