The will of the Gilbert's (An...

By calebdouglas74

16.3K 635 120

33 year old Brantley Gilbert is happy being away from the whole world. He likes being up on his mountain. Bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 29

222 12 3
By calebdouglas74

Cap's Pov 

I was down at the timber company doing my job on this nice summer day. Today is the day that Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert went to go and get Mrs. McRoy from the train station and I'm having dinner with them tonight. I walked over to the wagon where the pail of water is sittin. I took a couple of drinks before I splash some on my face. It's going to be another hot afternoon. Lucky we have the trees in our favor. I was about to walk of the hill again when I saw Dylan running to all of us. I looked over at Mr. Otto who was standing next to me. 

"You think everything okay." I asked my second boss. Mr. Ludwig looked at me. 

"I don't think so. Come on." Mr. Ludwig said to me. We both ran over to the young man trying to catch his breath. 

"Dylan what's wrong son?" Mr. Ludwig asked the 13 year old young man. 

"Pa needs help." Dylan said to us still tryin to catch his breath. 

"Okay son calm down. Tell me what's goin---" Dylan cut Mr. Ludwig off. 

"Lydia is missing." Dylan said to us. I looked over at my boss for the day. 

"What do you mean missin son?" Mr. Ludwig asked Dylan. 

"She's gone. She went to pick blueberry's for tonight's pie and she hasn't been since. It's been over 3 hours now." Dylan said to us. She was going to get blueberry's for her pie tonight. She told me she wanted me to try it.

"Okay come on." I said to him. 

"Cap, tell Brantley the men and I are going East." Mr. Ludwig said to me. 

"Okay sir. Come on Dylan." I said to him. 

After a good 20 minutes of running from the timber company to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert's house. We need to find Ms. Lyddy before it gets dark outside. 

"I'll go and get us a few horses. Pa must be gone already." Dylan said to me. I looked down at him. 

"You get the horses ready I'm going to talk to you mama real fast." I said to the young man. I walked up to the porch when I heard crying from inside the house. I opened up the door and walked in. 

"Hello. Mrs. Gilbert." I called for her. It was in time I saw Mrs. Gilbert running over to me. 

"Cap, she's gone. Lydia is missing." Mrs. Gilbert said to me. I looked at Maw and the other woman. She must be Mrs. McRoy. Mrs. Gilbert's best friend. 

"Don't you worry none. Mr. Ludwig and the men are going East to look for her. Mr. Gilbert is out there looking too. I'm on my way to go look for her as well." I told her. Mrs. Gilbert looked up at me. 

"I want my daughter home now Cap. I want her home!" Mrs. Gilbert yelled at me. I looked down at her. 

"We will find her. I promise we will get her back home to you." I said to Mrs. Gilbert walkin out of her home. Once I was outside I saw Dylan bring me a horse. 

"Where should we start lookin." Dylan asked me. I looked at him. 

"You know where she goes to pick her blueberry's." I asked the kid. 

"Yeah. It's through the woods." Dylan told me. I looked around. We need to move fast if we are going to catch up to her. 

"Okay. You go that way and look. I'm going down this way. If you find her shot your gun 2 times and then get her back home quick like. You hear me son." I said to the 13 year old kid. 

"Yes sir." Dylan said to me. 

"Okay. Go. Tsk!" I said to my horse riding away from the house. 

I've been riding around these woods for almost an hour now and I still haven't seen her or any clue that would have happened to her. I jumped off my horse so I can look around on the ground better. 

"Where are you at Lyddy?" I asked myself. I looked around and I saw a small opening. I walked through the opening and saw a pail tipped over with berry's all over the ground. 

"She must have been here." I looked around the woods. "Where are you at love?" I said to no one. I walked back over to my horse and got on her. 

"Okay girl come on." I said to the horse. I was making her go as fast as I can. 

"Lydia! Lyddy it's me Anderson! Where is you!" I yelled for her. Why did she leave by herself? Where could she be? Did she ran away from her family. No there's no way she would have done that. No. She is just lost and someone is going to find her. Until then I'm going to be lookin everywhere for her. 

I've been riding around the woods for hours now. It's getting more and more darker. I'm down by the river right now. I've been looking around down here. We need to find her. I won't stop until I can find her. 

"Dear Lord please give me a sign on where Ms. Lydia is at. Please make sure she is safe and not in any harm." I said a quick pray before I start looking again. 

"Lydia! Where are you at woman?" I asked myself that question. I was looking around when I heard men talkin. 

"Pa do you think she might be down by the river some where?" I heard Dalton talkin. 

"Gilbert!" I called for them. I was lookin around for them to show up and I turned around and saw Mr. Gilbert and his twin sons riding down to me. 

"Any thing Cap?" Mr. Gilbert asked me. I looked up at him. 

"No sir. I found a pail with berry's around it but no sign of Ms. Lyddy." I told him.

"Damn it!" Mr. Gilbert yelled out. 

"Sir we will find her." I told him. Gilbert nodded his head at me. 

"Boys and I will look down this way." Mr. Gilbert said to me. I walked over to my horse. 

"Okay sir. I'll go this way more." I told him. I was riding in the dark now. I took out my packet watch and saw it was little after 9 at night. Ms. Lyddy has been missin for 9 long hours now. As I rode by an old log on the side of the river I saw some ripped clothing. It was part of a shirt. 

"Lydia! Come on Lydia where is you at!" I yelled out for her. I jumped off my horse so I can look around better. 

"Ms. Lyddy please come out." I said. I wiped my tear away. I can't start cryin now. I won't cry. I was about to get back on my horse when I heard a faint noise. I looked behind me. 

"Lydia. Lydia, Love it's Anderson. Where are you at love." I called for her. I was looking every where for this young woman. The darkness is makin this much harder to find Ms. Lyddy. But I'm not going to stop looking for her. I was about to get on my horse again when I heard it again. 

"Lydia keep makin the noise love. I'm right here and I'm going to find---" I moved some branches and I found her. 

"Lydia. Oh my God. Woman what happen--- Dear God." I said to myself. Ms. Lyddy's clothes are ripped apart. Her body is covered in blood and black and blue marks. 

"I'm right here love. I'm goin to get you home." I told her. I picked her up as carefully as I can. 

"Ow." Lydia maoned in pain. I kissed her forehead. 

"I'm so sorry this happened love. Come on let's get you home." I said to Ms. Lyddy. I carried her to my horse and helped her get on before I got on behind her. 

"Just lean on me love. I'm going to get you home as fast as I can." I said to her. She looked up at me then she passed out. I grabbed my shot gun and fired 2 shots in the air to let everyone know to get back to Mr. Gilbert's place. 

I was almost to the Gilbert place when Mr. Gilbert and his sons rode beside us. 

"Cap is she--" I looked over at Dalton. 

"She's alive. Barely." I told him. 

"Dalton ride into town and get the doc. Hurry son." Mr. Gilbert said to his son. Dalton rode away as fast as his horse could take him. 

"Cap, you want me to--" I cut my boss, Mr. Gilbert off. 

"She's fine sir. I got her." I told her. Now that I have her in my arms no one is going to take her away from me. 

"Mama! Mama! Mama!" We heard JJ and little Henry yelling form the porch. Mrs. Gilbert ran out of the house. 

"My baby is she----" Mr. Gilbert cut his wife off. 

"She's fine. Dalton went to get the doc." Mr. Gilbert said to his wife. He grabbed her from me, but Lydia was holding on to me for dear life. 

"Bring her into Maw's room. It's the only room on the first floor." Mrs. Gilbert said to me. I carried her into the house and laid her on the bed. 

"My God what happened to her?" Mrs. Gilbert asked me. I looked down at her. 

"I don't know ma'am. But once I do I'm going to kill whoever touched her like this." I said to Mrs. Gilbert walking out of the room so the woman can clean her up. I walked outside so I can get some fresh air. 

"God damn it!" I yelled out. I punched the columns on Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert's porch. Fuck that hurt. 

"Damn it!" I said again. 

"You know that wouldn't help right." I looked and saw Mrs. Cobb sittin outside on her rocker. I looked at her. 

"Sorry ma'am I didn't see you there." I said to her. Mrs. Cobb smiled at me. 

"It's fine. My husband loved to punch things. My sons do too. Thank you Cap." Mrs. Cobb said to me. I looked over at her. 

"You don't have to thank me ma'am." I told her. 

"Yes I do. You save my granddaughter's life, and for that I am thankful for you." Mrs. Cobb said to me. I wiped my tear away so Mrs. Cobb couldn't see me. I was about to say something when the doctor and Dalton rode up. 

"How bad is Lydia, Mrs. Cobb." The doctor asked her. 

"Bad. She's in my room. Dalton show the doctor where your sister is." Mrs. Cobb said to Dalton. 

"Yes ma'am. Follow me Doc." Dalton said to the doctor. They walked inside the house. I looked over at Mrs. Cobb who was getting help. I helped her the rest of the way up. 

"Thank you young man." Mrs. Cobb said to me. I smiled at her. I watched as she walked inside the house. I took a seat where Mrs. Cobb was siting. 

"God if you see it fit for Ms. Lyddy to live I'll do my everything to keep her safe. She's so small and she needs someone to help her. Please don't take another woman that I love away from me. Please, please, please." I said. I wiped my tears away before anyone could see me. The door opened up and Mrs. McRoy walked out to the porch. I smiled at her. 

"We didn't get a chance to meet before everything happened? Meadow McRoy." She told me. I stood up. 

"Cap Hatfield ma'am. Pleasure to meet ya." I said to her. 

"Cap what you did for the Gilbert's---" I cut Mrs. McRoy off. 

"I was only doin my job ma'am." I told her. Mrs. McRoy smiled up at me. 

"Well thank you. Lydia is very special to Brantley and Luci." Mrs. McRoy told me. Of corsse she is. She is their oldest child. I was about to say something when the door opened up and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert and the doctor walked out. 

"Well how is she Luci?" Mrs. McRoy asked her best friend. 

"Not good." Mrs. Gilbert said to us. I looked over at Mr. Gilbert. 

"Lydia has been beat and she-- The man-- Fuck!" Mr. Gilbert yelled. 

"Whoever took Lydia raped her over and over again. She has cuts all over her body. She isn't talkin yet. Still going to give that some time I do believe." The doctor told us. I'm going to kill that son of a bitch. 

"That girl wouldn't hurt a fly and that man did that to her. Who would have done that to her?" Mrs. McRoy said to all of us. 

"Doc how much do I owe you?" Mr. Gilbert asked the doctor. 

"Brantley you don't owe me nothing." The doctor said to my boss. 

"Well here take this. After all I do keep you in business the most." Mr. Gilbert said to the doctor. 

"Bring her in a few weeks for a cheek up." Doctor Addison told us. He walked over to his horse and rode away. 

"I'm going to sit with her." Mrs. Gilbert said to us.

"I'll make us some tea Luci." Mrs. McRoy said to her best friend. After they was in the house I looked over at Mr. Gilbert and I knew he was just as pissed off as I am. 

"Cap I want him dead. I don't care who he is. I-- I want his head." Mr. Gilbert said to me. I looked at him. 

"And I promise you sir, whoever did this to Ms. Lyddy will get his. One way or another." I said to him. Mr. Gilbert smiled at me. 

"Thank you Cap for savin my little girl." Mr. Gilbert said to me. I looked at him. 

"You don't have to thank me sir. I'm just glad she is alive and goin to be okay." I told him. I walked off the porch so I can walk back to my camp by the river. 

"Son its late why don't you sleep in the barn tonight." Mr. Gilbert asked me. I looked back at him. 

"Thank you sir. If you need me i'll be in the barn tonight." I said to him walkin over to the barn. I sat down on the hay and I began to cry. I'm going to get that man who did all of that too Ms. Lyddy. She didn't need this. And come hell or high water I'm going to kill the son of a bitch that beat my love like that. 









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