The will of the Gilbert's (An...

By calebdouglas74

16.5K 635 120

33 year old Brantley Gilbert is happy being away from the whole world. He likes being up on his mountain. Bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 27

274 14 1
By calebdouglas74

Mr. Anderson Hatfield played by actor Boyd Holbrook

Cap's Pov 

I just woke up for the day. I looked at my pocket watch that belonged to my mama and saw it was only 5 minutes to 5 in the morning. I laid my watch back in my pocket. There's only a few things left of my mama's and I'm planning on keeping them for the rest of my life. I looked around the river's side where I've made my camp. I haven't seen much of anyone here. I've seen more critters then people. I got up from my cot from the ground. I'm thankful it's still summer because this would be harder to do this camping in the dead of winter. I've done it a few times, but if I can keep from it I'm going too. 

I walked over to the river and the sun was starting to rise for the day. The sky is mix in colors of pinks, blues and some green. I smiled up at the heavens and said a small prayer thanking him for everything he has done for me. I've make my mistakes and now that I'm here in Kansas this is a new me. Plus this is the first time I've felt welcome ever since my mama has passed on. 

I walked back to my camp ground so I can make some coffee. Wish I could have some of the Gilbert's coffee right now. Mr. Gilbert is one lucky son of a bitch if you ask me. He has everything a man could ever want in like. A perfect wife to cook for him, a good bred of sons to carry on his name and his great work he does for everyone. Two of the prettiest girls I've ever seen in my life. A man like me could only pray to have all of that. 

While the water was heatin' up I jumped into the river to wash off before I go and start this day. Today is Saturday and Mr. Gilbert told all of us men that we don't have to go to work today if we don't want too, but if we did just meet him at his place at 6 in the morning. Well, I have nothing better to do so I'm getting ready for work. Maybe I can see Ms. Lyddy again. I don't know why she would have thought I would like to be friends with Ruby Harris like that. Ms. Harris, would only be a good night fun. Not who I want to spend the rest of my life with. That's only if I can find someone who would even look at me like that. 

After I washed my hair and my whole body was clean I walked out of the river. I grabbed my towel and wipe the water off. I wrapped it around my waist as I walked back over to the camp where my clothes are at. I took a sip of my coffee before I got dressed. After I was getting dressed I started on my walk to the Gilbert's Ranch. A few nights ago something went after my horse. After 3 long hours I found my horse dead. Looked like a bear got her. So until I can pay for one I'm walking every where. I don't mind it. Gives me time to think. 

I was almost to my bosses ranch when I heard an owl hootin. I looked around the trees and I saw a big beautiful owl lookin at me. I smiled at it. 

"You are a real beaut." I said to the animal before starting back on my walk. I just came in view with the Gilbert's when I saw Mrs. Gilbert outside hangin clothes. I looked at my watch and it's only 5:55 in the morning. Mr. Gilbert wasn't kiddin when he said his wife does everything in one day. I walked beside her. 

"Morning Mrs. Gilbert." I said to her. Mrs. Gilbert jumped like she was shot. 

"Cap. Oh Cap you scared me." Mrs. Gilbert said to me. I smiled at her. I didn't mean to and I'm still scaring people. 

"I'm sorry about that Mrs. Gilbert. I would have thought you heard me walkin behind ya." I told her. Mrs. Gilbert smiled at me. 

"Nope. I was in my own little world. Would you please hand me them bag of pins for me." Mrs. Gilbert asked me. 

"Yes ma'am. Here you go." I said to her handin the pins over to her. 

"Thank you Cap. You here to work for Mr. Gilbert today." Mrs. Gilbert asked me. I looked at her. Mama did the best she could with me the little time we had each other on this earth, but lookin at Mrs. Gilbert, you could never tell she bore 6 children. My poor mama only bore less children and my mama was on the bigger side. Wish I could see her again. I have a lot to talk to mama about.

"Hello Cap." Mrs. Gilbert asked me.  

"Yes ma'am." I said to her. I guess I zoned out. 

"I said are you working with Brantley today?" Mrs. Gilbert asked me. 

"Oh yes ma'am. Sorry about that I was thinkin of my mama. Won't happen again ma'am." I told her. Mrs. Gilbert gave me a small smile on her face. 

"It's okay dear. I still think of my mama and she has been gone for 20 years now." Mrs. Gilbert told me. I looked down at her. I can see where Ms. Lyddy get's her height from. Her and her mama are almost the same height. 

"I'm sorry Mrs. Gilbert. I bet she was a real good lady." I said to her. Mrs. Gilbert picked up another piece of clothing, so she can hang them on the clothing line. 

"She was. She taught me how to cook, how to keep a house, and she gave me my big mouth to use on my husband." Mrs. Gilbert said to me. 

"Knowing you Mrs. Gilbert, I've see your mama then. She would be very proud of you and your family." I told her. Mrs. Gilbert smiled at me. 

"Thank you Cap. How was your mama? If you don't mind me asking." Mrs. Gilbert asked me. I smiled at her. Mind. Not at all. I've only loved one woman in my life and that's my mama. She was the best. 

"She was a tough woman. She had too. Best cook. Loved going to church and loved her family. Too much it killed her." I told Mrs. Gilbert. Mrs. Gilbert patted my arm. 

"My father shot my mama. Then after he killed her he walked out to the barn and hung himself. I was only 16 when both my parents died. If you ever want to talk about your mama I'm here." Mrs. Gilbert said to me. I looked down at her. 

"I'm sorry you father did that to your mama." I said to her. Mrs. Gilbert smiled at me and went back to hanging her clothing. 

"Don't be. I've made my pace with it. Plus all I have to do is look at my Lydia and all I can see is my mama. Here." Mrs. Gilbert said to me handing me a locket. I opened it and there was 2 pictures. A man on one side. He looked mean. Long white and black beard. Tall. Eyes looked like you was staring at the devil himself. I looked at the woman and it was Lyddy. 

"Is this Ms. Lyddy." I asked Mrs. Gilbert. She laughed. 

"No. That's my parents. Lydia and my mama look alike I think it's funny and scaring at the same time. And now more since she has my mama body." Mrs. Gilbert said to me. I took one more look at the pictures. 

"You are blessed to have a picture of your mama. I can only see my mama in my dreams." I told her. Mrs. Gilbert smiled at me. 

"I'm sorry Cap, but hold on them memories. The closest thing to a grandparents my children had was Mr. and Mrs. Cobb. Brantley's mama passed on when he was in the war. My father killed my mama and you don't have your own family but maybe one day you could have that and more." Mrs. Gilbert said to me. I knew what she was talking about. I just don't think it would be that easy for someone like me. 

"Thank you Mrs. Gilbert. I better get to work." I told her. Mrs. Gilbert wiped her eyes. 

"Yes. I'm sorry. I try to keep my crying down so Brantley don't see. I love him and my family, it's just a girl always needs her mama." Mrs. Gilbert said to me. I smiled at her. 

"I won't say nothin. Plus little boys need there ma's too." I said to her walking over to the barn where I saw Mr. Gilbert walking into. I was almost to the barn when I heard the front door opening up and saw all of the Gilbert boys running over to me. I saw Ms. Lyddy walking over to her mama. She was wearing a blue dress with a white blouse on. She looked breath takin. 

"You workin for pa today Cap." Dylan asked me. I looked down at the boys and smiled. 

"Yes I am. Are you boys too." I asked them. I knew they would be here. Hello when your father is Mr. Brantley Gilbert you do what you are told or else. 

"Yeah we are." JJ told me. 

"Plus pa said we can go down to the river and go fishing after lunch." Dalton said to me. I smiled at them. Like I said before Mr. Gilbert is one lucky son of a bitch if you ask me. 

"That's nice." I said to them. I walked into the barn. I don't want Mr. Gilbert think I'm being lazy. He was movin things around. 

"You need help sir." I asked him. He looked at me and all of his sons. 

"Boys, you told me you wanted to sleep in. Why did you change your minds." Mr. Gilbert asked his sons. 

"Cap is here to work and we do too. Don't we boys." Dylan told his pa. Mr. Gilbert smiled at them. 

"I see. Okay. Well, go do all of your chores done then meet Cap and I out back. Okay boys." Mr. Gilbert said to his sons. 

"Yes sir. Come on guys lets get this done so we can help pa and Cap." Dalton said to his younger brothers. They all ran around the barn to get there chores done. Mr. Gilbert laughed and slapped me on my back. 

"Let's get a cup of coffee before we start cuttin down the old tree out back." Mr. Gilbert said to me. I followed him into the house and we walked into the kitchen. 

"After we cut the tree down we are goin to the river for fishin and I think the boys are going swimming. You should come with us Cap." Mr. Gilbert asked me. I looked at him. 

"Are you sure boss. I mean if you want the day with your family I can---" The doors opened up and we heard Mrs. Gilbert and Ms. Lyddy talkin. 

"Why not ma? You know I can do this?" I heard Ms. Lyddy talking. My boss looked at me. 

"You are going too. You hear me boy." My boss said to me. I smiled at him. I ain't going to say no to my boss. That would be crazy. 

"What is going on in here?" Mrs. Gilbert asked us. I looked over at Ms. Lyddy who looked away from me. I tried to keep the big smile from my face, but I couldn't help it. 

"Nothin. Cap will be joning us today at the river." Mr. Gilbert told his wife. Mrs. Gilbert smiled at me. 

"Perfect. Lydia and I will have a nice picnic ready." Mrs. Gilbert said to us. I looked down at her. 

"Thank you ma'am." I said to her. 

"Maybe if you boys can catch us enough fish we can have fish for dinner tonight. Cap you can join us for dinner if you don't have nothin else to do." Mrs. Gilbert asked me. I smiled at her. What a great family I'm workin for. 

"Yes ma'am. Thank you." I said to her. I looked over at Ms. Lyddy who was looking at me. 

"Before you go out there and work on that old tree, I need your help for a second. We will be right back." Mrs. Gilbert said to us pulling Mr. Gilbert out of the kitchen. I looked over at Ms. Lyddy who was smiling at me. I walked over to her so I can be closer to her. 

"Morning Ms. Lyddy." I said to her. Lyddy looked up at me and smiled. I wish I could look at her forever. 

"Morning Anderson. How are you?" Ms. Lyddy asked me. I looked down at her. 

"Lot better now." I told her. Ms. Lyddy looked up at me like something was wrong. 

"Are you okay?" Ms. Lyddy asked me. I smiled at her. 

"Oh yeah. I'm just lookin at the prettiest woman in all of Kansas." I told her. Ms. Lyddy face went all red. 

"I'm not the prettiest woman in all of Kansas." Ms. Lyddy told me. I was smiling down at her. 

"Well, I think you are. And I hope my vote is counted Ms. Lyddy." I told her. Lyddy looked up at me. 

"You really think I'm pretty." Ms. Lyddy asked me. Wish I could just kiss her and tell her how I feel. But someone as pretty, and smart and beautfuil as Lydia Gilbert she would never want a one eye freak like me. 

"Prettiest thing next to my mama." I told her. Ms. Lyddy looked up at me and smiled. I wish I could hold her all night long. 

"Thank you Anderson." Ms. Lyddy told me. I was lookin down at her. 

"You don't have to thank me. I should be the one that tells you thank you. Look at you. Smart, pretty and ya talkin to me. The one eye freak." I told her. Ms. Lyddy looked at me. 

"You aren't a one eye freak. In fact I like your eyes. There's a wise man in there." Ms. Lyddy said to me. I was about to say something else when Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert walked in the kitchen holding onto each other. I looked at them and smiled. I want that so bad. 

"Cap, you ready to do this job." Mr. Gilbert asked me. I took a sip from my coffee. 

"Yes sir." I said to him. 

"If you need us we will be in the back. Love you woman." Mr. Gilbert said to his wife. Mrs. Gilbert gave him a kiss. 

"Love you too. And Cap don't let Mr. Gilbert work you to death today. It's a nice Saturday summer morning. Oh Next week Meadow will be here and Cap I want you over for dinner with all of us." Mrs. Gilbert told me. 

"Yes ma'am." I said to her. 

"Come on." Mr. Gilbert told me. I followed him out the back door and we walked over to the old tree that we are cuttin down. It wouldn't be so bad if the tree wasn't topped off already, but it is. 

"So Cap how old are you?" Mr. Gilbert asked me. I looked at him. 

"I'm 24 years old sir." I told him. Mr. Gilbert hummed at me. 

"Well, are you stayin here or are you leavin one of these days." Mr. Gilbert asked me. I looked at him. 

"I'm here sir. No family left. I got an aunt but I've never seen her since I was a small boy." I told him. 

"Good. And you like working from me don't you Cap." Mr. Gilbert asked me. I looked at him. 

"Sir are you feelin okay. I love working out here." I told him. Mr. Gilbert took out his pipe. 

"You mind. I need it already." Mr. Gilbert asked me. I like my smoke so if he wants to smoke from a pipe he can. 

"Yes sir go for it. But why all them questions sir." I asked him. Mr. Gilbert pulled me farther into the yard. 

"Mrs. Gilbert thinks you and our Lydia have something goin on with ya y'all." Mr. Gilbert asked me. I looked at him. If there would be a chance for that I would ask for Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert permission before we would ever go out. I'm not the same young man as I used to be. When I was younger I would miss around with any saloon girl or any girl at that point I just didn't care. But now I'm 24 and I see things different. 

"No sir. I mean I like Ms. Lyddy but---" Mr. Gilbert cut me off. 

"Son, could you ever marry our daughter." Mr. Gilbert asked me. I looked at him. 

"Sir, I'm not-- I don't--- I like---" Mr. Gilbert cut me off. 

"Let's just get to work." Mr. Gilbert said to me. I smiled at him.

"Yes sir." I said to him.  

As we was cuttin down the old tree I was doing a lot of thinkin. Could I marry Ms. Lyddy. I mean I know I could, but I don't know if she would be happy with a poor ugly freak like me. I think I need to do more praying before I say anything else. 







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