The Life of Emily Dolan

By justsochelsea

12.6K 236 33

After their dad died, couple of months later. Emily was forced to be with her brothers for summer which ended... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 {part 1}
Chapter 25 {part 2}
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29: Final

Chapter 20

261 6 0
By justsochelsea

Warning: Spanking in this chapter, don't like don't read.

Chapter 20:

Emily was waiting on her brothers, and when they finally showed up, they both looked upset with her.

Emily: I'm sorry-
Grayson: *singles her to be quiet* nope, I had enough with your apologies when you don't really mean them. You do this to us every time you get yourself into trouble Emily
Emily: but-
Grayson: no, I can't believe you today! You lied to the both us, and almost got your best friend in trouble for covering for you? You know her mother was gonna shift her to boarding school if you never told us
Emily: I didn't mean for it to go that far
Ethan: honey, you need to think before you do anything stupid to how it will effect other people, you need to stop thinking about yourself. Sure you will get in trouble, but Grayson and I will support you because you told us, but keeping this a secret from us, is not smart thinking little girl
Emily: how big of a trouble am I in?
Grayson: let's just say.... you're gonna be grounded until the car is paid off for the damage you have done with it
Emily: I deserve that, I'm sorry I ruin your car Gray, I know how much you love it *hugs him*
Grayson: *hugs back* it's okay squirt, it's just a car and cars can always be fixed, but I'm just so thankful you and Sophie weren't hurt. I don't think Ethan and I can handle another lost *kiss top of forehead*
Emily: not gonna lie, I thought I saw the light when I crashed the garage door
Ethan: don't ever scare us like that again kiddo
Emily: I'm sorry *hugs Ethan* well bye!
Grayson: *grabs her shoulder* not so fast, we still got some ground to cover
Emily: well you guys already told me I have to help out Miss. Fergi and that I'm grounded until I pay off the car damage, what else is their
Grayson: I think you know what
Emily: *whines* Grayson... isn't grounding enough
Grayson: nope, clearly you need to understand how dangerous of a mess this is
Emily: I do, I promise it won't happened again
Grayson: nah, I don't trust your words right now, your just saying that to get out of trouble
Emily: Ethan...
Ethan: nope, I agree with him, and since this was Grayson car that I gave him, he will do it
Emily: please take my word for it
Grayson: absolutely not, I gotta learn to trust you to follow our rules, they're their to keep you safe
Ethan: well I'll go see how's Cameron's doing *leaves*
Emily: I'll go with you
Grayson: *grabs her shirt and pulls her back into the room* I don't think so *close door*
Emily: can't we just talk about this
Grayson: we already did, and we agreed on spanking
Emily: I didn't agree to this
Grayson: *sighs* let's get this over with little girl *starts to unbuckles his belt*
Emily: *stops him* why the belt?
Grayson: you really think getting behind the wheel at 12 years old, doesn't deserve a whooping with my belt, really?
Emily: it's too early for that thing , how about the mini paddle?
Grayson: are you really choosing your own punishment
Emily: anything to not get the belt
Grayson: if dad was still around he would have you given you the belt. When I was your age I also wreck dad's car
Emily: wait, but you told me you didn't get the belt until you were 13
Grayson: no Ethan said that, I got it a little earlier than him
Emily: what were you doing behind dad's wheels?
Grayson: I was helping dad fix the car, because I loved cars, he had to walk away for second to get more tools and the next thing you know, the car ended up hitting another car
Emily: so you got the belt for doing the same thing I did, but why did Ethan say 13
Grayson: it was the time Ethan went away for summer camp, it was the first time we ever been apart, so dad kept me company knowing I would miss Ethan
Emily: oh... so now you're doing the same with me like dad did with you...
Grayson: exactly
Emily: *sighs* how badly will it hurt
Grayson: when dad does it he be by our age, because you're 12 you will be getting 12 with the belt, but... since you lied to me about it, you will be getting 24, and what's the rule about lying?
Emily:  *gulps* double the spanking
Grayson: so I asked you again, do you think you deserve the belt after today?

Emily sighs and lets go of his waist.

Grayson: good girl *slides the belt off his pants* since you did decided to come clean instead of me finding out from someone else, I will allow you to use protection
Emily: oh god thank you
Grayson: but if you do anything dangerous that put yourself into harm way again little girl, I will not hesitate by giving you a bare bottom spanking
Emily: *nods head* yes sir,  I promise
Grayson: alright let's get this over with

Emily sigh and bend over her bed and buried her face with the pillow that was in front of her, before Grayson started the spanking.

Smack! Smack!

Emily: ow! *bring hand back and looks at Grayson, that was too fast!
Grayson: it's a punishment for a reason Emily, move your hand and turn back around or I'm starting over
Emily: pleaseeeee
Grayson: Emily Clarissa-
Emily: o-okaaayyyyy

Emily poured and got back in position.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Emily: ow! *tears spill eye* that was my sit spot Grayson!
Grayson: Emily be quiet

Smack! Smack!

Emily was inhaling and exhaling between each smack with the belt.
Smack! Smack! Smack!

Emily: *sits on her butt and wince* okay! Okay! Enough pleaseeeee
Grayson: Emily get back in position, you only have 17 left
Emily: no more please, I can't take this *sobs*
Grayson: get back in position or your pants is coming down
Emily: *sobs* nooooo!!!
Grayson: 1... 2...
Emily: okay!!!!! *goes back in position*

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Emily: *kneels down to protect her bottom* I can't Grayson, I can't!
Grayson: alright, pants coming down
Emily: noooo

Emily tried fighting with Grayson as Grayson pulled her jeans down to her ankles, he bend her over his arm and gave her a couple of smack with his hands.

Grayson: calm down!

Emily stopped moving as, when the hand spanking was done, before Grayson picked up the belt again and brought down the belt over and over while being bent over Grayson's arm struggling.

Emily: ow! Okay! okay! Pleaseeeee!!!

Grayson pulled her on the bed, and put her over his lap and blocked her legs to stop her from spanking and pinned both her arms back.

Grayson: no more putting yourself into dangerous situation! Smack! No more letting other people lie for you! Smack! No more lying to us! Smack!

Emily burst into tears and apologize when Grayson finished the last 5 firmly streaks over her underwear, she broke down crying over his knees as Grayson put the belt on the bed.

Emily sobbed in Grayson's arm and Grayson kiss the side of her head.

Grayson: I love you kiddo, please don't ever scare Ethan like that again, you could have gotten you and Sophie hurt
Emily: *crying* I'm sorry Grayson... *hugs him*
Grayson: we love you so much Emily, I'm afraid of losing you, we already lost one person in our life, I'm not ready to lose you too

Emily smiled through her tears and gave her brother a kiss on the cheek.
Grayson: come on let's go see what the others are up too, hmm...

Emily nods and said.

Emily: do I have to put my pants back on
Grayson: Emily...
Emily: *sighs* okay...

Emily got off Grayson's lap and wince when butt made contact with her jeans, she went back into Grayson's embrace and he picked her up and carried her out where Ethan and Cameron were.

Cameron: *looks up from talking to Ethan* hey, how did it go?
Grayson: it went okay, right jellybean?
Emily: *nods head* is Ethan their?
Ethan: I'm right here bug

Grayson brought her over to Ethan and Emily gave Ethan a hugged and he hugged her back and said.

Emily: I'm sorry Ethan
Ethan: it's alright bug, you learned your lesson right?
Emily: yes, always be honest with you guys, even if it gets me in trouble
Ethan: good girl. *kiss the side of her head*
Cameron: I made you guys some pasta, can you eat that? I know ya'll went veterans  and stuff and are starting to eat more healthy
Grayson: yes, thank you Cameron
Cameron: no problem, Emily, can you help me set the table
Emily: okay

Emily got off Ethan's lap and went to help Cameron give the food to themselves and the boys.

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