-Always play- ||| Spinel x Re...

By LocalHoodlum_Mel

67K 1.8K 2.6K

Spinel will be more soft and sweet in this story, due to her change of heart. She will also have bad separati... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
-Chapter 3-
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
-Chapter 6-
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
-Chapter 9-
Chapter 10
Facts about dating Spinel! And other stuff!
Chapter 11
Chapter 13- Friday pt. 2
Chapter 14- Friday pt. 3
Chapter 15- Friday pt.4
Waiting Gift
~!!CHAPTER 16!!~
The Beginning of the End (Chapter- 17-ish)
Simple but to the point
Just a treat
{Chapter-17} Not For Kiddies
Chapter-18 Something bad is coming
Chapter 19- Many feelings
The End Of An Era
Chapter 20- Saving Steven
Chapter 21- Like a happy Family
Chapter 22- Shopping and Dogs
Future Chapter Promos
Chapter 23- The Rescue
Chapter 24- A Trip
Chapter 25- Patching things up
Chapter 26- If We're Together
Chapter 27- Still So Much To Do
Facts about dating Spinel pt. 2
Chapter 28- Gifts
Chapter 29- One Day

Chapter 12- Friday pt. 1

1.7K 45 66
By LocalHoodlum_Mel

Its Friday

1 day until the party.

You awake to a loud bang, followed by the sound of an angry Spinel. 

You lazily sit up and shake off your tiredness. You quickly get up and stumble downstairs. When you turn the corner into the living room, there's smoke. 

You see two shadows in the kitchen,   

"Why did you do that!?"   

You wave smoke away from your face and begin walking towards the culprits, 


"Don't yell! Dolly's still sleeping and.." 

You step into the kitchen. Spinel and Jasper give you surprised looks,    "Oh, Dolly! Um.. Nothing's wrong! You can go back to bed!"    You peek behind Spinel and Jasper. A pan with what you're guessing is a failed pancake sits burnt to a crisp as the stoves flames burn at full power. You sigh and-  


You groan at the sound of the devil itself. You grab a dish towel; pulling a chair under the smoke alarm. You stand on the chair and cover the alarm with the towel; the sounds of its screeching ending. You step down and groggily walk to a window. After opening it and beginning to fan the smoke out, you walk to the stove and shut off the flames. 

Jasper leaned on the counter and angrily batted smoke away from her face. You picked up the pan and assessed the damage. Nothing serious, you just had to remove the burned batter and scrub the pan with full force until most of the char was gone. You now had the chance to question these two. 

You sigh and turn to face the two, Jasper was still against the counter, but Spinel stood in front of you with a nervous expression,    "So, what happened?"    Spinel swallows and rubs her arm,    "Um, well.. Ya see-"     -    "The gremlin wanted to 'cook' for you "    Jasper answered in a nonchalant manner. Spinel snears at Jasper,   

"Yeah and you wouldn't leave me be, so I had to let you make one-


-ANd yoU BUrNed iT!"

 Jasper scoffs and stands straighter,    "You didn't give any instructions prior!"    

You groan and stand between the two.    "Alright! Chill you two."    Jasper rolls her eyes and walks out of the room, a few seconds later you heard the sound of the TV turn on. 

Spinel angrily stares at the doorway, but she forced a smile when she turned to you. You sigh and give her a fond smile. Spinel then walks to the counter and hands you a plate of pancakes. You hadn't even noticed they were there.. maybe because of the smoke earlier. You laugh and pull Spinel into an affectionate kiss. When you pull back Spinel has a bashful expression,    "Aw, dolly.. Ya didn't need to do that. A thank you is all this is worth."    You give a 100 Watt smile,   "No. This deserves true appreciation."

Spinel cooking breakfast for you was the cutest thing ever.

You and Spinel sit at the table and you start eating your pancakes. They're actually pretty good. She must have picked up on how to make then from watching you.

You look out into the living room at Jasper. She was watching a comedy show. She didn't laugh, but it almost looked like she smirked at the good jokes. Spinel reached over and tapped your wrist, getting your attention.    "So, when are we gonna deal with.. ehem.."    Spinel cocks her head in the direction of the living room,    "-that situation."    You sigh and poke at your food,    "I'm not sure... I'll ask Steven in a little bit."


After finishing your food, you began washing your dishes.

At some point Spinel got bored of watching, so she went into the living room to watch TV too.

You scrubbed at the charred pan with all your tiny-human might, but it was barely budging. You grumble and try to scrub even harder. 

Still nothing. 

You were about to start cussing at the inanimate object, but a deep voice from behind caught you off guard,    "You humans are truly weak."    You turn and give Jasper an unamused look. She puts her hands up,    "Sorry, but it's a fact."    You roll your eyes and go back to work. You scrub so hard that your fingers start to hurt, Jasper starts to get impatient.

Impatient about what you may ask? You not letting her do it for you, that's what.

She grabs the pan and sponge from your tiny hands and swiftly scrubbed the pan. Within a few seconds Jasper showed the pan to you and walked out of the room. Your mouth hung open. She had practically completely cleaned it...

 You puff out your cheeks and finish the job.


After completing your clean-up you waltzed into the living room. Jasper was passed out on the couch while Spinel sat on the recliner, 'reading' a newspaper. You snort and take a seat beside Jasper. You were surprised she was asleep. Heck, you were surprised she knew how to sleep in the first place. 

Because of how big she was, she almost took up the whole couch, she didn't even need to lay down, so you had to try your best not to touch her so she wouldn't wake up.

When Spinel finished reading, she folded the newspaper into a large origami swan. 

After setting it on the coffee table, she stretches her limbs; using her arms to pull you off the couch and into her lap. You squeak in surprise, but retaliate with a big smile. Spinel spirals her arms all the way around your waist; pulling you even closer. You laugh with red cheeks, Spinel smiles up at you with affection,   "I love you Sweets."

You chuckle and Spinel starts kissing your face, you laugh and try to run, but she pulls you super close. You squirm; laughing hysterically. Spinel starts chuckling, but she doesn't give up her attack.

"Keep it down!"

You and Spinel stop and quickly look to Jasper who was now awake and rubbing her temples. She looked annoyed. Spinel clicked her tongue and glared at Jasper.    "No, I don't think we will."    Spinel then continues to kiss your face over and over, causing you to laugh even harder than before. Jasper just watches; confused.    "What are you even doing?"    Spinel places one more kiss on your lips and rotates you to face Jasper. You control any remaining laughter and answer,    "They're called kisses. You use them to express your love or appreciation for a person."    Jasper grunts and leans back,    "Sounds dumb."    You sigh; rolling your eyes. You plant a kiss on Spinels cheek and snuggle down into the recliners' cushion.

Jasper just watches as you and Spinel still trade kisses, even after her less-than-supportive comment.

You and Spinel were love-struck fools, while Jasper was getting impatient. She didn't get you two.. Well, not really. She couldn't understand why you two were always all over each-other anytime you both were in the same vicinity.

Jasper was pulled from her frustrated thoughts by Spinel leaning in front of her- forcing her to look up.    "Ugh.. What?"    Spinel gives an unamused look, but she drops it and crosses her arms.    "Jeez, sorry  Cheeto-Puff. I just thought I'd try to make some conversation."    Jasper rolls her eyes and looks up at you.

You had a hopeful smile. You wanted her to make friends with your lover.

Then there was those eyes.


Those hopeful eyes.

They made her do something she never would have done otherwise.

"Fine. Whatever."

Jasper roughly pats the spot beside her.


Spinel started by discussing earth.. That went downhill fast.. But the topic of battles and fighting strategies seemed to work out.

Well, for Jasper.

Spinel had been in fights, sure. But not nearly as many as Jasper. So, Spinel just listened to Jasper gloat about her amazing skills, and tell stories about large- intense battles. Even though she tried to hide it, you could tell Spinel was at least a little intrigued. However, it was a little much for a human like you, so you tapped Spinels shoulder, causing her to turn and face you.

"Yeah, dolly?"    You gesture to the door,    "I'm gonna go on a walk for a while, could you watch the house while I'm out?"    Spinel gets a nervous look,    "How long? Where are you going?"    You sigh and cup her cheek with your hand,    "Hey, it's okay. I'll be back within half an hour."    Spinel grabs your hands,    "You know I hate being away from you."    You frown,    "I know.."    There's a long pause, then Spinel lets out a deep sigh,    "You really wanna go?"    You nod slowly. Spinel sighs again,    "Well.. I guess  you could use a quiet walk with no smotherin'.. at least once."    You light up,    "Really?"    Spinel smiles and kisses your forehead,    "Yeah. But promise  you'll be back soon."    Spinel grips your hands. You bend forward and give her a good smooch,    "I promise."   

 Spinel lets your hands go and watched as you walked to the door. As you opened it a cool breeze brushed past you, you grab your hoodie; putting it on. You then walked out, leaving an anxious Spinel and a Jasper who needed you around to stay stable.

Now to the point. The big reason you wanted to go out alone, is because you needed to talk to Steven and the gems about the party.. and the new Jasper situation.

 You kicked the sand on the beach as you looked on at the crashing waves that sparkled from the afternoon sunlight. You were so happy you got to live here now, it's beautiful.


A couple minutes later you arrived at Stevens home. You climbed the stairs and knocked on the screen door.    "Coming!"    Not long after Steven opened the door with a friendly smile.    "Hey Y/n. You need something?"    You casually put your hands in your hoodie pocket as you lean back on the porches' wooden railing,    "Actually yeah. I came to discuss the party ..and something else."    Steven nods and steps aside; permitting you to go inside.

You sit in a chair and stapled your hands on the table, as if you were in a serious meeting. Steven opened a drawer and pulled out a file; setting in in the center of the table,    "Wait here. I'll go get the others-"    Suddenly the warp went off and the gems stood before you both. Garnet smiles and walks to the bar; taking a seat,    "We're here."    Steven puffs out his cheeks a little,    "Darn, I thought I could beat you to it this time."   Garnet chuckles and shakes her head. You smile- Amethyst then aggressively sits beside you,    "Heeeeeey doLLyYY!"   You laugh and elbow her,   "She does not sound like that."   Amethyst raises her brows, "Oh, right. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, what I meant was-" 

Amethyst shapeshifts into Spinel, 

"-Hey dolly~" 

She leans on your shoulder with a smirk. Your face burns, causing Amethyst to die laughing. She falls on the ground trying to catch her breath. She shifts back to her normal self and pulls herself back up,    "Oh man! Hah, you should have seen your face!"    Pearl cuts in,    "Alright, that's enough Amethyst."    Amethyst nods dismissively and continues to calm down from her laughing fit. 

Steven sits in front of you and opens the file, inside were the plans for the party, He spreads them out and slides a checklist in front of you.    "Here, this is a list of everything that is done and all materials that we got."     You looked over the whole list, pretty much everything was done.

 It actually made you realize that tomorrow really was your, and Spinels anniversary. It was a tiny bit nerve racking..


After finishing your small party-related meeting, you changed the subject to the new.. 'Probem'.

"So, there actually was one more thing I came here to talk about."    Pearl stopped organizing the papers into their file,    "What would that be?"    You twiddle your fingers and glance out the window, as if Jasper might be there,   "Well, we have a.. uh, situation."   Steven leaned in- seemingly worried, but intrigued.   "You see.. Uh. You know Jasper right?"  Dumb question, but  all four nod in unison,   "Well, she likes me and she kind of invited herself to live with me and Spinel.. and I don't know what to do."


All the gems look like they were still processing your words.

Steven then shook his head,   "Wwwait. What!?"   You shrug; unsure how to answer. Pearl puts a contemplative hand to her mouth. Other than that nobody moved.

Then Garnet spoke up,

"Not even I could foresee this."

Now that news is.. Less than reassuring.

You look around,    "I was just wondering if there's anything I could do."    Steven crosses his arms and taps his foot in thought,    "Well, we could have her stay on the outskirts of little homeworld until we can fix up somewhere for her.. I would have her stay in little homeworld.. but uh, she's not very fond of it.."    

You nod and look out the window once more. Why did you suddenly feel bad? Maybe it was because of how adamant she was that she wanted to stay close to you. Then you remembered.

"Hey, there's a fairly sized shed in my yard that she tried to make her new home in. Maybe you could fix that up a little and she can move in there?"   

Pearl looks up,    "I suppose that's an idea.. but why at your house?"    You look at your hands,    "Well, she says she wants to be near me, that she feels at home when I'm near her. I don't want to take that away from her."    All the gems look at each-other as if they were coming to an agreement, Garnet speaks up,    "Alright Y/n, as long as you take good care of her, you can keep Jasper."    You gasp,    "Really?"    She nods and Steven perks up,    "Yeah, BUT, for now we have to move her to little homeworld in order to fix up that shed. Plus its your and Spinels anniversary! You two deserve couple time."   

You rub your neck,    "I guess you're right. I could use some couple time."    Steven grins,    "Then it's decided. So, I can head over to your place in an hour to pick her up. I will need your help to convince Jasper to come with me to get her to her temporary home though."    You grin and nod, you then remember you had to get home before Spinel gets worried. You stand up and apologetically smile,    "Sorry guys, I promised Spinel I'd be home within half an hour, she'll get nervous if I'm not."

The gems express their understanding, before you all exchange goodbyes.

Steven walks you out and before you walk down the porch staircase, you turn a hug Steven,    "Your the brother I never had, but you're the greatest brother I never had."    Steven chuckles and hugs back,   "And you're the greatest sister I never had."    You both share a laugh,   "So, see you in an hour?"    Steven nods and takes out his car-keys; twirling them on his finger,   "You bet."    You rustle his hair with one last smile,   "Alright, see you in an hour."

When your feet hit the sand after walking down the stairs, you turn and share a wave with Steven before your set off for home.






The next part for Friday will come soon.


-Mr. Clark is Jerry?


don't let the bedbugs bite

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