By KCKozlowski

19.7K 734 27

Prince summary World's largest Korean company is called Jong industry. The president is as rich as the nation... More

Chapter 1- The start
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4- Feeling
Chapter 5 - who?
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - Ailee
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Amusement park
Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 17 - Steam
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - Dreams
Chapter 21 - Im here
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Hospital
Chapter 24 - Special guest
Chapter 25
Authors note
Chapter 26
prince chapter 27
Prince chap 28
Chapter-30 problems ;|
chap 33
chap 34

chapter 16

519 15 1
By KCKozlowski

Prince chap 16

After you finish your homework you got ready. You put on your uniform with your knee high varsity socks.

You: bye unnie.

Hara: bye.

You saw her watching tv and eating ice cream. In one night, you are already close to her. As you were walking you saw aliee talking to kai. << kai pov >> Aliee: my mom says she's inviting you to dinner tomorrow night. Friday night. I can't wait to see my fiancé dress in tight tight-

You: you are not my fiancé. And you are a pervert if you didn't know.

You pushed her away and saw y/n looking. You took a glance at her, your eyes met with hers and she ran behind the bush. <<your pov>> You: aish, did he see me?

As you hid behind the bush there was bugs. ???: what are you doing?

You://gasp\\ ahh. You scared me.

You fell on your butt.

Luhan: what are you looking at?

He looks at your direction.

Luhan: are perhaps seeing a ghost.

You: hmm?

You looked back. There was no one.

You: aish, he,properly saw me.

You said as you hit your head.

Luhan: are you stalking someone? ???: yeah, me.

You turn to see the owner of the voice. It was kai. You got up and ran behind luhan and use him as a shield.

Luhan: wah, y/n I am so disappointed in you. I thought it would be someone better than kai.

Kai: yah.

Luhan: joking. ???: GEGE?! I MADE STEM BUNS!!! Luhan: gotta go. See you in class sis.

Luhan ran off like the speed of lighting. And a person came who was panting with buns is his hands. ???: oh? Aren't you gege's sister?

You: xiumin right? He went that way.

You pointed the direction luhan ran off too.

Xiumin: thanks. Oh hey kai. Do you guys wants some buns?

You: no thanks.

Kai: I don't think it's umm, organic.

Xiumin: okay, then next time I'll make it more organic. And I'll make it more yummy for you y/n. See you guys later.

He ran off screaming out luhan's name. You and kai laugh together as if he made your day. And then you both looked at each other and stop Laughing. It got awkward.

Kai and you: hey-

You both said it the same time.

You: you first.

Kai: how did it this get awkward?

You: hpmm, I don't know.

Kai: let's get comfy. what were you about to say?

You: ah, never mind.

You lied.

Kai: let's go.

Fast forward>>> after school.

You decided to buy hara a bubble tea. As you were walking to the cafe, someone pulled you. It was a bunch of girls surrounding you, then you saw aliee coming to the center where you were at. You stood up. And she slap you.

Aliee: I told you to stay away from him. Did I not?

You slapped her back, all of the girls gasp and silently calling you names.

You: not, actually. I told you to stay away from me, did I not?

Aliee: you got some nerves.

You: you too.

Aliee: just watch when you and your family goes down, well I'll help your twin sister too.

You: brother. You said that your the heir of a fashion company. Your brand is in all of the malls I own, and I can make you and your family go down. So don't you dare threaten my family, becuase from what I see, my power is way much than yours.

You started to walk away.

Aliee: why? Are you going to run to your mommy?

You stop your tracks And turn.

You: what?

Aliee: i said-

You ran to her and gave her a high kick. So hard that it could have broke her jaw. The girls were screaming and helping her stand.

You: listen to my word closely, don't you dare talk about my family, or else it won't be a high kick next time.

You then ran away. You try to run somewhere where nobody would find you. So you ran behind the locker room building.

You: sorry mom.

You whisper to yourself looking up at the sky. ???: meow.

You: I must be crazy. I'm hearing sounds.

You looked and saw a black kitty with white legs and big eyes.

You: huh? are you lost?

Kitty: meow.

You pet it.

You: where's your mom? ???:meow

You heard another cat sound, and you saw a cat.

You: is this your mom?

The kitty ran to the cat and rub it's fur against the cat.

You: bye.

You looked back at the sky.

You: I should get going too.

Aliee: why? Are you going to run to your mommy?

You stop your tracks And turn.

You: what?

Aliee: i said-

You ran to her and gave her a high kick. So hard that it could have broke her jaw. The girls were screaming and helping her stand.

You: listen to my word closely, don't you dare talk about my family, or else it won't be a high kick next time.

You then ran away. You try to run somewhere where nobody would find you. So you ran behind the locker room building.

You: sorry mom.

You whisper to yourself looking up at the sky. ???: meow.

You: I must be crazy. I'm hearing sounds.

You looked and saw a black kitty with white legs and big eyes.

You: huh? are you lost?

Kitty: meow.

You pet it.

You: where's your mom? ???:meow

You heard another cat sound, and you saw a cat.

You: is this your mom?

The kitty ran to the cat and rub it's fur against the cat.

You: bye.

You looked back at the sky.

You: I should get going too.

Chap 16 like?

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