Drarry oneshots

By oikawaii_3

225K 4.7K 4.4K

These are just a few Drarry oneshots, some may have some smut and some may have some fluff. Hope you enjoy! More

Ice skating
Games (part 1)
Games (part 2)
The Battle of Hogwarts
Draco's birthday
There for you
Smutty time!
Dada Tutor
New Years' surprise
Not a oneshot (sorry)
Potions Accident part 1
Hidden Talents
Potions Accident part 2
Potions Accident part 3
Once again, not a oneshot
Potions Accident part 4
Gymnastic roommate
The boy who didn't believe in love
Not all critics are rude
The boy who didn't believe in love part 2
why hello there
Cliche cafe scene
The boy who didn't believe in love; le date
the boy next door
the boy next door pt 2
Tik tok 🥳


6.7K 169 173
By oikawaii_3

Draco's POV

I don't understand what's been going on with me recently. I've been more distracted, and I find myself muting the world and locking myself up in my head, arguing back and forth with my thoughts.

I also find myself daydreaming sometimes, and I never do that.

I mean, I know that I have been bi for a while, but there wasn't really anyone who actually confirmed it.

Until I saw him.

His jet black hair sticking out from every end, his mesmerising emerald forest eyes, his slightly lopsided and round glasses, his rosy cheeks, and his half tan, half pale skin, his adorable smile, his angelical and innocent like laug-

"DRACO!!!!" I hear someone say, realising that 'someone' was Pansy.

"What" I snapped, annoyed that my train of thought was interrupted.

"I suppose you weren't listening. Thinking about him again?" Pansy said, a grin spreading across her face.

I felt my cheeks become hot.

"You are so in love!!" She sang.

"Shut up, Pansy." I said blushing.

Harry's POV

Ugh, potions straight after breakfast is not the smartest choice in my opinion.

I had not exactly eaten a huge amount of food, but enough to convince Hermione.

Ron, Hermione and I all walked  in the class just when the bell rang.

Hermione and Ron found a seat together, but I couldn't, and guess what.

The only bloody seat left, was next to Malfoy.

Recently, something's been up with me.

Every time I see him, I start to get nervous and all of a sudden I feel like I have just ran  a race.

My face would be slightly sweating, it would also feel terribly hot.

My heart beat would quicken, and my knees would all of a sudden start feeling weak, as if they forgot how much I weighed.


The other day, I was passing by in the hallway, and Malfoy just so happened to be walking down there too. Alone.

After the war, he never gelled his hair back, letting loose stands of blonde hair bounce on his forehead slightly as he walked. His grey mercury eyes we're shining in their light of the hallway. His cheeks went slightly pink when he saw me. Was he blushing? I thought. It was pretty hot inside the castle, and many students (including me and Malfoy) had taken our robes off and only stayed in our shirts and tie. Headmistress McGonagall had made specific shirts that we were allowed to wear if it was hot. It had our house crest on the top left corner of the shirt. Anyway, in the dim light I could see how toned his biceps were, and how he walked so gracefully and elegantly. It was only the  when I realised how extremely handsome (*cough* and *cough* sexy *cough cough*) he was.

All of a sudden, it sort of just, blurted out of me.

"Hey Malfoy" I said, grinning at him.

"Er, hey Potter" He answered a little awkwardly, returning the smile.

*end of flashback*

"Settle down, everyone. Alright, today, we will be brewing a very special yet tricky potion, called amortentia. Has anyone heard of it?" Asked professor Slughorn.

I saw a few hands shoot up into the air, Malfoy and Hermione's clearly standing out.

He ended up picking some Slytherin.

"It is a very powerful love potion, it smells like the person you are attracted to. If, let's say, Granger gives amortentia to Weasley, then Weasley would have an obsession with Granger. The potion, however, does not make you fall in love with the person. It only creates an obsession." The Slytherin finished.

"Well done!5 points to Slytherin. As Mr. Gordon said, it is a powerful potion that creates an obsession with somebody. Ok, you will find the instructions for this potion on page 254. You will be doing it in partners. And so we don't waste time choosing and all that palava, just do it with the person who sits next to you. You have got one hour and forty-five minutes. You may start. "

Malfoy gave me a smirk. "You can go get the ingredients, I will start with the cauldron." I nodded, opening the book and finding the ingredients that I needed.

During the lesson, we stayed silent, apart from the small demands that we gave each other from time to time. To be honest, when Malfoy told me what to do, I couldn't help but feel turned on. What's wrong with me?

"When you finish, call me, and I will check. If it is correct, then you will be able to smell the person that you are attracted to. If you do smell something, write it down and hand it over to me. " Professor Slughorn said.

At one point, Malfoy brushed his hands against mine, and I felt tingles all the way up my arm.

It was an amazing sensation, like a warm hug.

Apparently he must've felt it too, because he looked at me questioningly. He asked me what happened. I simply shrugged, and he brushed it off, and we both went back to working on our potion.

When we were done, I called professor Slughorn.

He looked at it, and then sniffed it. He beamed at us.

"Well done boys! Now, smell it and write down what you smell. "

We both nodded, and I sniffed at the potion.

I smelt coconut, fresh parchment, and green grass. It smelt extremely familiar, so close yet so far.

Draco's POV

I looked into our cauldron and then turned to look at Potter.

He sniffed at the potion and I saw him thinking, and concentrating on what he smelt.

He looked so adorable. Wait, what?

I decided to take a chance and I sniffed as well.

I smelt chocolate, a new broom and... Lavender? I was a bit confused at this, but wrote it down all the same. It smelt so familiar, as if I had known this smell since I was born.

"What do you smell?" I asked Potter.

His head snapped towards me and blushed, smiling, but looking down. He mumbled something.

"What? Didn't catch that." I said, chuckling slightly.

"Coconut, green grass and fresh parchment. You? " He said, still red in the face.

God he's so cute.

I told him what I smelt.

We handed in the paper and we waited for the bell to ring.

Nobody's POV

Finally, Draco recognised the smell.

It was Harry's.

As for Harry, he was still figuring it out.

***time skip (the weekend)***

Harry was sitting outside on the bleachers, thinking of Quidditch.

Soon, he saw a blonde head with green robes walking out onto the pitch.

He smiled to himself as he saw him fly around, taking a snitch out and chasing it.

"Hey, Malfoy!" Shouted Harry.

Draco heard his surname being called, and he flew over to Harry.

"What is it, Potter?" He asked with a grin.

"Can I-" Harry stopped mid sentence when he all of a sudden smelt a familiar smell.
Coconut, fresh parchment and green grass.

"Can you what?" Said Malfoy.

"Can you, come here for a sec? " Asked Harry, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

Draco was confused, but he called the snitch and got off his broom to sit next to Harry.

"What's up?" Asked Draco.

Harry sniffed the air, and finally he knew who he was attracted to.

"Potter can you please tell me what you want?" Asked an exasperated Draco.

"You" Said Harry simply.

Draco stared at him in disbelief.

"Wh-what?" Draco asked again.

"Remember when I told you what I smelt in the cauldron? At first I didn't know who it was, even though the smell was familiar. But now I know. It was you all along."

Draco was stunned.

"Um... I, I don't know what to say... " Said Draco.

But Harry took this the wrong way, realising that Draco probably smelt somebody else and not him. He shouldn't have raised his hopes.

Harry's small smile turned into a sad frown, as he got up, starting to leave, but then something grabbed his forearm.

"Wait!" Said Draco.

"Look, I understand, you don't like me back, you smelt somebody else in the amortentia. It's fine." Said Harry, on the verge of tears, because he wasn't really fine.

"The person I smelt was you." Said Draco.

Harry stopped and turned around, his lips slightly parted.

"R-really?" Asked Harry.

"100%." Said Draco with a smile.

Harry smiled back at him.

"C'm here" Said Draco, pulling Harry by the hand and pulling him onto his lap.

Harry blushed a bright red.

"Do... Do you wanna be my boyfriend?" Asked Draco, slightly scared of his answer.

"Yes of course!" Chirped Harry. "But, you can't Hermione 'mud-blood' and you can't call Ron 'Weasel'. You can  call them by their last names." Said Harry seriously.

"I promise." Said Draco, smiling brightly.

Harry pressed a shy kiss to Draco's cheek.

Draco blushed red, but Harry blushed even redder when Draco turned Harry's head and kissed him full on the lips.

It was a soft, yet passionate kiss.

Harry nibbled on Draco's bottom lip, and Draco gasped. Taking advantage of the moment, he slipped his tongue in.

They fought for dominance, a Draco gave up, allowing Harry to explore every inch of his mouth.

They parted after a few minutes, panting for breath.

Harry rested his forehead on Draco's forehead.

"I'm sorry... For everything. You didn't deserve any of it." Mumbled Harry.

"I forgive you, and I am also sorry. I only made your life harder than it already was. I was a complete and utter arsehole." Said Draco.

"I know, and you still are" Laughed Harry, Draco slapping his arm playfully also laughing "but you are also forgiven." Said Harry with a smile.

Draco snaked his arms around Harry's waist, pulling him closer, and resting his head in the crook of Harry's neck.

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