Highschool DxD: New BiRTh (Ma...

By Shenkaze

450K 8.2K 14.4K

A/N: First, a few disclaimers because better safe than sorry right?๐Ÿ™ƒ: This series is of my own creation. I d... More

"To thine own self..." (Pt. 1)
"To thine own self..." (Pt. 2)
Open Wide
A Friend in Need?
The Bridge
Hook, Line, and Sinker
End of the Line...
New Birth
One Step at a Time
I Won't Leave you Behind
Welcome to the Occult Research Club
Circle of Trust
Beginnings of Order
Kiba, my Savior
A Time to Rest
Your Piece Is... (Pt. 1)
Your Piece Is... (Pt. 2)
Your Piece Is... (Pt. 3)
Squirk or Squirt?
>>>>> Squirk Info <<<<<
A Perfect Morning
Role to Play
The Hero of Kuoh Academy
Hands or Fingers?
It's just a Shower
My First Contract
Shiatsu, Swedish, or Deep Tissue?
Punish the Wicked
Too Late...
... be true".
Too Good to be Wrong
The Breakfast Club
First Day
We're Going Camping?!
Actions not Words
Gremory vs. Sitri
The Eyes of the Moon
Absolute Arche
Prophesy of a Prodigy
Judgement Call (Pt. 1)
Judgement Call (Pt. 2)
Training Day
My Hero~
Alpha and Omega (Pt. 1)
>>>>> 2/21/2021 Update <<<<<
>>>>> I'M BACK!!! (2/1/2021) <<<<<
>>>>> 11/6/2020 (MAJOR MILESTONE) <<<<<
>>>>> 5/7/2021 <<<<<
>>>>> 6/3/2021 <<<<<
>>>>> 9/13/2021 Update <<<<<

How About We Play a Game?

7.5K 190 103
By Shenkaze

Rias: (smiles) Instead of simply telling you, how about I show you a hint of what you're truly capable?


Y/n: R-really?!

Rias: (smiles) Mhmm

Y/n: Yes, please! I've been excited about this topic ever since yesterday, but at the same a bit scared at what I can do.

Rias: Well first let me ask you, what pre-knowledge do you already know about devils in terms of their powers?

Y/n: Well, the general consensus is that devils possess destructive power that's only meant to harm, torment, and kill other beings for their own pleasure. And, there's honestly too many versions of what specific powers devils have but the most common are hypnosis, shape shifting, and the ability to cast hexes and curses.

Kiba: Yeah, that does sound like what most believe. But, while there are some devils who have those kinds of abilities, there's a lot more to it than what people really know.

Y/n: I figured that, however...

Kiba: What is it (y/n)?

Y/n: You just confirmed that some of what I just said about devils and their powers is true to an extent, but I can't imagine someone like me, a former human who had no special abilities or powers before, all of a sudden have some of those same demonic powers. It doesn't make sense cause even if that were the case I'm sure I would've felt SOMETHING abnormal about myself at some point in my life.

Akeno: So what do you think is the truth behind devils and their powers then?

Y/n: This is just a theory, but I think that when Kiba confirmed that some of the powers associated with devils were true, he was referring to pure-blood devils like Rias. It'd make sense for her and other pure-bloods to have some sort of similarity to the common myths surrounding devils. In terms of human reincarnated devils however, I can't really make sense of it. The only thing that comes close to a reasonable explanation is that reincarnated devils do have, or at least can attain power. And if that's the case, I think that the "Sacred Gears" Kiba mentioned yesterday must also be linked to that; but I'm still unsure.


I look around and see everyone clapping except Issei who has his head turned away from to avoid eye contact. After 10 seconds, everyone stops and looks at me with smile son their faces.

Rias: Very impressive (y/n). You came up with that explanation all on your own and managed to essentially understand the whole concept of it.

Y/n: I-I did?!

Akeno: Yes, very impressive indeed!

Rias: As a reward, I'll throw you a bone and reveal a bit more. First though, another question: have you noticed any visible or subtle changes about yourself recently?

Y/n: Hmm... well, I'll admit that my vision last night when walking home was surprisingly better than usual. And, this morning I woke up at 6:30 to do a workout session and found that despite me being in a coma for a long time, my movements were still precise and even a bit more fluent and stronger than how they usually are. Do those things have some connection to me being reincarnated as a devil?

Rias: Yep! As a reincarnated devil your natural physical attributes are greatly increased, such as your speed and strength. We also can live for a long time, 10,000 years to be more accurate. What's more, we Devils are creatures of the night and have evolved to where we naturally have night vision, so being in the dark is no problem to us. That applies to both pure-blood, half blood, and reincarnated devils alike.

Akeno: And if that isn't enough for you, devils can also use the mana in our bodies to cast different spells.

Y/n: It sounds a bit broken to be a devil honestly. But, that still doesn't let me know what piece I am.

Rias: How about we play a game? A guessing game. Who can give their best interpretation of (y/n)'s abilities and guess what his piece may be.

Akeno: I'm in!

Kiba: Me too.

Koneko: (raises right hand)

Issei: ...

Rias: (stern) Issei...

Issei: (sighs) Fine...

Y/n: Do I get to participate or...

Rias: For the sake of the game, I'd like you to sit out.

Y/n: Fine.

Rias: Ok, let's get started! Kiba, how about you go first?

Kiba: Sure. Well, right off the bat it's clear (y/n) is physically fit and looks like he's a perfect blend of speed, strength, and endurance. Those are things that I just can't picture him not utilizing in a battle. Plus, he's skilled in various forms of combat and weapon fighting, including swords. And (y/n), I'm gonna guess that swords are a primary weapon of choice for you, right?

Y/n: Yeah, you're not wrong. While I don't have a particular favorite, I do prefer to fight with either swords, spear, or my own two fists if I'm in a fight.

Koneko: Keep going.

Y/n: Hmm?

I realized that even though I had been petting Koneko's head for awhile, I stopped to answer Kiba's question which seemed to disappoint Koneko. I quickly move my hands back to Koneko's head and resume stroking the top of her head.

Y/n: Oh, sorry Koneko.

Koneko: ... mmm...

Koneko goes back to lifting her head up with her eyes closed as she enjoys the attention I'm giving her. I turn my head back to Kiba and nod to give him permission to resume talking.

Kiba: So, with that, I'm gonna guess Rias made you a knight. All of your abilities and skills just make it seem like the ideal piece for you.

Rias: Not a bad guess Kiba. And yes, I did take into account all of (y/n)'s physical attributes and skills for the piece I used. What about you Koneko?

Koneko: ... mmm...

Koneko is so entranced by my head massage that she completely ignores Rias. This causes Rias is have a stern expression on her face.

Rias: (serious) Koneko.

Koneko: Hmm...?

Koneko slowly and reluctantly opens her left eye and looks at Rias with a look of annoyance for disturbing her. I try to move my hands from her head but she just grabs them and places them back, indicating that she wants me to keep going.

Rias: What do you think (y/n)'s piece is and why?

Koneko: A rook.

Y/n: Why do you think that?

Koneko: Your very strong, physically. And, you said you know hand-to-hand combat and like to use your fists when fighting.

Y/n: Is that it?

Koneko: Mhmm

Rias: Good point Koneko: (y/n) was already physically strong before I reincarnated him, so now that he's a devil he's even more strong. That would also make any physical attacks of his more deadly as well, so I can see where you're coming from. How about you Issei?

Everyone turns to Issei and to see what his response is.

Issei: I don't know and I don't care what piece he is. As long he doesn't have any of mine, it doesn't matter to me.

Y/n: Heh, poor Perverssei is scared that he'll be irrelevant and insignificant if we have the same piece.

Issei: That's not true! It just wouldn't be fair if Rias took some of my pieces and used them on someone as unworthy as you!

Rias: Issei, I already told you that I did not take any of your pieces and use them on (y/n).

Y/n: Wait, what do you mean by "pieces"?

Rias: Just like you (y/n), Issei is also a bit of a special case. As such, he's a very valuable member of the group.

Issei: Hehe, I'm special.

Y/n: (glares)

Koneko: Are you ok?

Y/n: (gasps)

Koneko's comment snaps me back to reality just enough for me to realize that I was staring for a long time to the point where everyone looks at me very concerned. I also notice that I had moved my hands from Koneko's head and had them clenched into fists. Apparently I clenched them so hard that my hands were almost blood red and continuing any longer would've result in them bruising. I take a deep breath in, and breath out just as hard. Let it go (y/n). They're not worth getting angry over. Besides, the two of them are a couple, so why should I be mad?

Y/n: I'm fine Koneko.

Akeno: I've never seen you get so angry before (y/n). It makes me wonder how you'd use that energy in the bed~.

Y/n: Sorry to disappoint you Akeno, but I wasn't angry. Just a little tense is all.

Koneko: Was it because of me?

Y/n: (smiles)

I surprise Koneko by wrapping my arms around her waist and pull her into me so the back of her head is resting on my chest. I continue stroking her hair as I've been doing which causes her to blush more and melt into my embrace as well as swivel and grind her hips and butt into my crotch a lot more.

Y/n: You could never make me angry Koneko. Remember that, ok?

Koneko: (nods) Mhmm

I look toward Rias and notice that she's staring at me with a look of jealousy and hurt. She notices me looking at her and quickly looks away. I'd better defuse the tension in the room.

Y/n: So Perverssei, you never answered Rias's question.

Issei: I'm just gonna say your any piece besides a King, Queen, or Pawn. That's a fair answer for me, right?

Rias: I guess so. Now, the only one left to answer is...

Akeno: Me!

Rias: Go ahead Akeno.

Akeno sits on the same couch I'm on and sits on my right. She grabs my right arm from stroking Koneko's hair and pulls it in between her two massive breasts. The force she uses to pull my arm causes me to lower my head enough to where our faces almost touch.

Akeno: Oh what I'd give to have you all to myself... all alone... without any interference from these other people (licks lips).

Y/n: A-akeno, come on, that's- hmm?

What's this feeling? I suddenly feel very cold and afraid... almost like I'm being watched by death itself. And it's coming from... behind me?

I hesitantly turn my up and to the right to see Rias there, except... she's not her normal herself. She's just standing there, glaring down at me and Akeno with her arms crossed and a stare that could kill. Her pupils have also changed from their normal blue-green color to a crimson red, similar to her hair, and look like they have flames surrounding them. The same red flaming aura seems to be going around her hair as well. ... I'm fucked...

Rias: Akeno... answer the question... now.

I haven't felt this scared of someone and for my life since Aunt Shizuka, Mother, and my old sword trainer. And now, Rias is part of that group. I look at Akeno and she's just smiling without a care in the world. Does she not care that there isn't a particular scenario where either of us will come out of this alive?!

Akenko: (giggles) Relax Rias, I'm only teasing him.

Akeno eventually lets go of my arm and starts to address Rias.

Akeno: Well, to answer your question, I honestly don't know what to think about what piece he has. Kiba and Koneko were right that his physical attributes and skills would make him a perfect Knight or Rook, and despite what Issei said, he'd also make an exceptional Pawn. However, there's something I noticed about him that makes him even more unique than even Issei, and I'm sure you've sensed it too, haven't you Rias? (smiles)

Something else?

Rias: I assume you're talking about his mana, correct?

Y/n: Mana?

Akeno: It's easier to show you, then to tell you. Allow me to-

Rias: I'll do it, thank you Akeno. (y/n), could you stand up please?

Y/n: Ok. Koneko, do you mind if I...?

Koneko reluctantly slides off my lap and sits on the left side of me. I rise from my seat, walk around the couch and stand in front of Rias.

Rias: Close your eyes.

I do as she says. Then I feel two soft hands touch the sides of my face and pull my head downward. Is she about to kiss me?! Why? She's already with Perverssei, why would she- My line of thought is cut off when I feel a soft peck on my forehead. Huh? This actually feels nice... and warm... and... something else... I suddenly feel a strong surge of energy bubble up within me, as if I just had an adrenaline rush. The energy keeps building until I feel as if it'll actually escape my body. I snap my eyes open to try and warn Rias.

Y/n: Rias, something feels weird. It's like I'm-

All of a sudden, everything in my field of vision goes white as I'm blinded by a bright light coming from me. I prepare myself to feel to feel some sort of pain... but it's the opposite. This... feels... AMAZING! Eventually, my vision goes back to normal and I notice that everyone has crowded around me in a circle formation, even Issei. They all look at me in awe while Rias looks on with a wide grin. I look down at my hands and notice a soft, white colored, flame-like aura outlining them.

Issei: Y-you've gotta be shitting me...

Kiba: You weren't kidding Akeno. I had a feeling he'd have a lot of mana... but this is something else.

Koneko: He's brighter than Christmas tree.

Y/n: What is this?

Akeno: Your mana, or more specifically your main life force energy. Most beings have mana but the amount of it differs for every individual. Some people have little to no mana while others, such as yourself, have very large amounts.

Kiba: No kidding. He has more mana than me, Koneko, and Issei. I'd even say his mana is equal or at least on par with Rias and even your's Akeno.

Y/n: How could you tell I had a large amount of mana in my body? And, how does that influence what piece I am?

Rias: Many devils have different abilities, such as being able to use their mana to cast spells. While the general amount of beings can use their mana to cast basic spells such as barriers, enhancement spells, and basic elemental attacks, most don't know how to or find it difficult to use it to cast advanced attack and healing spells.

Akeno: It's just like Rias said. However, mana is also used by devils such as me and Rias to use our inherent powers as well as other advanced spells.

Y/n: I see. Huh. I already knew and confirmed that Rias had inherent powers due to her lineage, but I didn't think Akeno also had that same kind of power.

Y/n: But, the way you guys are talking makes it seem like I'm a special case when it comes to using mana and casting spells.

Rias: Basically, judging by the large amount of mana you have within your body, it's fair to say you could easily learn different types of spells. It also impact my decision on the piece I used to reincarnate you with. Learning spells may even become like second-nature to you.

Akeno: How about we test that hypothesis? (Smiles)

Everyone turns their head to Akeno like she's crazy, except me. I don't know what to expect from her so I just have a blank expression.

Rias: Akeno, that's not necessary!

Koneko: If you hurt him, I'll hurt you.

Kiba: I-I don't think that's a good idea Akeno. He doesn't even know how to channel his mana by himself.

Akeno: Oh it's not that hard. All he needs to do is calm his heart and stop thinking.

So using mana deals with the mind and heart huh? Well then, let's see what I can do.

I close my eyes and clasp my hands together as if I'm praying. I slow down my breathing and focus on calming my mind and heart. Akeno mentioned the heart and mind in relation to mana, which must mean that those two things contribute to it. When Rias drew out my mana, I was feeling so many different emotions which caused my mind and heart to race fast. What's more, the moment the mana came on my hands and how they feel right now is like a warm fire flowing through my veins and then they appeared in my palms. Maybe it's possible to reverse that by thinking it and calming down my heart and not think about anything like Akeno said. While I'm breathing in and out slowly, I start to feel my heart rate slow down and am able to feel something happen. The warm sensation I feel from my hands starts to go away little by little. When it's gone, I still feel that same warm fire sensation but it's much calmer now and I feel it centered around my heart. When I feel relaxed, I open my eyes and notice that the white aura around my hands was gone and that everyone is looking at me very puzzled, except Akeno who's smiling at me and beaming with pride. Then she walks over, wraps her arms around my neck, and nuzzles her face into mine.

Akeno: See, I told you he could do it easily. If he can learn how to draw his mana back in and stop the flow of it, I'm sure he can learn how to cast a spell just as easily.

Rias: You were right, but his first time creating a spell could have negative consequences on his body later on.

Y/n: I'll be fine Rias. Plus, I'm excited to learn some spells, especially ones to defend myself with for this contract tonight.

Rias: ... if you're sure (y/n).

Akeno: Excellent! Now then, I need everyone to make room.

Rias, Koneko, Kiba, and Issei walk over and stand in front of Rias's desk a few feet away from me and Akeno. They stand together in a group but with Rias standing in front of everyone with a look of concern on her face. Akeno releases her arms from my neck and we circle one another till we walk back a bit and stand about 5 feet apart. I'm closest to Rias and the rest of the group while Akeno stands close to the entrance of the clubhouse, smiling from excitement.

Akeno: Let's see if you can cast a basic protective barrier spell to defend yourself with.

Y/n: Ok, but how do I do it, and what am I going to defend myself against?

Akeno: (giggles) Me of course.

Y/n: Huh?

It's at that moment that I notice Akeno lifts her right hand up and gives me a very aroused look that sends shivers down my spine. I know she does act like this often, but this time it's almost a bit creepy and... sadistic. To make things even more creepy, she lifts her right hand to her mouth and licks her fingers in a seductive way, showing that for some reason she's very turned on.

Akeno: Oh how I'm going to enjoy this.

She moves her hand away from her mouth and it's then that I notice bright yellow sparks come from her fingers and hand accompanied by recognizable and frightening crackle sounds. I-Is that... electricity?! I immediately start sweating bullets and wave my hands wildly in front me to get Akeno to pause what she's doing.

Y/n: HHH-HOLD ON AKENO! You don't ACTUALLY plan to electrocute me... right?!

Akeno: (smiles) That all depends on whether or not you can successfully protect yourself against me.

Y/n: B-but what if I can't?!

Akeno: Then the more pleasure I'll get from hearing you scream. The louder the better. (Giggles)

This girl is CRAZY! There's no way I'll be able to protect myself against lightning, even less with magic lightning. I've been told I'm really fast, but I know I'm not fast enough to dodge lightning. I'm really dead this time, aren't I? I close my eyes and look up toward the ceiling with tears in my eyes and a smile on my face, content and waiting for my quick and painful death to come by the hands of the seductive sadist before me. Maybe this was a bad idea after all...

Rias: (y/n).

I open my eyes at hearing Rias call my name with a serious tone in her voice. I turn toward and she has a very determined look on her face.

Rias: Close your eyes again, but this time breathe. The key to using mana to create spells is to sync and act on your senses, feelings, and imagination all at once in the moment. Rely on your senses to feel and detect Akeno's presence and the lightning she wields. When you sense Akeno's attack near you, use your mind to imagine the mana flowing inside your body coming out and protecting you like a shield. Fuel your mind by acting on your desire to protect yourself from danger.

Senses... feelings... imagination... so that's what it takes. I follow Rias's instructions: I close my eyes and breathe in and out slowly to relax my body. I remember the warm feeling from before and how it subsided once I relaxed my mind. So instead, I give in to my emotions and develop a desire in my heart to protect myself at all costs. On the outside, I may appear to be in a calm state, but in reality my heart is racing as I sense Akeno's presence and the warmth resonating from the electricity in her hand. When I'm ready, I hold out my arms out wide while still having my eyes closed.

(Rias's POV)

(Y/n) has been standing for a good 30 seconds before letting out his arms wide. Is he crazy? I know I said he should try to sense Akeno's presence, but I didn't mean it t where he should completely lower his guard. Don't tell me plans to-

Y/n: Hit me with everything you've got Akeno!

Rias, Koneko, Kiba, Issei: WHAT?!

Issei: Do you have a death wish you idiot?! Akeno will fry you till you're nothing but ash with no bone!

Kiba: (y/n) that's not a good idea! Akeno won't restrain herself if you tell her something like that!

Koneko: Idiot, do you want to die?!

Rias: Akeno, don't let (y/n) do this! I demand you stop this instant!

Akeno: Sorry Rias, but you all heard him. And if he's confident that he can protect himself against me and is even giving me permission to go all out, then who am I to refuse? (Smiles)

With that, Akeno rears her right arm back and then quickly throws it forward in (y/n)'s direction. From it comes a long stream of her signature yellow lightning directly that's directly aimed at (y/n)'s chest.

Rias: NO!


Before I can even cast a barrier spell, the lightning makes contact and a large cloud of smoke engulfs the spot where (y/n) was standing. There's no movement at all within the smoke and I can't make out a silhouette either.

Rias: No...

I look around at everyone to gauge their reactions: Kiba, Koneko, and even Issei are staring in as much shock and disbelief as I am, while Akeno has lost her amusement and smile and instead looks a bit crestfallen at what she's done. I knew this was a bad idea. I told Akeno and (y/n) that they shouldn't have done this! And now, he's probably hurt or even worse, he's-

???: (heavy sigh) Man that was a close one!

Rias, Akeno, Kiba, Koneko, Issei: (gasps)

We all jump and open our eyes wide at hearing (y/n)'s voice in the smoke. As it clears, we're able to make out a very familiar muscular and masculine figure in it, and a few seconds later recognize the Kuoh Academy uniform from within it.

(Y/n's POV)

Flashback (few seconds ago)

Akeno: Sorry Rias, but you all heard him. And if he's confident that he can protect himself against me and is even giving me permission to go all out, then who am I to refuse? (Smiles)

After Akeno finishes talking to Rias, I see her rear her right arm back and then quickly launch it in my direction as a stream of yellow lightning goes straight toward my chest.

Please, please, please, please, please don't fuck this up. Come on (y/n), just remember what Rias said: draw my mana out by fueling my desire to protect myself, imagine my mana acting like a shield to protect me, and sense the lightning at the right moment before it hits my chest.

The moment I feel the heat of the lightning within an inch of hitting me, I imagine my mana forming in front me to protect me. All of a sudden, I feel a sudden rush of the warm sensation flood around my heart so fast and in such a large amount that it feels like it'll rip my chest open from the inside. I tighten my closed eyes even more bracing myself for the inevitable pain that would come from the lightning actually hitting me, but instead I hear a boom noise and a bit of force go against my chest, as if someone tried to push or punch me and all it did was cause a little pressure that I shrug off. I then feel a weird wispy sensation around me and when I open my eyes, I see that I'm inside a cloud of smoke. I start patting myself around the front of my body and don't see nor feel any pain or injuries anywhere.

Y/n: (heavy sigh) Man that was a close one!

The cloud of smoke eventually recedes and I'm able to see Akeno standing in front of me with her usual smile. I turn around and see Rias, Kiba, Koneko, and Issei staring at me. Kiba and Koneko look very relieved that I was able to survive, Issei looks a bit relieved as well but there's also a bit of a look in his eyes that shows he kinda wished I did get hit by Akeno's lightning, but Rias's expression is a bit different. Instead of looking relieved like Kiba and Koneko or even smiling that I defended myself like Akeno, she gives me a bit of a puzzled look that shows she seems happy I'm alive but is for some reason still a bit upset at me for some reason. She then starts walking up to me with her arms crossed and head held down a bit to avert her eyes from mine and have her hair hang over them. I try to hopefully calm her down by making light of the fact that I'm alive and well.

Y/n: Heh, guess I got lucky on that one didn't I? (Smiles)

Akeno: A bit yes. I knew you could do it though.

Y/n: Thanks, but how exactly did I do it?

Akeno: Look at your chest. (Points finger)

I look toward my chest like Akeno said and notice a weirdly designed circle rotating an inch or two in front my chest.

The color is a vibrant crimson red, just like Rias's hair. The thing that draws my attention the most though is the fact that in the middle of the circle is the same emblem design that's attached to my necklace except this one is red like the rest of the circle.

Y/n: So this is how I was able to protect myself?

Akeno: Yep! That is a barrier spell. That symbol rotating in front of your chest was formed by your mana when you imagined it protecting you like a shield. Since you only wanted it protect you around your chest it became the size it is now to protect that area, but with practice you'll be able to expand it further.

Y/n: I see. Admittedly, I was a bit scared the whole time, but now that it's over I just gotta say... that was fucking epic! I can't wait to be able to use even more spells! This is so easy, I can simply just-

Rias: (y/n)...

Y/n: Hmm?

I turn my head toward Rias's voice and see her standing next to me, still having her arms crossed and her head held low while averting eye contact with me.

Y/n: Rias, did you see what I did just now?! That was so cool! I can't wait to-



Y/n: ...


Shenkaze: ...

Coatl: ...

Shenkaze: ...

Coatl: Umm... Shenkaze...? Do you wanna explain what just happened?

Shenkaze: ... next time on Highschool DxD: New Birth, "A Time to Rest".

Coatl: That's it?! Your not gonna-

Shenkaze: No Coa, just let it all sink in for now. You and everyone else will have to wait to read the next chapter to have everything explained. See y'all till then!

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