The Band Geek


189K 7.1K 494


Band Practice- Edited
Clique- Edited
The Found Mate
Operation Ethan
Love This Feeling
Now I Know
Meeting The Parents
All Night
Summer's Turn
I'm Not Cute
Football Game
Getting Started
Screams From My Mouth
Endings and Secrets

I Love You

5.7K 255 8

"Baby you most likely are...." Andrew stops. Biting his lip, he looks scared.

"Please don't hurt me!" He looks truly scared. Confused and worried, I nod my head, yes.

"First let's get home." I knew he is staling, but I nod my head anyways. I'm picked up gently and put in Andrew's car.

It's silent the whole way home. Not a word was said. I'm relieved when I see the huge mansion. When the car stops, I jump out.

I take a deep breathe of the night air. It calms me a little. Turning my head, I see Andrew walking towards me.

Taking me in his arms, we walk to the mansion. He opens the door for me, walking in, Andrew calls for his parents.

"In the livingroom darling!" His mother responds. We walk into the livingroom. His parents are watching tv with the adults.

"Can I talk to you?" Andrew ask his parents. They nod their heads, standing. Andrew grabs my hand and leads us towards the Alpha's office.

He opens the door, leading us in. "What's this about Andrew?" His mother ask sitting down along with his father.

"Well I know why Ethan's been sick." He telld them, chewing on his nail.

"You finally figured it out. The whole pack knows but you two!' His father laughs.

"What! You know what's the matter with me!" I look to his parents. "Tell me please!"

His mother and father stands and walks over towards me. "That's for Andrew to tell you."

I nod my head before crossing my arms and glaring at Andrew. "Well! Tell me!" I demand as his parents walk out the room.

He chews on his nail more, before coming over towards me, and leading me to the couch. Sitting down, he holds my hand.

"Baby what I'm fixing to tell you, don't freak out." I nod my head.

"Well in the mythical world, male mates are allowed to get pregnant. Even the human male mates." He tells me slowly.

It takes a few seconds for what he's saying to kicks in. "Are you saying I'm pregnant?"

"Yes." His answer is simple.

I didn't know how I felt about it. Excited, confused, scared. Surprisingly I'm not disgusted about being pregnant.

I turn towards Andrew and smile. Lunging at him, I slam my lips to his. I kiss him forcefully.

Leaning away, I grin at him. "We're having a baby!"

He blows out a breathe. "I thouhht you would of killed me!"

"Yeah we're young. But it's our fault I got pregnant. So why would I be mad. Yes I'm scared, but we can do this!"

He pecks my nose. "I love you."

Tears come to my eyes. I know I love him too. I have from the moment we met. Now hearing that he loves me, it makes me emotional.

"I love you!" I laugh before kissing him again. "Let's go tell everyone we know!"

He picks me up bridal style, carrying me out of the office into the livingroom where our friends and family are. I see Summer,  David, Mace, Mika, and Zen.

"I'm pregnant!" I squeal out running over to Summer amd hugging the life out of her. She squeals, hugging back.

"We knew! We made a bet on how long it would take the Alpha King to figure it out!" She pouts. "I lost!" her words cause me to giggle.

"That's what you get for betting on my mate!" I giggle out. She pouts.

"Finally! I've been dying to tell you!" Draco runs over to me, giving me a squeeze. I giggle and squeeze back.

"It's hard keeping my mouth shut!" He pouts.

"We all know love." Pierre wraps his arms around his pouting mate.

"Congratulations Queen Luna!" Pierre smiles at me. I grin, before yawning.

Arms picks me up. "It seems my little mate needs a bed. Good night everyone." Andrew bids everyone good night for us. I snuggle in his arms. The last the I hear is Andrew telling me he loves me.

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