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I walk away from Ethan smirking after whispering those words to him. The pack moves out of my way as I walk. Smiling at them as I walk pass them. I'm not a dick to my pack. They are part family. I grew up with them. Me being the Alpha King, doesn't go to my head. I treat my pack and kingdom with respect.

I walk out the doors to my group of friends. We watch as Ethan speeds out of the parking lot.

"What's the matter with Queen Luna?" Bret ask with worry in his voice.

I turn to him. "He's late to a performance at The Pierce. Want to go see the him perform?" I address my friends.

The girls; Andrea, Vida, jump up and down screaming yes. The guys; Bret, Mari, Draco, and Pierre smirks nodding at me.

Bret is my beta mated to my sister Andrea. Mari, my third, is mated to Vida. And Pierre is my pack warrior and mated to Draco. It sucked being the only unmated one in the group. Now I'm not, because of my gorgoues little mate.

Vida has the black hair and green eyes. She's short standing at 5 foot. Where as Mari is 6 foot with brown hair and brown eyes. Pierre has the black hair and hazel eyes and is the biggest guy you'll ever see ad Draco is short and has blonde hair.

"Let's go." I say heading to the car. Getting to our cars, we head out of the parking lot. The Pierce is in the next town over. It's a 15 minute drive.

Pulling up to the building, I park and get out. A huge line Is waiting. I'm not waiting in that line. Getting my cash from under my seat. Walking with my group, we walk up to the bouncer. Handing him a 1000. He let's us in.

The place is packed. Emos, punks, and goths are screaming and pushing each other. It's like a Mosh Pit in here. We push our way to an empty booth. It's in site of the front of the stage. Perfect.

The accouncer comes out on stage. "Ladies and gentlemen. Tonight we have The Devil's Fire."

The curtains open to reveal Ethan, I didn't notice the others in stage with him. The crowd goes wild. "Tonight we are playing Reckless by You Me at Six."

The music starts before Ethan's beautiful voice fills the room.

I've been trying to make sense. I've been shouting under my breath. How's any of this in my interest. When you sold me out, I must've not got the cheque. Your lust is a lie, but it cones as no surprise. Time after time, it goes right past the line.

Don't hold your breath, I'm not loosing sleep over you. I'm Mr. Reckless with a capital R. Don't hold your breath, I'm not loosing sleep over you. I'm Mr. Reckless with a capital R. Don't hold your breath, I'm not loosing sleep over you. I'm Mr. Reckless and you're defenseless.

And isn't it funny how those black clouds follow you around. It's karma smiling down. Just let me know when it's in town. You act like the world owes you a favour. You want it all but you don't like the taste, oh. You've been throwing bricks at my Windows.  Like there's no better way to say hello... hello.

Don't hold your breath, I'm not loosing sleep over you. I'm Mr. Reckless with a capital R. Don't hold your breath, I'm not loosing sleep over you. I'm Mr. Reckless and you're defenseless.

The best you never had. The best you never had. The best you never had. The best you never had.

I'm the devil on your shoulder. I'm the conscious in your mind. In the feeling that you, you cannot hide. In the devil on your shoulder. Telling you that love is blind. It's ok when it's hiding in disguise. You loose lips let, let world slide.

You spend too much tine telling about my life. Stories you wull spin just for a power trip. It's safe to say that I am not into it.

In the picture you were not someone in your spot. This is the result of people moving on. Good luck with killing time. You won't be killing mine. Ill do my best to always be on your mind. Your mind.

I never once said I didn't nean this. I can't wait to see how this one gets out. You are the first to question my achievements.  But that's all right, mg dreams I've been living.

Don't hold your breath, I'm not loosing sleep over you. I'm Mr. Reckless with a capital R. Don't hold your breath, I'm not loosing sleep over you. I'm Mr. Reckless and you're defenseless.

The best you never had. The best you never had. The best you never had. The best you never had.

Ethan's voice rings fades in the room.the crowd goes wild for his performance. Iv e never heard anything like it. He's so talented.

That's the happiest I've ever seem him. You could tell he loves to sing. You could hear it in his voice, see it in his eyes. It truly makes him happy. I want to continue to see the happiness, the light in his eyes.

I'm making it my mission to always make him laugh, smile. There will never be tears in his eyes, always a spring in his step.

Ethan, mate, I will stop at nothing to have you.


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